Nurse nerf
When is nurse gonna get rework , not really rework just needs to delete both ranges and make blinking to be a m2 because with starstruck and range is really unfun and unhealthy. I don't have a problem with nurse but with those things you can't do anything even she is bad. Lol I don't want any hate :)
Hard nah.
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This is new, usually it's nerf nurse, but now it's nurse nerf, we're getting very creative
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Actually yeah that works, I just wish her basekit was a bit less punishing in exchange for nerfing her addons.
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Guessing by your profile you a nurse main so I expected that
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Anytime somebody discusses why Nurse Needs nerfs (which I do think she needs), the Nurse mains come and cry about it because they want their free wins every match, pretty sad if you ask me.
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If we are in agreement that her addons need changing I'm all for it... but if we are talking about an overall change then no
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You've resorted to calling multiple people a nurse main today to reinforce your points. Simmer down.
If that's what you think crying is, you have a personal problem.
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Do you have any vods of you attempting to evade a Nurse? As she is one of my mains, I may be able to offer you some pointers.
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Edit: sorry, i'm confused about m2 on the ptb
Post edited by StrangeGuy on0 -
Yep, nurse needs a rework. And spirit too.
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Fern esrun
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What's funny about this whole nerf nurse debate is the players defending nurse are less skilled, and with less game knowledge than those asking for her nerf. And yet those players defending nurse in her current state are telling the better players they need to learn to play. It is facinating.
Post edited by Gcarrara on1 -
I'm sorry, but that is a dismally absurd claim.
In fact, one can call that confirmation bias. You're no more informed than the people you think you're calling out.
Post edited by Gcarrara on5 -
Sure, it may seem like confirmation bias, but it is the only logical explanation for this issue.
I am a top player/streamer on my server who has uploaded footage both as and against nurse on here proving I know exactly what I am talking about.
Two of the main nurse defenders who have shown up in basically every thread about nurse have proven they are at best average at the game (through gameplay footage and self-admission).
Not only on my server, but also NA and Europe, all the most skilled streamers admit nurse is busted. Even ones who main nurse admit she is too powerful.
The only people defending nurse on these forums who have uploaded gameplay footage have shown themselves to have little gameplay knowledge, and those who haven't shown gameplay footage have a perfect chance to do so now. It is quite obvious that the only reason they think Nurse is in a fine state is because their personal skill at the character isn't up to par.
That's the only explanation that makes sense. Unless you have a different way to explain why nurse has been the only character complained about consistently since her creation, all the top players admit she is OP, and basically all the people defending her on the forums, amusingly, have nurse profile pictures.
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No. It IS confirmation bias. There are multiple veterans will differing views and ideas on what could change on nurse. I rarely hear the term "busted" from any of the big streamers but I do hear "strong".
Outright claims and labeling such as yours are absurd and naive and as a veteran with experience, you should know better.
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Show me one veteran who believes nurse does not need to be toned down or reworked. I'll wait.
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Lowest killer rate at October 2022.
Her power is used to move around the map, not just to hit people.
Have you ever tried nurse on the switch? Hope you can update your post when you do.
It's ok to loose against strong players with strong builds.
Ps. I am a "survivor main"
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I never said she didn't need to be toned down or reworked. You're putting words in my mouth. I was simply correcting that I've rarely heard any high end streamers call Nurse "busted".
See? You're so far in your own ideology that you're right and everyone else is wrong and a bad player that you don't even read anything comments that could potentially disagree with your own opinion.
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I escape more Nurses than Plagues
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I escape any killer more than nurse
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I don't know about that as I m farely average but my feedback is this.
I just would like people to chill with these nerfs calls...
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The problem is that nurse plays so different to any other killer, and denies most mechanics surv have while looping. Combined with her blink attack proc ing starstruck, jolt, sloppy, and the terrible, horrendous MMR that matches you with god nurse after god nurse, it is hard not to hate this killer.
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i agree with blink hits being a special, i think she should keep her green range (and lose green recharge) tho
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You also can't do anything if a Huntress or Bubba decide to camp the hook or if a dpi enjoyer Blight has Blighted Crow + Alchemist's Ring, its a guarantee loss for the survivor team and yet its allowed.
Now i know this isn't entirely related to your post but in someway its is.. many unfair things are present in this game and this three i mentioned are more urgent imo because how often we see a Nurse?
