Share two (non meta) survivor builds that you've been having success with

Also what the build does/focuses on
Mines are
Lithe/Residual Manifest/Wiretap/Blast Mine
**Gets gens done by focusing on them and wasting a huge amount of the killers time when they kick gens and while also giving information to the team***
Hyperfocus/Resilience/Stake Out/This Is Not Happening
**Great at getting the objective done at the cost of your team mate going second stage. Being injured makes things go faster and This Is Not Happening the worst perk in the game can actually get value! Everything synergizes with this build. Its weakness is though is no exhaustion perk!
Resilience, spine chill, dance with me, quick and quiet
Spring burst, empathy, autodidact, vigil
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Bond/Kindred/Open Handed/ - open perk slot, right now I am running Distortion
Many scoff at bond for being a learning perk and not needed when you have coms in a group, but I kindly disagree: actually seeing your teammates 3/4 the time and knowing exactly what they are doing is a real game changer: you can take all the info in without anyone telling you and make very well informed decisions. What gens are currently being worked at, who is chased, where a palette is thrown etc. And kindred with Open Handed is literally 1/3 of the map, more if its a center hook. You got perfect info on the killer and win any mindgame, because there is no mindgame. For real, you might be tempted to let your mates hanging, just for the fun you can have with the killer. And you always know with perfect accuracy how safe or unsafe an unhooking run will be.
Blast Mine/Head On/Quick n Quiet/Windows of Opportunity
This is just a very fun build. It's definitely not meta, but you can mess with the killer a lot. Perfect case: the killer interrupts you at your 75% gen and you boobytrap ot. While being chased and turning a corner you fast jump into a locker, confusing the killer who runs back and forth a few times till he checks the locker and you Head On stun them and run away. While fast vaulting to safety you hear the low rumble of the blast mine going off in the distance and chuckel. 20s later you sneak back and finish the gen.
Granted, it doesn't work always like that, but that's the game plan and you decide on the go which part you omit and which you can still pull off. And lemme tell you, I pulled the whole thing off more often then distressed killers would care to admit, so give it a try.
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I'm not actually totally sure what the survivor meta is right now, so forgive me if my picks stray too close to that, but...
Botany Knowledge/Streetwise/Kindred/Fourth slot open though I run Prove Thyself a fair amount there. Bring a medkit with it, and you've got Botany's insane speed boost with no downsides, you've got Kindred because it's necessary for solo queue, and a fourth slot for whatever utility you feel you're missing.
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Build 1: Kindred, Situational Awareness, Empathy, and Empathic Connection. Since I play soloq, the auras I receive and give to my fellow survivors help us coordinate quite a bit. Not many killers run blindness so it works quite well for me.
Build 2: Distortion, Parental Guidance, Dance With Me, and Quick And Quiet. This build has helped me escape chases with its stealthiness and can waste the killer's time searching for you if used properly.
Both of these builds put all of your eggs in one basket though if you are okay with that.
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I've seen a Build that Coconut rts tried after running into a God tier Bill.
Low profile, Iron will, flash bang and light weight.
Sounds odd. But with alot of practise it could be a god tier build.
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Me for now is my usual stealth build
Premonition/Iron Will/ Self Aware/Windows of oppurtunity
Inner Healing/ Overcome/ Small Game/ Visionary
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all of my survivor builds are non meta, i try to make builds with at least 1 teachable. my most "meta" build is Mikaela with 4 boon perks, my favorite is claudette with botany knowledge, we'll make it, kindred and lithe
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My primary build is:
- Bond
- Reassurance
- Wake Up
- (Flex)
Ive been using Dead Hard and Circle of Healing lately. So I guess two ‘meta’ perks.
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First Build | BlastMine, Flashbang, Head On, Circle of Healing <Can switch this for medkit if you want to run any other thing>.
Second Build | Empathy, Empathic Connection <Optional and highly dependent on decent teamates not sandbagging can switch for Botany or WGLF>, Wake up, Flashbang <Can switch for unbreakable, or exhaustion>
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We'll Make It, Lithe, Dance With Me, Windows of Opportunity
Not a huge success because I still suck at chases, but good news is I do escape some of those quite easily !
