Reasons for the Nerf Nurse threads


Hey, I thought it would be interesting to go over reasons that the Nerf Nurse threads exist as I think the reasons why they exist are more complicated than the usual 'this might be too strong' or the 'I want everything to benefit me' arguments.

Disclaimer: First of all, I will say I agree with Otz when he says 'Current Nurse is not that bad really' starting at 10:50 of his 'My suggested changes for each Killer' video from three weeks ago.

Now, for my conjecture on why the additional reasons why they exist.

(A) Maps do not have consistent LOS blockers. Nurse is different because she has different chase mechanics than other Killers. However, Nurse is one of the Killers such as Blight and Billy where if they can aim accurately you're done for. People remember bad experiences more than good ones so these experiences stand out.

(B) People mischaracterize the win condition of games due to this being a 4v1 game. The win condition is not being able to outchase Nurse; the win condition is escaping. If the survivors do gens faster than the Nurse can down people then the survivors get a 3E or 4E and win. You may lose a lot of chases faster than you like but if you have a 3E or 4E the survivors still won.

(C) Egos get involved. Quite often skilled players who are self proclaimed 'survivor mains' are really good at chase, quite often like messing with the Killer, and some of them DC on first down or before the last hook as a 'nyah, you didn't actually get me' move. Messing with the Killer is harder to do against Nurse. However, the win condition is not out chasing Nurse; the win condition is escaping. Being able to outrun a Killer for five gens will contribute to a win but is not the only path to get there.

(D) Nurse has different chase mechanics than every other Killer in the game. The only way to improve against Nurse is to versus Nurse or play as Nurse. This means a lot of players who are really skilled against other Killers can really struggle against Nurse.

(E) Bandwagoning, echo chambers and perception. People have complained about Nurse for a long time so an inertia has been built up regarding Nurse. However, if the data does not match your perception then that's probably because your perception is wrong. To be clear, I don't know if Nurse is completely fine or needs changes because I don't have the data. However, neither do the Nerf Nurse posters as only BHVR has the data. The only data we have is limited and it doesn't indicate an issue but only BHVR has the comprehensive data necessary to interpret it completely correctly. As such, all statements on whether Nurse is fine or not are opinions and not fact. Are people actually complaining about Nurse over an actual issue that has a disproportionate effect on wins or because other people do so?

(F) Taking video games too seriously. This is seen in the posters who try to ascribe negative characteristics or launch personal insults against Nurse players and/or people who disagree with them about Nurse. There is no reason to attack someone for either playing a character in a video game or who has an opinion that's different from yours about a video game. Doing either shows that your judgment is clouded by taking video games too seriously and you need perspective.

(G) Slamming a pallet into a Killer is more of a dopamine rush than out mind gaming a Nurse. It's sort of like how Wesker’s power is fun even if it doesn't result in a damaging effect. Throwing survivors is fun and so are pallet slams, flashbangs and Head On plays. The effects of this make outchasing a Killer you can hit with pallets, Head On, etc a more memorable experience than outchasing a Nurse.

Anyway, I think the items listed above complicate the situation so I thought I'd throw that out there.



  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,426

    I mean in regards to (E). We know Nurse is the strongest killer in the game, every player on both sides agrees. Every killer put's you in situations where there is nothing you can do for the most part, the weaker killers far less than the stronger killers. Nurse does that more than any other killer. What baffles me is when making blight they tested his rush hits being basic attacks and it was way too strong. Currently what make's nurse unfair is the fact that she can insta-down you with her blinks. And don't give me that " but all she can do is blink", yeah that's correct play 5 game's and you will have most the muscle memory down and realize that she starts recharging her blinks while fatiguing. She has the highest skill floor, but her skill ceiling really just come's down to reading survivor's and nothing else.

    (D) hag and blight come to mind here as well.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,235

    That's one of the reasons why I think Nurse gets so much vitriol. Nurse does have chase mechanics but Nurse has the most distinguishing chase mechanics in the game and certain things can't be done such as Head On. I run Head On because it's fun. I can't Head On a Nurse. I'm not going to be pallet camping a Nurse or even throwing a pallet as I don't want to become an easy target by locking myself into an animation. I think that's part of the reason why there are such strong feelings about Nurse; there are chase mechanics but the chase mechanics aren't, on the average, as enjoyable for most players as when they versus other Killers.

