Is anyone else feeling the same way as me?
I've been feeling pretty burnt out of the game, I've been burnt out twice already so this isn't anything new, but I feel like this time it's different.
Before, I'd often switch sides, but now weaker killers and solo survivor feel very lame. Survivor is just constant M1 holding and versing the same anti-loop(anti-fun) killers over and over again. Killer is a complete stomp fest, either I'm the one stomping, or I'm getting absolutely destroyed, and the only way to fix this is to either go full nuclear with the best perks, add-ons, and killers, or go with weaker perks and tank my MMR for like 50 games, and even that doesn't work.
I feel like there's something fundamentally wrong about the game right now, SWF and Nurse rule the game because they are the only viable options to deal with the other side. I was never really about winning 100% all the time, but winning is pretty much the only consistent thing about this game(aside from bring out the worst in people) so I don't blame people for trying hard.
Yeah, I've never really felt like this before and I'm honestly not sure what it is.
I've been playing for quite a long time (relatively at two and a half years now) so maybe at this point it's just natural or if all these changes have just made the game very...stale (while the meta change was great, all it did was shift the meta to a bunch of really boring gen slowdown perks that really screws over solo queue players like myself). As a survivor, I'm constantly getting curb stomped but because it's all gen slowdown perks, it's a boring curb stomping (like....death by a thousand paper cuts curb stomping). As killer, I'm finding less and less challenge as either the game thinks I'm bad and keeps putting me against bad survivors or I've somehow hit a point where I'm just really good (unlikely but always possible!).
The Halloween Event was super fun and I played a bunch of it as the side quests made it so that I could get curb stomped and still have lots of fun but without it, the cracks the game was showing are becoming wider and wider...
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the game got extremely stale thanks to the "killer update" and mmr
the game is in need of a shake up
either more objectives for survivors and less speed for killer or something, there are a lot of things that need to be changed and yet people seem to be just fine apparently, they are having fun they say....
because you know being locked to one build while there are hundreds of perks to spice up the gameplay is fine and fun
either everyone is far too gone or they are lying to themselves
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voice chat is something that breaks the game, information is the key, survivors can hide without even hearing the terror radius sounds, because they were told where the killer is moving, coordinate their actions the very moment they need to change their tactic or plan, execute things that require immediate coordination. and so on.
As for nurse, I do not play the survivor (well I do, but I have like 150 escapes), and I am not good with nurse by any means, but I see how people get around her, breaking LOS and moving different directions during blinks. But if I were to choose I would gladly trade nurse in order to not face SWF with voice comms. ;)
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I think the most interesting killers are those with an inherent side objective baked into their kit, like Pinhead. No matter how noob stompy he his, but someone has to pick up and do the box and then you got to find a secluded area to solve it or getting chased like his power depends on it.
I think they should either design a side objective for every killer or design some 5-ish generic ones that you can do. Maybe doing the side objective could be a ritual table that takes 90s to finish and seals away the killers power for 45s, or harvesting canker plants, giving all survivors a one time injection that gives then a 150% sprint burst on demand.
Killer specific ones could be running around and pressing E on each wall section till you find the Nurses secret collection of breaths and debuffing her, or sabotaging Bubbas/Billy's fuel stock, making them overheat faster.
Go wild, think about something fun and useful, but make it take time away from doing gens. Peeps are burning out because there is a lack of variety and broadening the way the game can be played should refresh and invigorate peeps interest.
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From the perspective of a new player, I'm having tons of fun at both roles. I do see the issues with the game but blaming the recent changes isn't the correct reaction.
I'll argue that BHVR need to do more of what they did in the meta shakeup.
Perks with low pick rate need to be buffed or reworked, weaker killers need to be buffed or reworked, and strong killers need to be nerfed or reworked. No blanket changes, case by case depending on how relatively strong the killer is and what part of their kit isn't healthy for the game.
Finally, solo q must receive something that can let people coordinate or at least communicate what they're doing. Without that, balancing killers would be much harder.
