Locker saves removed but no eruption rework?
The logic behind preventing locker flashlight saves is because there is no way to counter it as the killer, fair enough. However, as a survivor in solo queue there is no reasonable way to counter the overpowered killer perk, eruption. So why is it ok for killers to have play styles with no counter but not ok for survivors? Yet another way to unbalance the game and force people to play killer.
Just dont repair Gens, then you countered Eruption, 5head.
Jokes aside, Eruption needs adjustments, this is for sure. However, Perk Updates are usually done in Midchapter-Patches and they are usually not Part of Dev-Updates unless they are reworking a bunch of Perks.
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Whilst I understand and agree that Eruption could be friendlier to solo queue, I don't really understand why you think these two things are comparable. If BHVR had to make changes to everything that had awkward/unenjoyable counterplay in one patch, we'd never get changes in the first place.
I'm sure they'll look at Eruption in the future.
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I mean BHVR stated that awhile back that SoloQ QoL was in the works, while we dont know the extent of it, maybe it will include some important information which makes them not want to change Eruption? Idk, I never had an issue with locker saves since I just ignore the survivors doing it until they are the last two survivors.
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It might still come. Dev Updates are about the big changes, not individual nerfs/buffs. 6.1 was an exception, because the enitre point of that mid-chapter was balance changes.
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Dev's don't seem to have a problem reworking perks when they're survivor perks, MoM? Blast mine? No one asked for these survivor perk changes but devs did it randomly anyway when nobody asked for them. So why can't they change a killer perk e.g. 1 second delay before the gen explodes for example, easy. Literally so many people have asked for this perk to be changed and they refuse yet they change survivor perks for no reason.
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So many people asked for MoM changes, both times it was changed. Same with a lot of the other perk changes that get made.
This isn't an us vs them.
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Eruption was designed to be a surprise. The fact that SWFs can bypass this with third party software, doesn't change the fact that eruption is intended to be a surprise.
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I don't think these two things are related? One is a game mechanic and the other is a perk. As much as I want an Eruption rework, they're allowed to change one of these things without the other.
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my guy, everything at a time.
eruption will probably get changed pretty soon. however let's take a moment to appreciate these coming changes especially bullshit locker saves.
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Dev blogs aren't often focus on balance changes unless it's something notable. Eruption can always get a nerf in the upcoming 6.4, but since 6.4 is a chapter patch don't expect any balance changes to come. It's not often we get balance changes in a chapter patch unless something in that chapter is forcing the change (i.e. franklins and Nemesis).
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These two aren't related at all but I do think eruption should be toned down. To be incapacitated for do long is annoying
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I would thank god for an eruption rework, I play mostly solo Q and teammates don't stick to gens already and when they do it explodes and everyone just kinds of give up.
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Two counters to eruption; let go of the gen prior to a down and winning a chase which prevents the perk altogether. To a lesser extent there is also trapping the gen with blast mine or the one that wraps the gen in entity arms.
Someone might say,"I can't know that playing solo". Yes you can, perks can equip you with the ability to see almost everything in a match.
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That is not true. Even if you have Empathy and Windows, and you can track where the chased teammate is and whether or not they have a loop, you can't see the killer, and there is no perk that will reliably give you information on them - Object/Alert/Dark Sense are the closest you've got, and those all fire at very limited times. You can't know when the teammate going to go down because you can't see how close the killer is to them.
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They removed locker saves?
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yes, thankfully
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Ah, they changed one thing and gave a compensation buff, so a completely unrelated thing should also be changed.
DBD forums logic at it's finest.
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Others have beat me to it, but to be very clear: Just because you don't see something in this update doesn't mean it'll never be changed. There's only so much bandwidth for changes in each update. Between everything discussed today and a new Chapter, there simply isn't any time for perk changes in this release.
That said, the logic of "if this why not that" quite literally does not get anyone anywhere. If we hold changes until everything that we want to change happens all at once, there simply would not be any updates at all. The todo list is very long and always growing. It would literally take years to get everything in at once, and that's assuming nothing else comes up in the meantime.
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Apples v Bananas...
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This is a ridiculous answer. Solo queue players have no way of knowing when a teammate is going to go down. Even with Empathy you can tell where an injured teammate is being chased but you don't know when they're gonna get hit. Do you suggest to just never do a gen if there's an injured person being chased? That's ludicrous.