Thinking on getting Overcome instead of Lithe to break line of sight more easily and then maybe Q&Q or Iron Will instead of Windows.
Then We'll Make It is my designated "team perk" because otherwise my whole build is to support myself.
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Mine are based on I can't trust my SoloQ Teammates.....
Shadow Step
Bot Knowledge
Like I said I can't trust my teammates so I have to go into it as a kone wolf. I have about a 65-70 escape rate but all depends on Killer, Map, and quality of teammates
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Second one sounds interesting!
We'll Make It users are under appreciated especially with Botany, than you!
Its ok its still a non meta build! I have Lithe in one of the builds i mention here but it doesnt make the whole build meta! Nice too!
WGLF/Botany sounds clutch but like you said its usage and value depends on the level of the tram mates!. Most team mates are bad so i get you!
Cool! I hear you too people are really bad at this game! My i cant trust my team mates build is
Sole Survivor/Spine Chill/Lithe/Wake Up
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Self care, windows or aportuity, replaced kinderd with alert & built to last. And now my DK build slams! And just so yea know there a glitch with alert where sometimes it doesn’t show but still way to op to take off
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Exhaustion perk (I use Dead Hard)/Lightweight/Fixated/Free perk slot is my current chase build.
Lightweight is heavily slept on but it gives you extra mindgame opportunities by letting you leave loops and gain distance (Not by much but even a half second of hesitation is still going to be around half a jungle gyms worth of distance, especially if you combo it with Fixated to break line of sight before sprinting again) while also letting you run for longer before you need to start stealthing if you're trying to save against a proxycamping killer or going for a flashlight save
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Build 1:
- Adrenaline
- Resilience
- No One Left Behind
- Prove Thyself
This build mainly focuses around generator completion with a bit of chasing and end game power.
Build 2:
- Blood Pact
- Disortion
- Self-preservation
- Sprintburst
This build focuses around chasing power with a bit of stealth and supporting power/info.
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Empathic Connection / Empathy / Renewal / Flex Perk
The fourth perk can be whatever suits your fancy. Some I've used are Autodidact, Lucky Break, Kindred, Botany Knowledge, Desperate Measures. I used Aftercare once but realized that was a bit redundant.
Makes you the team healer and helps provide info on Killer location thanks to Empathy. If you do get a heal off you get Renewal to self-heal
Open Handed / Streetwise / Built to Last / Distortion w/ Key, addons for extending aura range and seeing Killer's aura
See a streamer use this to good effect and used it myself a couple times.
Between addons and perks, the Key lets you see the Killer's aura up to 60 meters away. Streetwise keeps you using the Key up too fast and Built to Last helps you replenish it. All while Distortion protects your from any of their aura reading.
Post edited by Zeidoktor on0 -
Totem build:
-small game, it's good to find a totem to use for the other 3 perks;
-clairvoyance, one I cleanse a totem i can see gens, hooks, chests, exit gates and the hatch within 64 meters for a total of 10 seconds.
-inner strength, once I cleanse a totem I can heal in 8 seconds by going in a locker
-overzealous, once I cleanse a totem I do gens 8% faster (16% if it's a hex totem) BUT you lose this effect if injured by any means.
Wallhack build:
-object of obsession, if you're the obsession you can see killer's aura for 3 seconds every 30 seconds (the killer will also see you);
-alert, every time the killer breaks a pallet/wall/gen you see his aura for 5 seconds
-inner focus, every time a survivor is injured within 32 meters of you, you see killer's aura for 5 seconds;
-dark sense, each time you or your teammates complete a gen, this perk shows you killer's aura within 24 meters of you for 5 seconds. Once the last gen gets done, you see him for 10 seconds.