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Tbh it's inpossible to stop voice comms. People can just use discord. Better to add VC to solo q then rebalance the game around that if it affects kill rates too much.
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Same opinion here. Started in april. Game is great fun but the balance issues are rough, if I truly sweat a killer gsme i get 4ks 9 times out of 10 against players with vastly more experience than me. Solo q is all but unplayable. And communication is the problem, no way to relay information or coordinate anything. Makes the game so easy for killer.
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I used to play several hours of soloQ a day. I literally only play now when one of my friends wants to. SoloQ is just too frustrating, I feel like my entire experience falls in the hands of how sweaty the killer decides to play. Sure my teammates might be bad, but even if they were good we never really stood a chance against the 4 slowdown killer that is actively protecting a 3 gen.
If I had to list things to get me to like the game again.
- Buff soloQ, something that has 0 effect on SWFs. (Give people free information perks if they queue alone, or reduce gen times for each soloQ player in a lobby).
- Diminishing returns on gen regression. Whether it be a hard cap on how much a gen can be regressed, or taking away the ability to stack regression perks.
- A system to incentivize and reward killers for choosing not to tunnel/camp. Punishment alone will not stop people from tunneling and camping. You need to introduce a system that makes them stronger when they manage to hook all 4 survivors in a row. We know from peer reviewed psychology that incentives work and last much longer than punishment systems.
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I was talking about SWF on voice comms ofc you can't stop people from using it. In the world where people can queue up as a team of four there is no reason to not implement a voice chat inside the game, though considering my experience playing games -- people barely use it, I mean that, if a person is outgoing and like to communicate with others they already have their own SWF buddies, while, people like myself, prefer solitude and silence (that is possibly the reason I prefer killer side). xD
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This! I think that BHVR should just wing it and not trying to make the perfectly balanced game, but just balance with the pick rate, like for example LoL.
Just look at the top 5 picked and top 5 most unpopular perks and just nerf / buff them, no matter what they are. Next month it will be other perks turn to shine or getting gutted, but this way we are constantly stiring the games formula and keep adding somewhat new ingredients.
If something turns out to be way overtuned quickly adjust, but for the most part just roll with the punches and let the playerbase figure out the new meta, counters and tactics.
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Why are ya'll playing this game like it's the olympics.
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This upcoming killer is the first one I haven't watched gameplay during PTB or looked into him and his power. Just don't care. The perks coming with the chapter don't really do anything to make the game more fun - the survivor perks actually make me dread any solo matches I play.
The "meta shake up" and SBMM haven't really changed gameplay, just enhanced the more unfun gameplay. The fun/casual matches are much more rare, games now tend to be more sweaty/comp.
It's probably a bunch of reasons for me for the burnt out feeling. Part is because I was already playing less due to poor optimization on console still not getting better and just getting tired of it not improving while seeing people already start mentioning issues on new consoles so any hope of upgrading for better experience isn't there. Part is probably because I've been playing since 2018 and that's just a long time put into one game. Part is that I keep taking longer and longer breaks between playing as well as playing fewer matches in a session since I'm just not getting the fun/casual matches that made me enjoy the game before. Part is because I've been having a ton of fun playing the new Ghostbusters game that just came out and watching gameplay for the other assym horror games coming out on console next year is making me super excited for those - also kinda highlights the negatives in DBD that just aren't getting better.
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Taking away Gen regression when gens fly by is not going to make the killers want to play in a way that survivors are going to like.Funny how all the suggestions are nerfing killers.
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This game is what you make of it, to me anyway.
I go into killer matches with dumb whacky builds and have fun 2 hooking everyone if I can. If they escape, no biggie. I have never really taken it too seriously and I still perform quite well. Even when I don't, I still had fun and learn something from the matches that I lose in.
For survivor it's quite the opposite experience. I solo queue like 98% of the time so the experience is a very mixed bag. Sometimes there are matches where the skill level is equal amongst everyone in the trial, but the majority of the matches are usually losses to us, the survivors. Not only do I have to worry about getting killers with a ton of gen regression perks, but I have to worry about my team mates as well. They'll refuse to do gens, unhook unsafely, don't unhook, or are very cocky SWF I get put with who will just throw the game. It's unfortunate that as a solo, my skill doesn't mean anything when I'm fighting with two opponents: the killer and my team mates.
