Pharmacy readjust

I feel that Pharmacy should either make the first aid kit available when the chest is opened as before, or adjust it so that it is active when opened by pressing Q or E for an unopened chest.
This was due to the fact that the power is a little less than what we see in the current design and we felt that it did not fit Quentin's flavor.
It was a pretty severe nerf. Having to be injured before it works really ruined it.
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Just put it back to what it was. There was no logic to the change and its just useless now.
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Or make it work like residual manifest and let us rummage. The perk is useless, if your team manages to search a chest before you.
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I thought it would be better to do so as well, but I felt that would make it difficult to combine with <Residual Manifest> and the design would not fit.
I think Quentin is a character who prepares ahead of time, so I think it would be more beautiful as a flavor to make sure you get it from an unopened chest.
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Simple best buff idea. Though I may prefer Yellow medkit over Green. So the perk can be paired with Botany.