Blight is just better billy

BigDaddyPhilSwift Member Posts: 19
edited October 2022 in General Discussions

I used to be a billy main, and i’ve been salty about playing killer since 2020. i’m not the first person to say it, but the heat gauge on top of the addon nerfs was way too far. that’s why the old #2 killer is trash now, just like trapper and wraith.

edit: wraith is actually decent asf up until red ranks. he’s just underwhelming, and i’d love to see some kind of tweak to his power, even though i have no clue what that would be. this is a lame idea, but maybe he could instantly cloak after hooking a survivor to go to the next objective and easily apply pressure.

with billy, i honestly just want some map changes and no grunting with every saw. a slightly lower charge time by like .1-.3 seconds would help a lot on loops/obstacles in newer and indoor maps.

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