How often do you see people say gg?

Specifically, when they lose?
We are not including ourselves. I would say 95% of the time when I lose I see at least 1 'gg'. Sometimes a 'gg easy'.
After my last 200-300 hundred 4Ks or escapes, I would say I have seen maybe 15ish 'gg' from the other losing player(s).
How about your games?
When they lose, around 40% say gg and if we count "gg ez" then 50% total. All in all, i think im lucky in this regard.
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Depends how the Killer and my Teammates played. I'm not gonna say GG if it was a bad game
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I see a fair amount of ggs, even when I win as killer. One key thing to remember is that when you win as killer, 3 of the survivors have already been dead for a bit before the match ends. So it's very likely to not get any gg from them because they already left the match.
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It’s rare for me to get a “gg” from the opposition when they lose- in this game or any other game for that matter. Get a ton of it when the opposition wins, however. That’s why when ppl say “gg,” I don’t take it as genuine. It’s a farce. I think a lot of people (not all) say it to rub it in that they won, or pretend they are sportsmanlike. Take Overwatch 1 for example- I could play against the same person 3 times in a row, and the first two times they win, they type “gg” in the chat. Even if they obviously stomped my team. Que up to go against that same person a third time and they lose? They leave as soon as the defeat screen shows up on their end (Victory on my team’s end) without so much as a peep. Or the one’s who do stay don’t have anything to say. That’s when I type “what, no ‘gg’ this time Toxicboi69 when you lose??”
I’ve seen/had this scenario play out too many times, giving confirmation to my theory that “gg” is being fake and it’s just plain better not to say anything at all when you win, if you truly want to be sportsmanlike. Now don’t get me wrong, I recognize there are legit players who mean it when they type it, but they’re unfortunately in the minority IMO. The only true “gg” are from losing players who are not being facetious/salty because of how the opposition played. Survivors who type “baby killer/tunnel/camp welp gg” obviously are not being sportsmanlike. A simple “ggwp” from a survivor to a killer who turned a losing game around at the end with smart play/tactics however, is a sign of respect and sportsmanship.
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Depends on what you consider a win or a loss. If I'm playing killer and I 3k + hatch I usually get one or two ggs, and if I 2k I will often get more. As survivor if I die early I usually won't stick around unless it looks like an interesting match, so I usually don't say gg in that case and don't expect others to.
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Fairly often but I almost always say it unless they're all non-pc and since I can't tell if they'll see it or not I just don't bother. I find the more I say it the more I get it back.
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i've tested this, if a killer wins, it's a 100% guarantee that they will say gg in the chat, not gg ez, but specifically "gg" any other time, they will be mmmm silent
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I think I had a dozen or so when I first started playing, and haven't gotten one in a while since. Although, to be fair, I have horrid memory.
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If a killer wrecks me, but was fair..I’ll say GG
If a killer gives me hatch or let’s me go out the gate, I’ll say ty gg
If I destroy a toxic survivor or toxic SWF bully squad, I will say gg Ez 🙂
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I always say "ggwp" regardless if I win or lose, but typically if I lose, I might make a joke here and there to kind of lighten the mood a bit. I also just ask how the experience was for the other side as well.
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This. In online gaming in general. Experienced it in DBD, ow, rocket league, r6s, lol and a few other games I've forgotten.
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Almost every time it's either GGs or silence.
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I always say gg. Doesn´t matter how the game goes. Its just a game after all.
Seeing a gg on the other hand can be rare. Sometimes i even see the killer giving hatch and not receive a gg or thx.
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Think you're reading too much into it.
Most people either give or receive a GG as a sign of sportsmanship and haven't started to psychoanalyze the people who say it.
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I say gg only when there was actual gameplay from both sides.
If survivors just do gens and leave and I get only 3 hooks, there is no gameplay since they sit on gens and leave. I move on. If I try to defend some gens and they still manage to do them, I can say gg since I got outplayed.
If the killer just camps all game or tunnels when there's no reason to, I just move on. If he was forced to do that, I notice it, say gg and move on.
If survivors actually want to have chases, I'm happy for it. Even if I "lose" with 8 hooks no kills, I'm happy for some chases I may have had in the match. I will say gg.
If I brutally stomp all 4 survivors, I just can't say gg since I know it feels bad from their side to take all of that + the gg at the end.
If the killer is really good with his power, he knows how to play, he's experienced in what he's doing, even if I die I will say gg.
If the killer is a bit new, he misses a few attacks and he's having a hard time winning, I may give him a kill in end game and say <3
To answer to your topic: I see people say gg mostly when they brutally stomp the opposite side. Not when there was actual gameplay, sadly.
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It's rare for me. But that's also because I write to people in complete sentences, thanking them for their time and wishing them a good day or a nice weekend.
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Almost never. When it happens, they say in an ironic way.
