Suicide, DC, suicide, suicide.
That's been every game today :)
BHVR, fix this rubbish seriously. Start insta banning people if you must I just want to play a damn game... or give me a full refund on the couple hundred £ I have spent on this game just to not be able to actually play a SINGLE NORMAL GAME
it won't solve the problem. so that people don't dc it is necessary for matchmaking to work not only for the killer but also for the survivors. if the killer loses, they give him weak survivors. if the survivor loses, then they don’t give him a weak killer.
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What are you on about? I'm lost what any of that has to do with entitled players giving up over silly things and ruining every game?
Matchmaking wont matter if you never get an actual game to play, cant win a 3v1 straight of the bat or even a 2v1
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do you think people dc every match? this is not possible many times. it's just that people start protesting because they die in every match. killers are too strong. and this is a question for bhvr. why?
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Theres a lot more DCs over the past few months, so maybe look at the cause and not the symptom.
Ultimately people who DC arent having fun, multiple reasons, sometimes just pure ego, but thats nothing new and doesnt explain the increase.
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Nurse and Blight are the only two killers that are overtuned. All the rest of them are perfectly fine or even weak and survivors have every chance of doing well against them provided they don't just give up straight away. Yes, even after the global killer buffs and increased gen speeds most killers are balanced or outright weak.
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there are soloq survivors who died in 90% of matches. after the changes they began to die 100% of the matches. game to balance swf-killer. about the fact that there is a soloq bhvr does not want to think. for a soloq bhvr need to return what it was in 2016-2018 years. I mean fog, lighting, pallets and more. other modes need to be developed. the problem is not the dc people. problem in bhvr.
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Take a break. Solo is unplayable atm. Maybe it will be better after the event is over.
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Solo queue is an issue and I do hope they address the problems with it soon but anyone who was dying in 90% of their matches before the changes is just absolutely terrible at the game. Assuming matchmaking is working even at some tiny level those players would be at the absolute bottom and being paired with actual baby killers and if they're -still- losing nearly all their games at that level I just don't know what to tell you, it's cerainly not BHVR's issue at that point.
Also while solo queue is in a bad state right now (I mean it's always been in a bad state to be fair), it's certainly not unplayable like many people claim. I play survivor about half the time and only play in solo queue and have reasonable success in my games. I'm an absolute terrible looper but I can still escape at a decent rate because assuming matchmaking is working correctly, I end up matched against average killers.
The absolute biggest issue with solo queue at the moment, and the biggest thing that costs solo players games, is other survivors DCing and killing themselves on hook. That has a far bigger effect on escape rates than the killer buff patch ever did.
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this is bhvr problem. I die in 9 out of 10 matches and you know what? I keep playing against killers for 2000+ hours. where is the matchmaking? no need to say that someone is bad. give the people a just adversary. if a survivor dies that often, give him a killer for 100 hours. what is the problem?
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That's funny it's nothing to do with protesting at all I had survivors DC against Trapper....and only after they got caught in a trap...
They don't like the Killer they face.....DC
They don't like the Map......DC
The Killer found them first.....DC
Got downed too fast.....DC
The Killer looked at them.....DC (yes this has happened to me as Demopuppy more times I can count I turn around and see a survivor trying to hide and then they DC)
Yes Killers DC too but at least then the game is instantly over....as Survivors it makes the game so much harder and more annoying....
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Exactly, people DCing or suiciding first hook are a sympton not a problem, if you punish them theyll end quitting but the problem will remain, fresher players will get burned out by same unaddressed problems thus getting banned too and reducing the player numbers bit by bit.
Rinse and repeat until you run out of people to ban for suiciding.
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Sadly the real issue is the entitlement that both Killers and Survivors have and when things don't go thier way they believe they are in the right to just DC/Suicide....that's something that BHVR can't fix and if more and more new players see this or listen to the entitled players here on the forums and other forums, they will gain that entitlement as well and the epidemic will just continue.
Punishment is needed to show that what they are doing isn't right but punishing for suicide probably won't be done
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People didnt suicide and DCd as much as they did before certain patch that threw Solo under the bus and certain MMR hardcap tweaking that made top MMR players get paired with lower MMR for the sake of having faster queues.
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DCing and suiciding on hook has always been a problem, and in my experience at least it was just as bad before the killer buff patch (Not including when the DC penalty was off which obviously made it worse)
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Add tunneling/camping in first hook to that. Yep the game is in the worse state i have seen in years, and devs aren't going in the right way either. Overall experience is miserable.