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941

    Out of all your points I'd strongly agree with point A, not sure about the rest. Maps with low walls and rocks really make it hard to "counter" Nurse and not many people mention it.

    But I do think people are more ok than they should really be with Nurse. One thing I hate more than sweaty Nurses is "nice" Nurses giving hatch (though if they give it to me it still makes me happy, ngl). I've said it before and I'll say it again. If killers played less nice the stats would be different. Now they don't need to run 4 slowgen perks to make my point (although that would help immensely) but Killers have more agency. if they see the game is going well then can loosen up and allow one or two survivors to escape. Now maybe those aren;t killer mains? Who knows. The thing is killers don't always play for the win and if they did, their killrates would also be better (and let's not forget how common de-ranking is).

    The problem with Nurse is that she's a free character and noobs play her, so she sucks. Her skill floor is high as others have mentioned here but everything else is easier for Nurse. She doesn't need to learn looping, camping and tunneling are even easier with her (she can momentarily leave hook and come back 2 seconds later lol).

    No one complains about meh Nurses, those are fun to verse because if you know how to play them you can run them more than other killers as you don't rely on the limited resources of the map (basically you have unlimited resources). But that doesn't stand against more experienced Nurses and if they run aura reading then good luck mind-gaming them.

  • Hensen2100
    Hensen2100 Member Posts: 339

    Yeah, in a game that is trying to bill itself as competitive it kinda blows my mind she has remained the way she is for so long.

    I have 0 respect for Nurse players and I used to main her back when I was a noob who didn't know how to play the game. Total crutch character for baddies, similar to old Spirit. It's annoying how people will say she takes so much skill to play when you can pick her up in a few days and dumpster 99% of teams

    At least when people say Blight takes skill to play, they are actually correct

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,130
    edited November 2022

    The problem there is a single perk that causes it. It isn't to make her blink attacks special attacks. Because unlike any other killer, she would literally NEVER be able to do a basic attack otherwise and then a significant number of WEAKER perks would be useless on her, forcing her into the hard meta perks, making her more oppressive. The better solution to the starstruck problem is to give her a super tiny terror radius (like 8 meters) and give her a 40 meter lullaby.

  • Meathammer
    Meathammer Member Posts: 58

    Stop complaining & get good.

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,157

    Even then Blight still has to deal with windows and pallets at least, if you're good enough you can play around them but there's usually equal oppertunities for both sides to make plays

    With Nurse, your power ignores those things by default. By design your power counters the two biggest resources survivors have.

    I think people have a point when they say that Wesker is like Nurse but actually fair, considering he can bypass survivor obstacles with his power but he can't straight up always ignore them no matter what and pallets can actually be used vs him

  • Grandpa_Crack_Pipe
    Grandpa_Crack_Pipe Member Posts: 3,306

    Nurse doesn't have nearly the skill ceiling everyone likes to claim, not nearly as much as Blight or Billy. It's 90% muscle memory and after that it's just being able to predict people. But she does have a hell of a skill floor, so I wouldn't call her a crutch character.

    She's just.. the best. And people know it. And people tend to give up, mentally if not literally, on a match because they really have no reason to believe a Nurse who already picked the best character in the game isn't going to go full send on it.

  • Little_Kitten
    Little_Kitten Member Posts: 871

    (A) Maps do not have consistent LOS blockers. Nurse is different because she has different chase mechanics than other Killers. However, Nurse is one of the Killers such as Blight and Billy where if they can aim accurately you're done for. People remember bad experiences more than good ones so these experiences stand out.

    The tricky part is finding the balance.

    Some maps are a purge for the nurse; I'm thinking of Lery in particular. The number of walls is absolutely absurd, not for nothing is it the worst map for the nurse.

    However, I'm not complaining about it, beware! I was just talking about the technical aspect.

