How do you have fun as killer?

I'm a survivor main, who currently plays killer, at least a few times a day. I don't have any problem playing killer in regards to experience/skill, and this isn't some rant about which side needs buffs or nerfs.
I play survivor so much that it can often feel boring, and i ponder the thought of playing some killer. I love many killers and how they're designed, and i'd love to invest the same, if not, more time into playing as killer. However, when i play killer, the mindset is completely different. You can't use a fun or experimental build like you can in survivor, without the real expectation that you're probably gonna get pwned. Sometimes it feels like the system is against you, and you have to play aggressively to come close to winning. It feels like all hell is going to break loose, if you don't kill at least one survivor in the trial, or you've failed completely. This is regardless of how many hooks you got.
When i play as survivor, winning means almost nothing to me. I can take the fat L consecutively. As killer, it genuinely sucks. I've gone so far as to play Nurse with a sweaty build and secure the 4k at 3gens. Then i'll feel empty, like i didn't really enjoy playing so sweaty, like i didn't really deserve the win too. However, i'll play a killer whose playstyle i genuinely enjoy. A killer that isn't considered as strong at high MMR. Then i'll get served by a sabo squad or something like that. Before you know it, the only real move left when you've completely lost pressure, is to start camping and tunnelling. Which i don't think anyone enjoys.
I asked a popular twitch streamer who plays killer almost always, "What's the secret to becoming a killer main" The response i got was "You have to secretly enjoy pain" . I don't really know what to do with that so my question goes out to other killer mains i guess. How do you do it? How do you take the L and move on so religiously. How do you shake off the competitive mindset, and play for fun. No matter the build, no matter the killer you've picked, and regardless of the outcome. Do i just need anger management? Do i have an inflated ego, or are you guys just built different.
I doubt this will help you, but after maining several different killer's 6 months in I picked up blight. And at this point the only reason I play this game is to play survivor with my friend and to improve my blight.
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Speaking for myself I play with builds I find personally enjoyable even if I lose. My favorite Freddy build (Infectious Fright, Distressing, Dark Devotion) is actively bad, but I always get a laugh out of it whenever I get Infectious to actually trigger.
I've also had fun on unusual stealth builds. (Stealth builds for killers like Wesker, Bubba, or even Huntress).
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My best adive to enjoy killer? Don't give a ######### about the 4k. My worst game experience on dbd is sweating as killer for pips or 4k challenges/adepts. If you tryhard and 4k it's usually a snowball i.e. boring and if you get frustrated by a solid team it's super annoying. After this month I'm resolving to just not care about pips and rank.
The most fun I've had as killer has been BP farming and dropping my mmr. In a normal game I'll usually let last surv go, and it's generally a pretty wholesome interaction. And if I'm up against a bully squad that's clearlt out of my league I'll just let them get on with gens and just harass them a bit so they don't think I'm just giving up because they usually just spend ages BMing otherwise.
But yh short version, just focus on enjoying and utilising the killer's power and dont give a damn about the 4k or the pips.
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I just stop caring and play how I like with whatever dumb meme builds I feel like. I once saw someone say, "If you win, great. If not, you were just memeing".
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I enjoy learning killers the most. I have finally started to learn Oni and this guy is hard to control. But: if some movements or fakes work, I feel satisfied.
Same with Blight. The only Killers I dont like are Billy, Bubba and Nurse. Every other killer I play. Well, mostly Freddy of course, but I really love playing Blight these days. Its so satisfying when Flicks work etc.
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I can understand your mindset, because when I play killer it feels the same for me. From a survivors perspective I must say that I never know which type of player I'm currently facing. Is it a relaxed person who just wants to have a little bit fun an maybe scare some peoole or is at a 4k dude who needs the win no matter what it costs? I face the last one more often and because of that often I try everything to be fast and efficient at the beginning. I slow down, if I see that the killer has problems.
But for example when I face a scratched mirror Meyers, oh, I love it. I know this person wants to have fun and scare people. I almost forget to repair generators and want to be chased and play with him. I had such a match a few weeks ago on Midwich. And you know what? Then he starts camping and the fun was over. Just another one who needs his kills so hard. The match turns from yihaaa to awful in 1 second.
But back to your topic. Hm, I'm really not sure which advise I should give. When I try some funny, strange build I try to ignore the result. I mean, players who want to play with me should play, the others should leave as fast as possible. Ignore it, end the match, queue up again. Don't waste energy in this.
