Survivors are salty...


I know its hard role to play, you have to deal not only with a killer, but 3 other guys who may not be as usefull as should... but

I play mostly killers. Im quite mercifull (unless doing challange). Im trying to hook someone 2 times before start killing, and even this is rare, mostly i let survs escape after some intense game and chases. Sometimes i lost track of hook count and sacrifice someone unintentionally (I just realize that iri memento mori is best tool to track survs hook count... if i can do mori with it, it means that person is on its last hook... this information should be available to all killers.

But sometimes survs are just bad... and its nothing wrong to be bad, its time to learn and play. I hooked everyone of them twice, and because i had challange i had to kill them all, better - this would lower their mmr and let them play with some worse killers. I let them finish 2 gens before first kill, and another one before rampage.

A the end screen, when I said "gg", they said: "i hate you killer" and this made me sad :(


  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    People who lose will very often be salty. Just best to ignore it. Being on xbox I don't see the end game chat so I don't really ever see the salt. Unless an xbox player decides to pm me.

    One thing i would say is that lower mmr for the survs is not a good thing. A bad killer will usually shred a bad squad of survivors very easily. Low mmr mean other low mmr survivors and in asymmetric multiplayer that is going to ruin the balance.

  • Sharpefern
    Sharpefern Member Posts: 422

    It depends on the survivor, same with killer. I find more often than not if I play "fair" or at least start "fair" I dont experience the salt. The past few times I have gotten salt from survivors I have also gotten defended by the others. I really wish more people would play both roles as I think it would help the us vs them mentality.

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699
    edited November 2022

    No im not salty, you're salty !

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,533

    I usually send GG's to those on Xbox and streamers... win or loss

    I have gotten some messages that made me laugh (mostly negative though)

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,250

    As you only play survivor that would be an assumption that would be broken by playing Killer for a significant length of time.

  • TDtheDoc
    TDtheDoc Member Posts: 225

    Just play the game the way the game is meant to be played,go all out and kill the survivors.They don’t care about you,they despise the fact that they even have to face a killer.The heck if I’m going to be nice.Being nice as killer is asking to be stomped on.

  • LuthirFontaine
    LuthirFontaine Member Posts: 375

    I saw its about 50-50 killers get really salty about things, god forbid you pallet stun some of them you will be camped till death

  • BrightWolf
    BrightWolf Member Posts: 392

    Exactly, I've gotten salt from a survivor who played extremely well all game and ######### up in the EGC. He (a David IIRC) got downed, hooked and left to die by two of his team. The only one who remained behind was a Mikeala who tried to go for an unsafe hook, but because she was already injured I was able to down and hook her as well. They were so salty in the post-game chat, especially David, calling their team useless for leaving him to die. Calling me a bad killer and a baby killer which I was at the time, cause I had only been playing for a month. LMAO.

    Like, just because you played well, doesn't mean you're entitled to a win/escape. Like I get it's disappointing to go through all that effort just to lose, but it's not the end of the world.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,250

    Some do get really salty and while I can't say this is anything more than my position I see per capita more toxic survivors than killers from playing both sides roughly equally. I don't think this is due to one side being naturally more toxic than the other but rather because people unfortunately show more toxicity in a group they think is 'on their side' and survivor is individually weaker than Killer so it could feel more like punching up against a stronger figure than vice versa.

    Nevertheless, it's all unacceptable and not necessary no matter which side it comes from.

  • Rovend
    Rovend Member Posts: 1,047

    Are you trying to lecture some strawman survivors that will probably never read you to make you fell high and superior while clearly having a one-sided view as you cannot see that both roles share the same saltiness as they are both controlled by human beings?

  • Chiky
    Chiky Member Posts: 647

    "i hate you killer" is nothing lol

    One game i gor insulted and was called toxic because I let them all live, like, #########? ahhaah

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,434

    Honestly with all the hate Blight gets on these forums I pretty much never get salt anymore, even when I run iri-tag vs 4 med-kits. The only time I get salt is typically on the off chance I run alch-ring these days, but even then it's rare. I guess most people realize if you run the best things all the time, you go against better killer's playing better killer's. Although before 6.1.0 salt was much much more common, like people were entitled to their win.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,100

    So are many, many , many killer players, even me sometimes.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    Salt is NOT equally distributed. Holy crap is this false.

    Survivors give salt even if they win. The overwhelming majority of killers just hit continue and move on, at any number of kills.

