What actually is the Problem ?

Is it Killers being too strong ?
Is it Killer Perks Combos being OP ?
Is it Maps Size ?
Is it Map RNG ?
Is it Map Offerings ?
Is it SWFs ?
Is it SoloQ ?
Is it Survivor Perks ?
Honestly. I think we kinda need to know what the Problem actually is first before we can fix anything. As long as everyone is just complaining about different things, nothing is going to be done.
Now what is the actual Problem ? I tell you...
Its Quentin not having any Cosmetics. Why you doing my Boy like that BHVR ? I would love for some Cosmetics for him. Take my Money and Give it to us.
But for real, what do you think is the biggest Problem in DBD and how would you adress it ?
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Nah, maps, nurse, and blight's addons
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The biggest issue in DBD imho are the maps. Loading into Eyerie of Crows vs Shelter Woods will, 9 times out of 10, decide the outcome of the match before it's even begun.
And if you're wondering how I'd fix them, just search for "Maps" in this thread because it's too long to copy/paste out again.
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biggest problem? maps
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Matchmaking is often busted. Also player entitlement.
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I mean I'd start with his character portrait but sure the cosmetics yeah !
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The problem is I lost. Fix it.
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Why do you think there is a problem.
The game is balanced. People are just mad because they make stupid decisions, never learned to deal with consequences of their actions and learn from their mistakes.
In network engineering we call it a Layer 8 issue. P.E.B.K.A.C.
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Disregarding the toxicity, maps would currently be at the top of the list. Alot of maps make it hell for m1 killers from either size or the loops and certain maps are super unsafe for survivors unless they hold w as soon as they think troubles coming, and thats not even taking into account gen spawns on alot of maps. Take Haddonfield. Size wise we'd say its ok but outside is a death sentence against a competent killer while the houses are torture for said killer and the lovely 3-4 gen at Meyer's home.
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In so many words, this is more or less what people really mean when they complain about maps. Which is not to say all maps are perfect, but the fact that some maps aren't perfectly balanced is why it's so easy to say, 'those survs were/that killer was so bad, they only won because (map)'.
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Soloq not being a swf.
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You mean playing Solo is a Problem ?
because SWF is so much stronger ?
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Maps/BHVRs priority list
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The Problem with the game you didn’t even list here, it’s is the game itself, or more specifically, the objectives in the match, and what the incentive is for “winning” and what winning actually means (Currently nothing).
I would fix the game by introducing a new objective for each side to increase the competitive nature of the matches, negating camping and gen rushing in one move. As well as an improved ranking and end game screen.
they took ranks away and ruined the matchmaking so now solo veteran players are forced to play with noobs with a strong killer in most games. Because ranks don’t matter, all there is too look forward to is the High Hopes of getting into a fun game. 90% of matches are trash so quitting is at all time high.
If you add one additional X factor objective for killer, and one additional Y factor objective in the match for survivor (that negatively effect one another) you increase the competitive aspect and punish people who don’t wanna work in the match.
I would make a new end game screen (similar to overwatch) to highlight all the good things players did in the match because all that data is already in the code and could easily be plugged in to the game. Also players could then vote on all the players how they liked them and this would go towards their personal player reputation score(likely private). People would also be more likely to stay in and spectate a match so they could learn some things, and then vote at the end,
People wanna play, game is fun again. They all lived happily ever after
The End
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Yes, at least for now, this is the main problem.
Give communication tools to soloq ~~~OoO~~~
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SWF balance and Dc hook and first hook suicide.
Add comms and balance and add bots.If necessary balance perk and add ons and done.
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Entitlement and Maps.
makes sense to me actually. I think Killer and Survivor both have busted stuff. But Maps are truly a big factor when it comes to an actual Win.
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They only won because I lost.
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i wouldnt want this Game to be more Competetive. That is basically one of the things i hate about DBD. People playing just to win and bringing the Strongest Stuff.
If you want DBD to be more competetive then they should add a Comp or Ranked Que and leave Casual Players like me out of it.
This Game was never made to be Competetive and never will be due to its asymetrical Nature.
I just wanna have fun. And thats possible without me winning.
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the problem is SWF
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Well entitlement might be... But it's not a core problem.
I think it's a soloq don't have enough communication to be more efficient and have better experience... From there goes entitlement.
Dead by Daylight players will often use the acronym "SWF" online in forums and chat rooms, but what does it mean? It stands for "survive with friends," indicating a match where you team up with your friends instead of random other players online.
In a lot of instances, this means that the game is much more likely to go in favor of the team that is playing with their friends, as they often have better communication when playing, giving them better results in battle.
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Short answer, see Mr_K reply.
Long answer: diffrent playstyles matching each other.
FIRST: You have the casual gamer, that just wants to have fun with the game but gets blamed for stuff they didnt even do in order to be any form of toxic but because there is some "rules" people think you should follow it puts yourself up for some targeting. While the real reason is loosing doesnt feel nice and thus needs to be blamed on anything but themselves.
