Active Ability 1 and 2, a BlastMine/Wiretrap/Repressed Alliance discussion

Adeloo Member Posts: 1,448

Hello :)

So with the new chapter, active abilities have been changed. A second Active Ability Button have been added (should be F by default, E for the Active Ability Button 1)

BUT it is only available for the perk "Reassurance".

With the recent adition of the perk "Wiretrap", i think it would be the best time to push some perks into the Active Ability Button 2. I'm particulary thinking about "Repressed Alliance", that for now is taking priorities upon "Blast Mine" and "Wiretrap". Especially now that "Blast Mine" has been nerfed (for no actual reason).

2 other perks should be changed to Active Ability Button 2 : "Any Means Necessary" and "Clairvoyance", so you don't accidentally "Dead Hard" instead.

I don't actually think it would be hard to change, but it would make builds possible and viable. A small change can be game changer !


  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,715

    Wiretap should use AA2 and keep blast mine on AA1. Repressed alliance can be either, it doesn’t matter, they just need to fix the bug. It worked fine in the past.

    Beyond that, they should change Saboteur to use it as well to prevent accidents. Would be good for Clairvoyance too

  • Adeloo
    Adeloo Member Posts: 1,448

    oh yes Saboteur could benefit from it for sure ! Also would be good if they could check the self-healign being prioritize over healing others or unhooking. How many times i've seen a survivor self-heal instead of unhooking because of Self-Care or CoH. (and how many times it happened to me)

  • philomela
    philomela Member Posts: 34

    I feel like we should have a straight choice what these abilities use. For example having Reassurance default to the same button as unhook is pretty useless, because you're already diving the hook just to activate the ability.. if you can unhook safely then you're not using the ability.

    So in games where your literal only active ability is Reassurance, you can change the bind to the same as Ability 1, but if you have multiple active abilities, you might not be able to change it. It's beyond the point where we need per-character or per ability binds (or even per-loadout - binds configured on the loadout screen itself), there's too many combinations for BHVR to work around.

    But I definitely feel like Reassurance using the same bind currently as unhook is stupid and needs fixing (didn't even realise there was a second bind added until seeing this post - I guess most will be the same). Maybe equipping this perk should tell people there's a bind for it.

  • TeabaggingGhostface
    TeabaggingGhostface Member Posts: 3,108

    Don't forget about styptic agent and anti hemorrhage syringe too, those need to work with that