So BHVR Has Defined What "Limited Time Cosmetics" Are

What BHVR means by "limited time cosmetics" is that they are going to be tied to a certain time period then return again at a later time period, similar to what other games do with holiday events. I feel like having cosmetics that return at a later date are better than having exclusivity with cosmetics since it leads to less FOMO and less predatory marketing.
As many of you are aware, Toilet Paper Dwight is one of the limited time cosmetics announced when the Halloween event started, but the new announcement released by BHVR themselves pretty much confirm that they are going to return at a later date. So do not feel pressured to buy the cosmetics, they will be back next year! <3
So glad they let us know this on Twitter 20 days after they were released and in-game only on the final day of purchase. Thanks for your transparency guys.
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That's not nearly enough toilet paper to last me a year 😰
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This still isn't great, but it's vastly preferable to the skins simply never being available again, or being available at a nebulous "maybe sometime" sort of date in the future, so I'm inclined to accept it.
Seasonal cosmetics are... not ideal, there's still FOMO there, but it's not so bad it's unacceptable.
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At least it is some form of transparency, it's better late than never. Still pretty bad to be late despite the community backlash and disappointment, but they could have done a lot worse.
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There is still some level of FOMO, but it is way less predatory since most people are patient enough to wait until the proper time to be able to purchase it. In many other games I have been waiting several years for cosmetics to come out at just the right time for me, and there are definitely people out there that have the same level of patience as me.
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I don't why people hate exclusive cosmetics so much why can nothing ever be rare anymore? It's like GTA5s pre order hammer and now it's buyable for ALL players. Now someone like me who never pre ordered can easily get it ruining the entire feel of it. Is this the results of Boomer "ME! ME! ME!" generation mentalilty and the Millennial/Zoomer "I MUST HAVE EVERY RARE ITEM NOTHING CAN BE RARE OR EXCLUSIVE" internet mentality bitting us all in the rear because I hate seeing it in games it's such an annoying mindset. Why can't video games have rare or exclusive items anymore to show when the fans supported the game or how much they did. This mentalilty is honestly ruining a lot of games for me
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Exclusivity is often used as a predatory marketing tactic.
Things can be rare, most people are fine with rare items being in games since it makes things interesting. The issue is when you state that something will become rare and put it behind a paywall, it pressures people into purchasing it since they do not want to lose out on something that will be rare and valuable in the future.
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Better late than never I guess, but I'm relieved this is how it will work from now on rather than appearing one time and then lost forever.
Seasonal cosmetics sound interesting :)
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I see it the complete opposite way. Making the hammer an exclusive preorder item ruins the feel of it, no stranger honestly cares how long you've played or how exclusive your item is.. It would just be a means to deny someone who wants to wield that hammer because of the aesthetic, not for bragging rights.
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"Limited time cosmetics" is a very predatory marketing move, Halloween skins lock behind a paywall sure what can go wrong BHVR testing the waters.
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That's cool. If I'm playing as Dwight or Jane more come next Halloween then I'd consider buying them.
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If you think back to March to May of 2020 Dwight's outfit confirms that he is the most evil survivor. That much toilet paper is either an arrogant flex or a taunt. Dwight is pure evil either way.
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I'm very relieved that this is what they're doing. Cycling cosmetics are way, way better than having once-and-gone-forever ones. Though I'm still nervous they may change their mind in the future (the Deep Rift, after all, indicates an interest in returning to true exclusives.)
Still, given that this is the result, I'm willing to admit I was overreacting when this stuff was first announced. Though that might have been mitigated by BHVR being transparent instead of waiting until the eleventh hour. >_>
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Well if it became online news, like the colourblind saga did then they would act.
But it seems they need to be dragged by a public shaming before they act.
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Weren’t they gonna make those cosmetics purchaseable with shards for a short time period or am I misremembering
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I already assumed that's how it would be. Only thing I got against this is why since other holiday cosmetics are not linked to the holiday. Other than that, it's whatever.
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Cosmetics go for shards 4 weeks after their release.The catch is that these cosmetics are never in the shop for that long.
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I kinda assumed that's how they were going to work anyway. My question is by next year will they be available to purchase with shards?
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I don't mind pre-order stuff, but I think it should buy at least buyable later on. Like for example, the racing game Test Drive Unlimited had a bunch of Retailer-Exclusive Cars... But, shortly after launch all the cars went up on the Xbox market for like $5 each or something like that. Totally cool. Lollipop Chainsaw however did the same, a bunch of retailer exclusive outfits, but they never went up for sale. Same with SWtOR's black and yellow pre-order crystals. I have them, but if you don't, you will NEVER get them (at least as of now.) I am 100% on board for you being able to buy access to them, especially as the game has been out for 11 years.
Another example is the Dark Pictures Anthology games, when you pre-order you get access to the "Curator's Cut" right away. Those who don't pre-order still get it totally free, it just doesn't unlock for them until later (no idea how long you have to wait as I am newer to the games, the one coming out later this month will be my first one pre-ordered.)
But yea, totally exclusive "get it now or never get ever ever ever" honestly annoys me and always will.
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Did it really have to be stated when last year's limited time cosmetics came back this year? Wasn't hard to deduce at all.
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It was the first time "last year limited time cosmetics" were available to be purchased in the store, so yeah, it had to be stated.
Especially when you say "Available only for a limited time between X and Y"
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Well that's good news but they could've announced it WAY sooner.
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Waiting a month for new outfits to be made available for purchase with shards, but they disappear from the store after 3 weeks...