The 10 Commandments of Solo Queue

  1. DBD is your game and you shall have no other game but DBD.
  2. Thou shalt not sandbag at the vault/pallet.
  3. Thou shalt learn to body block and draw aggro for those less fortunate,
  4. Thou shalt not run the Killer to the generator unless that generator has already been done.
  5. Thou shalt learn to equip Kindred/Bond/Situational Awareness or other such perks that let them know where you are or what objective you are doing.
  6. Thou shalt have at least one exhaustion perk in your loadout at all times.
  7. Thou shalt not take another Survivor's chest (especially when they have Plunder's and Ace in the Hole).
  8. No MIther is unholy and those that equip it shalt be t-bagged unmercifully when they are hooked.
  9. Thou shalt not break Hex totems unless they are already know the effects of that totem (unless potential Devoured Hope).
  10. Thou shalt learn that Prestige does not always equal skill.

Obviously listed in good fun. Please think of more to add to the list of commandments that make up the solo queue of DBD or come up with a SWF list of commandments to make for some interesting reading.