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I get up early in the morning to go to work.
I get back home, take a shower, eat, do a few shitposts here and there, catch up with whatever I have open at the moment, then I hop on the game and play.
Pretty straightforward. You?
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I don't know how anyone's getting any fun out of this game right now. If I'm playing killer, it's a sweat-fest...if I'm playing survivor, it's "oh wow...I'm against Ghostface...again..."
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you don't
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I stopped having fun with killer a long time ago, so I just play survivor only.
”Sometimes it feels like the system is against you”
It is.
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Crush your enemies, see them driven before you, get "gg"s in the post-game chat.
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I've found the way I have the most fun is to not sweat and play for the game itself. I use perks I like and chase whoever's in front of me, and I only step on the gas when I'm losing. If I win, great. If I lose... as long as I had fun in the match itself, it's okay.
Now, survivors stomping you into the ground and being sore winners about it is a really ugly environment that doesn't lend itself to good feelings about the game, but you'll get fewer SWFs that'll completely destroy you and salt the earth for good measure if you don't rack up 4k streaks and you let people live every once in a while because they were good or funny. This is key - you have to be somewhat merciful or MMR will toss you to the sweats, either directly or with your playstyle (i.e. going for the 12-hook.) Be too merciful and the game will give you newbies, which are some of the most boring games imaginable, but giving hatch is a surprisingly strong tool for keeping your MMR level.
If you can stay in that environment where survivors are competent but not indomitable, the game can be fun, and you can dust off some low-tier killers meme builds. But if you play to win, you've gotta commit to sweating, because high MMR killer matches are just Stress: The Game and I'm not built for that.
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I just don't care. I find something to laugh about with every little thing.
It works for me.
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We run thematic builds and just go for it. We don't really care what the survivors expect and always get a smile when we surprise them. Basically play in a way that makes you not hate yourself, NEVER take the opposing side seriously, and you'll have fun (barring the bullies and wana-be bullies, those you need to stomp for community service~).
As to how to take a loss, its a game mate. The ones that take it to seriously are the ones who need help. We don't know any other word that fits except help.
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You build skill so that you lose less often. It's important to remember the game is rigged and survivors are expected to win whenever they are playing in a SWF.
Never play the weak killers.
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Play for fun. Untangle the idea that only getting a kill or less means you're bad from your self esteem or your fun. Sometimes you're just outmatched, and that's okay !
I play killer to have fun, some would say overly fairly. I don't let my mmr rise too quickly by always letting the 4rth survivor go (or the last 2 if they were cute), and that places me in a sweet spot where games are not too hard, but I definitely take Ls from time to time, and since I play very fair my survivors tend to be very nice in return. It's a win-win situation !
So yeah, just... don't go in there expecting to 3k each match, but don't anticipate sweat either. Let the sweaty teams come and go, and you'll soon be against teams that let you grow your skill at a rythm that suits you better.
More to the point of the question, personally, my fun is wired to everyone's fun. My favorite moments on DbD as killer are cute interactions betwen killer and survivors, friendly games, and nice postgame chats. They're what makes me feel good because I know my opponents enjoyed the game as much as I did.
I don't play friendly all the time of course, but l'm definitely a more relaxed killer than any killer main I guess.
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What Hugthehag said. ☺️
And also set yourself personal goals, even if they are small, like learn a certain aspect of a killer's power better.
Or think about your normally playstyle and change it up.
For example, I used to play chase orientated demo for a while. So I set myself the goal to use the portals and the add ons for those more and play demo as defending a network of gens, hooks, totems etc.
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I fixate on improving and optimizing everything, so I enjoy the process of trying, failing, reflecting and improving on what I've learned. When playing killer everything is in my control and I can affect real change and get results. Even if it means losing, I'm learning what not to do. I guess it can be a matter of perspective. Playing killer well is often times not anywhere near what a new killer is thinking will be fun as a killer, and at times can be what makes killer so boring: managing time and resources. When I first played killer I assumed I was just going to be chasing people and whacking them, but not so much. It can still be fun for years, but there comes a time when there isn't anything new to figure out which is when you start to see real problems with the game, which can then lead to frustration. Reminding you that the main goal should be to have fun, and that there are all different kinds of limitations, some are fun to learn to overcome, but others are meant to be appreciated or respected because they make the game what it is. If that makes sense.