Further, said casual player has 2 types. First, the lucky one, will just shrugg it off, or even play by those rules and think nothing to it. This player doesnt need a win, they enjoy the game for what it is and probably we all could learn from them. The second type is the one getting bitter over it and starting to do those things on purpose, even if it does bite them in the back when they do some gameplay decicions without strategy, they will get more frustrated and either become sweaty player (which i will adress in a minute) or not be able to adapt to a higher level and will either quit the game soon or change sides, just to see it is just as hard on that side.
SECOND: the sweaty player. These players want to DOMINATE! they want to beat you, want to be better than you. Casual players hate them. They are the ones teabagging or hard camping at the start of the trial, they will close hatch in front of your face or wait to jump in it until you arrived at the hatch, they dont want to win the match, they want to BEAT YOU. They were either casual players that had to endure to much trashtalking or they are just very competetive to start with and want their opponents to show their best.
THIRD: The hardliner. They only play one side either killer or survivor. They NEVER switch. Ofc everything is unfair for their side and they fall under the classic entitlement, but a casual wanting to just not have to sweat or a sweaty player that wants some challenge you can call those entitled too.
So many people having diffrent values. Pair that with lack of self control and you get these venting posts you see in the forums left and right. Suggestions about things what could be done better are fair and neccessary, but the tribalism and hardcore debates about it is just with anything polarization and diffrent views, i dont think BHVR could change anything to make it less, there is not that one formula that solves the problem you are mentioning. Ofc "x too strong and x broken" serves the narratives as pleased, but the real constructive posts are in the feedback section mostly.
Me? im a mixture of sweaty casual. I dont need a 4k every match, i dont care for escapes because that is something im simply not good at, i play more killer than survivor, so maybe im a little biased towards killer side in general. What really gets me heated is when i cant do my challenges because everything rng works against me and because i simply dont even get a chance.
Example: unhook 3 survivors as Leon daylie + open 6 chests challenge. Both super easy to do things, i dont care for escape, i just do the best i can and be happy when i make much points, i play good, but im not a pro. But somehow my mind gets stuck in "oh what?!?! I cant save now because they are camping!!" or "MAN why am I the one getting attacked first from that wesker that had lethal pursuer???? I JUST need 6 chests man!" I actually cursed at my pc when i got hooked first like i cant even do the most basic stuff, forgetting i dont have to rush my challenges, i can have 1 or 2 chests opened in one round and then some in another, the challenge and daylie will get done anyway. And i had it both in 2 rounds, still i got mad for getting picked first.
I couldve choosen to rant about camping but i did just not and instead quit the game, deciding it would be better to play during more casual times. I decided for the second option.
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1: maps
2: difference between swf and soloq
3: the entire addon system (and items too i guess)
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Matchmaking and maps.
Queue times are overly favored and all playstyles are put into a single queue. Bad matchups determine outcomes in and of themselves, but someone playing like $10k is on the line vs someone with a loot build also swings outcomes.
Not much more can be said about the maps. The new map team doesn't seem to have any notes about what made maps problematic in the past and necessitated reworks. See: Garden of Joy and the initial rework of RPD. Problems that have existed for years still exist on new maps. Solid filler pallets face jungle windows or L/T walls so the survivor can fast vault in either direction. Tile spacing is often so compact (Garden of Joy is egregious in this regard) that the survivor can chain tiles in either direction without forcing a pallet down. There's either not a good understanding of mid-high to high level play, or it's just not their consideration at all when they balance a map.
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Maps, I don't wanna start crying when I get eyrie or garden, lol
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Biggest problem? Players not realizing that the experience varies wildly based on a number of factors such as platform, region, MMR, crossplay, time/day of play, etc. while also wanting vastly differing play experiences from each other (exhibited nicely by posts in this thread).
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Quick check-in to remind everyone to please keep the conversation on topic and to follow the Forum Rules. We can have discussions where we disagree without getting personal or insulting one another. Thank you for your help.
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Some killers being too strong.
Some addons and items being too strong.
Some maps sizes being too big and having too strong layouts favoring survivors.
Solo Q being an awful experience.
Those are the main problems in dbd currently imo.
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Mostly people thinking they should never lose, aka, entitlement.
Honestly? Maps
Definitely some other outliers, more so specific killer add-ons. Alchemist Ring just needs to go. IMO, it's more of a problem than Compound 33, and Alc Ring isn't even an Iri add-on. Compound 33 is nearly as bad too. Both of these add-ons make an already very good killer, a nearly unstoppable monster in the right hands. There is also Mother-Daughter ring as well, which I imagine most people are well aware of.
You also have various other add-ons for various killers that are much lower quality, but provide more benefit than purple or even iri add-ons. Hell, two of Ghostface's best add-ons are the matchbook and the camera. It's beyond silly how valuable those two add-ons can be for a Ghostface, and they are brown. Then you have killers that are not top tier (not implying that Ghostface was top tier in my previous sentence), and need rarer/more expensive add-ons to be truly deadly. Examples would be Bubba with Award-Winning Chili/Beast Marks, or Onryo that pretty much wants Ring Drawing with Iri Tape or Editing Deck.
I personally do not think there are any problem killers, even Nurse or Blight. I think add-ons across the board are the bigger problem, and in more than one facet. However, please fix maps before looking at add-ons.