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I feel completely the same, all the unnecessary changes and over complicating such a good game and trying to purposefully unbalance it towards the killers, and also messing up the perfect rank system into a broken escape based lazy MMR is really showing its impact on the game experience now...
I'd say it's the awful, broken mmr combined with too much survivor nerfs/ killer buffs to make it unbalanced are the two things causing it tbf...
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VC would be nice for all platforms, supposedly the Playstation consoles will have Discord integrated next year (2023)
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I agree completely, 6.1.0 did nothing but make killers unstoppable against solo queue, while SWF remained unaffected and still dominate any killer other than Nurse/Blight, the game is really scuffed balance wise atm, and the main reason for that is the variance in power between the highest and lowest level, if you aren't playing SWF or bringing boosted items, you lose.
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They should buff weak killers up several tiers honestly but nerfing the only killers that can fight swfs isn't the way.
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yeah, the game feels pretty miserable atm. i'm getting sick of going against the same boring gen regression perks and playstyles and feeling like i have to use those perks and playstyles to not have short killer games. really only playing for the archives at this point
also good god i am sick of map offerings. every game it's always a coldwind or garden of joy or eyrie or something and it just gets so goddamn grating
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Funny how we are willing to make changes that drastically nerf survivors but the community is unwilling to make changes that have any impact at all on killers. Regression gaming takes zero skill, it needs to be addressed at some point.
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To say dead by daylights one and only game mode is getting long in the tooth would be an understatement. It's been nearly 7 years now, and no matter how many killers and survivors they bring into the game, the gameplay grows stale after a while. As fun as deathmatch can be in a first person shooter, if that's all there is, it's hard to find reasons to keep playing when nothing ever changes.
For years now gamers have asked for new game modes, and I get that BHVR is afraid of splintering the player base, but that's happening already. Players hop on, play for a while, get burnt out, and take a break. While it's really nice to see bots finally being added to the game, there needs to be more.
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Burn out is normal. I've been playing for a couple years and I've had periods of time where i don't play because I've just had enough. I'll probably have a few weeks like this in the lead up to the festive event. I actually missed last year's festive event because I was burned out, but hoping to catch it this time.
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For me it's the RPD offerings. Seems someone is constantly bringing them and I'm at a complete loss as to why... it makes me kind of miss the days where someone would bring it and the killer or another survivor would DC in the loading menu.
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I haven’t had much issue with my solo q lately but I have had some poo games for sure.
my killer game seems to have gone to hell though. I used to be pretty decent but pipping has been an issue.
I have taken several breaks over the years. Think I started in 2018. The breaks get longer each subsequent time.
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I've been super burned out lately which is why I've been taking breaks from DBD on and off. There's really nothing interesting going on right now since the event is over. Probably just gonna wait until the next chapter comes out to play again.
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It was addictive at the beginning of the year and I wanted to play it 24-7. Now I dread even getting on and when I do it always ends with feeling annoyed and drained. I don't think they realize that dbd is really unbalanced right now and the amount of toxicity is overwhelming. Losing is fine but to be losing every single game and being tunneled, camped, hit on hook, and everything else thats toxic gets exhausting after a while. I miss how it was at the beginning of the year. That major rework they did that we were "gonna take time to adjust to" really started a new era for dbd. But not a good one. It's been downhill ever since.
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The worst for me was when they butchered the old hatch.
I remember using a search chest build to find keys in game. Plunderer + appraisal + ace in the hole and i would take my chances.
Nothing was more epic than being chased while injured, running with your last teammate trying to find the closed hatch, just to finally escape seconds before the killer down us. Good ol' days.
That moment when they butchered the hatch, i knew dbd was slowly getting into an stale and boring game.
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Lol. Killers have been a joke for a long time in this game. A handful of killers have been nerfed into the ground. They finally get one decent patch where they get some baseline buffs and now the game sucks lol. That's what I'm getting from this thread.
