We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Garden of Joy

Ok, this is my healthy dose of venting. But I hate HATE Garden of Joy with a passion. The map is too dark to see whether you're in or out of the house. The house is unloopable, the jungle gyms and the bushes are trash, the cars and the randomly broken road are trash. I swear this map does all the work for the survivors.

Now some rando survivor will come and say Im salty. I dont care, I am. I hate this map. But I still wanna see what other people think of this map whether they be survivors or killers. What are your general opinions. I think this is by far the worst map. They 'fixed' Haddonfield and then created a new one



  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    I love the map esthetically, but I don't really like it as killer or as survivor.

    As killer, because that house is too damn dark ! I have just learnt last week about a whole part of the house I didn't know existed (the upstairs corridor that leads to a window) because I just never saw it ! The rest of the map is fine in terms of lighting in my opinion, and I don't play killers for whom collision is important so I can't speak for the bushes. I feel like the map also has truly horrendous hex totem spots as well.

    I don't really like getting it as survivor either, because for some reason I rarely get good games on it. But that's not in a rational way, I just rarely feel like playing on that map.

    I'd stil call RPD worse than Garden of Joy, though it's worse for everyone and not particularly one side.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,152

    I simply notice how my teammates can do tons of bad plays and still get out on this map.

  • FinestFantasyVI
    FinestFantasyVI Member Posts: 130

    I have to give it props that aesthetically it does rock. But its like the art team took predecence in map making and not the balancing team. I love the DBD art team to bits and pieces, but the balancing team needs to step in. I do play both sides, but Trickster is my pride and joy and I do side with killers more. But even so, I dont like it when a map is a stomp for any side. Killer nor survivor. But considering I play killer more, this really isnt a fun map for me. Granted not even as survivor. But that might be tainted from my killer experience

    The map IS dark and Im glad its not just me. This is kinda funny since there was a poll saying if day time maps should exist. I think after Garden of Pain, for sure its good to have light maps. Because with this and new Haddonfield. The devs kinda overkilled the darkness

    Funny enough, I just had those 2 maps back to back. I had Garden which was a triple Meg and a Mikaela, 0k ofc, when I wrote the og post. And after that East Wing RPD I finished now and had a 4k. I think the reworked RPD is so much better. Old RPD's greatest sin was pretty much that it was too faithful to the game since RE2 is a slow paced puzzle solving game, so it smap should be a large maze. But DBD is fast paced cat and mouse chase game, and a huge maze of RPD was hell with abusable libraray. New RPD is so much better since I actually know where and what connects and I can navigate so much better

  • FinestFantasyVI
    FinestFantasyVI Member Posts: 130

    exactly, i feel the map does all the work for survivors. You dont need to be a good looper to get away because a killer simply cant loop at all. The pallets, the windows, the bushes, the darkness. Every aspect of the map is just ... not good.

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    I'm still very bad at RPD, but that's on me for not taking the time to learn the layout (I don't feel like inflicting the map on others via offerings, so I should probably get into a custom at some point haha!). For now as survivor I hate it because I have absolutely no orientation whatsoever on that map.

    As killer it's literally 50/50, since it's a really powerful Hag map but a poor Legion one, so it's gonna be hit or miss for me most times. :)

  • Cybil
    Cybil Member Posts: 1,163
    edited October 2022

    Walking in with a meme build and loading up on this map is a near instant GG. Survivors have to make huge mistakes to lose there. I was once sent to Garden of Joy as scratched mirror Michael... not a good experience.

  • FinestFantasyVI
    FinestFantasyVI Member Posts: 130

    I dunno how, but somehow learning it came more naturally to me than the old one ever did. Like a missing piece of the puzzle falling into place. New RPD suits me great actually. I use Darkness Revealed, so I get a decent amount of aura reading and I know the blind spots if I dont see anyones aura. The corridors are tight for surviors, but not too tight, and my Trickster bias comes and says its perfect for a flurry of knives since they cant hide much. Plenty unsafe low wall loops. Im sure its hell for other killers tho. I dunno how they do it, but I do admire them when they do it and get a 4k, even if its on me. Sucks when Im tunneled or camped out by a Doctor or Wraith or Huntress. But eh, thats life

  • AcelynnBen
    AcelynnBen Member Posts: 1,012

    yea no.....that map is so dumb

    and weird enough m1 killers tend to get better killers than some killer with fancy powers which is really just weird and tbh the map is overloaded as hell

    a house a shack and a jungle gym, hell why not add a stairs to that bus with vault up top too....

    its basically haddonfield and springwood made a baby

    hell i would rather play on either of those maps than garden of joy

  • GooseMan
    GooseMan Member Posts: 104

    Yeah, Garden of Pain feels bad. Absolutely broken main house, stupid fence loop in the corner, tons of safe pallets, good luck playing killer with no anti-loop.

