Is there a killer you insta DC against?

I'm curious about why people DC as survivor when they find out they're facing x killer. Do you DC based on who the killer is, and if so, why?
Nurse, but only while the DC penalty is off.
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Nurse, whenever i get her three times in a row
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No one's going to answer because advocating for DCs gets you banned on here
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If starstruck nurse brings midwitch offering. It's me done for the day playing dbd.
If it's god like nurse I just kill myself on first hook. Not really worth playing games you can't win.
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nurse and blight, not wasting my time when most of the time i'm matched with bad players and have 0 chance of escape.
wesker is getting tedious to play against now also considering its either 2 or 3 in a row or every other killer
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The ones finding me 10 second after the game begin.
The one downing me after 10 seconds chase.
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Well I will put it this way... If I could block Twins, Trickster and Pinhead I would do so. Edit: reason is I find them extremely irritating to verse
As someone who mained Nurse (but feels bad playing her these days) I find Starstruck Nurse to be pretty gross and while I can't advocate quitting I understand why someone might nope out of a Starstruck Nurse match
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True, true....Is there a killer your wifi just happens to turn off when you face them?
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Nope. I’m not a whiny entitled brat who can’t handle going against killers I don’t like.
Only time I leave a match early is by not hitting skill checks on hook if my teammates are trolling or clipping their toenails behind a rock across the map.
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Nope. I’m not a whiny quitter.
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I'm currently jailed for doing that very thing
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My least favourite killers to go against however would have to be Blight, Clown and Trickster.
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I never DC, just ruins the game, but I will resign the game if we're in an unwinnable situation:
▪︎2 v 1: Killer hooked me, my teammate is immersed at the corner of the map. Clear sign they don't plan to rescue me, fail the skill checks, move on and hope they get hatch (or not).
▪︎Starstruck Nurse: Game is over, GG. There's two slugged, I'm hooked. Doesn't take rocket science to know the inevitable outcome. Fail the skill checks and move onto a less sweaty game.
▪︎Mass Slugging: Everyone is slugged, I get hooked first. Yeah, I'm not sticking around by pointlessly struggling, sucide on hook and move on to the next game. Killer won, GG.
In the situation above, it doesn't hurt anyone to sucide on the hook. It's a case by case for me. The game is already over, but prematurely leaving the game via DCing / Hook Suciding is childish and pathetic. You should never DC in the first place, unless it's an emergency or something similar, like the power goes out. If you're getting frustrated, just take a break, don't DC and screw over other players. Common sense isn't so common, huh?
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Twins, I dont enjoy being slugged for a minute, getting up, slugged again, getting up, slugged etc until I bleed out or everyone is slugged and we finally get hooked, its just faster to eat 5 minutes DC penalty than endure that garbage, luckily they are so rare youll never encounter them twice the same day so the ban never stacks.
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Nope, I'm not a little b
Seriously though imagine quitting a game over a single character, talk about entitlement.
And let's be real if you're sad enough to DC over a certain killer you'll DC over other stuff too, embarrassment to gamers tbh go play single player games or something like fall guys so you dont ruin it for everyone else because you haven't grown up.
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Tutorial trapper
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I dont think I have ever DCed on purpose, I mean other than when I crash or the game just disconnects me, but I am at a point that if I see another Mr. Whisker, I'm out, just because I face him so much
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No? Even if they gave me 500BP for DCs I still won't since I'm not a coward. Even in the most difficult situation I'll still fight. 2 left alive at 5 gens? They won't be 5 gens when I die.
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Just kidding. Although he is my least favorite killer and despise having to face him, I still tough it out.
Me looking at all the bodies hit the floor as they are being slugged and wondering if I’m next:
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Isn't oni really easy to dunk on?
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Oh you’re one of THOSE survivors. Smh
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No. I'm not a child who ruins others games when I don't get my way
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No, I don’t against any of them BUT my least favorite killer to face is the Drudge. I just can’t figure out the weakness to it, no matter how I play. I rarely win against Drudge, but I never just leave.
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No, and anyone who does should seriously reconsider playing this game. It's one thing to bail because a match is going terribly, it's another to bail because the other players are using things you don't like and that's not allowed.
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Freddy "4k" Krueger
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I’m new here, and pretty new to the game, but I’ve seen this mentioned a couple of times and have no idea what it is?
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Nope, I hate nurse, but won't leave a trial
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I don't know, maybe cause my beef was with poorly designed maps and not "unfun killers"
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You’re not supposed to DC and if you say that you DC in the forums then the mods will get mad at you.
Hypothetically if I was going to do this, it would be against Cenobite (just miserable in solo q) or Nurse (ok if it’s a baby nurse but gg ez for killer if they are halfway decent).
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I'm not the kind to DC, I always try to tough it out against characters I don't like, but I'll entertain the question hypothetically because it is a neat thought experiment I guess. My experiences with Pyramid Head are always pretty unpleasant (Don't hate the killer, just the playstyle in my MMR leaves a bad taste in my mouth), so I'd probably pick him...?
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Honestly? Twins. I fail to find a single enjoyable aspect of this Killer, whether I win or lose against them it is always excruciatingly horrible to sit through.
I'll at least try against a Nurse, but she is another contender if I had her a couple of times already.
Also I DC any time I get send to RPD, I do not care about the choice of Killer. I even do it as the Killer. This map (even worse now, mapS, there's two of em!) can go f- itself.
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None.. but I will give if my team is not up to par and it’s nurse or tombstone myers and my teammates gets Mori’d by second is gen.
maybe a good mastermind will make me just give up also if he has taken out a team mate or two too early
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Hag, I never WASTE my time in a Hag game ... taking the 5' is ALWAYS the BEST move
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nope, the only thing that will make me dc are survivors who troll other survivors
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Not a chance. I'm not selfish enough to wreck other people's gaming experience. Anyone who does do that should just stick to single player games.
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Specific killer player that I recognize that will target me when we get matched together. Hasn't happened since I turned crossplay on because I think they still play crossplay off. I'd rather eat 5 minute penalty than waste my time in a match with them.
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I don’t. I try to respect my fellow players.