    Other maps are easier for them, even if it depends on the survivors in front of them, of course.

    For example, on ... the nurse's map itself, the asylum, the central building is obnoxious when used against her, but on the other hand, there are nice deadzones all around, even if a survivor who goes around the building along the wall might be problematic for the nurse who follows him.

    That's the challenge: how to create a map that has enough LOS breakers, without falling into "not enough" or "way too much hello Lery!"

    "(B) People mischaracterize the win condition of games due to this being a 4v1 game. The win condition is not being able to outchase Nurse; the win condition is escaping. If the survivors do gens faster than the Nurse can down people then the survivors get a 3E or 4E and win. You may lose a lot of chases faster than you like but if you have a 3E or 4E the survivors still won."

    I also think that in addition to what you say, some players compare the nurse to the other killers, as far as the hunt is concerned; against the other killers, it is quite possible, depending on the loops, to envisage the killer LOSING the hunt; against a nurse, it is of course also possible to envisage it, nurse=/=losing the hunt, but the probability is of course less; as a result, the goal is no longer to win the hunt, but to make the nurse lose as much time as possible I know I'm pushing an open door, but I really feel that some people lose sight of this detail.

    (D) Nurse has different chase mechanics than every other Killer in the game. The only way to improve against Nurse is to versus Nurse or play as Nurse. This means a lot of players who are really skilled against other Killers can really struggle against Nurse.

    I had mentioned this point several times, on some threads.

    The problem is that we have on one side the nurse, and on the other side the (soon) 29 other killers with an identical movement pattern (they walk).

    Statistically, a survivor, in his life as a survivor, will encounter many more "walkers" than nurses; so they will become, in the end, much better at facing "walkers" than at facing nurses.

    This explains why we sometimes find survivors with 3k, 4k hours, who can play well against walkers, but who play like potatoes against nurses.

    Moreover, and I agree with you on this, the best way to learn how to play nurses is to either play them, or, even better, to meet, know, and work with a main nurse, in order to be trained in a personalized game against him.

    The best way is to get to know several hand nurses, in order to vary the types of gameplay during the training.

    Some people will tell me : "It's only a game, we shouldn't have to train !"; which would not be a valid argument, when we see the amount of energy that the survivors deploy to learn by heart the loop paterne in the shack, in the LT, to learn by heart the position of the people / totems for each iteration of each map, etc.

    "(E) Bandwagoning, echo chambers and perception. People have complained about Nurse for a long time so an inertia has been built up regarding Nurse. However, if the data does not match your perception then that's probably because your perception is wrong. To be clear, I don't know if Nurse is completely fine or needs changes because I don't have the data. However, neither do the Nerf Nurse posters as only BHVR has the data. The only data we have is limited and it doesn't indicate an issue but only BHVR has the comprehensive data necessary to interpret it completely correctly. As such, all statements on whether Nurse is fine or not are opinions and not fact. Are people actually complaining about Nurse over an actual issue that has a disproportionate effect on wins or because other people do so?"

    Indeed, we are talking about the mass effect.

    A person will start complaining about something, trying to pass on his feeling, and only his feeling, as a universal truth.

    And from there, others will say: "Oh, but wait, he thinks the same thing as me, it must be true?!"; or "What does he say? That this, that and that? Yes, though ... not wrong ..."

    Finally, some will go so far as to use this kind of rallying to comfort themselves in their own ideas, even if it means considering only this truth as THE established and irrefutable truth.

    I wonder: do people say the nurse is too strong because she is?

    Or is the nurse too strong ... because people think so and say so?

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,235

    She is the best but that doesn't definitely mean she needs to be nerfed which is why I'm discussing why she gets so much vitriol. She might need one, she might not; I can't say because I don't have all the data.

    I definitely agree that it's Nurse by Daylight when you face her as her chase mechanics are so different. Part of why I made this thread is because I noticed the people who like versusing Nurse also play Nurse not necessarily as a main but they invest large amounts of time to do well against one Killer.