  • FinestFantasyVI
    FinestFantasyVI Member Posts: 130

    I never looked at it that way. God, it makes the map feel more disguisting. Yea, other maps have main building, shack and jungle gyms. But to compensate for it, they're bigger. Garden is so small in comparison to Mothers Dwelling or Thompson House and it makes it hell. Oh god

  • FinestFantasyVI
    FinestFantasyVI Member Posts: 130

    I knew its survivor sided. But whenever I go there, I specifically get blasted there and I wondered am I bad, because I always lose there and feel miserable there.

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    Oh I can see it being great on Trickster ! =D I actually got 4K'd by a Trickster there a couple of weeks ago haha !

    It's a really, really good map on Hag because it's not too large to teleport now, and unless survivors want to crouch at each doorway, there are bound to be traps they can't see and will run into =D

  • FinestFantasyVI
    FinestFantasyVI Member Posts: 130

    I heard that for Hags its tough to teleport to traps if there are multiple floors. I heard one complained about Midwich which surprised me. Granted, I never dared to play Hag yet. I'll wait for bots

  • BrightWolf
    BrightWolf Member Posts: 435

    The first time I played Trickster on GoJ I got stuck inside the house on an object I couldn't even see because it was so dark, it took me maybe a minute or two to free myself but by then at least two gens had popped and I had absolutely no pressure. At least the survivors were sympathetic in the post-game, so there was a silver lining.

    So, much like Midwitch and RPD, GoJ is aesthetically breathtaking no doubt about it, but absolutely poorly designed for a game like DbD.

  • BrightWolf
    BrightWolf Member Posts: 435

    The house on GoJ makes the Saloon in DDS seem like a walk in the park, Like I hate the DDS gen spawn location with a passion, literally the safest one on that map IMHO. But the house on GoJ is like a jungle gym and Shack had a baby, but fancy. It's just too safe and too dark to see anything as killer or survivor, like I don't play Dredge but I can only imagine just how painful Night Fall must look on that map.

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140
    edited October 2022

    It might be if they're using the addon that lets you teleport to untriggered traps, but I've never had a problem teleporting when on several floors when playing without it. The only time I can see it being a problem is if there are two traps simultaneously triggered, in which case you have to look towards the one you want to teleport to, but it's not that common in my experience.

    Anyway, good luck in your next games =)

  • FinestFantasyVI
    FinestFantasyVI Member Posts: 130

    Man, you at least have nice survivors. Mine were all toxic, tbagging, clicking, doing the loud noise notification vaulting. Like anything that can aggrevate you, they did it.

    Honestly, while the art team did a good job. I still find Eyrie more breathtaking than that. Even Ormond. Garden of Joy has a bad colour palette, at least to me. Its a bit ugly visually even tho me. Its like not day, not night, maybe dusk-ish. Idk, those colours do not work on me

  • GooseMan
    GooseMan Member Posts: 104

    Well, there is a thing about bad maps - killers will play more mean if they get them. If you know you can't afford a lot of chases it is always better to camp or tunnel someone. Like, you play Trapper and its Eerie of Crows? Time to camp the first person who gets to the hook.

    So this keeps those maps kinda manageable for killer. It is just unfun for everyone.

  • FinestFantasyVI
    FinestFantasyVI Member Posts: 130

    I actually managed to snipe some survivors on the saloon gen. They would be confused why the f am I throwing knives from way down there out of saloon. Some would crouch around confused and get hit. Some would be smart to go in the saloon. But yeah, with DeadDawg, I am uncertain how to loop that as well. But somehow, it still feels more fair.

  • FinestFantasyVI
    FinestFantasyVI Member Posts: 130

    Good to know. I'd love to try more killers. But with how punishing the game can be, I am afraid to go out of my comfort zone of Trickster and Legion, with the occassional Ghostie and Pyramid Head with a side of Plague. But Trickster and Legion by far. Im terrible at the other 3

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,555

    Your best play is to force a 3 gen in the empty grassy corner of the map where the ditch usually is, because if everyone takes advantage of the house it's gonna be pretty difficult for you. One good Balanced Landing play (which is just drop out of one of three elevated windows) and you wasted a huge chunk of time.

