Seeking pointers for Trapper and this Challenge...

Hey All,
I am currently working on Tome 1 and am on the challenge "Catch a Survivor in a bear trap 6 times in a single game". I've watched a few Trapper tutorials and what not, but the theme I am noticing is Trapper rarely gets that many trapped survivors in a game. Any advice or suggestions? Good YouTube tutorials?
Use an offering for a smaller map. Use the iridescent add-on that automatically re-arms traps. Trap the shack window, one doorway (with pallet) and an outside corner in a bush. Place a trap on the basement stairs but make sure you can walk around it. Run Iron Grasp and haul a survivor in there.
You may not get it on first try but you’ll eventually get a try hard swf that refuse to let their teammate die in the basement.
Also, put some traps in random bushes that survivors wouldn’t expect them in. Most are expecting the trap at pallets and windows, so put them near the loop but not in plain sight.
You can also run Devour Hope, Undying and Haunted grounds and trap all the totems with darkened traps. Many new players don’t pay attention to the ground these days.
You can also signal to them that you want them to farm with you. There are a lot of nice people that will help. Just stand in front of them at a safe distance, place the trap on the floor and swing your weapon at it so they get the hint.
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Dead Dog Saloon a really good map for Trapper with some choke points and all the tall grass. It still mostly comes down to the survivors if they're potatoes and step in the trap.
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I farm with survivors when it comes to very tedious challenges. I remember the last page of Tome 1: kill all 4 survivors in the basement in a single trial. That's evil.
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Simple, as soon as you spawn in start swinging at air in front of a survivor to get their attention and then spam place your trap infront of them indicating you want to farm your challenge and if they don’t understand locate a different survivor who will. Good luck
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That was an evil challenge. Surprisingly I got lucky pretty soon after starting that challenge and managed to do it with Pinhead. Normally, something like that would require Trapper to trap the basement and collect bodies.
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I had to do that one with the clown evil challenge indeed but easier done with the clown I think
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Maybe easier with clown. Like I said, I just happened to fluke out where everyone just wanted to hang out around the basement anyway lol
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You need to understand the dynamics of guile to get people to step on traps. You also need to pressure them as well as a little luck.
If you want best results then use double iri and pick a "grass" map.
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Place well and use that add-on that makes random traps reset after 2 seconds.
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I hate to give this advice, but for that one, you're best off farming. You could use an offering for MacMillan or Dead Dawg or Yamaoka or somewhere else with thick brush, and use addons that make escaping take longer (or Iri Stone), but people falling for traps is always dependent on the survivors themselves and actually being in the area to yoink 6 people can be a tall order that will take you many games to complete. Way more reliable to get that one by being Friendly Evan And His Beartrap Circus.
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Thanks for all the suggestions peeps! I was finally able to finish the challenge :-D