    If the people complaining about Nurse are complaining because they find her unfun to versus then that's a different argument than hyperbolic statements such as no counterplay. I think discussions would be more productive if people articulated more their reasons for or against a specific character. BHVR can't overlook the enjoyment of Nurse players as they still need to have fun as well but understanding complaints better might give them a better idea of where to look if they do decide to tweak something.

  • Little_Kitten
    Little_Kitten Member Posts: 871

    While I agree that obviously the nurse is the strongest killer in the game, it takes a lot more than 5 games to master her.

    Because someone who comes to the game, and takes the nurse, he will be a baby nurse, and even when he starts to manage it a little better, his MMR will still be far below the teams of overtrained survivors who expect very very high MMR.

    To say that the nurse is the HARDEST killer to play, I don't necessarily agree, because I think there is actually a group of maybe 3 or 4 killers that make up the difficulty podium , but to say that in a few days, you can ride on anything and everything, no, that's absolutely not the case.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,235

    That is definitely a good question to consider. Quite a few times as well people attacking Nurse also attack anyone who disagrees with them which, in my opinion, adds to the group think aspect.

  • Little_Kitten
    Little_Kitten Member Posts: 871

    I would say that some players have a vision of DbD that matches what they would LOVE DbD to be, namely, a game with a unique looping system.

  • Grandpa_Crack_Pipe
    Grandpa_Crack_Pipe Member Posts: 3,306

    I can guarantee you that the vast majority of the Nurse complaints are because they feel like nothing they do against the Nurse matters. Which they feel because unless there's a noticable skill mismatch or they didn't come stacked to prepare for it, there's going to be basically nothing to they can do. Which isn't helped because even if there is something they can do, they're generally going to be stomped before they can even try to learn. And if it's a very good nurse, the only thing they can really do is just smash the gens as fast as possible and ignore everything else, which makes the game boring for everyone.

    A lil tweak won't change anything. It's the whole power. But Nurse is an established identity they can't just get rid of. So we're all screwed.

  • Little_Kitten
    Little_Kitten Member Posts: 871

    Even though the nurse is a free character, I think the "baby" nurse stage is actually very ephemeral.

    Some players will play a few games with the nurse, and will get discouraged because they are too frustrated learning about her blinks, preshots, and muscle memory; others will, on the contrary, appreciate it, but suddenly go from baby nurse to correct nurse, then good, then very good, then excellent, then expert.

    In addition, the nurse has been around for 6 years, and in 6 years, the baby nurses have had plenty of time to either move on to another killer, or perfect themselves, but leave this embryonic stage.

    So of course, there obviously remains, and more are born every day.

  • Little_Kitten
    Little_Kitten Member Posts: 871

    "I have 0 respect for Nurse players"

    I just have a question : why ?

  • Little_Kitten
    Little_Kitten Member Posts: 871

    I completely agree about the TR being reduced to 0 when carrying the survivor; I had moreover proposed this solution several times to counter Starstruck on the nurse; on the other hand, I do not agree on the fact of transforming the M1 of the nurse into M2.

    There's no reason to stop her from using perks like Jolt, K.O., STBFL, or Sloopy Butcher. I agree about Starstruck, NOED and Franklin.

  • Little_Kitten
    Little_Kitten Member Posts: 871

    Even if you fall into melodrama at the end, you refer to an interesting detail: the learning curve.

    I think some players, from progressing very very very slowly against the nurse, conclude: "Every time I play against the nurse, I lose, SO it's not normal."

    In fact, they don't realize that they are progressing very slowly against her, and progressing much faster against the other killers; so they feel like they should be as strong against her as against any other killer, which skews their view.

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081

    So half of these reasons are you condescendingly telling the players who think nurse is too powerful that they are playing the game wrong and/or thinking about nurse wrong. B, C, E, F.

    Just the same old, same old. Players with less experience in the game telling players with more experience that they don’t understand things like the 'win condition.'

    G is completely wrong. You should edit it out.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,235

    Your second paragraph makes your first paragraph where you used condescending an extremely ironic statement. I'm not speaking about any person in specific but rather on general. If Otz is saying that Nurse in her current form isn't that bad that can also serve as an indicator that perhaps old perceptions are still coloring people's impressions.