  • FinestFantasyVI
    FinestFantasyVI Member Posts: 130

    Good idea. I never tried to force a 3 gen. But if the spawn is ok for the gens. I'll try and go for that. Because my other option was just to go for the scummy tunnel and camp idea or be lame and farm it out so I dont get aggrevated. Im seriously not having any fun at that map. A 3 gen should be interesting

  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785

    Billy main here, made a post a few days back about why I despise it. A lot of loops you can't mindgame on, and to make things worse, not only can you not use his chainsaw near the bushes cause how big their hitboxes are, but you can't use it on the roof of main building either.

    Visually it's stunning, more so than a lot of the fantastic looking maps in this game, but game play wise it's a disaster.

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,555

    a good portion of the time two gens will spawn in that corner, if the 3rd gen is anywhere near that corner, you should have at least a slightly better time than your average Garden of Joy map.

    I can tell you personally ive had matches swing heavily against me and the team i was matched up with because we ignored the 3 gen.

  • Beatricks
    Beatricks Member Posts: 857

    It's free MMR reduction. If I hook everyone I consider it a victory. And if they throw, all the sweeter.

  • xni6_
    xni6_ Member Posts: 505

    a bottom 3 map. id say the worst map. the collisions were made in minecraft, the main building is a psuedo-infinite, main building is way too dark, map is way too big, there are way too many safe pallets.

    if i get garden i just facecamp my first down and tunnel that person out if they get saved, its pointless trying to do anything else.

  • jajay119
    jajay119 Member Posts: 1,035

    I dislike the map a lot. It just feels like a lazy hodge podge of all the maps they've created so far with no really thought behind it. Certainly no attempt to tie it into the theme of the Dredge.

    It's bland, uninspired and boring to play on. I know killers think its survivor sided but honestly apart from the house and the shack, as with many maps that have main buildings, there is a tonne of dead space and poor loops etc. Its not fun for either side I don't think.

    They should have spent more time on repurposing Hawkins as a Resident Evil lab map than bothering to tinker with the RPD, to have no real impact, and put this mess together.

  • FinestFantasyVI
    FinestFantasyVI Member Posts: 130

    I believe I actually read that a while back. Yeah its hell not just for a Trickster, but for Chainsaw bros. Thats why I mentioned the bushes actually. They're terrible for Bubba, and the map is too cluttered for a Billy

  • BrightWolf
    BrightWolf Member Posts: 435

    I got lucky with that particular game, since the survivors kind of realised how screwed over I was by the RNG. No one had a map offering, the game just decided to send us there. On a different note, I can't stand rapid fast vaulting in the EGC, just open up the gate and leave. I'm sorry the survivors were awful to you in that game though, just feels bad man.

    Oh I love Eyrie quite a bit as well, it's very aesthetically pleasing even if the main building is a little too strong imho, especially with that totem spawn that can cover the entire map. Ormond is also a very lovely map, just the isolation factor alone makes it creepy af. Would personally love to do urban exploration on that map, if it was an irl location.

    I can kind of see where you're coming from with the colour pallet choices of GoJ, I think they wanted to capture a place that had been corrupted by a dark magic vibe, which they nailed ofc. But they went a little overboard in some places, like too much in one area and not enough in another. Like GoJ certainly feels like a real space that was turned into a pocket dimension, but idk, you're right that there is something "off" about the map.

  • BrightWolf
    BrightWolf Member Posts: 435

    Cut Through and/or Edge of Revival has certainly helped to defend that gen from the ground, but it's just a pita to get up there to either kick or pressure off. It's a spawn that I feel should be like really rare or shouldn't have so many escape routes for survivors, idk how I'd balance it.

  • FinestFantasyVI
    FinestFantasyVI Member Posts: 130

    Interesting, good to know. Pray I never go there. I swear, naming it Garden of Joy feels like a slap in the face

  • BrightWolf
    BrightWolf Member Posts: 435

    Oooooooooh, so that's why so many of my knives! I thought I was just having bad luck and that the survivors were just dodging and looping like gods, but the environment just has crappy hitboxes...Holy crap it's like playing Minecraft... xO

  • FinestFantasyVI
    FinestFantasyVI Member Posts: 130

    I consider it a win if I get a hook at all or even a hit. Thats one of my weakest maps, poorest performance sadly

  • FinestFantasyVI
    FinestFantasyVI Member Posts: 130

    You see, thats my problem, I played too nice. I try to avoid camping and tunneling. And I even bring some fun or generally not popular perks. I mix that with some popular ones. But maybe I should try to 3 gen it and play scummy.

