Chapters you want (But don't think will get added)

Odawg241 Member Posts: 65
edited October 2022 in General Discussions

What are some chapters/killers you want but don't think will be added to the game? Here's some of mine:

The Exorcist - I really like the concept of a possessed person and a priest being in a chapter with each other, but I don't think they'd put a 12 year old running around killing people in the game.

Psycho - it'd be cool to have Marion Crane and Laurie Strode in the same game, but I don't think there's enough demand and I'm not sure what Norman Bates power would be. I'm sure he'd be a stealth killer but there's so many at this point it'd be hard to make him distinct.

It - this one hurts to say but Pennywise seems like too big of a character and Stephen King seems like too much of a stickler to let his characters be in a video game.

The Shining - The Overlook Hotel would be an awesome map, but same as above

Ju-On & One Missed Call - both were on the satisfaction survey, but there's already two Onryo killers :/

American Horror Story - This one has a lot of potential but there's not enough demand, Twisty the Clown is probably the most recognizable villain, but there's no distinct ability, already a Clown killer, and other bigger Clown killers BHVR would want more

I Know What You Did Last Summer - this one is so niche I don't even think I've seen anyone else talk about it, I just imagine doing a 5 Gen chase as Helen Shivers only to die in the end game. We need Sarah Michelle Gellar representation in this game somehow


  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436
    edited October 2022


    Base on both the original and the latest movie too. Survivor is Anthony McCoy, killer is 'The Candyman' who is also Anthony McCoy, same character in both roles. Legendary skins for Tony Todd's version of Candyman and Helen Lyle. Cabrini-Green could make a good map but realistically I wouldn't expect this chapter to have a map.

    The Shining

    But I think it would work better being based on Doctor Sleep. Survivor is adult Danny Torrance, killer is 'The Hat', both can have powers/perks revolving around the shining and physic powers. In this case, you couldn't not have The Overlook as a new map. (I'm sorry, I just don't see Jack Torrance working as a killer)


    What more needs to be said? My version would be Ellen Ripley with Amanda Ripley and Arthur Dallas as a legendary skin. 'The Xenomorph' as killer obviously.

  • TMCalypso
    TMCalypso Member Posts: 336

    Any chapter with survivors and/or killers from stuff that is NOT horror or slasher based. I think there are several licenses that would fit in nicely with DBD despite not being in the horror genre.

    Also....Jurassic Park. I just want the original area from the first movie as a map. That...and I want a raptor as a killer. The best choice would be the indoraptor but I don't see a way for it to work, lol.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347

    The Magnus Archives.

    It's a podcast, for one. But it has so much potential for both survivors and killers - in fact, the killer opportunities would be amazing! There are some great map options as well.

    But also it kinda fits with DBD on some levels: the fearscapes; the archivist as a person of power; the Entities from both games feeding and thriving off fear; the entwining lore and bleak, cosmic horror - honestly, the Entity's realms are effectively fearscapes themselves!

    Finally, to have Jonathan Sims voice the archivist as survivor would be amazing.

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883
    edited October 2022

    Gotham. Jerome Valeska as the killer and commissioner Gordon as survivor

    Post edited by HellDescent on
  • Stroggz
    Stroggz Member Posts: 504

    scooby do! The dog survivor!

  • myers_obsession
    myers_obsession Member Posts: 552

    Chilling Adventures of Sabrina


    New Halloween Version


    Bates Motel, not psycho

    Conjuring - Warrens and Valac

  • Odawg241
    Odawg241 Member Posts: 65

    I liked Doctor Sleep, it would be interesting to see how they'd adapt Rose's power into dbd

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,891

    Little Nightmares - The Lady as a killer with light/shadow based powers, incorporating mirrors somehow, I guess Six and Mono would best work as only cosmetics for existing chars (eg a Yellow raincoat for Meg or Monos cosmetic for Jake?)

    Dont Starve - technically not horror, but.. survivors abducted to another realm, getting killed by monsters, survival game.. seems fitting for DbD if you ask me. Charlie as killer (shadow hands, maybe another twist on darkness like Dredge)

    Hannibal - either based on books, movies or TV show (though Hopkins version is great I don’t see it fitting for DbD); I don’t get why people see him as just a dude.. Clarice Starling and/or Will Graham as survivor/s!

    I Know What You Did Last Summer - this one is so niche I don't even think I've seen anyone else talk about it, I just imagine doing a 5 Gen chase as Helen Shivers only to die in the end game. We need Sarah Michelle Gellar representation in this game somehow

    yes please! Ikwydls for me personally belongs to the slasher genre right next to Scream, and Helen Shivers was such a great character, best chase scene!

