How is insidious/ camping Bubba still in the game?
Seriously, it’s so boring just being camped all game, how is it fun for them?
This play style needs to be addressed, at least tunnelling is interactive and can be countered by perks and good teammates
If you’re being camped by a Bubba there is literally nothing you or your team can do. Even Reassurance or Deliverance/ OTR can’t save you
I get it, I play both sides so I get that sometimes proxy camping or tunnelling is necessary to win, but if you’re camping someone at 5 gens then it’s kind of pathetic, surely just watching someone on a hook for 2 minutes isn’t very fun?
I know it will be tricky balancing Bubba’s chainsaw without nerfing it too much but something needs to be done about him making unhooks literally impossible
Seems like an oversight, there's no way it should still be in the game if locker saves are being removed.
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I agree. And everyone who says "just do gens and leave" is ignoring the problem. This is a very tricky situation as the person on the hook can't do anything and the other survivors can't save the one on the hook.
I've seen an excuse that said "Bubba needs to catch the survivor before facecamping so just don't get downed". Again, the game has been made so that the killer has to down someone sooner or later and this is, once again, ignoring the actual problem.
Instead of changing base game mechanics (adding base BT and Haste which doesn't do much) it's better to address individual killer power.
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It's pretty funny and sometimes people just wanna chill and troll with some Bubba after getting mismatched against some sweat team that sent them to Garden of No Joy
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There is nothing “chill” about camping with Bubba, it’s about as sweaty as you can play
camping someone at 5 gens, making sure to bring them to basement, not allowing a single unhook all game? Yeah that totally sounds “chill” lol
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It's kind of funny, from time to time. The jumpscares are worth it.
And it's so easy to beat too.
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I did this the other day for just 2 matches to entertain myself. Not gonna lie, I was having fun because I know people complain so much about it. Then I went back to playing twins 😂
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I always assumed it’s because he’s a licensed character and they’re afraid of nerfing his camping ability would affect sales. One could say survivors quitting due to getting camped could too, but I feel it’s less likely since Bubba isn’t all that common (at least in my MmR).
Then you have the whole psychological aspect of being addicted to escaping and beating a killer and getting screwed by Bubba, you queue up right after only to get those sweet endorphins after (hopefully) you win the next match.
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Insidious Bubba gets a bad rep cause he can be a bit much with all the attention he gives. Poor guy just wants to show survs his cool new trick :(
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It's still in the game because no individual component of it can be easily delt with.
If you want to completely change Insidious to no longer work in a way that can be used for camping, okay. Make suggestions and hope they reach the devs. Keep in mind "delete the perk" is generally not an option. They will completely rework or retool a perk, but outright deletion is generally not on the table. Also, they GENERALLY want to keep the "spirit" or "general function" of the perk intact. So a perk that gives Undetectable should still give Undetectable, unless you can suggest something else to give a similar benefit without explicitly using Undetectable.
If you want to change Bubba in a way to no longer work with camping, make suggestions to the devs. Making his power not work around hooks hasn't happened yet, and there is probably a reason for that. Deleting him isn't an option. Nerfing him into the ground probably won't be met kindly, as most people don't want to see killers nerfed into oblivion.
The devs also GENERALLY like ALL perks to be open to being used with each other. Generally speaking, they avoid making perks simply not work with other perks, or on specific killers. While the function of perks may counter each other, they generally don't disallow you to take that perk. Same goes for perks on killers. You can generally take any perk on any killer, though it may or may not be beneficial. The choice, however, is there. So any changes would have to include the ability for Bubba to take Insidious without a hard ban on him doing so.
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Insidious: when standing still for 9/8/7s and not in a chase, the killer will be teleported in a non-observed, shadowy nook or corner 12-16m from a random survivor. After the teleport the killer gains 3s of Undetectable status effect. The perk has a 2min cooldown after use and a 45s cooldown at the start of the match.
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I feel ya, dude. Sometimes people just wanna chill on The Game with some BNPs after getting mismatched against some sweat nurses that send them to Midwich.
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Because the devs seem adamant to not change outdated or completely unfun game mechanics (moreso on the killer side I dare say). Nurse is still a thing, Blight still has completely busted add-ons, Tombstone Myers is still a thing, Rusty Shackles, Scrollwheel Hag is still a thing, facecamping Bubba is still a thing, Twins and Onryo still haven't been reworked, and Legion and Plague are still some of the most boring characters to play against ever. And that isn't even going into perks.
