Where is Demogorgon?!
Generaly speaking, many people really like Demo:
- One of the most balanced Killers for both sides
- Cool desing, cool monster from very popular IP
- Fun to play as and againts
So how come that he has one of the worst (second place probably, according to last stats shared by devs few weeks ago) pickrates? Yes, you can't buy the DLC for a year now but still many many people have him and I don't think that majority of DbD players are players that are new to this game (below 1 year of playing). So I don't get it.
Probably because most people that have played the game for a while have quit recently? Those are the only people that can play demo anyway.
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I don’t play him much due to a feeling of clunkiness on his shred ability. Probably in my head but it discourages play with him.
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Or they play Wesker or other newer killers :(
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Demo might be fairly well balanced, but he doesn't have a very high skill ceiling. Meaning there's only so far a good killer can take him.
His Shred is a fairly good chase power, but his portals are very limited and easily counterable.
He's ultimately a worse Wesker at this point.
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He's a very limited killer, balanced on paper but unable to perform anything outstanding with his abilities. He can't bounce off a wall before pouncing like Wesker, he can't do pinball physics like Blight, and he can't do manifestaion grabs/hits like Onryo. Demogorgon is too loud, with very loud feetsteps and poor add ons to work with. Maybe his basekit is okay, but his add-ons definitely need a rework.
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He has no way to deal with the god windows or chaining tiles. The Dh change is a massive buff vs him since his shred is a predictable hit. The killer buffs in 6.1 did basically nothing for him along with stbfl being bad vs competent survivors. Along with his low pickrate he has one of the worst killrates as a "balanced" killer. If you look on nightlight he has a 45% killrate with the average for killer being 53%.
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He's bland and outdated at this point.
He's been replaced by other Killers who do everything he does better.
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This. Everytime I play as him I think he's just a worse Freddy, Dredge and Wesker.
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nah hes better than freddy and dredge. arguably on par with wesker
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He's not even close to Wesker.
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- Demo hasn't been on sale for a year. That alone cuts into his usage. (Sure, not everybody started playing over the last 12 months but it's not a negligible number either.)
- Wesker in particular is pretty similar mechanically to Demogorgon and is quite popular, so there are presumably a lot of people who used to play Demogorgon more often that now either play Wesker instead or split their time between the two.
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he is too weak to pre-drop pallet strategies and hold-w strategies. he is only worth playing if you use his iri add-on(leprose lichen) which grants global aura reading upon exiting a portal. it allows him to play more tactical and strategic in his approach to attacking. The shred is breaks pallets too slowly that survivor gets to the next loop. if survivor greed a pallet, it is possible to get hits at loops but overall, its survivor mistake for him get hits at loops.
I own both killers and i do not really play demo that much. i prefer playing wesker over demo. I assume its same for everyone else that owns him.
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Demogorgon is the most balanced killer.
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Demo needs
a) a return in sale (hopefully ST comes back)
b) Buffs to Portals and Shred
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Every now and then, when I want to go really ham, I play Demo with double Iri add-ons. Thats probably quite unbalanced and survivors have little ability to hide and lay low, but its a lot of fun. But outside of his double-iris you are probably right.
The lifesaver whistle can be fun at times with the add-on that increases portal detection rate, but in that case you still have to do the chasing and killing by hand.
Demo is a fun killer that I often give one or two spins a night, but not my main by a far shot.
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There is no Demogorgon,it was a collective fever dream.
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I've actually never thought of using his iri add-ons together. But no, not even that is gonna be enough against good survivors. The slowdown from the "silent" portal add-on makes it stupid, and the aura reading from Lichen is nice but good survivors don't care to have their auras shown, because they just run the loops normally and take advantage of all the no-mindgame spots.
Demogorgon is fun but I've had some of my sweatiest matches ever consistently on him. His shred is just good enough to tease you into thinking you can beat any team with him, but it never delivers that.
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That's true. Truly good teams just split up and slam gens while you chase one down, but when running this add-on combo I always have two pairs of portals directly next to each other. Port from one to the other and you see all the survivors and can instantly start to hunt one down. Also the 7s undetectable can lead to a gen grab every now and then, which massively puts you ahead of the curve.
It's funny when you see someone entering a locker or hiding in the basement and you just sniff them out there with then barely realising what's happening due to the relatively long undetectable.
Thebest thing about Shred is that it just loads fast enough that you can hit suevivors every time you run them in shack from the windows outside to the door and back: charge shred just before reaching the door and release once you come around, never misses, most don't know about this.
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,,Fine... I will do it myself"
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Awww --- there he is <3 whos a good demo-puppy? who is a good puppy? who wants to eat my face off? awwww ---rgggjgjgjgghhhh
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I still play him on occasion. He's the only killer I enjoy playing
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*happy Demo noices in the background*
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*affectionate dying noises*
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*Happy Demo puppy*
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Demogorgon is rare for the obvious reason (no longer available for purchase). But it is a solid A-tier killer per Otzdarva. It’s pretty strong with its Iri add-ons. Very tough for solo queue survivors, which make up the majority of the survivor playerbase, to deal with. But not unbeatable.
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na that depends on distance. if your just far enough away from doorway, you can force a 50/50 where demo has to commit to shred at window. he does induce near force pallet drop if you are already at the doorway though. One thing I always wondered for demo is whether demo would be strong killer if his shred had 0 cast time. As-in, you just press shred button and demo instantly shred's in a linear direction. Would that be overpowered at 115% m/s or would he need to be 110 m/s? I bet the survivor opinion would be something like: Demogorgon is new deathslinger! /s
otz puts demo at B-tier. he is generalizes the killer using grey-green add-on as base-kit in his list, though sometimes he posts his opinion on with killers having the best add-on's if you ask him.
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I am lucky I see them very often on my end.