SWF team on 50+ winstreak

Nice balanced game
Rules of a survivor escape streak: All survivors will start with no items. Survivors who escape with an item may use it in future matches. A win is 3-4 survivors have to escape the match. No offerings or item add-ons are allowed. The team can only use every perk once.
Check this guy on twitch, currently 52 win in a row SWF survivor team, yeah really balanced game, always getting 4 escapes
Now imagine if they used best addons/ittems/stacking perks
Good balance
Alf is on a 500 winstreak with Nurse, some other dude on a 600 with Blight. Otz literally has a running seris of getting 50 winstreaks on every killer.
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Extreme examples aren't a testament to overall game balance.
Otherwise look at the other end of the standard curve. Newbie survivor just got downed in 20 seconds by Trapper. Wow game is so killer sided.
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Yes they are, because game can't be balanced around bad players.
You can perfectly balance around top tier palyers, then just give low mmr buffs until they reach certain rank, it can be done if there is will
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Man, I really want to see how you will perform if the game is balanced around Top Tier Killers as well. So that players like Otz, Zubat, Alf and others really have challenging games every game.
You will totally do fine, I am very sure!
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There's also One Pump Willie who is on a 200+ Winstreak with Onryo, and some smaller streamers who also can get to high winstreaks on killers. But one team of survivors getting a 50+ winstreak? Nope can't have that according to OP. Honestly I've yet to see any survivor team get an extremely high winstreak.
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The game is not balanced around swf it's no surprise
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Because it is harder to get high Winstreaks as Survivor, especially when you want multiple people to escape. High Killer Winstreaks happened way more often than high Survivor-Winstreaks.
And most of the time Survivor-Winstreaks resolve around 1 Survivor escaping while the whole team (4 man SWF) is sacrificing themselves to get that one person out.
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Hens and his team are all some the best players of the game in the entire world. Not really a typical team but it does show how difficult it is to deal with an extremely coordinated SWF.
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Please remind me how those players performed in tournaments. Where they faced equally skilled players.
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Yeah, I dont mention tournaments. DBD-Tournaments are a Joke.
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one of my favourite things in life is waiting for matches in a video game lobby for hours on end. So yeah I agree, let’s balance the game around 4 man SWFs with thousands of hours
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Yh OP has made about like 5 threads in two days about how the game is apparently super skewed towards survivors or asking for mad killer buffs.
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You made a topic earlier today where you showcase getting a 4K with a Starstruck Nurse build on Midwich.
If you are getting to the level of facing people like Hens, you really have no one else to blame but yourself given how much you go out of your way to 4K and thus raise your own mmr.
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the highest 4ks in a row is 650+ (4ks not Wins, this mean a killer who 4k every match 650 times with 0 escapes)
the highest escape in a row is 500+
but go on
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What? Game cant be balanced around newbies? Would you please explain a little further, because if i understood you correctly, i strongly disagree.
And second: you are complaining that top survivors are getting long win streaks, while top killers get long win streaks as well. Hiw exactly do you want to balance that, if you say both sides are too strong? The only thing would be making their queues one week long, so they have better matchmaking and that would not be better by any means.
If only one side had the streaks i would agree, but not in this case tbh. They said they will buff SoloQ, and after that there is no argument to not nerf items/buff killers. So i think we are going in the right direction rn.
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Yeah, if you actually wanted to kill DBD, balancing around top tier players might be the quickest way to do it.
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I thought the same, the strategy encompasses everything the "normal" player base hates.
Tunneling with Blight.
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Those are still ridiculous numbers that mean very little to your average player
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everybody knows that swf is op and should be nerfed
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Nice balanced game, they would say.
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Not really, i am getting stomped by SWF's teams every 10th game or something and it is far from FUN.
I do play survivor as well, just very low mmr and i chill, i don't care if i die or escape and most of the time we lose because teammates in solo quee are just selifsh most of the time.
I complain for High Elo SWF being busted not "ALL survivors"
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I truly don't understand this mindset. It feels opposite of every PVP game. For some reason, DBD players think that if someone gets very skilled at the game, then they need to be punished. Either the entire role needs a nerf, or a specific killer needs a nerf, or the skilled play should just be unable to play (effectively banned) or they should just auto lose a match. Why get good if people are going to demand your head on a platter for the crime of being too good?
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Well news flash friend, it's also "Not fun" for the people that you "stomp" on your way to meet the SWF teams.. Also by the way, how do you even know they are SWFs to begin with? There are good Solo players out there too and I'm sick of hearing how only good players are SWFs which is completely untrue.
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Not all killers are salty against swf.
