Would Hillbilly rise again if…


I love Hillbilly and I miss how common he was. After his update, BHVR just left him in the gutter. They didn’t even feature him on the games updated artwork, what’s up with that? He is still a solid Killer, but at this stage I would argue that power creep from other Killers has caught up with him.

Do you think the following points would make him more common and desirable to play? These suggestions also take into account newer Killers powers and their strengths and how Hillbilly could compete:

• Faster chainsaw charge by default.

• More forgiving collision around objects.

• Remove the Overheat mechanic or rework it so that Overheating becomes something useful and easier to trigger.

• Rework add-ons to fit new kit that does not include Overheat or rework add-ons to fit a new Overheat mechanic.

I hope BHVR doesn’t leave Billy behind. I’m not sure of the play rates but he certainly isn’t as common as he used to be.


  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,138

    You know something else that'd make him rise again ? Literally ?

    Bring back Sky Billy ! :D

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,533

    Nostalgia is ever increasing.... isn't

    But seriously... yes he would be played more of the skill floor was lower a little bit

    That and raising Nurse skill floor would help all of the other Killers at the same time

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,545

    Faster charge is why his add-ons were changed

    Collision is wack on every killer

    Overheat mechanic does literally nothing unless you're running circles around the map

    Again, the overheat mechanic does nothing

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,242

    But then again if it does nothing why not just remove it? Even if you want to just circle around the map why should you not be allowed to?

    I don't think the skill floor is the issue, if think it is more about how deadly he is... Billy is kind of in a weak state comparing to before. To reference the video of Hens333 where he showed how old Billy used to be like. If Hillbilly was a stronger killer he would be worth putting effort into learning him... But why would you put a few hundred hours of sometimes frustrating time into a killer that gets outperformed by other killers that are way easier.

    Billy has like 4-6 addons that are usefull and everything else is just not worth the BP you spend for it, I don't want to bring back old insta saw but maybe an addon that gives him a little bit less chainsaw charge time, and a little bit chainsaw cooldown reduction, doesn't even need to be all in one like it used to, but something to work with.

    Even before the update Billy was a pretty fair killer (maybe except for insta saw) so why not bring him back to his old glory.

    I would even go as far as to give him the yellow engraving chainsaw speed increase without the downsight, even with that his basekit would be fine i think.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    Honestly, just point number 3 is enough.

    Overheat is what killed him for many, get rid of that and I think he is golden!

    It's been two years BHVR, please stop ignoring people telling you overheat sucks.

    Also let Skybilly return, I see no reason not to (unless you have fun ofc).

  • scenicpickle
    scenicpickle Member Posts: 265

    i think he just needs a good addon pass cause his addons are garbage for the most part like who tf using big buckle??? give him some variety

  • BendIt
    BendIt Member Posts: 104

    Billy was a beautiful killer, since his gonads were shredded by BHVR I haven't seen him for months now and can only think it must have been a daily when I last saw him

  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    Billy died when you stopped being able to zoom around the map from point A to point B. It wasn't just the base kit nerf. They started nerfing him long before that.

    In case you missed the writing on the wall indoor maps were a way to nerf Billy without touching his kit directly. They reworked several of the maps like the asylum to make long chainsaw sprints not be a thing anymore. Once upon a time you could get 2000-3000 chainsaw sprints on almost every map if you were good.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    If it really does nothing than I am sure you wouldn't have an issue with it being removed, right?

    It has achieved one thing very well: sucking the fun straight out of this character. Deny it all you want, but ever since Overheat got introduced many (me included) dropped him like a hot potatoe.

    In other words, I see no benefit to keeping this mechanic, at least most definitely not in the way it currently works.

  • kizuati
    kizuati Member Posts: 1,386

    mclean plz log back into your account overheat is very impactful

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,031

    Overheat does not matter to me.

    Addons are bad. I would focus energy into making these feel worth using.

    A good QOL could also be adding an alternate ability to instantly overheat his chainsaw because manually overheating to use Big Buckle/Pighouse Gloves is hell. I would rather they rework these addons though.

  • AverageAshEnjoyer
    AverageAshEnjoyer Member Posts: 427

    heres my list of changes

    -Make overheat build up twice as fast within 8 meters of the hook but completely remove it outside of that

    -Increase chainsaw hitbox on survivors

    -For the first 2 seconds into your chainsaw sprint, you can't bump into anything (sorta like onis blood fury)

    -Rework big buckle, pighouse gloves and all of the overheat addons

    -Make low kickback chains basekit

    -Decrease the chainsaw charge time by 0.2s

    If you think anything here is op please tell me

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,327

    I think those are some really solid ideas, except reducing the base charge time for his chainsaw as it was the reason for his nerf. The main reason there is so few people playing him is because he is hard and unforgiving (on top of feeling clunky at times). I also mentioned the idea of him being able to switch between turning and speed mode which would be easier and less work while also reducing his reliance on addons a bit. I don't know what would be better but I would love to test both ideas.

    I only know they need to do something with him. Most of his addons are just bad. Yeah, they can help but they are way too situational to be considered good or even ok. Overheat doesn't make sense. You literally get told "Don't use your power too much." by the game. Other killers are incentivised to use their powers, so why not Billy? It doesn't matter too much though since you never overheat anyway.

    The thing I wanna see most of all is Billy regaining his wings (aka Skybilly) though.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,729

    They just need to fix his animations and camera, get rid of or rework his pointless overheat mechanic, and pay for the tinnitus treatment of everyone who kept trying to play him after the rework. Seriously, i can't even watch people stream gameplay of him without my right ear ringing.

  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,053

    I think that Billy would benefit from a movement speed increase due to him being kinda slow imo, I had an idea where for the duration of the increased turning speed after initiating a Chainsaw sprint, you would get a boost of speed aswell, so you can catch Survivors of guard._

    After that duration you would go back to 9.2 m/s of course, so you wouldn't be at sonic speed all the time.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 8,498

    So you've never been overheated or been close to overheating? What do you do when you've overheated while chasing a survivor? Just become an M1 Billy?