Matchmaking is doing its best to make you lose in SoloQ and its AWFUL

I really don't understand what devs are doing.

SWF is too strong and broken, and yet they do everything they can to make soloQ terrible to push people to play SWF.

I almost managed to get rank 1 solo survivor(quite the feat, even with 1500 hours) I'm currently rank 2.

In the last 50+ games I did, I only met two really good players, like the guys you would play with with the old ranking system(which was MUCH better) ( and why tf are you hiding it??)

Of course I added them and now I don't care anymore I will play with them when I can

How is it possible that at such a high MMR I get people that are clearly new to the game, hiding the whole game, running around for 3 min to get a totem, not doing any gens?

And I lose rating on this? Its such an AWFUL system

In literally every lobby, I get someone(or more) that is COMPLETELY out of his elo.

And on the other side as killer, its 4 men SWF meta perks and 4 toolboxes.

I'm done man


  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    Survivor is already the most discouraging and hard-to-get-better-at role. Even most SWFs are not that good.

    So hard to enjoy... I mostly play survivor not to let my duo partner down, but my enjoyment level when I switch to killer is night and day.

    Unfortunately, a lot share my experience, since killer queues remain long.

    Hopefully in the near future the survivor role can actually grow to be more enjoyable and we won't need incentives to consider it. More players would partially fix the matchmaking issue and make more actually balanced lobbies and matches.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    Yeah, i played my first match for today (as killer) and i am already done for the day. swf abusing strong loops in a mainbuilding, with their teammates ready to bodyblock and take over when you come too close to finally getting them. Not much the poor wraith could do.

    i am glad i didnt buy the last 3 licensed chapters (although i got all before, even with killers i dont play), because at the moment i wont spend money on this game. Even the time i spend becomes less and less.

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    I just wish we could get VC already. Solo q sucks ass mainly because there is no way to communicate with your team mates.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,468

    They're not trying to push solo to play in swf, imo. You have a higher chance of escaping in a swf, according to the devs (last time they addressed it they said up to 15% higher chance of survival - but that was before the big meta overhaul, which arguably affected solo much more than it did swf), but simultaneously they wanted higher kill rates. Solo queue survivor can be a bad MMR time because solo players are the ones who make up the increase in kills, and I personally believe that was the devs intent.

    I try to be optimistic about quality of life changes to the solo experience but now that kill rates are at a level the devs are happy with, I can't see them coming. At least not anytime soon.

  • HeavenRoad
    HeavenRoad Member Posts: 78

    Yeah I agree with all of you

    A good first step would be making kindred base kit for survivors. And idk, bring back showing the ranks so I can know if dudes in my lobbies are good or not, and just use a normal matchmaking system thats based on more than just escaping, its so terrible.

  • ColonGlock
    ColonGlock Member Posts: 1,224

    In the game, you are already dead, and dying means nothing. Focus on earning blood points and being a hero. Even "losing" matches can be profitable. Experienced players can make mistakes and sometimes the killers make good decisions. It is not always about how "good" your team is. You can only control your own actions in the solo queue so just go with the flow of the match.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    No it sucks because you are paired with people with not comparable skill levels.

    Also, VC might help if you are in the US, if you are in Europe, you most likly have no common language, so VC helps you not at all. Those russians cant even use letters i understand, i am sure they will speak neither english nor german.

    So, if you introduce VC, you have to balance around that, because thats a lot of infos for free, and alienate those who cant use it due to language barriers. Its actually a way to reduce your player base, not to extend it.

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    Yh sure. Just like every game that has VC. People wouldn't leave because of it, or at least it would help retain more players that currently give up on dbd because solo q sucks so hard. Sure VC would have downsides but the benefits would vastly outweigh them.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,065

    Yeah, ELO hell is nasty. The whole MMR system is flawed because it's built with the idea that getting weaker opponents makes the game easier. This is true for killer, but it's not true for survivor, because it also means getting weaker teammates, and that makes you more likely to die even if the killer isn't great. One survivor can't carry their team on their own, and one extremely weak link (or quitter) will kill the others with rapid perk procs and an early 3v1. Past a certain point, losing becomes a punishment and something that makes your next games harder.

    Getting in low survivor MMR is pretty inescapable unless you play in a SWF due to the abundance of bad teammates and serial quitters.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    Just about evry game that has VC that i know is symetrical, so there is no need to balance around. or what other asymetrical games with VC do you refer to?

  • Rovend
    Rovend Member Posts: 1,063

    4000h blights? That's easy mode. I get matched with midwich agi-starstruck nurses with 6200h and 8000h

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    I don't see why the game being asymmetric makes the slightest difference. A team of four players cooperatively working towards an objective will always benefit from VC.

    As for balance, SWF groups get VC. So the game has two different levels to play at against a killer with no other changes. Hardly seems fair.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    I agree, but the solution is to seperate swf from solo queue and balance both modes seperatly to the desired kill/escape rate.

    Giving VC to only some, but balance killers for that just kills everyone who played on mixed languages-servers as solo survivor anyway.

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    You cant really separate them though. Because the only way to do that is to have killers opt into or out of playing SWFs. Which would make the game unplayable for SWFs. Plus 3 man SWFs still have a solo q player.

    And they already give VC only to some. Atm all of solo q has a ######### time or at least is at a disadvantage versus SWFs. Solo q needs a buff and SWF doesn't, easiest way to do that would be to add either VC or a rotary emote/ping system. And pinging parts of the map would be a lot more effective than VC sometimes.

