New Killer - The Hatred (Surv too)

New Killer - The Hatred (and survivor too). A lot of times when I think of killers, I tend to base them off of a very narrow yet undeniably fun build of an existing killer. Such is the case here. This is the result of wondering what it'd be like to have a sort of permanent vanity/scratched mirror Myers. With some modifications, of course.

First of all (and yes I've said this exact same thing with every new killer I submit), sorry for the impending wall of text. Yes this is yet another new killer/new survivor kind of post. Sorry not sorry. I really appreciate this game and would like to see it evolve. Now then, all constructive criticism welcome. If you like my ideas, say so. If they're crap say so then help me polish the turd a little. You get the idea. Fuller backstory to follow if this idea is liked. Will respond to comments as able.

The Hatred (110% base speed. 16m terror radius. Weapon=fireplace poker. Appearance=A teen girl with sunken eyes, emaciated skin, and tattered clothing). The target of relentless bullying at school as well as inhumane torture and physical/emotional abuse at home, Rebecca Morrison felt completely invisible and irrelevant. Hope had long ago fled from her. No one would help. No one cared. No one realized the true horror of what she was enduring. No one, that is, until she heard a whisper in a dream offering what no one else could...a way to make it all stop, a path for empowerment and revenge, and a way to never be forgotten again.

Power: Phase Shift - The Hatred is a relentless tide of evil. She does not benefit from bloodlust or any speed boosting effect of a perk. Instead, she pursues her foes endlessly using the power of Phase Shift. Holding down the power button turns her form ethereal and allows her to pass through solid objects (as in no collision detection). Releasing the button will phase her back in. The actual phasing in and out is instant, but her speed drops by 1% per second that she's phased and returns at a similar rate when solid again. Hitting or grabbing a survivor within 2 seconds of phasing in will restore her speed to full immediately. While phased, she can't be stunned and has no heartbeat or red stain. She is especially vulnerable to being blinded however. If she's blinded while phased, her speed return will take twice as long. Note: at no point of her phasing is she ever invisible.

If The Hatred phases back in when still in contact with something solid (including a survivor), then The Hatred is stunned for 3 seconds and can't phase again for 30 seconds. If it is a survivor, then that survivor is also stunned, but for only 1 second, and they're also hindered for 10 seconds.

Mori - With the survivor standing/wobbling, The Hatred connects with a crushing blow against their kneecap, dropping them to their knees. The Hatred then connects with a vicious blow to the back of their skull, laying them out flat. Finally, after contemplating the survivor as they feebly twitch, The Hatred stabs down with her poker through the survivor's neck, finishing them.

Perk#1: Fear Factor - You elicit abject horror from those survivors in your immediate vicinity. This horror causes any survivors entering your terror radius to have their active negative status effects extended by 10/20/30 seconds. Those already in your terror radius receiving a status effect are unaffected. There is a 60 second cd before a survivor can be affected by this again. Status durations can not be extended past the maximum for their original cause. A survivor affected by this perk will have their portrait icon glow for 2 seconds.

Perk#2: Hex: Cursed Touch -This is a hex based on the concept of revenge. Whenever a generator is completed or a totem is cleansed, a token is generated (capped at 4) and each living survivor receives a random debuff between exhausted, hindered, blinded, and exposed. These debuffs last for 30/45/60 seconds or until that survivor is hooked. Survivors already suffering the debuff that would be assigned to them instead have that duration reset to max. When this totem is cleansed, that survivor gets a set of debuffs = to the number of accrued tokens lasting 15 sec per token. Note: While token generation is capped at 4, debuffs will continue afterwards.

Perk#3: Prized Possessions - You never had anything of value in your old life. Now that you do, you protect them aggressively. Cleansing totems and opening chests will now incur a single skillcheck at a random point during the process that is moderately/considerably /tremendously more difficult than normal. Failing this check will give a loud notification and reset progress to the beginning.

Survivor - Chad Connors. My general idea here is a boy in his late teens who was a jock as well as a bully. I thought it'd be funny to use the first name of the jock from Last Year.

