Survivors should be able to power the gates by the time one is face camped to sacrifice

Prove me wrong but a buff to gen repair speeds if a killer is camping would benefit the game. It would punish killers who face-camp by always making the remaining 3 escape. If the killer decides to spend minutes next to the hook , the remaining survivors should get motivated and speed up the repair as nobody is stopping them.
This would decrease campers , which would decrease DC from survivors too. I do not see any downside to this if implemented right. Or any that is anywhere close enough to even matter.
- I assume that such speed buff would build over time with how much time the killer has spent near the hooked player. Thus chases and simple passing by the hook would not impact any killers who play normally.
- Also the buff would end if a survivor enters the hook radius so it cannot be exploited by survivors either.
- Grace period would be set so buff would not begin increasing until the killer has spent at least certain amount of time near the hook so normal game play would not be impacted with this. If you play normally as either side you would not notice any changes with this fix.
These ideas have been suggested multiple times.
How would this work on indoor maps?
How much is the buff % wise?
Applying pressure off hooks would be borderline impossible.
How would this stop killers who camp for no real reason? Not every killer camping to win.
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A Gen can already go in 45 seconds if running Gen build,that’s not fast enough for you?How bout survivors just tap gens to complete them?Guess that would be “Fair” right?
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Tell me how my suggestion gives you a problem and how it would impact you as a killer .
My suggestion does absolutely NOTHING in matches where killer is not a face camper. The buff never activates. Read above words in bold , I made them bold do people would notice them if they are too lazy to read.
Gens are slow. Too slow. You can ALWAYS facecamp one survivor out of the game even if you play against gen rush team. In the time a sacrifice is to be completed 3 people will never finish 5 gens. Which is why many killers camp one survivor to make it 3v1. Because it works. And it will keep working so why not tunnel and facecamp ? And people will continue to get frustrated when they log in to play only to be held hostage for few mins and kicked out of the game. Obviously they will DC if they get hooked first , it becomes tiring to stare at a screen where you can do nothing. These things will continue to be problems as long as you all negate everything instead offering fixes and solutions.
So please , if my suggestion is busted , say why and then tell me your solution that fixes all this and works.
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Indoor maps would have a horizontal detection range for the players. If you are on the upper floor it would not activate. It might be abused near stairs and drops but that is a minor evil.
Percentage would depend on devs and ptb. Pretty much enough for an average team to finish all gens if killer remains in camp mode the entire time.
Its not supposted to stop killers who facecamp for the sake of it but it would deny them the remaining 3 survivors. They would escape. The fix would mainly greatly discourage and diminish the prevelance of face camping in general.
I do not think it would affect hook pressure because if a survivor enters the radius the buff is dead that very instant. With grace period of 40s more or less the killer will never be around enough to activate the buff , which only begins to build slowly.
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Whats the range?
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Ok so it has a horizontal detection range You acknowledge that there is a massive issue with this suggestion of making it so it doesn't work on the same level? Well pretty minor right? Well, except for most maps have a main building that has a second level, and others are two level maps, only a few are 100% flat, but do you know what every map does have, the basement which is primarily used for camping anyway. This is not a small issue, this is a big issue hat would apply to majority of maps.
You have no idea what the percent should be or how long the range should be? You say minutes, but could a killer not leave to pressure a survivor off a gen and be back to the hook in 20 seconds? would that not reset the time, or is it continuous, built over entire match? Ok but if the killer leaves then its not camping, yeah say that to the survivor that makes it 15 meters off the hook, heck if survivors go to the hook because they are unaware that the killer is camping until they go and see, then the time is guaranteed to be reset at least once as you said if the survivors enters hook radius. If even one survivor tires and fails to get the save then that survivor on the hook will die without the others receiving any benefit. OK make the time shorter? Well then that opens up a range of other issues. I know it seems like I'm nit-picking but these questions matter.
So this suggestion only limits facecmaping as a strategy to win? So this won't fix the core of he issue, which is attitude. Ok, but it doesn't even fix that. You have no idea how long the camping time should go for before the survivors get the buff or how strong the buff should actually be. But here is the bigger issue. lets say we implement your idea, and 100% of the time if the killer camps, all 3 survivors escape. Problem fixed right. except, 1 the survivor on the hook is forced to remain in a match where they et, no benefit, no points, no pip, but mostly no enjoyment. Well, the other 3 escape right, well, lets see, they likely get very little altruism and chase points, so they are unlikely to pip, and they don't get any points, and they are still forced to do spend an entire match, doing nothing but gen repairs and leaving, not even getting anything really form the match, and certainly not enjoyment. If that's you goal, great, except time wise that's already common. This would only benefit killers who camp at 5 gens, maybe 4. 3 or less and the survivors can repair all the gens and escape already.
This would absolutely limit pressure. When people say camping, they generally refer to a killer just standing next a hook, waiting for a grab. But that is a very ineffective way to camp. The most effective way to camp is to hook in places that are close to you or places with limited resources or resources already used, that way you can apply pressure without giving a realistic chance to escape. Bad campers try to prevent unhooks. Good campers allow the unhooks in order to down the survivor quicker. Camping is simply that effective when done right. The question is the difference between camping and patrolling, well there isn't one. Not realistically. So you either end up punishing the killers for having a brain and thinking strategically or you put in a system that is so specific that is rarely applied. This idea seems only really apply to facecamping, but how will this fix Hag, or Bubba, or Nurse? It doesn't.
