Stop reporting people for hacking unless you are sure they are

During these last couple of weeks I had so many games where survivors tell me afterwards that they will report me for hacking. Its mostly more inexperienced survivors with less hours but it still makes me nervous that apparently everything that happens that doesnt make sense to them is immidiately traced back to hacking and they report you for it.

Had this game right now on larrys with sadako where noone was running iron will and everyone was just sprinting around leaving scratch marks and blood everywhere. Also when I port to a TV their pictures light up on the left side when they are close to it. Also I have 2k hours in this game and can pretty much guess where survivors are on most maps.

After the match they complained that I apparently always knew where they are and that I must be clearly hacking. None of the above explanations was accepted by them and according to them they all 4 went ahead and reported me for hacking. This isnt the first time this happened in the last weeks, had a couple of games where I was reported for hacking afterwards. Very good huntress throws: reported for hacking; finding someone with legion in a locker during frenzy: reported for hacking;.......

I'm just wondering if the report system can actually differentiate if you are actually hacking or if it goes: Enough ppl reported you for it so you must be hacking and are hereby banned.


  • Last night I got accused of hacking because I found them in the basement. I had Nurses. They had went into the basement in hopes of a medkit and that's when Nurses showed me they were healing in the basement since they were healing right next to the chest. I told him how I knew and they stubbornly refused to believe me.

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,211

    Part of the issue is new players but in their defense, I think a major part would be Subtle Cheaters

    I've had many a games where something happened that Did that survivor disappear because they tricked me or did they disappear because when I lost LOS they did their quick cheat and sprinted away faster than they should have? Did I lose track of that survivor because the game got goofy with scratch marks or did they use a subtle hack to make them disappear when they shouldn't have? Should that killer have been able to lunge that far at me or are they getting a little extra boost from a hack?

    Although if I'm reporting someone, I'm not going to tell them I'm going to report them so who knows for sure what they're thinking...

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Unless you also make a ticket and so on it basically does nothing if they only report you ingame... Also they look over the footage and stuff to decide... So no, let them just report... They won't ban you if you didn't hack for real... You should always report if you think someone might be hacking... You don't need to be entirely sure... Because someone will look over it... It is not an automated ban system.

  • Trickstom
    Trickstom Member Posts: 118
    edited November 2022

    People report for anything in this game, unfortunately.

    One day I was playing Sadako with a Hit and Run + Anti-boon build against a TTV, he and his friends reported me because I wasn't committing to chases and farming Pentimento with Shattered Hope.

    I can't even play my main (Artist) without being called hacker sometimes, only because I hitting my crows cross-map.

  • FellowKillerMain
    FellowKillerMain Member Posts: 858

    Agreed! I've been accused of hacking because I was using whispers and spies from the shadows. "Seriously bro, no matter where I hid you always found me. aimbot?"

  • skylerbound
    skylerbound Member Posts: 754

    I got told I was getting reported because I moved too fast after getting hit and I had no scratch marks and made no sounds.

    my perks… overcome, lucky bread, bite the bullet and built to last with a green medit. I also loop optimally vs the huntress that was very generous around corners lol

  • AJStyIez
    AJStyIez Member Posts: 419

    Yeah I've had baby Killers/Survivors accuse me of cheating when you can clearly solve the confusion by looking at my perks/items/addons but I don't blame people for reporting potential cheaters at all because its definitely a thing.

    I've had to pay very close attention but I've caught several people on VOD doing subtle things like toggling on/off unlimited haste, gens being done at a super unrealistic rate despite winning the match (Going from 5 gens to losing 3 back to back early in the match after starting the game strong with 6 hooks which is domination), people Dead Harding in deadzones at the perfect time every single time (Baiting them or hugging their back for a while does nothing, they'll automatically hit it whenever you finally decide to swing), I've gone against cheating Killers too but its usually way more obvious than the subtle Survivors

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,330

    The players reporting need to send down video proof for anything to be done. An actual person watches the videos, it's not a computer deciding. If you weren't hacking you don't need to worry.

    I've never seen a complaint of "I was banned for hacking even though I wasn't" but I have seen many complaints of "I reported a blantant hacker flying through the sky and they're still playing."