  • Sandt21
    Sandt21 Member Posts: 761


    The people who want it in the game far outnumber those who don't, pure and simple. And I can't possibly see a FNAF chapter not becoming the most purchased chapter in DBD history. Only F13 would stand a chance of matching it

  • lauraa
    lauraa Member Posts: 3,195


    I'd love a Shinichi cosmetic. Sadly I dont think a killer would work unless the Parasyte controls a non licensed Survivor as a skin

    Imagine if you could spawn in using your favourite Survivor cosmetics because the Parasyte hijacked your survivors brain

    I understand that being a Survivor would not work as a killer in terms of balance but in terms of being awesome I think the community would love it as long as that aspect is just an aesthetic gimmick and not meant to actually fool anybody

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,030

    they said they want no animal killers, but a dinosaur on 2 legs would not be the worse to make i would think.

    but even if they got the license for a map i would be happy with it

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,030

    FNAF - Love the game and the Creator.

    Serial Mom - someone mentioned it a few days ago and I cant stop thinking about it

    Scooby-Doo - Don't know why they couldn't. would be fantastic especially since most people who want it are adults and grew up with it

  • Sangotunk
    Sangotunk Member Posts: 46

    The Thing with MacReady as the survivor and the Outpost 31 as the map, but since the thing is a shapeshifter it won't be added sadly even thought I think it would work

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,030

    They could do a "paragraph" Camera dude with a legendary for yellow motor dude. and the mall as a map

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941

    Project Zero/Fatal Frame

  • Odawg241
    Odawg241 Member Posts: 65

    I actually think that has pretty good odds of being added, they don't even have to think about what his power would be, people have wanted a killer that shape-shifts into survivors since the beginning of the game and that would be perfect to do it with

  • Blue_Archer33
    Blue_Archer33 Member Posts: 318

    Imagine The Hat having a somewhat similar mechanic to Oni where injuring a survivor harvests "steam" and injured survivors leave trails of "steam" to feed her psychic powers that build with intensity throughout the match. Or powers that use the steam as fuel.

  • GoobyNugget
    GoobyNugget Member Posts: 698

    Mandela Catalogue

    Such an interesting series, and would be interesting to put in dbd despite the main problem with it being that if the killer had the power I would think of is that they would get absolutely stomped by swf

    I just want my boy mark in the game

  • versacefeng
    versacefeng Member Posts: 1,227

    Please leave Shitterdale and their fandom out of dbd. I'd rather take The Vampire Diaries.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    A Classic Nightmare on Elm Street chapter with OG Freddy and Robert Englund voice lines.

  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773

    American Horror story for sure. I'd love to see Fiona Goode be a killer, with Twisty as a Legendary outfit for Clown.

    Also FNAF, the fan Made concept was enough to make me want this.

    Left 4 Dead Part 2, I really think they're missing out not brining in one of the Special Infected and I'd die for a 2nd, giving us a Witch or somethin.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,426

    Slenderman. The fanmade concept was great, but I think I remember hearing there's some issue with who actually holds the license or w.e for them. Could be wrong (which I hope I am).

  • Sangotunk
    Sangotunk Member Posts: 46

    I really hope ! As a fan of The Thing it would be amazing ! But the devs said that they won't add a shapeshifter monster.

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 3,092

    1.The Thing

    -Shapeshifting Killer would be rendered powerless against SWF unless bhvr can find a way around it.

    2.Anything related to Stephen King

    -There hasn't been a single Stephen King video game in the last 4 decades, so i don't see why there would be any coming to dbd anytime soon.

    3.Any niche license that isn't well enough known.

    -BHVR wants to make back the money they've spent making a dlc and so niche licenses are a gamble if it ain't got enough recognition.

    4.Child's Play

    -Mathieu Cote has doubled down recently on Chucky being too silly to join dbd.

  • SoulKey
    SoulKey Member Posts: 338

    Candyman & Alien, just for the childhood nostalgia.

  • Odawg241
    Odawg241 Member Posts: 65

    I also don't know how they'd make a power for Chucky that isn't the same thing as Victor

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 3,092

    Between the use of Voodoo, Possession of Survivors and something stealthy due to his size.

    There are a number of things you could do with his power.