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    To each their opinion =)

    Also, this game is made of many layers. What you're experiencing might not be what I'm experiencing, and there might not be an objective true answer on this.

    Most survivors who stomp me are gracious as they do so, willing to give advices and encouragements. I hear it's not that common, but then again, I'm a very lucky killer.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    Math is objectively true.

    I can play Survivor all night long, two dozen games... ZERO SALT form any Killer whatsoever.

    I get Survivor salt in 3 out of 4 Killer games.

    It's not even CLOSE.

    And encouragement?! HA! Not even once in 1500 hours.

  • Rovend
    Rovend Member Posts: 1,047

    "Ñi ñi, i play killer so all survivors bad but all killers good."

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140
    edited November 2022

    I'm sorry your experience as killer is that bad in the bm department. Hopefully you meet nicer survivors soon !

    (Also, maths make Nurse the weakest killer of the game, so maths might not always ring true when it comes to measuring any aspect on the scale of the whole game =D)

  • EvilSerje
    EvilSerje Member Posts: 1,070
    edited November 2022

    This is 1000s biased post.

    You said it yourself, "I play mostly killers". So your "data selection" for survivor is less accurate than for killers.

    More of that, you said you are "quite merciful". Now compare, how many "ggs" and "thank you"s you got comparing to trash talk?

    I'm playing very merciful and always let survivors go when I win, unless doing achievement. And I can tell you, I have hundreds (literally hundreds) nice chats in the end (I did screenshots before, but after 100th stopped). And about 5-7 trash talks (I remember because it's so rare and, therefore, so vivid).

    But from survivors side (which I have to play much more for last year because all the achievements are left for survivor and I really hate that role) trash talk from killers are extremely high. It gives impression that many killer-players not playing the game, but trying to raise self-esteem, broken in real life. How many "ez", "l2p" and "hope you die" say killers comparing to "gg"? All that not counting facecamping and hard-tunneling, which, of course, bring up "fair" reviews from survivors in endgame chat.

    So my point is, check the ratio of nice-talks/trash-talks/silent-chats and it would be more obvious. And do the same from survivor side. You'll be surprised.

  • rinnai
    rinnai Member Posts: 50

    played against a basement trapper who also slugged 3 people today. end of game he goes "gg ez no re - your all bad" "feed me your tears". Logged off after 1 game to read discussion to chill and then this post haha. If we all just went of our personal experiences we might as well give up.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    95% of my gameplay is Survivor. I have no idea what weird projection this comment is trying to make.

  • Rovend
    Rovend Member Posts: 1,047

    If you play survivor you should know that killers are equally as toxic as survs, winning or losing, so it makes no sense to say that survs are more salty and killers just put continue.

  • Archael
    Archael Member Posts: 725

    I'm not going to explain everything.

    Tho i havnt said neither that killers are not toxic nor that i dont have nice talks after the trial.

  • Phantom_
    Phantom_ Member Posts: 1,197

    It goes both ways. Sometimes I'll type in EGC sorry I'm doing a challenge otherwise would've given hatch or whatever.

    But you'll go against a lot of players that bring baggage from their previous game(s) into the next one, so regardless of what you say/do they will say x/y/z/ in chat. 🤷‍♀️

  • CodeDB
    CodeDB Member Posts: 269

    "My subjective experience is objectively true for all. I polled everyone in my house multiple times and they all agreed!"

    Also 1,500 hours. I also have only ever been compared to a genocidal regime once in the post game chat. And, spoiler alert, it wasn't when I was playing killer. I was playing solo queue and what sparked the grievance is we managed a 4 person escape.

    People's personal experience of the game is by definition subjective, regardless of how much "data" you individually collect.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Yesterday i had my very first 2 Weskuh matches. Second match was on Meat Factory and a Mikaela wanted to suicide. The others managed to unhook on second stage, but that Mikaela went constantly towards me, to get killed. Instead i just slugged her and played the game normally. 2 hooking everyone before attempting to kill anyone.

    My build was Coulrophobia, Distressing, Infectious Fright and Unnerving Pressence.

    Endgame chat was a formal complaint about how bad/long/boring/sickening this match was. Totally ignoring the fact, that i could have ended the match at 5 gens by just going again for the Mikaela.