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081

    He also said Plague was one of the best killers not too long ago which has never been true.

    I guess appealing to authority is fine when it is your opinion, though.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,235

    No, I'm just pointing out your statement that 'no skilled player thinks Nurse is fine' is demonstrably false using someone who is well-known to be very skilled at the game.

    You have an opinion that Nurse is too powerful; there's no issue with that. However, you may be wrong and other people's opinions may be correct or you might be right. It's just a video game anyway; nothing to get worked up about.

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081
  • deifi
    deifi Member Posts: 50

    I just played against a nurse who was toxic, typical "eeeezzz" comments. So I logically ask, how about you play survivor and I play nurse? You can even recruit a team of survivors against my nurse (who I haven't touched in months AND im running yellow perks. He refuses. So I figure let's see how well I do in a solo queue..

    • Nurses Calling (Yellow)
    • Thanatophobia (Yellow)
    • Fearmonger (Yellow)
    • I'm all Ears (Yellow)

    Map = Crotus Prenn Asylum

    Items: In fairness I ran green heavy painting and green ataxic respiration.

    Steam rolled 4K, 3 dead w/ 4 gens still up; so I cool it off and let survivor get hatch.

    TLDR; Even a scrub pub (PC player) who mains survivor can pick-up nurse and steam roll. Yes. She needs a nerf.

    Recommendations: I find that without audio cues, it is definitely difficult to follow-up blink - I recommend that she goes "audio deaf" during the fatigue or permanent reduction to sounds e.g. she shouldn't be allowed to hear footsteps or give survivors a perks that mute movement sound for X seconds...

  • TeabaggingGhostface
    TeabaggingGhostface Member Posts: 3,108

    Nurse herself needs only maybe 1-2 changes, definitely make her blink attacks special attacks

    Her addons, however need a full overhaul, I'd love to see an addon that gives you more blinks but decreases the range by a good chunk

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,235

    To be fair, I've done that with Clown. By itself, that doesn't prove anything. One of the points I was making, and I'm not saying that you're doing this, is that saying Nurse needs a nerf is an opinion and not a fact. There is an excellent discussion, however, started by @Iron_Cutlass in Feedback that is, at least as of yesterday, discussing what people think of proposed changes to Nurse. Post ideas here about it if you like of course but I'm just mentioning the other thread as it's focused on recommendations like yours.

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 2,948
    edited November 2022

    I would consider it one of the few semi-productive threads out there when it comes to Nurse discussion. Most forum posts about Nurse just break down into two groups fighting, and while you see it a tiny bit in my forum posts, I would say a decent chunk of it is actual meaningful discussion.

    It should be noted that with Nurse, my goal is to not gut her and make her unplayable. I just want to take some strong areas and tone them down a bit, or provide a much more clear counterplay to players going against Nurse since she is so mechanically different compared to other killers so most people dont understand it. I think Nurse has a place in DBD, she just needs to be tuned to fit into modern DBD.

    Any and all ideas are welcome as long as they are productive towards the discussion. I appreciate the mention! <3

    (Autocorrect changed "threads" to "threats" and for some reason that is funny as hell to me, I fixed it though.)

  • deifi
    deifi Member Posts: 50

    Of course you can play devil's advocate and argue any point with personal case studies. However the very fact that this thread exists and those like it exists more often than nearly every killer (for example you will seldom or if at all a "nerf thread" about TWINS); reinforces that a nerf should more likely than not occur. However, yes for this to be healthy conversation there needs to be fair recommendations on what changes should be made. I actually have a few more that came to mind that I personally think would level her out. Here's a potential list of options (not all should be applied, may be cherry pick 1 or 2).