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I find when regardless if i win or lose there is only ever 3 types of end game chat. Now I always say GG regardless if i win or lose. If i win i will say GG and leave it at that unless somone wants a convo. if i lose I say "GG you guys played so well" then talk about how MMR doesnt work XD.
However regardless of the outcome each end game chat has one of 3 things.
- I say GG and i get nothing in responce - This is absolutely fine
- I say GG and i get GG or GG wp back from the survivors usually resulting in a nice discussion about the game
- i say GG and i get back "So easy", "Trash Killer", or the classic "Go unalive yourself" (changing the word due to censorship
Its really a gamble every single game.
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Like 50-60% of the time I'd say. Personally at this point I just say it if an opponent says it first, while I think it's completely ridiculous to look any deeper into a simple gg than viewing it as an arguably empty little sportsmanship thing I can't be bothered to deal with more people writing up essays about "no... actually... it was bg, and here's 14 reasons why" in post game chat.
Like come on, this is a game where you can spam "GGEZ KEKW UNINSTALL GARBAGE PLAYER!!" at 10 lines per second after every single match you've ever played, even if you have 10k hours in the game, and you'd never see a single ban from it. If people want to be annoying, they're not gonna say gg but "secretly mean git gud teehee"
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People only message me to say gg when they escape lol. My favorite is when they say gg wp after a 4 escape. Definitely a well played game from the killer when he gets 0 kills. Survivor mains are so annoying
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I always say it at the end of the game, killer or survivor, win or lose. It's just good manners.
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usually when they win else rarely
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I will say GG even if I die or lose if they played well and were not all about BM or just being annoying for the sake of it (as many SWF's are). I have a lot of respect for people who play well and don't resort to scummy tactics to get wins.
That being said, at this stage I struggle to give a GG to any Weseker as I am beyond sick to death of them. So instead of complaining I just leave...
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I see them pretty often, but then again, I'm always first in the chat saying something nice, so they probably feel like it's safe to say gg once they see I didn't "ez" them.
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I gave my personal experience from observation. Why do players we encounter consecutively say “Gg” only when they win, but not when they lose? Why do you have so many players in general say it when they win, but so few in general say it when they lose? What does that tell us? It’s b.s. I don’t find that genuine. Then you have the trolls who attached it to “ggez,” further diluting what was supposed to be a display of sportsmanship. If “gg” is truly sportsmanlike, then everyone would be saying it regardless of winning or losing, but thats not the case. There’s a large disparity between the two.
Even if this is considered trivial, I’m still going to call bullshit on it. And I already stated for the record that there are people who really are genuine about it- they just appear to be in the minority. Now if someone reads this and is one of the person’s I mentioned above who mostly say it when they win and barely (if any) when they lose, and get offended- I don’t know what to tell you…
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Well, you're free to keep doing that. But I don't think 98% of people are putting half as much thought into it as you are.
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I have never once see someone who lost a match say “gg ez”.
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Barely. Mostly when someone clearly won. May it be the Killer or the Survivor who escaped or who distracted the Killer the most. Sometimes people say gg bc they're sportsmen.
I don't really care. For the most part the chat is disabled for me. Sometimes I turn it on to see some salt and fun interactions^^
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"ggs! <3" Me all the time no matter what.
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I don't see it very pften but I'm on xbox so i can't see endgame chat or msg most other players. I recieve the odd one every now and then. And i usually send them out when i see another xbox player. Unless the player was toxic or I got lazy and tunneled someone, feels like rubbing salt in to gg someone after tenneling them out early.
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I always say gg no matter how the match went, I'm not taking this game personal enough to get into an argument over how they chose to play
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I did say in the OP not including ourselves. I am glad you are staying positive for everyone, though!
Do you see it from others?
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usually its either salt or every1 quiet, very rarely "ggs"
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I most of the time say GG
If a game really pissed me off I say nothing
If it was close I say GGWP
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GG in dbd just means "i won, you lost", or at least it is used that way 90% of the time.
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The minds of wana-be bully squads will amaze and disappoint you.
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I dont say gg, as a survivor. Cause in most cases i'm already gone.
If i'm last or get given hatch, i say gg. Except if the killer just stomped and the game was overall unfun. Then i wont say gg.
I also think from either side, if you stomp the side, dont say gg. Its just a toxic touch. And it feels horrible for the others. Except you say something like "gg, i'm sorry for the bad game for you", then i dont mind, since its aknowledged.
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Almost never, I play on console with no chat feature. Occasionally I will get a GG from fellow console pleb or a sweaty message from a pissed off/edgelord killer.
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Unfortunately I can't say GG on console. When I do try to message killers to say GG 9 out of 10 have their messages blocked for console and I see why.
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Speachless i just go next
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what i see, whenever the survivors escape or bully the killer. occasionally the killer says gg sometime. if all the survivors die i dont normally see them say gg.
personally i only say gg if it was a competitive and even match, it just seems pretentious to say that the game was good when one side lost to a dc or a one sided slaughter