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By removing the Nurse's terror radius when she carries a survivor on her shoulders, she will no longer have any advantage in using Starstruck.
Problem solved.
And it's not really a problem that she doesn't have a terror radius when she's carrying a survivor, since she can't teleport at that time, and the other survivors know exactly where she is.
Or don't set its radius to 0, but reduce it to, say, 5 meters, if you really want it to continue being "visible".
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The thing with Nurse is that her base speed is so low, that she would never hit a regular M1 attack, besides the rare lunges that survivors missjudge, so she couldn't use half the perks if her Blicks were just M2 special attack.
But we all know how oppressive stuff like Starstruck Nurse can be, so in the past the most even minded voice advocated for tube first Blink to be an M1 and the second Blink be an M2 special attack.
I think that this would be the best approach: Nurse could still use all perks, but it would add a skill and tactical component.
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If you want the second blink of the nurse to be an M2, you have to rework all the hit perks so that it activates in M1 and M2 (the hit perks are not too much of a worry with the nurse, if we exclude Franklin and Noed, but frankly, these two perks don't make any sense in themselves, so ...)
The problem is that if you unlock these perks (e.g. Jolt) for the M2, it could also benefit the M2 of the other killers.
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I'd give up jolt and other M1 perks on nurse just to see her not being able to capitalize on exposed ever again
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What they are saying is not making them work for M2s but making the First Blink attack be a Basic while all other blinks after it are special attacks. That way those perks will still be viable but not for all her attacks.....
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It's funny how Survivor mains will say "Nurse mains crying" yet it's literally the survivor mains constantly crying for Nurse nerfs and won't shut up about it till somethings done. Remember when Nurse got her rework about a year or so ago when BHVR started reworking Killers then everyone after that said she was fine as her play rate and kill rate dropped massively? (still remains one of the lowest) People unlike yourselves "got good" and you can't handle that and just want everything you don't like nerfed to make the game easier for yourselves on top of already given hand holding mechanics.
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If you want to prevent the nurse from taking advantage of Startstruck, just delete her terror radius when she carries a survivor, thus depriving her of Strastruck, without changing the perk.
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The problem is that the first blink is usually used to get closer to the target 🤔
It's the second blink that is used for the attack.
In some cases, the first blink can be enough, but you have to be sure to make a perfect one, or play against a survivor who runs straight 😁
Even the best nurses often validate their move with a second blink, even when the first blink brings them right behind their target.
Especially since apart from NOED and Franklin, who are just boring perks, the others like Jolt, Sloopy Butcher, Knock Out, etc. are not overly strong, and do not turn the nurse into a living God 🤗
It is much more advisable to take care of making her impossible for her to access Strastruck, for example 😄
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You're upset because I said 'busted'? Sure, change it to 'OP'. Same difference...
I can easily admit when I'm wrong. I admitted I was wrong about Dead hard not needing a nerf. But sure, make up whatever you'd like about me.
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Nurse definitely needs work, she’s far too strong and the only reason her kill rate is so low is because people DC against her rather than let her drag out the round. Only nurse mains disagree they literally patrol the forum for any discussion with nerf and nurse in the title to moan and keep their free wins. Don’t worry devs won’t balance her you can go and get your easy kills!! Her only positive is it’s good to have a variety in killer skill levels as she’s the easiest to master and learn in the game for people who just want to win and tbf I see her every 20 rounds maybe and they end in 5 minutes anyway.
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I believe you are describing a cool killer to play with (and against).
I personally always had fun playing against nurses. When I got bullied I appreciated how good was the other person and the match ended rather quickly.
We need to be able to call on us when things don't work.
When I play as a Nurse I am able to get some people that would loop me for a while with other killers, but that's just because they are bad at looping the Nurse. I never started a match thinking I would win 100% or even close to that. People should stop giving up calling nerfs and so on. Most of the reason why you loose its you (your team).
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A little ot.
In order to win, with the gens times, you don't have to loop killers for minutes but be efficient working well together using the maps and your build/items.
If you happen to use 0/1 perks, no items, and go around the map without a clear plan, you don't "deserve to win" at high MMR. As very good teams are able to handle every killer. Making the right sacrifices.
There are very few players in the world that make the strongest killer in the game strong enough to win on 99%. Consider them gods. And don't compare to them.
