Things that shouldn't exist in now days dbd

I will name some and u guys can continue the list, name what it is, explain why it's stupid and propose a change to it:
Medkits: pressure killer, makes some strategies completely unviable, BY MILES the best item in the game. Either they should allow 1 self heal, nerf the speed to something like 24-32 seconds or just allow you to heal other teammates at a much hier speed something like 6 seconds.
Nurse: nurse
Eruption: being unable to do ######### for 25 seconds because the killer kicked a gen before is big bs, the perk need a big chance to be close to the other slow downs after the 6.1.0 update.
Keep going :)
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Hooks breaking after a survivor is sacrificed on it. This outdated mechanic unnecessarily creates deadzones, which thereby forces slugging. If basekit unbreakable ever makes it to the live servers, this will be a nightmare.
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I don't even think it has a reason behind, it's indeed outdated asf
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Billys overheat, it does not really help against facecamping as it was intended and just punishes newer players that try to play around with the chainsaw.
Facecamping I don't think there is an explanation needed why it is terrible. To solvei t just make it the same as pyramid heads cages, when the killer is too close for period of time the survivor just teleports to a hook on the other side of the map. (If wanted this feature could disable in endgame...)
Map RNG: There should not be such a huge differnce between how hard it is to win on some maps lets for example take shelter woods and fractured cowshed... You can loop an M1 Killer on cowshed for 5-8 min if you know what you re doing and on shelter woods you may get like 5 pallets total and can be happy when you reach one sometimes... Just make it more consistent how many pallets spawn and maybe give maps a maximum amount of certain tiles so you don't get 4 long wall jungle gyms or just TL walls.
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Medkits need a rework. Generally speaking it will take you somewhere between 30-90 seconds to hit a survivor depending on how good they are, what killer you are playing, where they are on the map and the RNG of the terrain. Using a medkit takes 9-32 seconds which is stupid.
Brown kit should be self care speed with exactly 1 heal if you don't miss a check.
Yellow kit should be 25% faster with maybe 1.5 charges (you get 2 with strong addons)
There should not be a way to heal yourself faster with a kit than another survivor could heal you normally. No setup should ever give you more than 2 heals with a medkit.
Things would be different if we changed the Mori into a universal type of debuff (kind of like what VHS does). Imagine for example if killers could use a secret addon and on hit applied sloppy butcher by using the SB offering (which would replace mori). I'm not suggesting we implement an offering to replace a perk but hopefully you get the idea that a new effect could be created.
On paper the changes sounded fine but it just ends up punishing people who are not playing on coms far too much. Eruption should be a perk that if the generator is kicked and a survivor goes down then that generator cannot be interrupted from regressing for 45 seconds (and any non hex totem perk affecting regression speed such as Overcharge or CoB is applied but not ruin for example). Nobody ever wants to lose control of their character.
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get good
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Before someone cries, "Skill issue!" as they usually do on this specific topic.
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Silent survivor footsteps on sand or snow.
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I don't think this is a massive issue but I do agree that it doesn't make much sense to have it anymore.
Maybe if a Survivor is sacrificed on a Scourge Hook, it'll lose its Scourged status?
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Still punished for hooking.
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Strong disagree. Killers need to be smart about where they hook survivors - they also have perks which allow them to carry survivors much much further and offerings to group hooks closer together.
I hope unbreakable basekit never makes it to the game TBH as it is a bad change.
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It has nothing to do with being "smart". I shouldn't be required to bring a perk just to do my basic objective. Why should I be punished if I just so happen to kill a survivor in a specific area of the map? - especially maps with bad hook RNG. If you are suggesting giving killers basekit Agitation, Iron Grasp and Mad Grit, then maybe I can agree lol.
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Yes, because Scourge Hooks can be very powerful.
Getting rid of them while not destroying the Hook after a sacrifice seems like a good compromise
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garden of pain
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Respectfully disagree, killer basekit is pretty loaded at the moment. Unless you are working against a Sabo SWF crew you are able to get to a second hook. No need to nerf killers further.