Perk#1: Pack Mule - Why stop at one when 2 is better? You are now able to hold 1 additional item, either by bringing one item and finding another one, or by finding 2 items in trial. Pressing the activate button will switch out your active item. This practice is clumsy, however. When carrying 2 items, each item is used up 70/60/50% faster. Additionally, both items will be dropped if something happens to cause one item to drop. This is incompatible with other activatable perks.

Perk#2: Desperate Measures - Everyone has a survival instinct. Yours is...extraordinary. For every other survivor sacrificed, you receive a stacking 1/2/3% to your base speed while in a chase. If you are the last survivor in a trial, the speed boost is always present, regardless of being in a chase.

Perk#3: Grasping at Straws - The sheer power of your will to live shines brightest when you're heavily injured. When you're on the ground in the dying state, up to 40/50/60% of your recovery bar is translated to your struggle meter when picked up. (full disclosure...yes i know many people have suggested something like this so I'm not trying to take credit for this idea. It's just something that should exist in the game, so I'm renewing the call for it)


  • Magnus13
    Magnus13 Member Posts: 74

    This would be a very interesting chapter, but the phase walk just seems like a nurse ability.

  • SofaKingSpecial
    SofaKingSpecial Member Posts: 43

    Magnus13...thanks for responding. I appreciate your input. Phase walk is not a teleportation ability...she can't just blink ahead or anything, so she doesn't have anywhere near the map presence that the nurse has. In fact I think the Hatred might be a touch on the weak side with permanent 110% speed, but I think phase walking could bring an interesting element to the chase.

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    @Magnus13 said:
    This would be a very interesting chapter, but the phase walk just seems like a nurse ability.

    It looks more like if the Spirit's Phasewalk and Nurse's Blink got married and had a child, as it is a mix of the two. It doesn't have the speed of Phasewalk or the range of Blink but it seems like the killer gets to keep most of their senses while walking through objects as a trade-off.

  • SofaKingSpecial
    SofaKingSpecial Member Posts: 43

    That's an excellent way of putting it. Thanks for summarizing that so effectively!

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,238
    Another good concept. Nice choice of design and weapon.

    The ability to walk through stuff is strong, especially when its instant, but the maximum duration is kinda capped at ~10 - 15 seconds, afterwards the killer simply becomes too slow for a chase.
    Im not sure about the whole "cannot gain speed bonus" penalty, without it, this would make her one of the few killers to actually use those perks. Except Pwyf-myers.
    Bloodlust doesnt accumulate during used abilities, so your killer should still have it by default, especiallywhen the ability is on cooldown. 
    Which would be my next point: the extended cooldown is way too harsh considering how survivors will be able to stun your killer easily. Having to chase someone as a 110ms M1 killer would be lame.

    Does she get blinded faster or does she lightburn like wraith?

    While most of her weaknesses seem feasible, zhis killer would be too easily stunnable, especially at pallets.
  • SofaKingSpecial
    SofaKingSpecial Member Posts: 43

    More good feedback dude. I get what you're saying. I'm set on the no bloodlust no speed through perks idea, as the notion is that except for exhaustion perks there's no real way to gain distance on her. Plus though I didn't list any, I am imagining that one of her add-on lines would be dedicated to speed boosting (or perhaps no speed lost when phasing). Maybe I could get rid of that stun mechanic and just replace it with a reduced cooldown. Meaning phase back in in contact with something solid then you can't phase again for 15 seconds (no stun + reduced cd).

  • SofaKingSpecial
    SofaKingSpecial Member Posts: 43

    oh btw...blinded at normal speed and lasts normal duration. by extra vulnerable i meant just the fact that her speed return time would take twice as long.

    FYI...try play with your food on wraith sometime. wraith can break chase instantly just by cloaking and de-cloacking to quickly build stacks.

  • Magnus13
    Magnus13 Member Posts: 74

    @Raptorrotas said:
    Another good concept. Nice choice of design and weapon.

    The ability to walk through stuff is strong, especially when its instant, but the maximum duration is kinda capped at ~10 - 15 seconds, afterwards the killer simply becomes too slow for a chase.
    Im not sure about the whole "cannot gain speed bonus" penalty, without it, this would make her one of the few killers to actually use those perks. Except Pwyf-myers.
    Bloodlust doesnt accumulate during used abilities, so your killer should still have it by default, especiallywhen the ability is on cooldown. 
    Which would be my next point: the extended cooldown is way too harsh considering how survivors will be able to stun your killer easily. Having to chase someone as a 110ms M1 killer would be lame.