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Maybe you could have fun with nurse, my fun in nurse games disappears when in 3 min everyone is downed because we are on a small map and the nurse brings agi-starstruck.
Truth is, even in the matches where my teammates dont DC or kill themselves on hook, almost everytime it still is a 4k for nurse. I have escaped once a few days ago after a four month losing streak.
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Rebalancing in that way should come directly from devs. And it would mean making her less unique.
Do you really prefer her being 4.2 and her blinks special attacks? At the end of the day it wouldn't be much different. Just less special.
Also you are hating on the strongest killer of the game. There is always gonna be one. Now the Nurse is getting all this attention but just wait a certain killer takes her place and we are talking about someone else.
It's fun to play against Nurses. And the few times I play as her I would like her to be different from the other killers.
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Starstruck Nurse is only effective in low and mid MMR. If you find yourself decimated in 3 minutes with no come back consider yourself average and focus on improving your playstyle. I am nothing better than that as a survivor myself.
When I play as a Nurse I can assure starstruck is not the way to go at high MMR. Because people are gonna split on the farest gens and rescue last minute. You won't make the same value. At least not the build you described.
To be fair, since it may become very oppressive it is worth having concerns about it being "too strong" but my point is: it shouldn't become insufferable.
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No. Again you're NOT reading.
You made an absolutely absurd claim that people defending nurse on the forums are bad with an attitude that you know better than anyone else. This is not only provocative but an overreach.
When a thread claiming she needs nerfs pops up and there is no mention of what these nerfs are (or are very vague like this one), It is no surprise that some users will jump to her defense because they don't want her to become gutter waste like poor Freddy did.
Cool it with the attitude and stop going out looking for a fight. It's completely unnecessary and just makes you look somewhat foolish.
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You're the one looking foolish getting all worked up like this.
That claim isn't the least bit absurd. The people defending nurse in her current state are either nurse mains who just want her to stay OP, ignoring balance, or people who aren't actually good enough at the game to see why she is OP. There is no other group. I have been in many posts like this and every poster defending nurse falls into one of those two categories.
In this case, yeah, I do know better than the vast majority of posters who have talked about this topic.
I'd rather you didn't reply to this. Your posts have added nothing to the discourse.
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If nerfing Nurse made my killer ques quicker, I'd be all up for it.
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I am average yes, but understand that low MMR, mid MMR, or high mmr means nothing in soloQ.
I made a thread some time ago, where i was constantly matched against 6k, 8k nurses even if i am losing constantly against them.
Even if i can up my playstyle, i really depend on the other 3 to still be able to last against her in chase. And i cant really blame them if they dont last 20sec, as the main counterplays to nurse are laughable (the "be unpredictable" and "break LOS").
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You'd rather me not reply? Goodness you really do have an attitude of arrogance. You don't get to make the decision on who comments on what nor are you correct with the claims you make that you know better than anyone else.
If you don't want to be challenged on these claims, then don't make them to begin with.
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I agree. I believe it impossible altering her to a level that will please both sides and not kill the Nurse's fundamental mechanics. It's a very rocky slope which is why I am encouraging staying civil and just engaging in discussion rather than criticizing each other or chest pumping about who knows better. Nurse is played in all tiers of skill play and everyone is entitled to have a say on what concerns them.
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This is evidence of poor matchmaking and something I think we are all frequent victims of. Hopefully the coming changes help somewhat but I'm doubtful it will change much. But standard players should not be getting matched with Nurses and Blights that have the killers mastered.
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SoloQ is not the best way to enjoy a game that as a design lets you choose between playing as a survivor or a killer. Why don't you try to play killer when you are alone and with your friends more ? It' s literally how the game is designed, it is normal to be in a little disadvantage with no people to coordinate with.
To escape a Nurse you cannot play as the other killers, there are a lot of elements you can use to escape a chase.
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Maybe also because people are never happy :) when it comes to these discussions. Something more worth thinking about than how actually this killer works. A lot of people need a break from this game and keep building a frustration meter.
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If I could upvote this multiple times I would.
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Hey everyone, let's please stick to discussing the topic at hand and not bring arguments and negative comments against players themselves into this, please.
It's possible to have a discussion about this without singling out players. Let's ensure that doesn't happen going forward, please.
Thank you!