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Again this just isn't true. Just yesterday I had to hook one person in front of the gate which destroyed that hook. I then hooked a second person and that hook was also destroyed. I had the 3rd person down but couldn't carry them to another hook in time (and the gate was open mind you). They wiggled off and escaped for free simply because I could not hook them (and couldn't slug either since the gate was open). So again, I'm not sure what this has to do with killer's basekit. It's just bad design lol.
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Right, and then you're gonna say that it's a fair change because, "If someone's dead, you're already winning." As if good survivors can't still get 2 or 3 out in a 3v1, or as if the first person dead is at like 4 or 5 gens left. What if it was the only scourge hook that was in range? You just lose your perk for doing your job, like with Ruin?
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Well that just sounds like you made a mistake. Why did you hook right in front of the exit gate? Take the survivor further into the map and save the hooks near gates for later...
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Seriously, this change needs to be implemented, especially because Midwich hooks can be a nightmare to deal with. You permanently lose one hook and suddenly one side of the map can be completely dead for the rest of the trial.
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I agree, because there are survivors who know that the hooks at the edge of the map will be used and deliberately flee in that direction.
Base kit unbreakable would facilitate this. Base Kit Unbreakable has not yet been implemented, but when I was matched with such a survivor before, I countered by slugging and was told I was the worst killer to slug. What should I have done to...
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Killers have to manage where they hook survivors and survivors have to manage where they complete generators. I think its fair.
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Hugging the killer's legs in order to hide from them
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I guess you missed the part where I said the gate was open. How would I have time to down and carry 3 people, who were all in close proximity to the gate, somewhere farther in the map? How does that concept even make sense? lol.
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Again, the gate was open and I downed 3 people. What does managing where I hook people have to do with anything in that scenario? I can't magically pause the wiggle timer nor can I stop the other ones who are down from crawling away. If I slug, they escape. When I picked the 3rd one up, they wiggle out because there wasn't a 3rd hook anywhere nearby. That's a lose-lose situation. How is that "fair"?
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Exactly. I feel like the people who are fine with this, must not play killer very often lol. I don't understand in what world people find it okay to not be able to complete your objective for no reason other than RNG.
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tbh if a destroyed hook from a survivor dying loses you the game. that is 100% a skill issue
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You should've been managing where you hook your survivors. Don't use hooks near exit gates early in the match then either. Everything else is RNG at that point.
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I'll give you the TLDR since you didn't take the time to read: The gate was open.
How do I "manage" where I hook survivors if there are only 2 hooks near by and I have downed 3 people? According to your logic, I guess I should figure out a magical way to teleport the third survivor to a hook or just give the free escape. lol.
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Since you didn't read the 2 other sentences I wrote I'm not gonna continue going back and forth.
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The bubbles that appear after a gen pops or someone gets hooked
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So turn into a 3-perk killer, off of something that is completely up to RNG, and that's a skill issue? Do y'all hear yourselves sometimes, I mean really? Skill issue this, skill issue that, but y'all don't have anything to justify why it's a skill issue. It's hooking, which you have to do. There's no skill in that per se, but there shouldn't be. And news flash, anybody can lose off of losing a hook spot, which I shouldn't have to explain.
You want to punish killers for hooking on a certain hook, but you would lose your minds if we said to survivors, "Your gen-related perks deactivate if you did too many in a certain area. Skill issue, btw." The only reason this is even up for debate is because it's already in the game, so it's accepted as normal. Not a survivor-sided, unnecessary mechanic, which it is, but normal. If destroyed hooks on death had not been a thing, and were introduced as a new mechanic, there would be mass outrage because it's an absolutely outrageous mechanic.
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i mean sure are gen perks can stop after doing so much in a certain area. helps us not 3-gen
survivors have to try not to 3-gen
you can manage ur hooks?
