Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

I suck

I haven’t played much killer since killers were given a little buff. I have definitely gotten very bad for whatever reason. Shouldn’t be rust at this point. I’m not popping at all. Could be a string of bad luck but I cannot even get past silver 4. I keep breaking even or depipping. Did I miss something somewhere? I’m not getting many kills. Maybe two in a match if I’m lucky. Several matches were 3 or four hooks. I just suck now WTH

I was never a very good survivor and made it to iri 1 and I thought that was odd.


  • Okonar_
    Okonar_ Member Posts: 499

    Just grind it man, you will get it done. Are you playing trapper or what?

    ATOMIC_ACE_PUGG Member Posts: 359

    You have to remember a lot of players derank or aren't at the skill level they should be. Also what perks are you using because they could be outdated or there are stronger perks you could be using. Are you playing weak killers because with the knowledge survivors have over the years and tutorials on how to counter them it just makes weaker killers even weaker. Although the buff was a nice touch it doesn't mean killers are overpowered now or anything wasn't it like a 10% on certain actions? Either way it feels the same to me

  • Ghouled_Mojo
    Ghouled_Mojo Member Posts: 2,287

    I have played a few games as trapper but I get annihilated most of the time with him now.

  • Okonar_
    Okonar_ Member Posts: 499

    Yea, Trappers life its rough, especially on trash maps like eyrie of crows. I recommend using the iridescent and honing stone addons.

  • Ghouled_Mojo
    Ghouled_Mojo Member Posts: 2,287

    I play a bit of about half the killer roster. On console so no nurse or blight. Rare I mess with spirit. Never touch trickster. A lot of the killers I like are weaker.

  • Ghouled_Mojo
    Ghouled_Mojo Member Posts: 2,287

    I know I’ve seen a few matches wher things would happen that were suspect. Played a match as trapper with agitation and iron grasp and after I grabbed a survivor out of a trap, the survivor was out of my hands in less than 10 seconds. No perks like boil over or anything. Those instances I understand there’s subtle mess going on but all these matches are not cheaters.

    ATOMIC_ACE_PUGG Member Posts: 359

    Windows is a good perk buts it's like shadowborn with nurse you will struggle playing without it. It's better to just learn the pallet spawns (A lot of them spawn in jungle gyms or the main area of the map)

    Pre dropping pallets is actually smart when the killer is chasing you because he could have spirit fury or the killer could hit you through the pallet. (Unless you want to stun the killer to ruin his bloodlust speedboost) it's better to drop it a little early

    This part is more my opinion, I know a lot of people are not going to agree with me on this but exhaustion perks aren't as good as they used to be and have a ton of counters (Lithe is what I would choose if I had to pick one so good choice :) ) I realized this after watching big streamers on YouTube and I realized a lot of them don't even use exhaustion perks. But that's just my two cents

    Breaking line of site and throwing the killer off your trail is a great sign. Im terrible at stealth and losing the killer unless they are new even to this day.

    Your post reminds of younger DBD me who actually made a post on this forum (You can still find it it's a strange feeling looking back on it) about being stuck in purple or green ranks for years (Which would be silver or gold rank today which is what the op is talking about) I will tell you what everyone told me, are you sure you are trying to max your rank emblems Lightbringer, Unbroken, Benevolent, and Evader? Because if you aren't you probably aren't going to rank up.

    For an example if you run the killer around for the whole game but if I get a few saves and heals for Benevolent, complete generator repairs for Lightbringer, and walk around the map for Evader I'm probably going to rank up over you. Another example is if we both run the killer around for the same amount of time and your method is being smart with pallets and losing the killer but my method is throwing down every pallet I come across the game is going to think my method is the same as yours when it comes to Evader. what I'm trying to say is your team isn't as good as you think and you are probably better than you even realize. ;)

    Another secret is this game will ALWAYS be stacked against you with players who derank and just the general competitive toxic attitude the players of this community has. You will get better at countering them as time goes on but you will still have moments when you are clearly overpowered by another players skill level. And the gloating never ends for both sides that's actually normal

    Let's just say over the years of playing Dead by Daylight I have broken 2 controllers and it wouldn't surprise if I broke another one even though I'm red ranks on both sides. Also I have left games MILLIONS of times.

    I wish I had better advice to give I hope this helped a little

  • Spare_Them_Mori_Me
    Spare_Them_Mori_Me Member Posts: 1,934

    Why? Whats happening exactly? I am curious HOW you're playing trapper, or anyone tbh.

    ATOMIC_ACE_PUGG Member Posts: 359

    That sounds normal especially with the perk Lucky break. Even without perks with the hook distances or certain maps survivors hoping off your shoulders is definitely going to always be a thing. Also this game is filled with cheetahs so you just don't know what you going up against most of the time. Even OTZ a wholesome killer who rarely gets mad or rages complained about cheaters which says a LOT about the problem

    ATOMIC_ACE_PUGG Member Posts: 359

    Its even worse when there are tons of videos on how to counter killers or their powers so even with rare add ons you are still going to struggle. I could never get good with trapper lmao

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    It's really hard to say just play until it's fair, but yeah that. Survivor's have been taking better and better stuff lately, at least for me. And if you are not playing a top tier killer, there is no need to worry about losing to survivor's like that.

  • Ghouled_Mojo
    Ghouled_Mojo Member Posts: 2,287

    I used to do really well with trapper but I always used different builds. Some less useful than others. Used to meme a lot. I just do area control mostly now and I’m hit or miss with him. Might kill no one. Might get three or four.

    part of the issue is I rarely use anything other than brown addons for any killer with a few minor exceptions.

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 4,082

    Well, if you didn't play much then it's probably rust.

    And from what I've read, you're playing weaker Killers like Trapper, Pig for example. Those are weaker Killers, so don't expect results with them.

    I'd say, find some favourites, play them a lot and find a good build for each and just play, and with time you will improve again.

    The days of Killer rotation are over as there are way to many now to rotate and play everyone. 30 Killers is way to much for that.

    Pick like 4 to 5 Killers you like most and rotate between those and master them. They should ideally be unique. If you master Wraith, you won't do as bad with most M1 Killers. Pick like 1 or 2 chasers, 1 stealther, 1 area control Killer and 1 Killer who's just versatile.

    But the biggest tip, just play and train and you'll get there eventually.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,860

    Don’t stress yourself over it!

    you don’t have to be the best to play a game and have fun doing so. I suck too and won’t ever be at competitive levels nor do I want to (as I don’t see the fun in that)

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,549

    I have kind of having same problem I did reach gold now after try harding and using killer I have good success. I either have 0-1K games where survivors destroy me and I depip or 3-4K game where I destroy them and then don't pip because I end the game too early.

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,211

    You're trying your best, I'm still proud of you!

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    Really I would of suggested the addon that hurts them if they disam a trap and the one that downs them if they escape by themselves from a trap....those usually make games more of a challenge for Survivors