    Does she get blinded faster or does she lightburn like wraith?

    While most of her weaknesses seem feasible, zhis killer would be too easily stunnable, especially at pallets.

    This killer can phase through objects. A good player could just phase through the pallets, although she would probably need a light weakness.
    @SofaKingSpecial nice killer, I’m guessing she can still attack while using her ability, cause if so she would be very balanced.

  • Saint_Ukraine
    Saint_Ukraine Member Posts: 942

    That phase ability would most definitely introduce new glitches. I like the ideas though. Prized Possessions seems like a funny perk in my opinion; "Don't you know it takes skill to open a chest?" Fear Factor is a perk that, I have no doubt would be ran by Doctors, and might actually make Vigil a useful perk. I also like that you made it to be used alongside Hex: Cursed Touch for a nice perk combo.
    As for the survivor perks, I think Pack Mule is an interesting concept, and something I might actually run with a chest build, and maybe I'd add Streetwise as well, (probably not, though). The increased consumption of items could probably be easily countered by dropping one item and then using the other; which, I assume, is why you included the detail stating that you will drop both items if one is dropped for any reason. I don't like Desperate Measures in particular, for the reason that it's another perk in which your team mates have to die in order for it to be active, (and I don't usually want my fellow survivors to die), but at least it's more useful than Sole Survivor. As for Grasping At Straws, it's nice to see a perk that is similar to what everyone thought Boil Over was going to be; which, of course, was making wiggling off easier. Boil Over didn't accomplish this, obviously. The ideas are great, though. You clearly put a lot of thought into them.

  • SofaKingSpecial
    SofaKingSpecial Member Posts: 43
    Magnus...As a counter to making a direct line to the survivor, you can't actually hit them while phased, as the poker weapon you have phases with you and passes through objects as well. That's why I included the line about phasing out and back in is instant so you can start swinging as soon as you let go of power button. 
  • SofaKingSpecial
    SofaKingSpecial Member Posts: 43
    Saint_Ukraine. Thank you for your insights. You gave me some thoughtful feedback and I really appreciate it. 

    The surv perks...if you ever solo queue then you know desperate measures could be useful. You could complete a last man standing meme build with it that would probably be quite fun. I'm glad you liked Grasping. As for pack mule, I added that provision with Franklin's demise in mind but also yes afterwards that purposely dropping the item to avoid the penalty came to mind too. 

    As for prized possessions, it's not about skill it's about ghostly protection of her items! 😆
  • Magnus13
    Magnus13 Member Posts: 74

    @SofaKingSpecial said:
    Magnus...As a counter to making a direct line to the survivor, you can't actually hit them while phased, as the poker weapon you have phases with you and passes through objects as well. That's why I included the line about phasing out and back in is instant so you can start swinging as soon as you let go of power button. 

    That’s what I meant. You could head through a pallet, let go of M2 and start swinging.

  • SofaKingSpecial
    SofaKingSpecial Member Posts: 43

    Ahh gotcha. Yep that's the idea. And you have to be quick with it too as staying phased too long will really slow her down.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,238
    edited February 2019
    Magnus13 said:

    @SofaKingSpecial said:
    Magnus...As a counter to making a direct line to the survivor, you can't actually hit them while phased, as the poker weapon you have phases with you and passes through objects as well. That's why I included the line about phasing out and back in is instant so you can start swinging as soon as you let go of power button. 

    That’s what I meant. You could head through a pallet, let go of M2 and start swinging.

    And simply get stunned by the "touched survivor"-penalty, followed by quality wood inro the face.
    Pallet-camping would be especially effective against this killer, compared to pallet-looping.

    The mindgame of this killer would be really depending on how quick the transition between phases is in reality 
    (See myers stalk for example)
  • SofaKingSpecial
    SofaKingSpecial Member Posts: 43
    Super quick transition. Think Spirit coming out of her ability swinging. That quick. And I'm already rethinking the stun mechanic...
  • Magnus13
    Magnus13 Member Posts: 74
    edited February 2019

    @SofaKingSpecial said:
    Super quick transition. Think Spirit coming out of her ability swinging. That quick. And I'm already rethinking the stun mechanic...