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You say SWF for 1/10, but how many of those matches did you also face a SWF of friends dinking around and losing? How did you KNOW that the losses were SWF if you didn't see them at least friended with each other on whatever platform you play on. If you are theoretically 'high MMR' you very easily could have actually gone against 4 separately good players, whose understanding of the game is at the level of knowing who should do what and when.
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its simple that all can happen bc MMR is sadly bad, good player match with bad players in the solo q (he cant obviously carry they all)
SWF is way to strong i dont talk about your 500 hours bot team, i talk about a swf with myb 5-6k+ hours they bring all killers to cry except good Nurse and Blight player
that bad MMR is a big punish for solo q only, i mean after bhvr do the soft-cap down, u will match with your 5k+ hours swf against a 500 hours myers he dosent know whats going on and quickly 5 gens are on 0-1 hooks, and the same Myers will destroyed the solo q bc 1 experience player cant never carry 3 bot players...
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I say 1/10 stomped, that doesn't mean i don't have matches where i fairly lose and have fun.
Stomp means i get 1 hook or 2 attacks during the whole match.
I know because i check profiles.
My mmr is quite high as avrg hours on survivors i face is around 5k+, unless the game decides to put me higher ( and many times even lower, against total newbies ) but that is MMR issue
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The only way I could believe 1/2 hook matches being the Survivor's fault is with full comp-squads, pre-dropping pallets and holding W when they should.
Otherwise it sounds like misplays on your end, in which case it is better to 'lose and learn' than win and remain ignorant imo. Did someone lead you to main building while the 3 gens behind you popped? Did you screw up a mindgame? Did you use your power too early or too late? It honestly is worth recording all matches and deleting the wins, in order to review the losses and learn how not to lose in the future.
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Yeah check this twitch channel and you will see what i am talking about
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Idk who that is. Only been on the forum a month or so
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Don't worry, I'm always here for you gramps, lol
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Ah, well it's exactly someone who you described, someone who thinks of obsured killer reworks/buffs and gets everyone rilled up, lol
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On no you lose 10% of your games. What a real tragedy.
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being stomped and losing is not the same, i never said i lose only 10%, i said im getting stomped 10% of the time, with unlucky quee even more
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Because they are heavily restricted and those top streamers still get stomped?
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True! 😄 There never seems to be a shortage of trolls here. This game attracts them apparently.
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This discussion will live on till the game die. It will never be as balanced as everyone wants.
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No, because tournaments try to bring a competitive environment to a party game. DBD-Tournaments are basically a different game compared to the actual game. Tournaments are not comperable to public games at all.
I know that you are trying to defend your point that Killer is soooo hard, but even for you, this is really reaching for straws here.
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Whats wrong about making this competitive? I mean, people are already playing competitive by doing win streaks and those win streaks are often cited. Even by you.
Also, the whole "party game" thingy went out of the window when sbmmr was introduced.
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The imbalance is from map chat. Players leaking info from across the map is broken. You shouldn’t know everything happening everywhere. I think this is “allowed” cheating. DbD should have rank match making that is solo ONLY. If you think your a GGEZ winner w/swf remember you had everyone holding your hand the whole time.
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Lots of tournaments are based around hook stages and not kills. I don't have a problem with tunneling to win, but tournaments where the killers are incentivized to hook different survivors can be more entertaining to watch, and how the survivors play around a match where the killer is trying to not tunnel in-order to secure more points for their team.
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DbD has a very toxic casual mindset associated with it. Players generally dislike skill expression on either side. But it also has a lot to do with matchmaking. In other games, players can queue unranked/quickplay if they just want to chill. They can queue competitive if they want to try hard for ranks and have teammates do the same. With a single queue in DbD, playstyles frequently conflict with each other.
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This thread is awful, but calling DBD a party game is old hat.
The devs have chosen the direction of this game and its fairly clear they want the game to be competitive, that's the whole point of MMR.
KYF is the only aspect of this game that can he classified as casual, and it's a small fraction of the game.
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Yesterday I saw a newbie get downed in 10s by a Trickster.
I think we need to nerf the Trickster 🤣
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With all respect, the Devs dont know what they want their game to be.
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Well, if your opinion hinges on dismissing them in their entirety, that's one way to go about it.
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Ok then nerf every killer who has ever had a winstreak over 50? Pretty much most of them?
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Sure, give me 5 best teams in the world
Let them play vs every killer 50 games
Then nerf any killer who makes more then 25 wins.
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But therefore survivors dont need to be nerfed and this post is completely useless because these survivors arent VS the 5 best killer players in the world?