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before (2019) it was just playing the game without being too much worried about the outcome, then after all the nerfs done to gen regression perks (especially the old version of ruin that allowed me to play completely chill without being a prick) i was slowly changing my gameplay, being a prick aganist tryharders and playing more harsh/rough generally speaking. now well, the only thing that i still consider it enjoyable (but it gets old fast) is to troll people with bubba (it's also the only way to gave toxic SWF what they seek... an unfun match) since the implementation of the new MMR, putting me aganist toxic scumbags all the time...
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" I slow down, if I see that the killer has problems."
Believe it or not: In 6 years, this is the first time i heard such a thing from a surv.
You mean like opening chests, doing totems and... stop working on gens or do them less effectivly?
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Honestly its getting to the point where killer is becoming unfun. Healing speeds are insane right now.
Survivors will genrush, but complain when you tunnel someone ( you need to thesedays )
I have 2k hours on pc, 1k on xbox all achievements, all challenges done and am getting to the point now where I am considering switching to a new game. The games in a bad state imo.
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Yes exactly, but most of the time this doesn't help a lot. In these matches where the killer player is struggeling even 2 survivors finish the gens pretty fast.
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Play a variety of killers, use different perks and addons every time, don't stress so much about the 4k. Another thing, don't take BMs so personally. I used to struggle with this myself. One exit gate teabag could turn my entire day upside down. I would get so stressed about it. It would take me half an hour of mentally preparing for a match. That's how it was when I first started playing. But over time you develop a thick skin to that sort of stuff. Took me a while to realize that it's nothing personal, just kids being kids. Sorry if I got a little excessive here, just had to get that out
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Don’t take the game all too seriously, simply laugh at survivors who BM you, after all it only actively disadvantages them if they do so.
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I have no issue enjoying playing as killer, and certainly don't get the whole "You have to enjoy pain to play killer" mentality - just sounds like bravado.
For me, there are a few things that make it pretty enjoyable:
1. I randomise every build every single game. Therefore, the game remains fresh and I get surprisingly good value out of unexpected perks, probably due to the survivors being blind-sided by it.
2. I have my own agenda for each match. My main one is to score 9 emblem points minimum, but I'll also add other targets to achieve, whether it's measureable or not. I don't worry so much about kills (although, ironically, kills comes as part of the parcel, so there's no shortage).
3. Role-playing a killer helps. Currently, I play Oni and have fun being tactical until I go into a blood rage where I throw tactics to the wind, in exchange for chais.
4. Most importantly, whatever people say, remember you paid for a game/character to play as you wish. In some ways, it's good to bare in mind other players are human so as to treat them with respect in chat, but in-game see it as you vs AI. It takes away a lot of stress and turns the game into what it should be: a game.
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I think of it the opposite way, I remind myself that these survivors I am playing against are real people, who are analysing what I do and how to counter me and what to do if I make mistakes, it makes me feel more “like a killer” I think it’s fun.
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You'll see many people advise you that the secret to enjoying killer is to not care about the 4K, but in reality that's easier said than done. Imagine being on a baseball team where you consistently lose, and yet you're being told to just "go out there and have fun". Losing repeatedly isn't fun, especially if you're being clearly outmatched with people that you have no business playing against.
This is why I look forward to the bots. You'll be able to practice with those as much as you want until you're comfortable with how to play a killer. Once you've done that, then you might be more confident and be able to hold your own more in an online match.
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go for snipes with an aura build on huntress, or zoom around the map with double curve as billy and crossmap people. normal killer games arent fun, forced to run 2-3 slowdown, playing only strong killers, being forced to leave chase if i get nothing in 20ish seconds, needing to tunnel almost instantly if the survivors have brains, its just really boring
but just blasting music and sniping with hatchets or flying across the map as billy is fun
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Honestly for me its to try and not take the game terribly seriously, and play things you find fun regardless of power level. I love Trapper and Sadako. They are not objectively strong killers, but I enjoy them. If you get a 4k great. If you get only 1k, thats fine.
And if you start getting frustrated because you did take the game too seriously, like I did yesterday (2 games in a row where the surv objective that game was to chain flashlight stuns), then just take a break and play Sonic or something.
