We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Playing nice

Playing nice as killer just makes you look like an idiot.I have tried playing the “nice” way and survivors have been stomping and tbagging at the gate.I should have stuck to being the hateful killer I was.Survivors do not care.


  • TDtheDoc
    TDtheDoc Member Posts: 226

    I slugged 4 out just to make myself feel like a killer again!😁

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,152

    Funny how most of the "sportsmanship", aka playing in a way that makes you lose, that you're expected to have is never expected of the survivors, who by and large are the biggest disrespectors of actual sportsmanship. You can get 1 person to death hook the whole game (maybe 4 hooks total because the map and perks just carried them that hard), and intentionally go for someone else when you could have gone for them, and they're wasting time styling on you at no-mindgame loops and tbagging, even when the exits are 99'd, instead of running out. It's the same thing as running the line or spiking the football, as much as people like to pretend that it isn't. But killer playing the way they're forced to play just to have a chance of winning? Naw, that's the toxic thing that "deserves" tbags.

  • Katzengott
    Katzengott Member Posts: 1,210
    edited November 2022

    1) Most survs only know 2 words, no matter how you played: "tunnel and camp"

    2) Most likely at least 1 surv will tbag in the gates, no matter how you played.

    3) Most survs don't care about you having fun, so why should you care about their fun?

    Remember, you are the KILLER, not a babysitter.

  • fake
    fake Member Posts: 3,250

    A "nice play?"

    Do you mean for the survivor?lol

    If you meant for the killer, I apologize.

    But that and BM are two different issues. A player who routinely BMs will BM no matter how you play.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,159
    edited November 2022

    But you should just take them as an example and just stop caring yourself. That way you will be much less stressed out by playing killer and strictly aiming for kills.

    But take my opinion with a grain of salt from a guy that played only 300 hours since release, played less than a dozen rounds as survivor, stopped going for any kills in the last two years and stopped playing the game nearly a year ago because it got incredibly boring doing the same again and again without goal, real progress or friends to play with since killer is a solo role.

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    I usually get on pretty well when i play nice. I'll basically run the game as normal until it's clear I'm going to win. I'll try to avoid tunneling and facecamping unless it's really necessary.

    As long as survs aren't toxic towards me. I'll usually let one or two go. People tend not to teabag you when you down them at exit gate and deliberately let them wiggle out. Or if you puck them up carry them to a hook and just shake your head. Like show them you could easily kill them but won't and they usually chill out.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,267
    edited November 2022

    Best thing is to sweat at first, and secure 2 hooks on everyone. Then you have the freedom to ease off if you can, and choose who lives or dies.

    By this point you've asserted your dominance, and if anyone escapes, it's not because you "lost".

    Basically, you only 'play nice' if you have the option to play nice, and you only get that option if you have a lead at the start of the game.

  • TerraEsram
    TerraEsram Member Posts: 654

    Survivor care

    Just depend HOW you play Nice, and why

    If you play nice with some bully squad or whatsoever team who seems to be here to "hard play", don't play nice

    I only play nice when I see a struggle, when everyone get the hook twice and no gen was done, or if i'm gonna win and the survivor try to be "friendly", sometimes, I'm ok with that, or just killing the dude who "harass me", who want to bully, and after that, just chillin'

  • TerraEsram
    TerraEsram Member Posts: 654

    Also, when survivor Tea-Bag, it's not everytime for "making fun of you" but sometimes, it's just like "thank's"

  • FinestFantasyVI
    FinestFantasyVI Member Posts: 130

    One time I played Legion and saw a flashlight squad. I wasnt in the mood to be chased, bullied and frustrated so I farmed with them. I had immense joy of taking their bullying fun away and not chasing them. After the game they were like "Thank you, but why?" and I was like "I wasnt in the mood to deal with a flashlight squad" cuz they were real obvious about it. Matching names and such.

