character hate threads, and why they suck

dgbug Member Posts: 152

if you're making an entire thread based around the fact that you dislike one killer or survivor, it just doesn't seem like a healthy or productive activity. if you focus constantly on why it's so awful to play against one specific character, you're never gonna have fun because you'll always be angry about said character.

the way i see it, if you don't like a character THAT much, learn their perks, learn their builds, and learn what you can do to counter them! learn the popular playstyles of the killer and learn how most effectively to beat them!

if you're just complaining and saying "oh this killer is so awful and boring" it just kind of creates this weird space of negativity where everyone just dumps out stuff that really isn't productive.

and in the first place you could've spent more time just, i dunno, playing the game instead of complaining about something you don't like.

this isn't to say that you can't have complaints about characters or post about them, but at least keep an open mind and don't just instantly bash anything you don't like.

but on the OTHER hand, if you go in a killer hate thread or survivor hate thread guns blazing and acting like you're a victim because other people don't like something, you aren't creating helpful discource.

all you accomplish is fighting people on an internet forum, and making their hate of the character worse.

please, just use your brain on the internet. the rampant negativity is honestly really disheartening, please just try your best to enjoy things for once

  • your favorite least favorite killer main, dgbug


  • Hetameme
    Hetameme Member Posts: 47

    (Sorry for the quote I dunno how to reply properly)

    It's aftercare, one of Jeff's perks, it's such a cool icon for a relatively unpopular perk.

  • Hetameme
    Hetameme Member Posts: 47

    Oh absolutely, that's exactly what I think it's based on, which makes it even cooler as a pfp ;D

  • darkcloudlink
    darkcloudlink Member Posts: 326

    I don't really agree with what you're saying tbh. I'm not sure if this is in reference to the Legion hate thread that was recently posted, but feedback, even if it IS negative, is helpful to the devs. If they see that hordes of people are posting about how much they hate Legion because he's boring or unfun, it helps them to make meaningful changes that may make the killer better to play and play against.

    And as far as playing the characters and learning them, it's not super necessary. For everyone hating on Legion, I don't think anyone is complaining that he's uncounterable or hard to face, it's more than he's boring and slows the game down drastically. You just constantly split up, run early and stay injured. It's not fun for a lot of people to constantly be mending all game, and it just feels like a slog.

    There's gonna be a lot of people who just hate a killer because their power isn't fun to face, involves holding W, doesn't take any chase skill, etc., but that doesn't mean they don't know how to counter them, y'know?

  • DashMonsta008XV
    DashMonsta008XV Member Posts: 611

    Man Alien and a Predator chapter would be a dream come true

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,300

    I'm the least favorite killer main.

    But yes, the threads of hating on a killer and adding nothing constructive are just tiring. I try to interject and offer different opinions, but once people decide they hate a killer, they pretty much double down no matter what.

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    I mean that is literally what forums are for. Feedback on the game, positive or negative. People want to voice their opinion and this is the place to do it.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,617

    I have no idea of why people are so resistant to the idea of learning how to play a specific Killer so they know better how to beat that Killer. When I first started playing DbD I played Trapper a lot and I started playing survivor right after? Why? I wanted to know where survivors typically run so I could trap the hell out of those spots. When playing survivor, I started learning Nurse. Why? So I could see what people did to mess me up so I could do that to other Nurses when I versed them. In both cases, it helped me improve significantly. More people should try it.

  • JustWhimsical
    JustWhimsical Member Posts: 590

    I honestly agree, like I really hate like Pinhead, but I at least am willing to try to learn him and get better against him as well as just try to have an enjoyable time, but sadly my swf I play with are always super negative about every killer and I sadly don't really say anything about it cause well they are my friends, but yeah there is so much negativity over whatever main you choose that it's just dumb. People should be free to use whatever they want and play whatever they want it is very much a game for fun, but people take it too seriously, worst part about it is being around negative people tends to make you negative which honestly it has as I started to really dislike Wesker and Pinhead more and more because of how much my friends also dislike them. Which thankfully I realized and I try to have a better outlook on it instead of being a negative nancy.

  • WeakestNurseMain
    WeakestNurseMain Member Posts: 308

    I will die on the hill that Legion is boring to face, he's definitely fun to play, but his power is not fun to face at all.

  • GiveMeTheBox
    GiveMeTheBox Member Posts: 331

    Meh, let people vent if they need to. Doesn't bother me, personally

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,367

    nothing wrong with talking about map designs, game mechanics, and characters u don't like.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,503

    Please, for the love of The Entity, don't confused then with facts and logic.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,503

    I feel you. I am sometimes running with a couple of twitch streamers as an easy instant SWF group and one of the other regulars always hates on the killers :D

    "Wowx that's so balanced. There is no counterplay to this. "

    "That's so unfair, how could he do that? He must be cheating! "

    or best of all and circling back to you

    "Huh Pinhead ain't that hard to verse, actually. This one here is really bad and he can't touch us. Lolol"

    - the difference to their earlier encounter with Pinhead was that this time I was running with them and I made the box my priority :P who would have thought that one survivor on dedicated box duty makes all the difference:)

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,617
    edited November 2022

    You're right; total chaos would ensue if people started making posts that consider both sides. People would think hackers had taken over the forums. It would be unrecognizable.

  • Cybil
    Cybil Member Posts: 1,163

    The constant nurse threads are so old...

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,503

    Thanks for your understanding. You seemed reasonable enough.

  • DashMonsta008XV
    DashMonsta008XV Member Posts: 611

    I don't hate any of the characters,I don't know why? but i don't like Charlotte and Victor women's separated because it sounds nasty and it looks nasty and I don't like to heaven noise that plague make that's about it but I don't hate the characters for like the abilities or what they can do with in-game. Okay you discourse people are discord people wherever you are please do not torture me cuz I'm rarely even play f****** survivor I don't like that bing bonging the constant and all the time that s***'s annoying though but I still like him it's not that I don't like him I don't like that

  • DashMonsta008XV
    DashMonsta008XV Member Posts: 611

    You don't need to cloak every time you try to get a hit Jesus Christ just uncloak Chase get the hit get the down unhook and then cook and then come back out of the cloak for the hit you don't need the kids doing it at the pallet like 30 times why are you doing it 30 times

  • fake
    fake Member Posts: 3,250

    My concern has always been that we should create a category tag whose main purpose is to vent such hate.

    There are threads that are not constructive and productive, just to argue "I don't like that, I don't like that, this should be banned" The amount of text in the OP is almost as much as the title.

    All of those should be categorized as "hate spewing places".

    If you can create specific reasons and realistic ways to eliminate hate, such as What, Why, How, etc., you can leave them as they are without putting them in those categories.