Now I really don't like to bring up an us vs them mentality on here unless it's calling someone else out for enforcing it, but I really don't think anyone can deny that survivors have been hit hard over the course of some of the most recent updates, that isn't to say there haven't been some good xhanges for survivor as well, but I honestly do believe that some killers are long overdue some adjustments to their powers and they would be nice to see sooner rather than later.
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Agreed. I have no idea why Bubba is allowed to face camp or Insidious camp for all these years without any type of change at all.
My idea for all killers is that they can no longer become Undetectable when within 24 meters of a hooked survivor. (This only can be countered If Using Killers for An Example Like Ghostface or Tier One Myers). But it always will prevent things like Insidious or Tinkerer from making you Undetectable when near a hooked survivor.
For Bubba, disable his chainsaw and drain his charges when within a certain range around a hooked survivor. This in my opinion will make Bubbas and Killers in general camp a lot less.
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I always thought that his chainsaw should just put everyone else into a deep wound state after downing the first person in each chainsaw sweep so that it would stop bubba camps
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Idk why people are upset by the ever so rare, random Basement Bubba. Just do gens. 3 escapes = ezgg
Or just sewerslide on hook and move on.
Hostage Doc pretty much forces you to play for one hour without getting anything in return, or flat out DC.
And by that I mean the entire lobby, not just one survivor.
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Insidious needs a complete rework and Bubba needs nerfed near the hook as long as he gets a few buffs in other departments to compensate.
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I mean we all hate Garden of Joy, but be serious; 95% of camping Bubbas are camping Bubbas as a lifestyle.
I've experienced a ton of frustration as killer, but I've never felt like a camping trip with Bubba was the best way to cope with it.
And really, if anyone gets to the point where they take their angst at one team out on the next, they should just take a break.
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I propose Bubba's chainsaw go into cooldown after the first down. You still get to insidious camp, but can't wipe out the who team at once. Bubba's ability to camp would be strong, but not so much that saves are impossible.
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same reason nurse is still in the game, there has to be a way to allow salty killer mains to get an easy 4k so they feel satisfied and don't quit, as most killers take too much skill for them
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I can not confirm this numbers. Non-camping Bubba is a comfort pick for me, but nearly every time the survivors comment in the post game chat something along the lines of "awww, a non-camping Bubba. That was fun. And BTW thanks for the hatch <3 ".
Today I had a trial on Midwich and it was the most fun I had in a long time. I had a Nea how chased me for three gens and dropped every palette in my face, turning basically the whole map into one giant dead zone. After that it was down after hook after down after hook rinse repeat. I could do my favorite Bubba interaction twice, ie instantly noticing that the disappeared survivor hid in a corner, blocking that corner and slowly shaking my head at them when they try futile to move out and then reving the chainsaw two times. I also had one exceptionally fun outplay maneuver when I chased someone up the stairs, doubled back and they vaulted and dropped directly in my waiting chainsaw.
I hooked a survivor in the basement and even surprised a survivor who was healing at the other side of the map, obviously thinking that I would camp or defend the basement.
What I mean is that Bubba can be a lot of fun as a chaser and general menace. You need to learn how to run tight loops with the chainsaw and how to weave between trees and desks, and you will still fail while doing it, but oh boil, the times you manage to do it right and down a survivor with the fumes of your third charge are some of the best this game has to offer. So why waste that fun and just stare a survivor on the hook in the eye while 3 gens pop left and right?
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Chasing Bubbas are fun, and I am almost always delighted when I see a Bubba playing that way. But they aren't who I am talking about.
The other night I played a game (which could have one of hundreds of such games I've been part of) where the Bubba hooked, camped, hit on hook, shook back and forth, nodded, rinsed and repeated. It was on the Disturbed Ward map, and as I worked on the upstairs gen, I saw the Bubba do this (Kindred) while the hooked surv (basement, of course) held on (I escaped, so bless them for that), and I had seen him insidious camping earlier when I knew I had to abandon any save attempts.
And that game was one of the very, very, very rare times I furiously teabagged at the exit gate. In 3+ years, I may have teabagged maybe 10 total times, and I would say 8 or 9 of those have been at camping Bubbas.
People who play like that almost exclusively play like that, at least in my experience. It just requires a certain mindset to derive any fun from it, because it's a joyless, boring, low skill way to play killer. I actually tried a time or two, and just couldn't follow through for long. It's just miserable. People who play that way probably are risk averse, unempathetic, and would shy away from more "typical" killer play.
I always try to understand how someone is having fun even if what they are doing seems really unfun, but insidious camping Bubba I just can't be understanding about (I admit I am a bit stuck in my own perspective here). It's just the worst, and the game would be better off if it were removed or severely curbed.