    • Further reduce her base movement speed
    • Her lunge attack post 1st and/or 2nd blink should have a range reduction similar to Tier 1 Michael Meyers
    • Reduce her max blink range
    • Greater delay between being able to chain a second blink
    • Remove second chain blink option completely or require a burnable item to enable it
    • Increase the cooldown or reduce the recharge speed for blink (its wicked fast; I can 2x blink against after wounding a survivor within a couple seconds).
    • Audio deafness during blink charge up or post blink for X seconds
    • Extend nurse sickness post blink or post-wounding a survivor by an additional 1.5 - 2 seconds. A Survivor getting hit by nurse should be able to effectively buy as much time equivalent to being chased by a 4.6 m/s killer without blink. The allotted time that a regular killer that needs to catch back up to the survivor should be calculated in the Blink time and distance the nurse should be allowed to follow-up in the chase.

  • Cyber_Atlas
    Cyber_Atlas Member Posts: 276

    Any survivor not standing to play against nurses believing she is not rightfully the strongest killer in the game should bring their ass in the killer section and have 10 trials with the nurse and 10 trials with wesker.

    If you don't play the nurse, your opinion counts 0. You still can trash talk killers but that's about it.

    It is insanely difficult to play nurse. When you start you barely hit people. When you win you end up playing (very soon) against people that on average have 2000h. I mostly won half my trials against prestige 80 people because they give up. When I play against good survivors like my gf they can "loop" me for a good amount of time. People don't consider what is average for a chase just because they abuse pallets and loops. Well, that is bad for the game if you want to know.

    Yes when you become good you devastate teams. But guess what? That's the point of getting good. People with 9000h SHOULD WIN. With that amount of time you can be anything in life. It's the minimum you can do, winning having spent a year if your life time playing a game. I am still far from it and the last I feel is that nurse is unbalanced when I play her with a controller, 50-100h in as a nurse against people with 2000-3000-5000h. Just play the game instead or complaining all the time

  • GrimReaperJr1232
    GrimReaperJr1232 Member Posts: 1,656

    1. She's already slower than survivors. Any slower and it'll be a nightmare getting LoS on maps such as Lery's.

    2. It IS reduced. Max range of 1.84m compared to the base 2.07. T1 Myers flat out doesn't have a lunge at al

    3. We can experience this with the dull bracelet. She struggles catching up to survivors that just W key, and using blinks for mobility (her main method of transportation due to her extremely slow speed) is pretty much pointless.

    4. That'd just be annoying. Not even that helpful. Just annoying.

    5. And THAT would make her borderline unplayable. Seriously, use Matchbox. You're 4.2 but have 1 blink. It's painful.

    6. Let's do some math. After a hit from 2 blinks, Nurse fatgues for 3.5 seconds, her recharge is 6, and survivors get a speed boost. Survivors get roughly 14.6m of distance. That's enough to juke a Nurse. If you say, "I shouldn't have to prepare myself immediately after getting hit," I will refer you to Huntress.

    7. Again. Annoying.

    8. The equivalent of a 4.6 killer? 24 seconds of catch up after a hit? No. Her entire gimmick is her ability to rapidly teleport short distances. Not to mention, as shown with Legion and Twins, 4 ~ 5 seconds of cooldown is absolutely AWFUL to play. Hate her all you want, but making a killer feel terrible to play is an absolute failure of game design. We're trying to make her more fair while keeping her enjoyable for *both* sides.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,216
    edited November 2022

    I like your intention of not gutting her but that normally is what survs want and does happen to killers who are "doing fine" but still getting sliggtly tweaked.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,426

    The issue I always have with your posts about nurse is you want the game to be balanced around nurse when that is absurd. And also Blight and Billy are not just "aim well = down" there are resources in the game that allow you to deal with blight and billy even if they predict you. Nurse on the other hand can just get lucky and down you. My issue with nurse is that she doesn't even lick blights feet in terms of max skill level but she is allowed to be the strongest killer.

    Even when people who are insane against nurse are going against her, it's really just a bunch of 50/50s unless there is LOTS of LOS blockers not just one.

    Here is a question for you. Give me one reason why nurses blink should be basic attacks still, I don't think there is any viable reason at this point.

    Go watch alfs game vs hens team. There is way too many times where the agi starstruck build just auto wins him the game, in contrast to a slow down build. Nurse has the lack of counter play problems 3-4 blight add-ons give him but with add-ons and perks especially.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,426

    NOED/Devour. Or if you really don't want lose sloppy butcher just make it so insta downs don't work on her. There is 0 good reason why insta-downs don't work on her.

