What happens to the dowsing rods after today?
Will the unused rods disappear or are they just gonna sit in our inventory, but can’t be used?
Likely the latter, if previous events are any indication.
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They're gonna become useless in your inventory.Pretty much souvenirs.
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I don’t understand why they didn’t stop the rods from being in the bloodweb early. They are impossible to avoid and I currently have close to 300 sat in my inventory and they are just going to be useless after tomorrow? That’s just silly! That’s close to 600,000 bloodpoints wasted.
And yes, every match I have played I have used one to try to get rid and I still have this many.
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I wish you were able to cash them in and get a bit of BP back...
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I hope you like inventory clutter... At least unusable stuff goes relegated to the last page so its not in the middle of the usable offerings.
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I wouldn’t think of it as wasted cus spending points still goes towards something.
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I have 350 of them and I want them to be changed into puddings/cakes after the event. Thx bhvr
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Be disabled and never used again like old ones.
Big reason I try my best not to hoard too many, wouldn't be bad I'd they was reusable every year but they arent...
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I vote for hanging them all from the trees in the forest maps like the dolls from Blair Witch Project. 🙂
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That would be amazing but it would have to be a trade in slider that lets you have control over how many you want to cash in since most folks like to keep at least one of things from past events. I'd be all over that!
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Yeah I’ve actively been trying to avoid them in the bloodweb for the past week but I keep getting forced to take them from the entity. It’s a waste of my BP to take something I won’t be able to use tomorrow.
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It's BHVR that we are talking about. Event-tied items always had a way too high appearance rate in bloodwebs, forcing us to hoard more than we can use. It's been years and they never did show any willingness to fix this.
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I have like 40 of them on Haddie I won’t get to use :(
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They will sit in your inventory, unusable, for years to come, serving as a painful reminder about how much game time and BP you wasted on them.
To be fair, there are still a lot of useless items, add ons and offerings that I have to waste BP on that I will never use, so the event offerings are really no different
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They should convert ended event offerings to just a simple get more points on gens or hooks as an extra score event would be neato
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I have 800 rods in my nurse I wish I had 1,000 it really bugs me for some reason probably because I'm so close to that number
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At least the red envelope was reusable...
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BHVR should start giving the bloodpoints back for every unused offering considering it's almost never reusable and they claim "they'll be usable again next year" oh yea? Tell that to my summer bbq event offerings, my pustula petal offerings, and literally every other event except the red envelope which is the one time we reused them, I don't understand why we don't get bloodpoints back if they know they're gone forever, it's not like bloodpoints are real cash that they can't give back
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It would be nice for them to convert the unused rods to BP since we had to spend them on these items. If we don’t have the option to use them anymore it would be only fair.
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I have 413 in total. Should be able to use at least another 6 by time they run out, but will probably get a few more in the bloodweb too.