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I think I messed up and decided for another approach on my reply ^_- Yes, camping Bubba is a problem, which is evidence in how often survivors comment on me playing a non.camping Bubba.
BTW I had ONE instance were I deliberately played camping Bubba: the trial was on Badham and for three gens I had not seen one whiff of the survivors and I was getting pretty frustrated. So when I stumbled over a Kate I camped the heck out of her! This had the somewhat desired effect of luring in the other survivors, who tried for some daring rescue attempts, downs and hooking on a different hook, but I am pretty sure that this soured the mood of the game, as the survivors played with a certain edge and vitriol, that I can`t really blame them for. But the big culprit in this case was the map and map design.
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How is it still in the game? Simple: it's really difficult to find an effective way of disincentivizing it without also destroying the killer's balance. If you make Bubba unable to use his chainsaw within a certain radius of hook, then people will just dive him every time he goes for a hook and he can't really punish them for it. It basically takes a scenario that should be a disadvantage and makes it now advantageous. Personally I think Bubba himself is 100% fine, facecamping just needs a base-kit change.
IMO a perfectly fair punishment for camping would be to slow entity progression by 50% if the killer stands within 18m of the hook for more than 20 seconds and is not in chase. The second they leave that radius (thus giving the survivors a chance to save) or enter a chase the negative effect goes away and progress resumes as normal. This guarantees that a killer can't camp someone to death before all gens get done, even with Deadlock.
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You get camped by the time you should be at 3 gens. 4 gens. If you didn't do a gen, it's on you. Before the person dies you can easily get to 1 gen. Minimum 2. If you can decently loop for a minute you will escape with a 3k. If you loose another person, it's a 2k.
A 2k is a survivors win.
If you don't get a 2k you played bad.
Add that rescue is not impossible, it's just very improbable. And you get a granted killer loose/2 people escape. It's above the average survivors escape = it is not addressed.
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I doubt insidious bubba is as prevalent as you guys say, I play bubba all the time and insidious would be hella boring for the Killer.
I hope bHVR could share some stats on that.
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i rarely even see bubba honestly. :(
but i see plenty camping infinite tier 3 Myers.
there need to be some restriction on instant downing near a hock survivor.
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I love how every time this is brought up, the poster always says "How is this fun?" or "Blah blah blah, 5 gens, pathetic".
Again, just more gameplay police.
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leave bubba alone. it's one of the few killers that can actually let you punish people for being toxic (the other is using nurse with the strongest addons).
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It’s not fun and they’re a dying breed because the community made it boring, by doing gens and players on hooks being a martyr. That sounds like some clown who hasn’t played in at least a year coming back to DBD with his 2019 Boooba build. When you see the few roaming around, just keep doing gens, martyr for the cause if you’re the one hooked, and those who can- G T F O when the gates are powered.
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The thing I dont like about Bubba isn't Bubba himself. It's a weird hook philosophy that's incredibly inconsistent. I dont understand why Bubba chainsaw doesn't get disabled near a hook but Artist and Twins have that design feature. They should get rid of that hook idea all together so its actually consistent
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Insidious should have been removed or reworked before it was even added to the game. It serves no purpose other than encouraging camping.
For Bubba I'd suggest that he loses all chainsaw charges after hooking a survivor. In addition change the way his chainsaw recharge works by making it recharge based on movement so that he has to move around a lot to ever gain charges but that this CANNOT ever occur while within 15 meters of a hooked survivor.
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Get good
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You should try it out and see if it's actually fun 😊
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Someone told me,along time ago when it comes to mainstream horror Bubba Sawyer, actually started the game we play now, involving hooks and what not
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Sitting in one place isn't fun for me.
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Hi Pulsar hope your day is going great 😃
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Hey MardiGras, I also hope your day is going well
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Yep,it's the weekend can't really complain to much on the weekend
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Basement bubba only works because so many survivors feed them actually. Whenever i face a basement bubba in soloQ i can bet my motorcycle its gonna end up on a 4k when im the one camped. And i would win a Lambo.
And when i play with my friends i could do the same bet because we dont want him be camped all game or we want just have the game ended fast when its 5 gens left. Because basement campers are unfun.
If people would stop trying to unhook unsafely basement bubbas would be nowhere.
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You should feel honored to be picked by our lord and savior Bubba for basement quality time,, jokes aside i used to find it mald inducing but now i just laugh it off,,
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Why tf would that effect his sales? No one buys leather face to camp and most new players won't even care since they arent even good at the game yet nor know anything