  • TerraEsram
    TerraEsram Member Posts: 654

    I got pretty the same with wraith and some speed add-on, the bully squad try, and... When everyone sees that,that it doens't work, DC or just dying on the hook, for after that, be so salty in the end game chat, because, even with wraith, they can't bully me

  • FinestFantasyVI
    FinestFantasyVI Member Posts: 130

    Yeah I learned the best way to deal with bullies is just to not engage in the way they want.

  • TerraEsram
    TerraEsram Member Posts: 654

    It's also funny with the build of my wraith, when you break pallet, or windows vaulting in no time, and the bully is there, like "I can't blind them before he pass or break my pallet, what's going on?"

  • FinestFantasyVI
    FinestFantasyVI Member Posts: 130

    Last month I tried to get the achievement to be rank 1. And when I was in Iri 2, I saw so many flashlight squads. Even a streamer, since I was achievement hunting, I was like "F--- it. Im using Lightborn"

    Paired with my usual Starstruck (I am a Trickster after all xD) I actually manage to get decent downs, cuz I play coy as if evading the light.

    Sadly I dont play Wraith, I just dont feel safe trying other killers in Public, unless rank reset and such. Im actually excited to get bots in custom so I can train with no shame.

  • TerraEsram
    TerraEsram Member Posts: 654

    I understand that, for testing some build with my killer, I go asking to my friend to play in custom, and they become my sandbag

    If you want to try the wraith build, use that

    Add-on: Shadow dance White and Blood

    (with the two, it increase the Action speeds for breaking Breakable Walls and Pallets, damaging Generators, and vaulting Windows by +100% while cloaked.)

    And with this perks:

    Bamboozle (for blocking the vaulting windows and speed up, again)

    Call Of Brine, just some very good regression perks when you are going to chase someone

    Brutal strength, just for breaking faster everyting

    And choose the fourth perks, what you want to help you

  • Sevo
    Sevo Member Posts: 7

    I'm still new to DbD, I have about 160 hours, so still a newbie here. I mostly play survivor and i never tbag or anything and always respect the other players. So I'm sorry this happened to you. I try to tell other survivors not to tbag because it's not nice in the endgame chat. I don't know if it helps but I'm trying to make it better.

    I recently had a match where we as survivors managed to do all 5 gens against a trapper and he still got us all with NOED. One survivor insulted the killer in the chat afterwards and I told him not do that and stay nice and all. I know it's frustrating to lose in the end but NOED is a perk, every killer can use for the end game. So that's ok.

    For me it's also ok if a killer face camps me, like for example a Bubba. Because I can still try to stay alive on the hook as long as possible and buy my team mates time. Same with tunneling, it's frustrating but it's a valid strategy as Otz also said. What I don't like and what happened to me was a Ghostface killer who put me on the hook and constantly hit me with his knive until I was dead. I don't know what his problem was but that experience made me pause DbD for one week. Because I always play fair and never play toxic and when sth like that happened to me, it felt really bad to experience it. I know killers also have these situations where they experience toxic survivors. I also had some matches as killer where i had bully squads going against me with flash lights.

    I think not all of the DbD community is toxic and it's up to us to make it a better game. So if everyone of us can play nice and be fair, it will hopefully have a good influence on others. At least that's what I hope. And even if I lose as survivor, I can acknowledge skill and I always tell the killer they played well. And I'm happy when they respond to that. :)

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    Well, some survivors like myself do care. But the truth is, i, as a survivor main, the majority of survivors is way more toxic than the killer is.

    When i play killer, i start out playing nice, but i always follow the wishes of the survivors. A lot of them send me morse-encrypted messages through teabagging. It usually means "please camp and tunnel me and my team". Why should i not fullfill their will if they ask so nicely?

  • FinestFantasyVI
    FinestFantasyVI Member Posts: 130

    My friends are occupied and i dont wanna really bug people thats why im hyped for the bots. But thanks for the Wraith info. Tho I dont have any Onyro perks.