  • TMCalypso
    TMCalypso Member Posts: 336

    Another Left 4 Dead chapter would be great. Would love to get either the Witch or the Tank as a killer. Maybe the Hunter...but his power would be a combination of Victor's lunge and Blight's ability to bounce of walls..... Which sounds like a lot of fun now that I think about it, lol.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    Scooby-Doo would be a dream come true. I am not sure it is impossible given some of the crazy stuff we have gotten, but, like, I am not holding my breath, man.

  • SillierHorizon5
    SillierHorizon5 Member Posts: 17

    I really want a Evil Within chapter. I want to play as Sebastian Castellanos sooo bad. I would also enjoy playing as the keeper. I bet they could also make beacon mental hospital look sooo good in dbd

  • Name_Unavailable
    Name_Unavailable Member Posts: 520

    Call of Duty Zombies

    Killer: Samantha

    Survivor: Richtofen

    Map: Kino der Toten

  • The_Scarlet_Witch
    The_Scarlet_Witch Member Posts: 209

    Carrie 1978 or book-Carrie as the killer as she would be a perfect fit.

    Alien-There are so many possibilities to make a perfect chapter with this ip.

    Doctor Who-If the BBC are willing to do a collab with flipping fortnite then I dont see a reason why the weeping Angel's or other monsters couldn't possibly be added as a killer.

    Scooby DOO, makes more sense now as they are making an r rated Velma series.

    Terrifier chapter would be pog.

    Like someone else said I would like to see a Jurassic park chapter.

    Childs play-Chucky

    Pet Sematary-the undead cat

    In the night garden-Iggle piggle or Macka Packa most scariest things ever in television.

    PERSONAL FAVOURITES: The Thing-I really want a killer which can turn into a survivor, IT and The Omen-killer is Damien: they definitely wont add this as it's not that well known.

  • M1_gamer
    M1_gamer Member Posts: 367

    Doctor who. there is so much possablility with it. but it prob won't ever come to dbd.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    American Horror Story


  • Odawg241
    Odawg241 Member Posts: 65

    Very niche but I'd buy that lol I have no idea how that show only lasted two seasons that cast was stacked

  • BringShaggytoDBD
    BringShaggytoDBD Member Posts: 412

    I've said it plenty of times, but I'd love Scooby-Doo. Not even a full chapter just Shaggy lol, although there are so many monsters to choose from.

    I'd also love a really out there chapter that isn't horror, like Game of Thrones (Night King) or Lord of the Rings (Sauron).

    As others have said The Shining would also be amazing.

    If we're speaking strictly horror, I would love to see some classics such as Frankenstein's Monster, Dracula and Werewolf.

    I also think a Van Helsing chapter would be incredible!

  • Odawg241
    Odawg241 Member Posts: 65

    :0 That's devotion. definitely post a pic of that somewhere and hopefully it'll blow up where the devs see it. I'd love some Emma Roberts rep too. She is THE Scream Queen of the 2010s imo

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    Jurassic World - Huge franchise and depite the killer being a Dino, Demogorgon exists and isn't a whole lot different to say the indoraptor that is engineered to be a killing machine. Just think its too big a franchise.

    Jeepers Creepers - 'A' tier horror icon who ticks all the boxes but it's 2022 and people are very sensitive nowadays and love an anti bandwagon. Not happening

    Batman - Mr Freeze, cos who wouldn't want him in the game 🥶 Think summer is closer than this making it to the game.

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092

    I wouldn't count insidious out. Ringu opens up a whole genre of horror films that could be added to DBD such as insidious.

  • Blue_Archer33
    Blue_Archer33 Member Posts: 318

    In response to the Stephen King part:

    Wholeheartedly agree. Especially considering the AMOUNT of content he creates alone, I'd be surprised if we never get any sort of content in DBD from him. There's so much diversity in his works even despite the argument that psychic powers are central to the majority of his commonly known works.

    I commented on this earlier, but Rose The Hat could be such an amazing addition as Killer, grown Danny Torrence as survivor, and the Overlook Hotel as the map. Just as one idea, but there are so many.

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 3,092
    edited October 2022

    I think the games adaptations of his work that was released back in the 80's scared him away from pursuing any future video game adaptations ever again due to them not doing so well.

    Also i genuinely believe Rose the Hat would make a better fit for a killer than Jack ever would, however i don't think the overlook hotel would not make for a good map due to the tightness of the corridors and the sheer size of the hotel itself, and that's not even counting the outside area along with the giant maze.

  • Trickstom
    Trickstom Member Posts: 118

    Stefano from The Evil Within 2 and Slenderman.