    Some people are never happy.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638


    Like I said, I can play with my SWF for 6 hours straight and get not a lick of Killer salt.... then they go to bed, I play three games of Killer and out come the salt mines from whiny Survivors.

    Every. Time.

  • Grumblephant
    Grumblephant Member Posts: 73

    I'll admit, I've been hella salty at times. There was a match I literally did 4 gens alone while my team did screw all. Killer finds me, (I'll be honest, I SUCK at looping.) and hooks me. Okay, I say to myself, maybe they'll come save me and I can do the last generator and escape. NOPE, I get camped by killer, the final gen pops, and they escape. That really got my teeth grinding on solo, so I can see lashing out on the post-game chat, but it doesn't do anything. People just skip and go.

    With that rant over, I've seen killers and survivors salty because people, like myself, get frustrated when things don't go our way. I can't justify being radioactive, but at the end of the day, shrug it off and go to the next match. Take care and have fun.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    Personal experience is not the same thing as math. "I don't think David because he gets seen too much" is personal experience. Stating that David gets targeted by killers 12% more often than the others measured is data.

    Please understand the difference.

  • TotemSeeker91
    TotemSeeker91 Member Posts: 2,358

    I love that "you're not trying your hardest" excuse it's like... well I'm sorry I don't wanna sweat and not care about anything, lol

  • CodeDB
    CodeDB Member Posts: 269

    But you didn't offer "math". Nothing you said in this thread even included a specific statistic. You literally just said your opinion that survivors are salty even after wins while killers simply hit next without a second word. Then you offered a non-specific hypothetical situation of your experience.

    Even if you played 1,000 games, recorded each and every one of them, and came back here with a full pivot table full of stats showing your proof, my core point would still be valid. It is all your personal experience and will invariably be corrupted by your own feelings, interpretations, and actions in each game. The pool of collected data is still overly represented by a single variable, you.

    Saying the magic word of "math" doesn't change that.

  • Rovend
    Rovend Member Posts: 1,047

    If you are not clearly killer biased, then you must be an extremely lucky, one in a million person to have never received any salt from any killer and at the same time and extremely unlucky to always be receiving tons of salt for the surv side.

    Yup, totally possible.

  • StibbityStabbity
    StibbityStabbity Member Posts: 1,839

    It goes both ways, honestly. I mostly play survivor now, less stress, but I used to main killer. The salt is real on both sides, but you have 4 survivors for every killer. Statistically, you're more likely to encounter survivors being rude based on numbers, but my guess is that the ratio of friendly to salty players is the same in both sides.

    I get a lot of killers that are sore winners as well. Despite doing well, they have to try and throw snark around.

  • Grumblephant
    Grumblephant Member Posts: 73

    It's such a small thing but I hate being hooked and just hit over and over again. I have to have my wife hand cuff me to stop me from being radioactive, a joke, but seriously, stop it.

  • StibbityStabbity
    StibbityStabbity Member Posts: 1,839
    edited November 2022

    So, a single hit to stop the scream, sure. I can understand that. After that, I honestly just laugh that whatever I did got them to react that badly. I don't tbag, I don't flashlight spam, I just play normal. So if I upset the killer with that, it's because they're upset I spent so long outplaying them.

  • Lekitzul
    Lekitzul Member Posts: 495

    Hey, I love killers who get two hooks before killing everyone. I honestly think it means your a strong killer because you managed to get EVERYONE twice. They're just salty.

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    Im pretty glad sometimes I'm on xbox, since I can't see the end game chat I feel I'm spared a lot of the salt lol.

  • GRIG0
    GRIG0 Member Posts: 271

    If I 4k (tho i usually give hatch) then i don't even open the chat lol. It's either salt or "GG" and I couldn't care less about any of those.

    The only times i open the chat is when I find cute/funny survivors I've been having fun chases with or just meme around. Those chats are usually wholesome/funny 🤣

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,168

    Have you think the way you play is why you get so much salt. I have played some games with pc and survivors 90% of time don't say anything or only gg. Even I played basement bubba they didn't say anything while I got 4K:s... There are 4 survivors so more often one survivor can be salty than just one killer.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    Saying that 4 is a bigger number than 3 is not a personal opinion.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    Mad Killers maybe one game out of 20 or 30.

    Mad Survivor: literally any game where someone is on PC and got less than 10K points.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    A person doesn't deserve hate messages over the way they play a video game and if you think they do you should seek immediate psychiatric help.