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the comparision makes 0 sense but i agree on eruption needing a nerf, swf coutners it by discord BUT solo q gets destroyed by this perk.
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Empathy alone can show signs, it's up to the individual to act on them. I'm not waiting for the down when I can see them break from a loop only to start making indecisive movements.
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Maybe you find it difficult. Empathy shows the teammates movement which is a good indicator of the chase. Add alert and I can monitor how much distance they are maintaining. I do my gens and react accordingly to the info available.
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You could just let go of the gen if you know the killer has eruption and think the survivor will go down. It's not much and it's a gamble but, it's better than doing nothinf also saying Eruption is Overpowered is kinda stretching it when Pain res is better overall.
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The irony... You listed a bunch of 'miserable' aspects of playing Survivor but conveniently skip over the fact that the historical advantages and mechanical imbalances given to Survivors upon the game's foundation led to the gen regression meta, tunneling/camping being used more often by already-experienced-in-chase Killers instead of just inexperienced Killers and many more domino effects in the first place. Your biased and selfish attitude is ironically the root cause of all these changes that you cry about. SWFs killed? SWFs are the most coddled sub-faction within this game's community lmfao how are they all of a sudden killed because you can't get cheesy locker saves anymore?
Just reread your hilariously biased Survivor commentary on all the threads real quick, ask yourself if the Survivor experience ESPECIALLY as SWF is actually miserable or are you just miserable? You play the easiest role in the game and act like an oppressed victim over the most miniscule things ever. You're probably the same type of person who was celebrating the mori/basekit unbreakable PTB and telling Killers its not a big deal that a pressure mechanic is being reworked yet look at you crying that something as small as locker saves are the death of the game 🤣
I SWF too but the difference is I don't exclusively play it or rely on it. Some of you really need to play top% Killer lobbies and top% Solo lobbies so you can get off your delusional high-horse and back to reality. I don't mean MMR either, I'm talking about going against the absolute best players on both sides as Solo and Killer regardless of what their invisible # is. Your perspective on the game will change dramatically (Unless you're just extremely biased) and you will feel a lot more sympathy for every role. SWFs have it the easiest by far, you're literally in no position to be complaining about anything if you mainly run in one and can't fathom playing without using lockers or flashlights
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They should never fix anything then, unless it's all done at once. Including things that aren't related to each other. Should've just left the game as it was in alpha and spent 5 years working on a megapatch.
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Why people run Eruption in the first place ? Because gen rushing is a BIG problem.
They have to fix Medkits and COH first
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Okay so we can't get rid of locker saves until we nerf eruption and we can't nerf eruption until we nerf medkits, what's next in line?
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I don't see a relation between those 2 things. This looks like cherry picking for me just for the sake of complaining.
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Can't nerf medkits until you nerf Nurse and Blight, they down survivors too fast and the team needs the fast heals.
You also can't nerf medkits until you buff solo queue because you can't count on your teammates for a heal.
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balance the game i guess
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I can't tell if this is sarcasm, but what do you think the nerfs will be? They are not going to change total charges, it's probably going to green med kit speed and speed up add-ons. 4 med kits that heal in 12 seconds and those survivors should only lose to blight and nurse if they are running something almost as disgusting and they are better than the survivors.
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That still doesn't tell you if they're gonna go down soon. You don't know if they have Dead Hard or even if they do if they're gonna time it well to extend that chase. What if the killer is near them but they make it to a window? What if it's a killer that's playing around pallets or just ignores them? Then Alert is useless.
It's unrealistic for anyone not on voice coms to effectively counter Eruption. You are basically telling people to just not do gens if someone is injured and in chase.
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It's sarcasm - I'm just building off the previous post that we're not allowed to fix anything until we go through a giant chain of changes that upheaves the game, because the idea that we can't fix one thing without fixing everything else that's tangentially related is hilariously prohibitive.
I don't think medkits need any changes except capping the maximum possible heal speed modifier lower (so crazy things like botany + desperate measures + green medkit + coh don't end up with stupid 4 second heals.)