  • FinestFantasyVI
    FinestFantasyVI Member Posts: 130

    Honestly, I might make this a new thread, but I always thought they should take Hawkins and reskin it into a Blight map of an alchemy lab. Since we do have RE maps and all that. Despite me being a Trickster simp, I think it'd be cool if Blight got a new map first, then Twins and lastly Trickster. Its shame they got skipped in the map department since they're all very notable killers to me. Blight being a new meta killer, Twins being the new Pig and laughing stock (I still respect them) and well Trickster is also noteworthy as he brought us Starstruck, No Way Out and well, I can continue, but I dont wanna get off topic

  • FinestFantasyVI
    FinestFantasyVI Member Posts: 130

    lmao, I did legit see a Hag complain about it. It blindsided me, Im a trash survivor with my survival rate being 20%ish. 40% at best

  • FinestFantasyVI
    FinestFantasyVI Member Posts: 130

    I might as well start to play that way, tbh. I try to start chases and find the weak link or when I do, I dont tunnel and I camp at when gates are powered. I should play more mean

  • xni6_
    xni6_ Member Posts: 505

    midwich is rough for hag if you dont know how to play the map as her tbf

  • FinestFantasyVI
    FinestFantasyVI Member Posts: 130

    UPDATE: A new Garden of Joy game. I felt obligated to share my result since you guys made this happen. Thank you. Playing scummy paid off. Haddie escaped via hatch and they only did 2 gens.

    This is not my playstyle, but if it works it works.

    If you're wondering what my third perk is. Its Monitor & Abuse, wanted to try it out since I got Doctor and wanted to try his all perks. Im using a Trickster perk pack

  • FinestFantasyVI
    FinestFantasyVI Member Posts: 130

    omg same the fast vaulting and im like "Really? Is this what you wanna do?"

    I swear survivors are lucky only Ghostface can tbag

    Eyrie honestly I dont mind as much, because its much more visually pleasing to me and its not cluttered. But again, Art Team doing its thing instead of Balancing Team.

    Ormond is beautiful, the snow and day time make it quite unique of a map. Even tho I dont win much on Ormond, I still love it

    Mmm, most likely thats what they went for. I know that its very lore accurate. But it does feel too much even from an art perspective. A real L of a map

  • FinestFantasyVI
    FinestFantasyVI Member Posts: 130

    I heard from survivors that the saloon gen is best to be done first so they can later loop there without interrupting someone. Its a real annoying gen and Im glad its not just me. I just tend to think Im bad xD

  • FinestFantasyVI
    FinestFantasyVI Member Posts: 130

    Naaah, the bushes are solid and terrible. The same trip me up at Eyrie where those stupid branches are solid. I wanna hit through those brances since theres an obvious opening and I see the survivor unobstructed. It also trips me up since I know Trickster can hit knives through small crevices, like the huge bulldozer thing at Coldwind. The place where a survivor can vault on a hay thing, theres a small hole and I can hit their legs and down them. I can also hit survivors through the closed shack window through the small holes of boarded up window. But, I cant get it thru an Eyrie bush because its a rock basically

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,267
    edited October 2022

    Honestly, Garden of Joy has grown on me.

    The bushes still have bullshit hitboxes, and the upstairs of the house is still way too dark, but despite that, I'm not too fussed if I end up on this map as either killer or survivor. I've had decent games as both roles on this map.

    If they fixed those two things, it would basically be a variation of Thompson House.

  • FreddyVoorhees
    FreddyVoorhees Member Posts: 369

    Played today on it as a Trapper. Bloody Coil + Honing stone traps on all 3 doors. Guess what happened next when I placed a survivor in a basement.. Not to mention I rigged all nearby tiles as well .

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    Played my first game on it a couple of nights ago and im not kidding, can't believe that its never come up.

    Absolutely loved it though, the atmosphere is superb and I love the aesthetic. Was against a ghostface who started so well but completely fell apart once we split up. I imagine its a difficult map for killers mind.