Infinite items build:
-plunderer's instinct, you can see chests aura within 32 meters of you;
-appraisal, you can loot the same chest twice for 2 items instead of 1;
-ace in the hole, your item has a better chance to have good add-ons,
-built to last, if you go in a locker with an empty item (no charges) you can refill it in 12 seconds (you give it 99% of the charges the first time, 66% the second time, 33% the last time). It's good to use if you have a good medkit or toolbox that you want to use.
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Bond, Open-Handed, Windows of Opportunity, Lithe (run in solo-queue, typically with a two-heal medkit)
This build is absolutely wild. On smaller maps, you can pretty much see your entire team at all times. The amount of information you get from this is insane. You know when someone is being chased towards a gen you are on. You know where to go if you need to position for a save (if you brought a flashlight). And in endgame, you know exactly where to go to take a protection hit for that last team-mate who is being chased.
It also turns you into a looping God if you are otherwise mediocre. I've been playing for about a year. Around 1,500 hours. And I'm still not great at looping, but I've been running this build for a few weeks now and have seen a huge increase in Killers just giving up chasing me as I take them from strong loop to strong loop.
The main downside is that Fearmonger basically counters the entire build while you are on gen.
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Wiretap, Blast Mine, Residual Manifest. If the gen isn't kicked we see the Killer's Aura. If the gen is kicked, the Killer can't see auras for 30 seconds.
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Oh my gosh, that second one is literally my build, but replace visionary with kindred, lol
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Nice. Kindred is a good replacement too. But I like visionary so that I can find gens faster.
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Yeah this is one of my builds with Lithe and with my main survivor!
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Urban Evasion, Lightweight, Distortion & Sprint Burst. Do gens and hide!
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Kindred, Lucky Break, Overcome, Open Slot; currently using either Lightweight, CoH, Open-Handed, Reassurance or Bite the Bullet.
Kindred for solo/2-man info
Lucky Break/Overcome for a, where the hell did they go build. It's fairly effective on a lot of maps and wastes a ton of the killers time when it works. I usually bring a yellow medkit with 2 heals so I tend to get good value out of it.
I normally use Lightweight for when Lucky Break is gone. I think a lot of people sleep on how nasty the new Lightweight can be. I've had killers lose me at a normal T/L wall just because my scratches must have disappeared and I left the loop.
I'm honestly glad more people don't use the disappearing build because I hate it as killer.
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So I have been really liking:
1) Lightweight
2) Quick and Quiet
3) Head on
4) Flex perk but I like Balanced Landing
I have dodged so many killers by hopping in a locker and head on-ing once they realize what happened especially since lightweight makes the disappearing scratch marks less crazy. I have also been enjoying using balanced as a backup exhaustion since its not commonly used or expected.
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That's cool; I switch to a more serious build at Iri grades to pip up earlier but I run that a lot as well.
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I might run visionary more if it didn't have that useless downside to it
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Gonna be honest, not too familiar with what is meta as I just ingnore all that and run whatever I feel like at the time. That said, I tend to have the most success with these two.
First one I call "Directory Assistance."
Empathic Connection - Situational Awareness - Wake Up - Kindred.
Basically, I just use perks that specifically give info to my team. My games tend to go a bit better overall when I use it, lol.
Second one is "Survivor Watch"
Bond - Empathy - Kindred - Open Handed
Just pile on perks that allow me to see the other survivors. I do this one just for the fun of it. I mostly use it just to see what my team actually does during a game.
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I love rescue builds! Aftercare, Borrowed Time, Guardian, Kindred is a favorite.
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Aftercare is underrated for sure! Very good perk!
Blast Mine/Residual Manifest/Wiretap is actually really strong and right below the level of a meta build!
It wastes so much of the killers time while being efficient!
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The "always see the killer build"
Kindred, Open Handed, Alert and Empathy.
Empathy basically lets you "see" the killer and know where he is when a survivor is injured and starts to fast vault/throw pallets/run in circles repeatedly somewhere. Still unsure if I should swap it for Bond or not tho.
I also tried Dark Sense but didn't like it.
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Object, Windows of opporunity, Alert, and either Fixated or WGLF