  • Little_Kitten
    Little_Kitten Member Posts: 871

    I'm not sure what you mean by "balancing the game around the nurse"; my point is that you can very well prevent the nurse from using certain mechanics, but that some of the proposals are a bit over the top.

    I'm thinking of turning her M1 into an M2. Again, there is no reason why a nurse can't use Knockout, Sloopy Butcher, Jolt, if she wants.

    On the other hand, I fully agree that if Supaalf uses the famous Starstruck / Agitation build so often, it's because he fully understood that this build is somehow a Deus Ex Machina when the nurse uses it.

    That's why I'm in favor of simply reducing the Nanny's terror radius to 0 when she's carrying a survivor so that she can't use Starstruck anymore.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    I do believe her chain blink attacks should be special attacks, but her initial blink attack should be kept basic. It would encourage single blinks, meaning to get value, you will need to put in some more elbow grease.

  • Little_Kitten
    Little_Kitten Member Posts: 871

    The principle of the nurse is that the first blink is used in most cases to get closer to the intended target, not to attack it directly.

    Of course, depending on the situation, the attack can be made during the first blink, but it remains occasional, especially against survivors who know what they are doing.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    Yes, that's true. No doubts about that, but it's the only thing I can think without making her entire power special (and consequently making a bunch of trash perks for her).

    I have done first blink attacks before, so it shouldn't be a stretch, especially if you already have distance on them.

  • egg_
    egg_ Member Posts: 1,933
    edited November 2022

    The reasons of all these threads is because she needs some tuning down both on her basekit and add-ons, simple as that

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,216

    Generally it hillarious that there are so many nurf threads.

    "We want survivor be balabced around swf, meaning we gotta buff survivor till "survivor" is as strong as "survivor x friendship + comms"."

    "We need to balance around nurse, so gut her instead of buffing the others."

    I've noticed some serious survivor bias in the community.

  • Little_Kitten
    Little_Kitten Member Posts: 871

    To realize how problematic having only one blink can be, just play with the matchbox all the time (even if it increases the base speed) 😣

  • Little_Kitten
    Little_Kitten Member Posts: 871

    It's easy to forget the fact that many players only grumble because they simply don't want to make an effort.

    Mind you, I'm not saying "Nurse is perfect", of course I'm the first to say that she could do without Starstruck and NOED, that it wouldn't be a problem, but in the lot, many complain just because they are lazy.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    This is the best I can think of if the devs don't want to go through the hassle of a rework. I agree one blink for a basic is going to suck. 🥲

  • woundcowboy
    woundcowboy Member Posts: 1,994

    “Just comes down to reading survivors”- in other words, the way the game should be? Or do you think survivors running in circles and pre dropping safe pallets is good gameplay?

  • Little_Kitten
    Little_Kitten Member Posts: 871
    edited November 2022

    Since we are talking about mistakes that survivors can make, one that I see very often, and not necessarily coming from beginners, is the fast vault.

    Many players seem to think that jumping out of an upstairs window and landing on the ground floor is a good thing against the nurse.

    The best example is on The Game, with the staircase leading to a fast vault that leads to the room adjacent to the cold room.

    How many survivors give a free hit just by taking this path.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,426

    My point there is in regards to her skill ceiling, that's all she has to do because the muscle memory doesn't take long to get down. Blight has to learn the power, learn the tiles, learn all the collision on every map, learn how to read survivors and the icing on the cake is everything tech related but that just come with a little practice just as nurse. This game is not that difficult and while nurse isn't easy to pick up, it doesn't take long. All I'm saying is her power level isn't justified for what her power is.

    Looping is the most skillful thing survivor's can do, scratch that the only truly skillful thing survivor's can do. While I think m1 killers and pure anti loop killers should never be added again due to their lack of skill expression, looping should be involved. You know character's that force you to loop or die and there's like 3 of those including nurse though in reality holding w and breaking LoS can't be considered looping lol.