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Depends what map it is. Garden Of Pain cough cough
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Play a build you have fun with, regardless of how 'strong' it is, and that goes both ways. I have fun playing Ghost Face and Mirror Myers, because you get to make awesome stealth plays and catch survivors off-guard. I don't really care that these builds aren't that strong and survivors end up escaping, I just teabag back at them with Ghost Face. I also enjoy playing Make Your Choice Dredge and zipping back to the hook for an easy down, despite that fact that it can sometimes be too oppressive. That just gives me the leeway to control the pace of the game and I often let survivors go if I feel I'm winning 'too much'.
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I guess you could argue I enjoy pain, since I don't play the high tier killers. The only strong killer I enjoyed is Billy, but few months after I joined the game he got nerfed lol.
Nurse, Blight, Oni all make me dizzy (motion sickness), so I just stick with the m1's I enjoy.
I recommend to find killers you enjoy and try to play with at least a decent build. I'm not a fan of stacking a bunch of gen defense but on dogshit killers like Clown is kinda needed. You could play the bottom killers without any gen defense but expect to lose a lot, even to mediocre teams if they decide to go hard on the m1 lol.
Meme builds are overrated on killer imo. It might be fun for a couple of games but if I'm losing because of a ######### build that takes the enjoyment out of the game for me. My favorite perks are STBFL and Devour Hope, those can at least feel satisfying when you get the value from them.
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Bring all stealth perks on Ghostface. Bring perks that cause the Obsession to switch. Bring perks that you would never bring otherwise or that you haven't seen killers bring in a while.
Play off-meta killers like Legion and just stab the whole game. Play Hillbilly and receive lots of praise because no one plays Hillbilly. Play Pig and just let people go if they "boop your snoot".
My point is not that playing to win isn't fun, but winning while not trying is even more fun. Embrace the challenge of handicapping yourself in goofy ways.
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I 2 hook everyone, that's honestly what I enjoy the most, if I accidentally sacrifice someone, I'm so sad, lol
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So what if you win while you were memeing? Lol
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I like playing Deathslinger with sloppy, bloodhound, lethal pursuer & STBFL.
I actually enjoy just running around trying to land crazy shots and tracking players all over the map. I hardly ever bother with gen pressure because I'm not really fussed about winning those games.
I think because I go in with a different goal in mind I can actually just chill and have fun messing around with one of my favourite killers. I think he's probably going to be my first max prestige character.
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The reason losing as killer often feels worse than losing as a surv is fairly simple: as a surv, "responsibility" for the loss can be diffused among the team. People do it all the time, as evidenced by all the complaining about our supposedly potato teammates (even when we play as badly or worse than any of them). Rationalization is a powerful thing.
As a killer, it's all on you. You either failed, were beaten, or some combination of the two. That's a lot less palatable than "I played well/was the best on the team, but my team let me down". There are two options to deal with this: accept it, which can be hard, or rage and blame it on the game/devs.
Mostly for those reasons (in addition to the fact there is no downtime as killer), survivor is the less stressful role.
How do I enjoy killer? By not prioritizing winning above all else (well, trying not to, anyway), realizing there is no real balance in the game, and that I am often going to go up against more experienced players, adjusting my expectations accordingly.
And really, expectations are a big part of all of it - try not to have them (in life, but especially in DBD), because there are too many variables to realistically predict how any game is going to go. I would bet that like 95% of ragequits are simply a result of unmet expectations - the game didn't go the way they planned it in their heads.
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Maybe I should have been clearer: when I mention that I imagine my in-game opponents as AI, I meant that I don't grow any sort of emotional link to things they do. So any attempts to fluster or anger me into a mistake doesn't often affect me, nor does it make me resent them as players.
It's not meant as a commentary on how they play and learn, but I do see why you came to that conclusion and admit I wasn't clear. Hopefully this makes it more understandible :).
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Here's some real advice to being a killer main. Create side objectives for yourself. For me as an artist main, my goal is to get as many bird downs as possible, I'll aim for 10 bird downs a match and when I get it I'm really pumped. If I focus solely on dbds main objective I would go absolutely crazy.
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We're just built different. You have to just accept that you're gonna lose many games which you couldn't have won.
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I want the 4k. Where's the challenge in just settling for a 1-3k? Yeah, some games I get nobody at the end purely because I wanted to slug everyone for the 4k, but I had to at least try. This game is demoralizing for killer in how resigned y'all are to not even hope for the 4k anymore.
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I mean nothing wrong with playing to win. But if aiming for a 4k means a stressful game and extreme frustration when you don't get it then that isn't enjoyable.
Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a challenge, I just have much more fun when I don't give a damn, and I'll often release last survivor. Like I'll chase them, down them, then carry them to hatch or exit gate and allow them to leave instead of hooking. I still outplayed them and they know it, but i just make the game a little more pleasant for everyone involved by giving them 7k bp for escaping and not losing any item they might have. Maybe I'll get a thankyou message.
Tbh hooking last surv doesnt really gain you much anyway with the devout emblem being bugged.
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Here is what I don't get about people who play to win (ie, a 4k, 4e every match) - this goes for both sides, mind you, is that this isn't a zero sum game. There is no official win condition - people make their own win conditions. I mean, the fact that you don't think a 3k is a win is a testement to that.
This little rant below this is for people who use mmr gain/loss as a win condition this is specifically for them, not saying you said that in your post, but it's a common counter argument from when I say this from people who say 'win conditions were set by bhvr when mmr was introduced'.
-- The way our mmr is calculated is known, but unless if winning means gaining mmr to you, then it's pointless to use that. Keep in mind, bhvr didn't even want to tell people what gains/loses mmr so people don't cheese it or use that a guidance to win their matches, after all it's some invisible number. It also falls apart when you hear that mmr is being calculated differently on a team level now, or if you kill 4 survivors that are below your mmr you gain very little, or none. --
Anyways, back on topic.
What I don't get is why people play to solely win, if you win every match and then get defeated by a good team/killer, it is demoralizing, as you say, and eventually you get your current skill cap (not talking about mmr, but your killer or survivor skill cap on what you can accomplish and do with killers), it's inflated which leads to more demoralizing matches and more devastating L's, so to speak.
Not to mention, people have their own win conditions - did I 4k? did I 3k? did I play fair 8 hook everyone and got x amount ok kills? did I escape? did the whole team escape? did everyone but me escape? Did I do what I set out to do with my build? Did I pip? Did I double pip? Did I get my challenge done? Did I make progress on this stupid achievement? And then you got people like me who don't care about the escape and focus on chases, I'll throw games to chase a survivor that is better than me because that is fun and if I get them - and why I absolutely despise anti-loop killers because it's just not fun, and chasing someone better than you is how you improve. I'd argue I don't get challenged enough in this game as killer myself, but that's another story.
I'm not saying people shouldn't be playing to win, if that is what they want - get that 4k by any means if it's important to you. But this game is more than the 4k. It's more than the escape. There are other ways to challenge yourself than just to get a 4k.
This is not necessarily aimed at you, but for anyone really.. But if you are feeling demoralized, I think it's time to re-evaluate what you find fun, how you find fun (ie is this game worth playing for you after X amount of time), and be realistic with your expectations, if you are burnt out on this game or playing killer - it's not realistic to win every match, nor is it fun to win every match (at least to me). It's amazing what a nice break from this game will do to you - remember, mental health is more important than some stupid online game.
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When I first started playing Killer years ago I was wack and I was more open to playing care-free regardless of results.
Nowadays I definitely care way more about winning, especially because of how over-confident the community acts if you allow them to win by playing too-casual, but not enough to sweat EVERY single match using S-tier perks/addons/characters. I play a lot of M1 Killers too, not just high tiers because for me the highest form of skill expression in this game is the mid-chase interactions and I love out-mindgaming people or predicting what they're going to do and countering it in real-time
Mindlessly camping/tunneling/Holding M1 on gens are boring to me. Whether I escape or 3/4k my fun is entirely dependent on whether or not I got to display skill in chases or make good plays. If its handed to me too easily due to an overwhelming skill-gap, ridiculously one-sided RNG etc. then it really isn't entertaining
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I play meme builds all the time and win. All you have to remember is that it is just a game and of course you are going to lose some matches if you dont play serious.
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It's not that anything less than a 4k is a loss, although it sometimes feels that way. It's that you get shot down by the community for wanting the 4k, like you're supposed to be unquestioning and resigned to the fact that you're supposed to get a 2k average. Drawing in 80% of matches doesn't sound really threatening for killer, you know?
The win condition of this game is not as subjective as people say. 2k is a draw, so you find out the other win conditions from there. Although, getting frustrated, which is way more easily done for killer, kind of takes away the good feeling of winning. If I have to play every chase like my life depends on it just to get average results consistently, what kind of game state is that? It's like the entire killer side has just been ignored for 6 years. Taking away OP survivor stuff and tossing killers a bone every now and then isn't enough; we need fundamental changes.