So many survivors were getting absolutely hard carried by a combination of maps, old dead hard, and iron will. Maps are still atrociously survivor sided, circle of Healing obliterates entire killers/ playstyles and wrecks 3 gen strats. Gens got 10 seconds added while devs introduced a perk that allows you to solo a gen in 45 seconds. Thanks to the grind reduction it's green medkits, BNPs and insta heals with map offerings every game. Acting like the game is just a free win for killer is just laughably dramatic.
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First of all, the "killers have been a joke for a long time" does not hold any ground. Even if it was true, if they were bad before does not mean surv has to suffer now. That's 8-year old way of thinking.
And most of the other things are not entirely true either, or are viewed in a very one-sided convenient way.
There always have been survivor sided maps, and there always have been atrocious killer sided maps. If not, i invite you to play against agi-star nurse in midwich, or Dead Dawg.
DH was nerfed 3 times in the same patch, IW was sinply DESTROYED.
COH was nerfed 2-3 times already and it only negates very few build, very few.
And with the gen speeds you use for example a build that require Two perks minimun, the best toolbox and best addons to cut ONE gens half. And conveniently ignore all the perks killer have for regression.
Again, a very one sided view you have
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Solo Q games are either a good team that actually does gens or complete slaughter fest where 2 gens max get done before everyone's dead.
Killer is frustrating because the maps are unbalanced and annoying as hell. To many pallets and survivors have gotten to good at the game and know how to run you for ages. I know all the killer tricks. Moonwalk to hide the red glow, double back, fake one way fake the other way and go back the other way again. And against good survivors none of it works.
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You're absolutely right about mind games almost never working against really good survivors. I've had to adapt to trying to get pallets down as fast as possible instead of trying to play around it too much to squeeze out a hit. Controller makes it a bit more difficult to effectively use mind games to get hits at strong tiles
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Honestly, the gen slowdowns phase me less than the abundance of killer aura perks and the fact that we only really have Distortion to counter it (which i hate using because it feels like you're selling your team out). Iron Will got nerfed into uselessness so killers have survivor sounds to track, not to mention the usual scratch marks. The new Nowhere to Hide perk will be great for gen slowdown too because those on death hook or those playing stealthy will now have more reason to avoid gens and not take risks.
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Footsteps don't even make noise half the time or are muted by the map (Eyrie of Crows). Scratch marks are horribly inconsistent and misleading plenty of times. So much so that I think they've actually been bugged for a long time now. Iron Will was a broken perk that was unfair to the killer and janked up too many other sounds in the game due to spaghetti code (silent on the ground for example)
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Always has to come back to some kind of nerf for killer. I play killer, and I’m not having fun either. It’s not “because of killer,” it’s because the game isn’t fun right now.
Playing survivor used to be a fun break, now it’s a tunnel fest…starting immediately at five gens and for no reason. Oh wait…the last tunnel today had reason, the killer wanted to use his mori….
killer isn’t fun, I don’t wanna go against sweaty SWF’s every match. Where you have to go as hard as possible, or get tbagged, clicked at and moon walked at. I used to enjoy giving survivors a break and letting a couple farm or one out the hatch..but there’s so much BMing, it’s not worth it anymore:
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Not much fun for the killer
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Yh it is nice to switch off and play killer for a bit. Tbh i just never play solo q because of lack of VC, it's just unplayable, and the amount of matches that would've been different if I could say something simple as "hey killer is proxy camping don't unhook me yet." Well it's a lot.
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Yh xbox got it recently and it's great. I can chat with my PC mates in a swf now AND still listen to my game audio on the same headset.
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I agree with the burnt out feeling....I cant even play a killer I enjoy because a lot of maps and loops are too favorable to surv and its boring going against a bunch of BNP and DH.
Sometimes I keep thinking "Maybe If I learn Nurse or Blight, I could maybe have fun and actually compete.