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So... what can be done to have players not Suicide or DC
Answer not much... VikingDragonXii Said it best
Players have to get over the fact that the Killer you DC'd against had no idea they were playing the same Killer one faced the last game
Or a lost game... on both sides
Players also need to realize that they can't play forever and stop playing (for the night or longer)
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Don't play the game if you dc. You can complain about balance, you can not have fun with the game anymore. BUT literally any other game will just start banning you with the amount some people DC. League, OW, any competitive shooter. They all start banning you for ruining other people's game's, in something like COD it's irrelevant because losing one player really isn't that meaningful, other player's can pick up the slack. In dbd, one dc is gg and everyone but that dc is just bored now. Seriously, just don't play the game if you dc/suicide more than twice a week.
It's bhvr it took them 5 years to change the survivor meta, they buffed killer when 95% of killer's were struggling vs survivor's. The solo buff is coming, they are slow. Imagine if killer's dc'd before 6.1.0 the game would of died, oh wait survivor queues were double current killer queue's because they all just stopped playing the game instead. I think the only reason bhvr doesn't implement a real punishment is because they know a lot of people will actually stop playing the game, due to always having the ability to get out of each game they want for free.
When you guy's defend it, you are just embarrassing your self's whether it be your own bias or your lack of awareness in online pvp games. And then I will see you guys in the same thread tomorrow repeating the same thing.
Post edited by Rizzo on4 -
I wish we could opt to sit out lobbies of certain killers even for a few turns... honestly when I get the 5th Wesker in an hour I really lack the motivation to want to play that match. I know people DC for all kinds of stupid nonsense but the actual killer seems to be a big one from what I have seen.
I know for me not wanting to play against the killer is the biggest reason I want out of that match and while I think blocking permanently would obviously never work, if I could sit in a lobby longer just to not face the same killer again and again I would take the longer wait rather than be in a match I don't want to be in
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I agree lol its irritating. I advise swfing
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I'd rather fix the problem rather than ban people for not having fun.
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Permanently ban players who DC?
That's going to make those who have involuntary DCs happy.
Now, to play video games, you'll need to have a backup generator, and several military grade internet connections to make sure you never have a power outage/connection 🤣
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I absolutely suck at survivor,I’m only playing for the bp bonus and to get better at killer.I have made silver in 3 days.Survivor is not hard and I am consistently getting the most bp in games I’m playing.I don’t dc,I don’t die on hook as fast as possible.I just play the game.if I get killed so be it,it’s part of the game.why dc and ruin the match for others?I have been tunneled and camped,didn’t quit.Maybe because I understand that killer isn’t as op as what other survivors are saying.quit loading in if you can’t handle playing the game.
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And all I play is solo
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we all came to play. not to die quickly. the killer is in play throughout the match. the killer doesn't need to be strong enough to quickly take a survivor out of a match and gain an advantage. if the game prompts the killer to take the survivor out of the game quickly, the survivors will be dc. bhvr needs to change the balance of the game or make other modes.
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Are you referring to Myers?
If so, I agree 😁
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How do / did other asymmetrical multiplayer games deal with DCs? Like Evolve, Friday the 13th, VHS etc...
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You have never played killer.If you don’t think a killer needs quick hooks and deaths then it’s obvious.Try playing killer!When you get your first hook and the first two gens pop ,then come back and make that statement.
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OP, have you tried stopping to play clown/pinhead?
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You just ignored what I said, they should not have the right to dc/give up like that do. That is bad multiplayer design. Again killer's were in a worse state when dh and CoH was at it's peak than solo is right now, but killer's just stopped playing instead of trolling games as survivor's do right now. I experience it on survivor as well and it just wastes my time. Solo is due for some buffs right now, but if you are not having fun don't play.
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I know it, but it shouldn't be like this. it's a 4v1 game, if the killer kills fast -1 then the game is lost to the survivors anyway, so dc doesn't matter. if you have 3 survivors left and you have 3 generators left, the survivors have already lost.
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In my experience not in the slightest, people did DC and suicide but not to such extent as now, you can go to some streamers and see they have a DC/suicide in 1 out of 2 games on a regular basis, then you can check their older videos before 6.1 and the DC/suicide rate was much lower.
DBD does ban you if you DC and is rather harsh, 4 DCs in less than 24 hours grants you a few hours ban, 8 DCs in less than 48 hours gives you a 3 day ban and for your information Solos arent pissed about that "shake up" meta (which wasnt a real shake up, meta is still antitunnel and anticamping and gen regression), they are pissed camping and tunneling were made stronger and in return they are being camped even more, thats what burning people out.
Now, Ill repeat myself, you can ban people for DCing or suiciding, do it, I dont play Survivor anymore it wont affect me, but if you leave what burned people to such degree fresher players are going to burn out and do the same, eventually running out of costumers.
