Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Why is Flashbang even in the game?

I mean why just a flashbang? With how 4 man bullying swfs can stomp practically any killer into the ground you might as well hand out AK-47's out to survivors to straight up just kill killers like pig... would probably feel better than being blinded for 30s every time a survivor is picked up... but yeah adding unbreakable basekit to make it even more impossible for weak killers to down the annoying flashlighting survivors that force you to slug sounds close to giving survivors actual guns so... nice. Also SWFing definetely doesnt need to be adressed please focus on camping and tunneling instead as bullied pig mains trying to secure the one kill is definetely not allowed and should be highly discouraged. I suggest just removing the hooks whenever Sadako, Pig, Legion, Wraith, Clown or Billy are played as they are just inconvenient for survivors and serve no purpose for SWFs expanding their winstreaks.


  • DH3206
    DH3206 Member Posts: 281

    Use lightborn, problem solved.

  • zHypnotism
    zHypnotism Member Posts: 79

    sure let me pull up the 5 million bloodpoints i have stored up to prestige one of the worst killers in the game just to not have the perk equipped when survivors decide to last seond switch to 4 flashlights, that will surely hel- oh wait.

    DEMONANCE Member Posts: 800

    i agree i think they should add more items to the survivor side and not just stop at flashbangs. cuz survivor side rarely ever get something new to work with.

    smoke bombs would be a really really cool addition.

  • zHypnotism
    zHypnotism Member Posts: 79

    yeah sure i heard the next survivor coming to dbd will be vladimir putin and he will have access to nuclear missiles to nuke killers off the map for 4 minutes

  • Eelanos
    Eelanos Member Posts: 447

    Why do people entirely disregard Franklin's and Lightborn as they level up. Like, I get it, they're not optimal, but when they work, they do work very well.

    And it sounds like you tunnel the crap out of people, so you're an easy target for that stuff. Just equip it and enjoy the hopeless faces of survivors as they realize there's no way for them to save team mates.

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    I was a bit disappointed by flashbang honestly. I feel like I rarely get value from it. Even when I play killer, if I see someone dropping one I just look up and I'm generally fine.

    DEMONANCE Member Posts: 800

    it takes less than a million to prestige a character now you can just get him to p1 and level up the perks normally on your preferred killers.

    also billy had enduring and tinkerer which are undoubtedly very nice perks even if they're not meta

  • zHypnotism
    zHypnotism Member Posts: 79

    it sounds like i tunnel the crap out of- what? I play Sadako with make your choice i love how survivor mains constantly make assumptions that anyone critizising swfs and bullying is a bad player, camper or tunneler... also you may wanna consider that the shrine is very inconsistent and no once has money to buy boring killer just for their perks and last second item switching exists as well and is usually commited to by bully squads...

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,969
    edited October 2022

    learn the art of lookaway-jutsu and Flashbang becomes the equivalent of a fart

    Loud, and funny with the right group

  • Eelanos
    Eelanos Member Posts: 447

    To be honest, it was difficult to keep track of what you were saying in the original post. You don't space your text too much and it gets a bit difficult for my brain to process, but I did remember you going like "Yeeeah, flashbang exists, but nooooo, focus on fixing TUNNELING and CAMPING and SLUGGING" and I ran a bit on assumptions.

    This is not me being toxic, I honest to God have problems following what you wrote.

    But still, I never take off Lightborn when I play killer because I can't be bothered to double check who has a blinding method on them. I already faced a couple stand-offs and I can't be bothered to face another. I just pick up people and if they try to save, I get a free hit on them.

  • zHypnotism
    zHypnotism Member Posts: 79

    i sadly cannot determine dropped flashbangs as i am colorblind (and bhvrs colorblind filters don't really work with me) and i can quite often miss flashbangs being dropped especially with 3 people flashlight beaming around me... but yeah guess it's the only reliable counterplay flashbang has... rip controller players...

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 2,221

    You must have had a rough time with them but honestly as a survivor I find them to be nothing but a meme and mostly a waste of a perk slot

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,969

    You cant react to the flash. Best advice is when youre chasing a Survivor always keep in mind what item they have. This doesnt only help with Flashbangs, but also Medkits as you know if a Survivor just tried to pull a fast one on ya with a Styptic.

    When youve identified some one with a Flashbang, listen closely as you can hear it being dropped. Its a very subtle sound and depending on the killer can be very hard to hear, but its definitely possible.

    When you hear it drop, look away.

    (Same applies for Firecrackers, theyre much easier to deal with because of the much more distinct sound they make when dropped)

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,211

    Same. I love the idea of a more interactive perk like flashbang but I can never actually get it to work. Even at pallets when the killer is locked in an animation, I get the "killer is blinded" points maybe 50% of the time.

    Maybe there's some secret trick to get it to work consistently and not be so painfully easy for a killer to dodge it but I haven't figured it out yet...

  • Maelstrom808
    Maelstrom808 Member Posts: 685

    Yeah flashbacks tend to be easier to avoid than flashlights. They can adjust beamers but they have to get that drop timing and placement perfect to get a killer that is experienced with them.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,608

    From the title I honestly thought this was going to be a post about how Flashbang is a weak perk that's outclassed by so many perks you really only take it for funzies and asking for a buff to it. At least I can start my day with a surprise.