Your idea was created by the devs years ago, and has been suggested many times. It has been tired, it has not worked. With the devs attitude of camping is a valid strategy anyway, it likely will never be used.
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The detection range being horizontal only limits the impact of this fix. It is not intended to perfectly kill face camping but to discourage it. It could be made vertical as well and I doubt that the killer would have issues with it counting him being in the radius of the hook if he is in the upper floor of Midwich. It is unlikely he will stay there for 40s or more. The detection range could be just a sphere in general , 20m or however ptb or devs would consider optimal. Sure it wont always work with complex maps but it is not intended to be perfect , just to keep killer going around rather than standing still.
The timer would actively count killer's presence in the radius. Once grace time of say 40s is reached the buff will start to build. 1% gen speed bonus and onward. If killer leaves it , it starts decreasing. If a survivor enters while the killer is present , counter is paused as long as both are inside it. If survivor enters and stays in for 7s and killer is absent for the whole that time , the buff is reset. That is enough time to safely unhook. The smart camping as you say is still allowed here . The killer may allow the survivor to run in and unhook and later to chase but that still gives chances to the hooked player who will have endurance , speed boost and and ally to take a hit. Rescue is possible unlike face camping.
Considering that the radius is ~20m the killer can leave it and leave a survivor rescuer alone inside . That will result in unhook so its good that the buff will reset.
As for the rewards , we can fix that. Compensations can be given if someone died on their first hook but did not suicide. No self unhook attempts and no more than 2 missed stage 2 hits. That should guarantee no pip loss and maybe give bloodpoints a bit. As for others , if the timer was in the high numbers , which means camping took place , they will be compensated too.
Smart camping as I say would stay. It is not full proof , good players will escape after unhook. They still get to play at least. It will remain as a usable strategy but people will get multiple attempts against the killer rather then just be hooked and wait for the end next to a bubba with no reward.
There are countless options and adjustments that can be added to this. Sooner or later it will work and face camping will be a deprecating thing for the killer while it will compensate survivors.
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Sufficient for a survivor to be able to unhook. Maybe 20m , it would probably depend on testing a lot. But it would surely cover the entire killer shack and a bit more. Killer could lurk just outside of it but a stealty survivor could manage to resque.
Also it would only work if a single survivor is hooked. If two are on a hook then the feature would be disabled. Unless they are both in the basement.
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I don't think it would work for one simple reason: the lack of patience and determination if the hooked survivor.
Many people already DC when they first get down because they deem their match as lost and not worth their time.
Why do you think they would suddenly stick around for 2 minutes just to lose themselves while the other 3 "win".
It would need one heck of a reward for the camped survivor to keep hanging for the whole 2 minutes. A thing that should've been implemented years ago anyway btw as a distraction bonus or something so camped survivor don't leave empty handed and don't depip because of the decision of the individual playing killer.
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Why not just buff Reassurance?
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This is just you trying to play Facecamping Police.
Facecamping is not illegal.
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Punish Killers not playing normally!
Luckily you do not get to decide what's normal gameplay.
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20m ain't facecamping try 8 or 10 maybe
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Sorry, I can tell you're passionate about this idea but it isn't a good suggestion. Buffing gen repair speeds isn't the solution to face camping.
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I still say BHVR needs to make a sequel because this game’s mechanics are antiquated. Or at the very least reward the killer/give more incentives to chase new survivors. There should be more & better perks like Make Your Choice.
Perk Idea: Stay with Me - if all survivors are alive and the killer gained 8 hook states (tokens), the perk activates. The killer can now see everyone’s Auras for 3 mins. If the exit gates are powered, they get an additional 10 seconds for opening, for every survivor who is alive. Survivors do not get any notification if Stay with Me is in play, unless they’re opening exit gate or using Distortion.
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Maybe I should start running a gen build everytime. Oh wait, then killers will complain about gen-rushing and why they need to be running 4 slowdown.
GThe thing is camping doesn't take up a perk slot. But gen builds take more than one. Why is every killer of every level allowed that strat but somehow to counter it I have to be running this build EVERYTIME in case of a face-camp?
I wish every facecamper at 5 gens gets so many kills that they end up only playing vs SWF from then on.
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Increases to gen repair is not the way to go. In fact, Prove Thyself and toolboxes in the hands of swf are overtuned. Prove Thyself should be nerfed, as should toolboxes (teams should not be able to bring multiple of the same item).
I think that even in solo queue (despite needing buffs) a limit to items should be implemented. If someone has a medkit, you can't have one. Simple as that.
A killer who gets unique hooks (hooking a new person) should receive buffs similar to Fired Up!, and killers who get consecutive hooks on the same player should have their hook kill the survivor much, much slower than if it was a unique hook. It is so bad that the most skillful way to play as killer isn't rewarded anywhere near as much as proxy camp/first hook tunneling (super skilless) is.
That being said, the biggest issue in the game right now is Eruption. Absolutely broken OP perk (even more than nurse).
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This might be it. Much less complex solution.
Consecutive hooks kills slower unless one more player is hooked after that.
This might kill tunneling too.
And survivors who end up dying on their first hook but did not suicide get compensation rewards such as no pip loss and some bloodpoints.
I will post this in the feedback.