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Medkits are fine, honestly other survivor addons (besides toolboxes) need a buff.
Nurse...yeah. But her addons are the problem, not her kit.
Eruption - nah. It's got a lot of setup and can be beaten just by playing cautiously and calling it out before you go down.
Midwich, Eyrie and Badham can have nearly unhookable spots even if the hook is up, especially if they run multiple further hook offerings.
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Midwich it is a problem but that is just map design. each corner of a hallways should at least have 1 hook no matter what or at least one in the middle of a hallways.
Badham sucks but not in that aspect. Loops being so close together.
Eyrie is one of my favorite maps. i have no problem on it as most killers other then the bumpy bois (blight,billy,demo) i have not ran into any hook problems other then bully squads in the main building
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There's a point at the rear of the map (with the shed) that can have a hook spawn only barely reachable if they go down in the corner. If you keep that one sabod, you create a perfect hook deadzone.
Midwich - yeah.
Badham - if they go down in the basement, and you don't have the...other basement spawn there, it's unhookable unless you break the door. Which makes that loop horribly strong if they know how to run it.
My point is that - no - it's not '100% skill if you can't hook a survivor'. There are maps where you will, at most, have only one viable hook for a specific spot.
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If I use the hook in front of the gate early in the game, is it a skill issue?
Partially agree.
So what if the only reachable hook is there from the start when you pick up? Is it a skill issue? No. It is not.
Pick up at the edge of the map, not before the gate, and slugging because the only hook that was at the edge of the map reachable has been used. After standing unbreakable, the chase starts again a short time later. He is convinced that the edge of that map is safe and runs there with conviction. Of course, there is no hook when he goes down. He slugs it.
Slugging so is it a matter of skill and a bad killer?
He said so, so yes.
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Slugging is a skill.
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I agree.
But the large number of survivor player base seems to disagree.
Emotions take precedence.
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while i think bleeding out is cringe. slugging even for 10-20 seconds can really help out the killer. and its not my fault if a survivor decides not to pick them up
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Is it?
Firstly, it's going away soon anyway with the baseline UB.
Secondly, you're actively penalized for it - both in terms of BP and emblems.
Thirdly, having to bleed folks out is clearly not how this game is intended to be played, see: Boil Over being nerfed.
As I established - there are points in the game where you can't hook someone, not due to any 'lack of skill' on behalf of the killer player, but because of game design issues.
Not sure why you're choosing this particular hill to die on, to be honest.
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bleeding out and slugging are different things. one can help turn the game in ur favor the other is just BM cringe.
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You didn't answer my question.
In a situation where there is a literally unhookable spot, is it the killer player's skill that's the problem here, or the game's design?
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If a base kit unbreakable comes along, it will be changed, as the developer cannot be unaware of this used hook problem.
Even now it is an outdated system, but I hope this thread catches your attention.
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If they considered it a priority, they would have fixed it by now.
Hell, there are still spots where you can go down (generally involving lockers) and clip into the scenery, becoming impossible to pick up. With No Mither, these make you almost immortal (there's one on Asylum and one on Temple that are very easy to abuse, but fortunately very few people know about them).
Again, just likely not a high priority.
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Hook break is fine, the RNG hook spawn is the problem, there should be fixed hook spawn location on each map, where there is always 1 hook right next to the Gates, and 1 for every corner. Then given 1 hook per 1000m square of the map.
This is to keep killers managing hooks but not suffer from bad RNG.
This was the worst hook spawn I ever had, though hook break should stay.
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Nothing you said addresses the situation at hand. So thank for you not continuing the back and forth.
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SWF, in my opinion it breaks everything.
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knock out slugging
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all those Badham map variants. like if i understood in the 2019 anniversary they wanted to make all maps have variants, but it clearly was scrapped. just delete them and keep 1 version like the others. waste of game space.
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Yes, they are so annoying, you just dont get so aura reading or even survivors directly for such a long time... It's so annyoing...