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Lol... but in all seriousness, Pinhead or Trickster and Nurse seem to be almost guaranteed to have a team mate exit themselves first hook. Nurse match a few games back the second a team mate heard the first blink they DC'd lol
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point of order, none of the killers are weak relative to survivors. Every killer at high MMR scores greater than 50% kill rate. Some killers are strong and some are weak relative to the other killers.
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Blight and nurse literally need a small addon pass. And a very minor one at that. They are still the only killers that can Tango with the seal team survivor squads. Something about those squads will never be done (they have said so) so blight and nurse have to remain strong enough to counter them.
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This simply isn't true. Killers are fine right now, people are just very sore losers.
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Players that DC often should be placed in their own queue and have to play with other players that DC.
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I'm not getting any of these people. I haven't noticed a difference in DCing at all. I rarely get team mates doing that. Last time was a few weeks ago and I've been playing a fair bit.
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Far to many people to reply to so apologies for that.
But if you support DCing or giving up you are also a problem, it's not a balance, matchmaking or even fun issue. Theres 0 way you can tell all that within the first min of a game and these entitlement players are dcing because something isnt instantly going their way.
I dont see killers DCings over every map, certain items,perks or even items unlike I'm seeing my survivor team do.
Every other game bans people that constantly leave far more severely and a DC often doesnt matter as much in a shooter because its 1 less person to boost the enemy K/D. DBD is a 4v1 as soon as it's a 3v1 early on it's a lost cause.
And it's quite clear these people are DCing and not issues, i have even messaged some and they say why. And stop saying "we cant ban people what if it's an internet issue" well your internet issues wont persist constantly and if you know you are having issues DONT PLAY.
I shouldn't of played 16 survivor games in a row with a DC/suicide because of stupid entitlement like they didnt like the map, killer or went down fast.
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It's not harsh whatsoever.
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Correct, one side can have a peak potential too far ahead of the other, if both nurse and blight are nerfed too hard they become uncontested. Although I think nurse is too easy for her potential, good Blights should be thought of by survivor's as good swfs. Well that also depends on what they are running.
Yeah, exactly what I said. It has to be survivor's that have only played dbd and are accustom to people being able to freely leave a game without penalty whenever they want and even then the penalty for actually leaving is so miniscule.
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i also have a ######### ton of DCs and suicides havent had any today but a few days ago i had it in well over half my matches :)
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Because they are frustrating. The game itself is already damn frustrating to go against (to the point where it feels it's like that ON PURPOSE), so... dcing or hooksui is pretty much the only option available.
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Killers aren't really fine, the game is unbalanced and heavily killer sided which is what devs want and this means that survivor DC's and hook suicides are inevitable. You can't just provide for one side and not expect the other side to be fed up at times. Take Wesker for example, his kill rate is 65% which is absurdly high and already hearing his terror radius with this information makes the round immediately less fun, combine this with a bad map and bad teammates and it makes the round miserable.
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Yeah I agree but how to solve that?
I would wait longer in queue to NOT have to verse Pinhead, Trickster, Legion or Twins (I rarely see the latter though) but I understand they cant give players an option to not queue against certain killers, as we all know Nurses and Blights etc would never be able to play the game as most people would block them.
This is a problem as games are supposed to be fun but the way DBD works is you get put into matches that are not (subjectively) 'fun' for the individual and I don't know how you can make them want to play something they don't enjoy?
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OP calling us "entitled"
People work and study every single day. I haven't had a SINGLE break in 8 days.
You think we care what you think? In the little free time people have, we want to have fun
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You don't solve it, you can rework killer's to make them more fun to play against but that's about it. almost all of the other online multiplayer pvp game's I play have counter's and they are either unfun or hard to play against. That translates to dbd in the form of not liking certain killer powers, which is way less of an issue than counter pick's in other games. So in other words play the game or stop playing in general, you choose.
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"Killer sided" don't make me laugh. It's only killer sided at the lowest levels of play. The moment you get into "red ranks" mmr, it's roughly 50/50, and when you get to the next tier (around 2400 mmr if the leaks are correct) it's heavily survivor sided. At the top level of play only 2 killers really matter (and 3 others can as well with a few thousand hours invested. )
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That’s not necessarily true. I’ll suicide sometimes if my teammates are terrible. If you’re gonna let me go into second phase on my first hook, don’t bother coming. If I’m on my first hook, and you’re all not coming to help or working on gens (all three just hiding) I’m all set.
As for dc’ing..usually I’ll eat a tunnel and accept my fate. But if we’re at five gens and you down me straight off hook and are on your way to pick me back up, and put me back on…nope, bye.
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Solo Queue needs some help, but you can bring certain perks like Kindred, Sprint Burst, Bond, etc. to work around some of the lack of communication. While you'll still lose games from factors out of your control, if you play in a constant flow state based on what others are doing, you can still perform well.