I like to gain MMR because I want to face good players, not chumps, and so I do expect more and more challenging matches from that. But at the same time, it's like every other match is an unwinnable one sometimes. I consistently get prestige 40+ survivors, but because I'm humble enough to admit that I lose a lot and that killer needs help, people either don't believe I'm at the level that I am, or they're just indifferent.
What I've found from going up in MMR is that 90% of the killer cast becomes "I literally can't do anything to the survivors" level after a certain point. People love to complain about Nurse and Blight, and call them unfun and OP. But you know the killers they don't say that about? Trapper, Freddy, Pig, Ghost Face, etc. They clown themselves all the time when they try to say, "Wraith, Clown, Pinhead and Sadako aren't as bad as them, and are actually really strong. Skill issue if you lose with them." 🤡 Maybe I'm just different, but I hold killers to a very high standard before I even think about calling them strong. I'm hesitant to call Blight S tier, because he does in fact have to respect pallets and windows, and can be dead angled. That means counterplay which survivors can abuse. But that's the realization I've come to, that in contrast to other games where the top 3 tiers of characters are viable, only a killer of S tier strength is viable in this game, because everyone else is so bullyable. I can't even play Nurse and Blight really, because I'm on console.
I do occasionally just not care about winning, like when trying a perk I've known to historically be weak, or when I'm prioritizing an archive challenge or a daily.
But my main frustration is the difference in effort, strategy, and sweat between killer and survivor. Keep in mind I like to talk about game balance from a perspective of both sides playing well/efficient, as everyone should but doesn't. With killer it's as if you're expected to play perfect and then some just to break even with the survivors' pressure. With survivor, you can make constant mistakes but as long as the gens go quick, you are just so SAFE. So when everyone's playing good as survivor, it's like a candy shop of choices where you can do whatever and get away with it. But for killer it's like you make 1 sub-par play and everything comes crashing down. You can't get away with anything because no matter what you do, the survivors can punish. There's no 1 killer strategy, perk, or choice that the survivors can't trump.
I've been in this mindset a long time, but I don't see anyone being able to change my mind. What I've seen, by and large and from personal experience, is that the game is busted in the survivors favor, that everything that's required of the survivors to feel invincible is to simply know how to play. My above points support this. But I've made peace with the idea that I'll always be a "biased killer main," because I'm not longer afraid to be the bad guy as long as I'm speaking truth. At least there's a few people like you in this community who at least try to understand.
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i just try to hit as many people as possible, as many times as possible, and beat up gens as much as possible. sometimes i go perkless (what i call veteran mode), i play demo till i crash, or set little goals for myself like streaks or something. i count things, practice stuff on different maps, teach myself stuff.
there's a lot of options outside of kills and pips!
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Just dont sweat.
Really. Dont care about hooks, kills etc. Play just for act of playing. Choose your faved killer, based on whatever you like - apperance, lore, theme, franchise, and try to roleplay - choose perks that best fit this killer and just do what you do. You killed a guy? Yeeey, you are killer. You havnt kill a guy, well its means that he is main protagonist of this game, and due to film logic he has to escape. This is what i do as killer - just play, no sweat.
Im almost never kill anyone, i play as pain giver, hitting everyone, preventing their heals and hooking everyone 2 times and then let them escape. And if surv understand what im doing, they most often both: join to play and "acidentally" got into traps (both literal like beartraps, and not literal) and enjoy chases (and the fact they was not sacrificed).
What i do not enjoy are tryharders who feel the game is lost on their first hook and then disconnects. I also do not enjoy anti-altruistic survivors, and if i see that someone was sacrificed on its first hook due to noone trying to rescue him, im becaming mercilless and kill everyone asap in bloodrage.
So... Find your niche, dont sweat and just play. Those are advises from me... But we are not the same. If this is not the thing you would enjoy, then im sorry, its not that there is a recipe for enjoyment.
The differences are:
- In baseball match you have said what is win and lose.
- In a baseball there are people who count on you. Here you are alone and just for yourself.
Post edited by Archael on1 -
The fact that the most common answer for how to have fun as killer is “just meme around and don’t try to win” should be setting off massive alarms at BHVR. It won’t, but it should.
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Undying + Haunted Grounds + Third Seal + Whispers
But honestly, I find it very easy to have fun as killer because there's very little survivors can do to stop be from playing the game.
Playing survivor on the other hand has become increasingly boring and dreadful and the only fun that's left is Head On and Saboteur