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No, your just breaking it down into bad advice. It's up to us to determine when or if letting go is the right choice. I'm not saying the perk gives a clear sign of when a down will happen, im saying it gives us the opportunity to read our teammates movement for judgment calls.
Another thing would be that eruption is only a factor after you've been chased off a gen; another use for alert as it will tell which gens are prepped to explode next.
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In the past, a nerf to Memento Mori and the key was announced at the same time.
And I remember that in the subsequent update, only Memento Mori received the nerf first.
Perhaps we should know that it is virtually impossible to change everything in one update. But still, I would like to see a list of bugs and systems that you plan to fix.
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Eruption is the biggest perk issue this game has right now, incredibly punishing to solo queue in particular, and still no word on it being fixed?
If the list of to-do things is so long, maybe it is time for a balance patch rather than constantly churning out new killers/survivors. I know, I know. Different teams for different tasks. So why does it seem like the game health/QOL team doesn't have many people working on it?
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The overall point is that bhvr has a really questionable priority list considering there are things that need adjustments much more than either locker saves and eruption, yet here we are
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Well we have seen the same time and time again from the devs.
Mori -> easy change -> boom, done immediately
Keys -> more complicated (in theory) -> took them some time (a year, to implement a lazy solution)
Same here:
Locker blind -> easy(?) change -> boom, done +compensation
The other problems mentioned -> a whole mess of changes -> eta whenever (and if we are unlucky, more of those sloppy fixes we have gotten sometimes or straight up scrapped)
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I use eruption a lot and in half my games it never triggers. I kick the gens but it seems like some people have learnt when to stop repairing. I would say maybe 5 seconds after the injure if it's a good nurse, blight or any ranged killer. Maybe 10 seconds if it's an M1.
I don't complain if it doesn't trigger in a match as I know the risks when I equip the perk. I would say knock the inactive time down but you would have to raise the damage caused to compensate for it. Or it could damage and block the gen for the inactive time and remove it completely from survivors. There are other perks that can be used for that though.
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I find eruption just fine plus hoe often do u see a killer run eruption and i live the nerf to flashlights also love how everyone is complaining about the locker saves but not talking about the fact they increased to blinding window for regular flashlight saves
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Can y'all ever let survivors get rightfully nerfed without killers also getting a nerf? Or killers getting a buff without survivors getting a buff as well?
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Those changes are like the worst examples you could make, as they were complained into being reverted near enough instantly. Killers complaining about nerfed Pop and Ruin though? Radio silence.
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I'd like to see something done about tunneling/facecamping first before eruption. It's just such an unfun strategy killers can rely on to sometimes guarantee an easy win. But the worst thing about it is the grade system declaring you should lose a pip for being tunneled. The locker abuse was an unfun strat that bully survivor squads used. Now just gotta figure out a way to discourage killers from tunneling, while also maybe slightly buffing the killer in some other areas. Though they would all have to be looked at individually, since we can't just buff killers in general, and just make nurse stronger than she already is.
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eruption has a counter. If you know someone is injured and going to go down soon, get off the gen, the same way you counter painres
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hell, gen kicking builds are atrocious to go against, matches last for like 40 minutes because the killer keeps removing 30%+ progress every time he decides to kick it
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eruption and locker saves are by no means comparable... while eruption is annoying as hell when playing survivor and very stale and boring you can at least heal up, count seconds, tap gens and the hud tells you when the obsession is in chase for example to try and avoid the incapitated status (I know all these options aren't great but at least some little form of evasion / counterplay exists) also, killers need to kick gens to activate eruption which potentially gains little to no value and it takes a lot of time to walk to every single gen on the map while locker saves are only done when the killer is near / busy with the survivors being chased and thus will always get value and only requires lockers (which are verywhere since dredge release) to set up. So while eruption might need to get tuned down locker saves are on a different level of broken and even an unintended mechanic so for the fairness of removing other unintended mechanics such as blights hug tech NEEDS to be removed asap
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Eruption must have a delay before activating like 1-2 seconds, because it's impossible to know in solo q when another monkey brain teammate is going down and 26 seconds or whatever of incapacitated is just ending games.
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Hear that guys - just know when they are going down. If you don't I guess you just do nothing next to a gen while someone is injured or everyone is exposed. Take longer than the 25 seconds.