  • Rudjohns
    Rudjohns Member Posts: 2,318

    Balancing a game around SWF will kill the game

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,500

    Franklins is so good, though. Its not only that it disables an item for a time, it also leads to confusion, sadness and severe misplays on the survivors side. Mans survivors are grubbly little Goblins for their items and can't stand the thought that they are lying there on the floor, their charges ticking away, soon to be lost to the entity, and even if you down and hook a survivor, you can be sure that they will bee-line in the vast majority of the cases back to their item in order to pick it up. Sometimes they will even try to do this during looping, giving you a good opportunity to down them.

    Many survivors entire gameplan hinges on the item they bring to the table, and if you take that away, their resolve crumbles from the getgo. I love Franklins just for this psychological warfare factor :D

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    Billy is actually still a strong killer in my opinion alot of people just revolted after his nerf and dropped him, but if you run into an old school billy main it's gonna be a tough match

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,608

    In addition, when Otz did his experiment about survivors without items and with the strongest items he had about a 20% difference in escape rates if I remember correctly (about 54% escape rate to 74% escape rate). Franklins is a hard counter to that. It's situational but how many other single perks can shift the odds like that back to the Killer?

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,500

    I once had a TTV player as my opponent and when I watched his stream after the match he got SO salty and vocal about Franklins, it was insane --- insanely funny! "Waaaah! He brought Franklin? Whats going through the head of people that use Franklins? Its such a dumb perk! Only subhumans would even consider using it!". Something along this lines. Verdict: Franklins messes a lot with survivors gameplan and can induce salt from the very first hit.

  • DH3206
    DH3206 Member Posts: 281

    I guess you can just rage about something there is a solution for... And billy isn't that bad.

  • zHypnotism
    zHypnotism Member Posts: 79

    I said "one of the worst killers in the game" and in the next post admitted that he wasnt that bad, so your comment is a "bit rich from someone struggling to understand basic texts and reading forum posts" I can teach you how to read structured texts if you want... or if its the letters you're struggling with i could also teach the english alphabet, your choice...

  • AssortedSorting
    AssortedSorting Member Posts: 1,359

    Franklin's is literally one of the best perks in the game. It dumpsters Med-kits/Flashlights, and if survivors take the time to go pickup their items it's time spent not working on gens.

    I do not know why people don't use it more. But I know that Survivors typically find it uninteresting to have their items constantly knocked from their hands the first time they're hit in chase (plus the charge decay).

  • zHypnotism
    zHypnotism Member Posts: 79

    Running Lightborn every game in case survivors last second switch to flashlights isn't really a viable solution its just unnecessary self impairment but hey at least locker techs are being removed and about the billy thing, well... maybe you should just scroll up and read the entire thread...

  • zHypnotism
    zHypnotism Member Posts: 79

    the only problem is that not everyone want to spend more real money on a game they already paid for to get a pretty meh killer and like 1 good perk while the shrine is inconsistent as hell and some people also don't want to waste their shards to buy the overpriced perks from the shrine when they can get killers or survivors with them as well

  • AssortedSorting
    AssortedSorting Member Posts: 1,359
    edited October 2022

    Oh yeah. I unlocked that perks years ago. They really need to rework the Shrine of Secrets to increase the availability of Perks so Perks are easier to identify as being overtuned/undertuned/problematic or in a good spot via increased access.

  • Okonar_
    Okonar_ Member Posts: 499

    Flashbangs are fine, If they get a bang save props on them, its one of the few survivor perks thats actually fun and rarely I get caught by it. I like the AK-47 idea tho, would love to have one against the huntress mains :x

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347

    I find by looking up the moment you hear the drop, you'll avoid it every time.

    As for pick-ups, that's for the killer to be aware of. If concerned, briefly look around before the pick up. Flashbang is strong when it works, but the timing has to be pretty perfect, and even can blind the survivor (which is pretty funny).

  • SoylentPixie
    SoylentPixie Member Posts: 1,192
    edited October 2022

    Flash bang is one of the most unreliable (mostly due to user timing error admittedly) fiddly ass perks to use, and I very rarely see it being played, though I give kudos to anyone who manages a save with one. Getting a flashbang save is difficult if you don't know the timing, a second too late or too early, the killer hears that metallic 'tink' and can look up or just turn around.

    Every perk is irritating to the other side in some shape or form, some of them need looking at and nerfing, but flash bang really isn't one of them.

  • jinx3d
    jinx3d Member Posts: 519

    just always have it equpped if its such an issue for you. alternatively, look up

  • neb
    neb Member Posts: 790
    edited October 2022

    are you kidding me, are you actually non ironically complaining about flashbangs?

    though I shouldn't be surprised

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,025

    I wonder how you feel about firecrackers

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,608

    Franklin's is amazing. Why do I bring items? Because they noticeably increase my chance of escaping. What does Franklin's do? It eliminates that increased chance of escaping. If I see a group that looks like it's fully tricked out I bring Franklin's (unless I'm playing Pinhead in which case I always bring Franklin's because it and Hoarder is the best perk combo for him in my opinion).

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    Flash bangs are pretty weak, i avoid them really easily as killer. And it's a one shot.

  • TotemSeeker91
    TotemSeeker91 Member Posts: 2,358

    There's always a chance survivors can get a flashlight from a chest, and if you don't get value but still did good, you had a good game with only 3 perks, tada