    It's a moot point at the end of the day BHVR doesn't seem to give a ######### about the soloq issue. And if they haven't added VC after 6 years I doubt they'll add it at all. Which is a shame, because I'd imagine it's really hurting new player retention.

  • Meathammer
    Meathammer Member Posts: 58

    Just get good?

  • AmpersandUnderscore
    AmpersandUnderscore Member Posts: 1,678

    You get killers way outside your pay grade because of the matchmaker.

    So, if you're in a lobby already and someone drops out of that lobby, the matchmaking system basically ignores mmr to fill that slot as soon as possible, with whoever is next on deck.

    If it's a survivor slot, you may not notice as much unless you get a brand new survivor. But... If your killer dodges the lobby for whatever reason, it just grabs the next killer in queue. So you get that sweaty nurse/blight with full meta everything who completely nukes your solo q squad, because they're expecting a full SWF.

    The devs have basically confirmed this is how the matchmaker behaves. If you ever see the killer dodge the lobby, drop and requeue.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    Why exactly whould killers opt out of SWF, if they are balanced to get the 60% Kill rate either way? Or what if Solo is balanced to only a 55% killrate while swf is at 60%, maybe that would help to encourage killers to take on swf? But i dont think this is needed, and there are many ways to do that.

    Also, i already showed why a VC would not help a good chunck of the solo player base. You can chose to ignore that, but it is not the solution you are looking for. Emote/ping system might work, however, at least to bring solo closer to swf.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,870

    Peanits described the escape rate differences between SWF and solo queue as negligible. SWF isn’t overpowered or broken, at least by the developer’s accounts. I think the issue is that SWFs are more likely to succeed in escape, and when killers shoot through MMR by 4King against weaker players they’re convinced they’re better than they really are. When these killers then face competent (not even stellar) teams—4-man SWF but not always!—they decry SWF as OP. But the truth is that particular killer just isn’t as good as they thought, and were artificially inflated by an imbalanced ranking system.

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    Because most killers want to win, idk why anyone wanting to perform well as killer would want to opt into potentially coming up against bully squads.

    As for the language barrier thing again that is an issue across a lot of games I've played. And yes sometimes it will lock me out of understanding certain players. But even on games where I've been locked to a european server, most people speak basic english enough to at least be understood. Used to play WoT quite a lot on european servers. And Tera, where I was locked to europe servers. And the most of the players i talked to from france, germany, poland, holland, spain etc spoke english well enough for us to understand each other. It is not a big enough problem to say that VC would make the game worse.

    You say about players being left out and unable to communicate? That's the problem for the entirety of solo q rn. Because game balance doesn't chamge between swf and solo q. Solo q just has zero communication, so survs run around like headless chickens, cleansing totems when someone has a boon. Unhooking at stupid times or ignoring a hooked survivor. As a result solo q players, especially at low mmrs tend to get repeatedly minced. vc or at least a ping/preset message system would help mitigate that.

  • Random_NPC
    Random_NPC Member Posts: 83

    Idk what you're doing bro, I came back to this game after a 2 year break and I'm Iri1 on both killer and surv soloq without any problems.

    Yea soloq is filled to the brim with FTP-Weekend Andies but nobody said you need to safe everybody. If I see you do nothing all game long I have no problem letting you kick the bucket on that hook while I moonwalk out that exitgate. Will I lose some points? Maybe, who cares. Will I black pip? Definitely nobody on Iri1 cares.

    I agree on the MMR thing, it makes no sense. Out of the 500-ish games I have played this month I can vividly remember two random groups that were actually good survivors. I literally remember them. That means easily 99% of people I share a lobby with are so far out of my league it's not even funny. It's measurable bullshit.

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959

    Why would killers dodge SWF if it was its own queue? I've been told by big content creators that SWF doesn't give any advantages at all

  • Xxjwaynexx
    Xxjwaynexx Member Posts: 310

    I don't understand this either. I mean in my experience most swf are sweaty but you need those sweaty swf to get better. Swf is the ultimate enemy due to coordination alone. I go in each swf hype because if i get stomped then there's things i can work on and get better at, if i cook em then good on me. Either way there's a positive side.

    MEATLOVER Member Posts: 8

    i play solo almost exclusively because my friends aren't interested in the game.

    oftentimes i get paired with people that are genuinely afraid of the killer [hiding in lockers and crouching/urbaning in corners], and i don't blame them because they are new, and they have to deal with a more experienced killer.

    i do not think SWF is overpowered. solo queue is simply that much worse.

    it's much more difficult to reach high mmr when your teammates let you go on first hook.

  • LightningSparx
    LightningSparx Member Posts: 1

    I've only been playing a few weeks, and have become good at surviving. I sometimes que with 1 friend (who has played as long as I have)... and has about the same skill level as myself. Most of the time we are getting into groups where the killer is miles above us in skill. Expert killers who could be in competitions playing against newbie survivors. Often the entire group is dead within minutes with 5 gens left. Its about the same with solo que as well. The other survivors aren't bad most the time... The matchmaking is so messed up. I can't imagine its fun for the killers either, there is zero challenge. I wish we would get someone around our skill level, a little better is okay too.... so we can learn. There is no fun in this for us. We don't even get to play.