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Dead Dawg aint killer sided, thats a skill issue
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exactly it used to be a bit fun, no frustration no annoyance, now its just u lost on killer? i will say something even weird before the "killer update" the game was pretty much dead BUT was actually playable, sure dead hard killed me inside every time anyone used it but it was a bit playable now you start a game you hear 2 boons and and 1 gen pop and you know just gonna have a bad time
switch to survivor, and its always a legion, bubba, or nurse, ngl i feel like im the only person play sadako or pig sometimes
but everyone is saying just use perks, yes as if perks will fix everything, perks are suppose to change the playstyle not fix it.
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I'm enjoying myself, it's always good to take breaks though and I wont play 7days a week because obviously youd get burnt out.
I'm mainly a solo Q survivor main, I escape pretty often but I wish DCs/hook suicides or bad matchmaking would be fixed. One day I had 16game sin a row with at least 1 DC/hook suicide... that day obviously annoyed me so much and didnt play a few days.
Other than that though, it's fun
EDIT: currently getting camped on first hook by a deathslinger, cant blame him though he lost 3 gens +progress on others in the first chase lol
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The instant boon and gen popping is so accurate 😣 yeah it’s little fun. I have to mentally prep myself to play killer at this point, because I already know how it’s gonna be before it starts….
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There are some days when I'll go to load up a killer match, and then back out instead because I know all too well what I'm going to face. LOL
It's been awhile since I played with Legion, and I figured I would play a match with him the other day. I rarely play Killer so I figured my SBMM rating wouldn't be very high with killer, but I forgot that queue times take priority over MMR if someone's been waiting long, and that's exactly what happened to me. I went against a very sweaty 4 man SWF, and not only did I not get a single hook, I didn't even get a single down. It was abysmal. Needless to say I haven't played killer since that match, and I have no desire to until the bots are implemented.
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I hate it when the match ends up like that. I don’t get them often, but when I do I’m just like….????
im the same though…I’ll get all ready for a match, then I’m like ah idk if I can do this right now….maybe I’ll just go get tunneled as survivor instead 😂
I at one point, put a lot of time into trying to main Legion…and honestly, can’t even bring myself to play them at all anymore..:once you get to really high skill survivors, it’s just so easy to out play them
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A bit yeah. Long queues for killer which is the role I enjoy the most. Solo Q is miserable and an even bigger coinflip than it used to be and the role has never been that engaging to begin with. So I just end up not turning on the game most days.
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Right?! Being reluctant to play because you know the odds may not be in your favor to get a balanced match against other equally skilled players is a horrible feeling. I'm all for a challenge, but there's a difference between being challenged and being walked over, and that tends to happen far too often in this game.
And yeah that 4 man SWF knew exactly how to counter Legion. They gen rushed while keeping separated so that Legion could not be effective with their power. At most I could only hit two survivors at a time, because I couldn't reach anyone else. Plus it goes without saying that they looped really well. Having a very casual killer player like myself face off against something like that is enough to turn off any player like me from playing killer for good.
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This is the same for me. I had a lot of fun during the Halloween event. To the point that it didn't matter so much which side you were playing and who won, it still felt fun and that you'd accomplished something. Without the side objectives of pumpkins/void energy/going for other event challenges, it's a stark comparison as to just how limited and devoid of interaction the trials are.
Right after the Halloween event ended I played a few trials on both sides but couldn't get into it. Everything seemed so bland. While the event was on I played at every opportunity, and now I'll pop on to get my dailies done but there's no real motivation beyond that. Even then most dailies I just recycle until something pops up that seems fun, which often takes days to get to show up.
I'm glad to see it's not just me, both on the forums and in the game. At least half the trials I'm in, no one seems drained of motivation. Last night I had a trial with a Blight that didn't perform a Rush the entire time. Just wandered around letting survivors hit them with pallets and following them while regular running for chase points. Didn't seem to be a new Blight either, based on the cosmetics. Also, having a Blight just low key walk around following you is goddam terrifying. They seem somehow less scary when bursting around snarling.
TL/DR: The game feels aggressively meh now with the event over. I miss the kicky punkins.
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Just you.