  • ColonGlock
    ColonGlock Member Posts: 1,224

    If I am facing players that are making lots of bad choices I usually back off a bit so they can reset. More points all around.

    If I am facing a seal team then I turn up the dial.

  • Sevo
    Sevo Member Posts: 7

    Yeah, I hope I can get that mindset too. Just forget that stuff and on to the next match. Another solution for me is playing custom games with my friends. It's always fun and there's no toxicity there. :)

  • EvilSerje
    EvilSerje Member Posts: 1,070
    edited November 2022

    Another "Club of Anonymous Killers" where poor downtrodden killers share tears who hard it is to kill people. What you call playing "nice" I call effecient. Because without that "nice" (aka no camping and tunneling) high caliber teams will wipe floor with killer. Works only on weak teams and unorganized solos.

    Anyway, still cannot understand that "playing game to ruin someone day" mindset. "Hateful", "stop being nice", my god... The most hillarious thing is that such behaviour is just taking out anger on completely innocent next team that has nothing to do with previous one.

  • TotemSeeker91
    TotemSeeker91 Member Posts: 2,358

    That's why you gotta not care first, being nice doesn't take effort, it's just not very rewarding...

  • IWantCandys
    IWantCandys Member Posts: 168

    I can not confirm. Mr nice guy is my favorite playstyle. I only kill when I have a challenge. I don't farm, I play seriously, go for 8 hooks and then let everyone go. For me, winning doesn´t mean kills,pips and going to red ranks, for me winning means when all 5 players are having fun.

    At the end I get a lot of BP, shards and fragments and the survivors too and everyone is happy. The survivors are always grateful and the endgame chats are always wholesome.

    But maybe that's the difference. I ONLY play like this.

    Maybe you've had too much 4K in the past, and are now in an MMR with more sweatlords around.

    That´s why I've never been interested in getting into higher MMR as a killer because I don't want to face those sweatlords whose sole purpose is to annoy the killer player.

  • Grumblephant
    Grumblephant Member Posts: 93

    Like the poster above me, I only act goofy killer if I'm doing archives or dailies. Don't hate me for this, BHVR, but last night I had to expose 4 people as Ghostface AND catch 3 survivors in traps as Trapper. I spent the whole GF match trying to stalk and not kill and the Trapper match just going around opening traps and trying to pantomime survivors to "get in". But otherwise, I'm going to play Spirit as the game intended, try to hook, sacrifice, and prevent escape, and that brings me to my point. You don't have to play nice, as much as I hate it, slugging, camping, and tunneling are strategies that the game can encourage. Make your own fun and take care, you paid for the game afterall. Just don't be a dick. If you slug all four, seriously go back and hook them. Don't waste the players time though.

  • TDtheDoc
    TDtheDoc Member Posts: 226

    Well I’d say a majority of KILLERS feel the goal of the Killer role is to kill the survivors.And there are no innocent survivors.

  • IWantCandys
    IWantCandys Member Posts: 168

    Hey, that is fine. I never said that all players should play like I do. Everyone is different and everyone has differnet goals or ideas of fun or what a win is.

    I just tried to explain why we are facing so different survivors. It´s a MMR thing, I guess. The higher, the more swf and sweatlords.

  • TDtheDoc
    TDtheDoc Member Posts: 226

    Sorry that came out more harsh to you than I meant it.

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 2,924

    I only feel this way if the survivor seems really out of their depth; and quite often I let them go.

    For survs who seem as good or better than I am, I have zero reservations about killing them all.

    Funnily enough though, I have gone way, way out of my way to spare survs who seemed particularly potato-ish (I usually try to make it not seem overtly like pity, which can be a tall order), and had them BM me at the end. Not experienced enough to recognize mercy or to realize that they are bad, but conditioned to BM.

    Gotta love it.

    As a surv, I'll either nod or do one slow crouch to express gratitude or respect. High speed teabagging will invariably be interpreted as an FU or taunt, and should be treated as such.