    Not sure exactly how it works, but the nurse gets stunned after blinking, but there’s an interval where she can attack. You could do that?

    Also here’s a fictional perk I made up, with this killer OP.
    Servant - Suvivors suffer from exhaustion for 2/3/5 seconds when entering a chase.

  • SofaKingSpecial
    SofaKingSpecial Member Posts: 43

    The stun mechanic was for her phasing in when she's still in contact with someone or something solid. I'm going to ditch that idea and instead simply say that if she phases back in when touching something solid then she incurs a cooldown before she can phase again. Like 15 seconds or something.

  • Magnus13
    Magnus13 Member Posts: 74

    So she is invincible to pallets, basically, immune to pallet loops, and you can’t get away from her unless you have exhaustion perks.
    For sake of balance make it so she can’t phaseshift through dropped pallets so she actually has to break it.

  • SofaKingSpecial
    SofaKingSpecial Member Posts: 43

    I appreciate what you're saying, but it wouldn't make logical sense for her to be able to phase through every other thing besides pallets that have been dropped. And don't forget about her speed drop per second of being phased or the fact that she can never bloodlust or get any speed (other than maybe through an add-on line). And the fact that she's in first person view means that she has to guess correctly when passing through something solid as to where the survivor might be on the other side.

  • Magnus13
    Magnus13 Member Posts: 74

    But the fact of the matter is that WIndows and pallets won’t faze Her, and it’s impossible to get away from her. She’s faster than the survivor.

    @SofaKingSpecial said:
    the fact that she's in first person view means that she has to guess correctly when passing through something solid as to where the survivor might be on the other side.

    Maybe one her add ons would be to see through phsical objects when phasing.

  • SofaKingSpecial
    SofaKingSpecial Member Posts: 43

    yeah a very rare or ultra rare i suspect. Regarding our other issue, maybe i could change the speed drop per second while phased to 2% (up from 1%).

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,238
    edited February 2019
    A variable movement speed is hard to balance  :p

    But i think phasing through anything wider than a jungle gym wall or window will make her movement drop to t1 myers levels, (because you have to make sure youre on the other side.) (And thats at 90degree angles)

    Even tapping this skill is costly, imo.
  • I totally agree with Rap...but i also see a lot of potential sick plays on the nurse/spirit level of just knowing the perfect spot to phase back in to catch them off guard.

  • Magnus13
    Magnus13 Member Posts: 74

    I really like this killer idea... it’s unique in a way no other killer is. Even if the Devs don’t implemente this directly into the game,they may put a killer like this into the game.

    News: the devs have put a Killer that can phase through solid objects! Omg!

    i have a question though: can this killer phase through _survivors?_

  • gamebaivinwin
    gamebaivinwin Member Posts: 3
    edited November 2019

    nếu mọi người yêu thích game thì có thể thử chơi game bài đay là trò chơi được ưa chuộng không chỉ riêng tại Châu á mà trên toàn thế giới, vậy bạn có biêt đó là gì? trò chơi đó chính là game đổi thưởng keonhanh một trò chơi giải trí nhưng cũng giúp bạn thằng nhiều tiền thật.

    Post edited by gamebaivinwin on
  • gamebaivinwin
    gamebaivinwin Member Posts: 3

    bạn là một người yêu thích game, thì bạn có thể tìm hiểu về game yêu thích tại đánh chắn đổi thẻ đây là web cập nhật các game hot nhât trên thế giới và đông thời cũng là một trang thông tin hàng đầu viêt về các nhà cái casino phổ biến nhất trên thế giới

  • keobong
    keobong Member Posts: 1

    Thanks you for sharing.


  • keobong79
    keobong79 Member Posts: 1

    Thank your sharing!


  • Critical_Fish
    Critical_Fish Member Posts: 615
    edited February 2021

    She's a 110 killer with a power that slows her down. Just holding w does the trick just fine, like it does against Nurse without recharge add-ons.

    Also, she can still be stunned while in her power, I assume, so...