Sucks when casual players get dragged into these sort of games
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She can be looped, and for a while too. Just comes down to understanding how she works and how she will predict and react to what you do. Same idea with every other killer, just in a more unique fashion. Nurse is way more map dependent than people want to let on. She is great on indoor/ small maps, due to the fact she can travel mid-ranged distances in quick bursts. This also means that she is quite lackluster on large maps.
Sometimes nurse can end chases faster than blight, and other times blight can end chases faster than nurse. Blight has better map pressure, better 3 Gen potential, better patrolling, and wayyy better add-ons. Blight also has the plus of being able to leave chases faster if they aren't going well, tinkerer proc, leaving to interrupt a gen, etc.
i wouldn't say any killer is stronger than a SWF, and I wouldn't say any SWF is stronger than a killer. It comes down to the skill of the individual players.
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For real...
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Nurse is wonderful when you've been bullied for a couple rounds and want a free, easy and lazy skill-less 4k to make u feel better.
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nothing wrong with enjoying yourself!
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So you killed survivors fast with your broken toy? Good for you I guess
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swfs like this deserve all the bs that exist in the game, sorry not sorry. "hey, let's play dbd, gen rush tf out a casual gamer and leave with an average of 15k points and ruin the person's day". well done nurse. i mean, casual survivors will just go next the second they hear the screech anyway or at least once they see the nurse is sweating.
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I'll be uncharacteristically positive here
Glad you're enjoying yourself, op. Have a good time.
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Yeah, the problem is that then that same nurse goes against a casual soloQ team and crush them effortlesly leaving them with a 4k-8k points and ruining the 4 people day
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Man I'm using only 2 slow downs, my other perks are aura reading, if I have gotten any other map I would have been ######### against this swf, imagine mother dwelling, or rpd. The game is super hard to any other killer other then nurse.
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So Ur basically saying its better when the killer gets destroyed and has no fun than the survivors getting destroyed and having no fun?
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Lmao, 3bnps but ur surv rule books doesn't allow me to use slowdowns
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The best thing is that both parties can have a minimum of fun; this is precisely what the power of the nurse allows, in a way: she doesn't have to pull out the biggest perks of the game to hope to be efficient; and it's sure that it's more pleasant to play against a talented nurse with an original build, than against a nurse who sweats with a Strastruck's build 🤗
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Where's my starstruck?
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I am saying that the same MMR that can match you with these squads can match you with an uncoordinated, weak soloQ squad whose purpose is not to 'rush tf out a casual killer and ruin its day', and just want to have a normal game. Yet they are also destroyed
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What survivor rulebook, you're playing nurse
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I was talking in general 😊
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What exactly is there to say about this? You both are sweat lords
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I mean that is true but its also the other way around. If I play a "weaker" killer like pig or plague for example I can also get matched with survivor death squads that change last second and bully me the entire game. I can understand why ppl play nurse since its the "prepared for every situation" killer. That doesn't mean shes balanced though.
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So he shouldn’t play Nurse or play to win because most survivors can’t be bothered to learn? Please quit the game.
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hahaha ur running a meta nurse build against console survivors and bragging about it...
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I swear y'all overuse the word toxic for everything holy anint noting toxic about using in-game mechanics to try to win more.
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when i see her is just a moral hit, i will most times leave on hook first try i dont bother. i dont care to bother either. Its jsut unfun, unpleasant i enter the game to have fun not to play against something that doesnt fit dbd.
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Forget what these survivor main nerds are saying. Good job on the 4k!!
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Can you then please do all other solo survivors a favour then and queue in a 4 person SWF? You just ruined the match for the other three survivors and the only time the Killer will be upset is if they're not a sweat lord and the sweat lords will be happy. If you queue with three other people who realize you might do this then you're not affecting anyone else unfairly.
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not at all, msot people leave on hook agaisnt nurse and blight wich is a big thing, something BHVR needs to adress, most killers are fun and then u have those 2 and legion of course. people hate them and is fine to hate them, especailly the first 2, they have a selection of dumb addons that make the experience beyond unenjoyable and the only way we survivors cna send a message to BHVR is by dying in big numbers, thats the only thing they watch numbers. and dont you worry i already do tthat, i never play solo q, that is meant just to lose over and over again people doing nothing all game, solo q is not even worth and on top of that you were gonna lose agaisnt a nurse anyway, the only way to beat a decent nurse is in SWF, solos are powerless against her, everyone who denys it are one of the following 2, Nurse mains (wich most are completely delusional in order to defend their killer main) or 2 havent played the game enough.
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Okay, we can agree to disagree on the beatability of Nurse as we won't agree on it but I'm glad to hear you do 4 person SWF; thank you. I don't care what a group of friends do or do not; it's when they give up on randoms it irks me.
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it seems you havent read my comment, people DC and leave on hook agaisnt those 2 all the time against nurse. ALL THE TIME. dont pretend is not because thats BIG CAP. people dont enjoy going against them and then sorry but u are delusional if u think u can beat a DECENT or better than that nurse in SOLO Q... literally impossible, as long as she starts to tunnel try hard solos are powerless against her.
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But I have and I have seen it done by solos. I've also seen solo streamers who have done it. But, once again, we can agree to disagree instead of retyping arguments we've already typed multiple times before.