AFK killers
Played eight matches this morning with six of them being AFK killers. I cannot fathom how this is a problem that hasn't been addressed as from what I can tell its been a longstanding issue that should be easily fixed.
Maybe I should play in weekdays mornings more when I got totem cleansing challenges then haha !
I don't think there are this many afk bots currently, I basically haven't seen any for a couple of months, but yeah you're more likely to encounter them at times few people are playing, like in the morning and on weekdays, when people are working.
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I have now played 14 games with 10 being afk killers.
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k not to sound rude but
are we really complain about a free win here?
i know you are trying to have fun but if the killer is afk they are most likely lowering their mmr because they are sick of everything
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What? How? Where? WHAT?!
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Not everybody play to win ya know, no fun in playing gen simulator
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While i agree that playing gen simulator isn´t fun, there is an awfully high number of players that will complete gens as fast as possible and move on to the next match. Even when the killer isn´t try harding/camping/tunneling.
Which is weird.
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But then u see killers complaining about survivors killin themselves on hook or dc ing ( cause maybes they are “tired of everything “ as u say) why are they complaining on free kills? Cause they wanna play of course
double standards tho, maybe if we start playing both roles more we can stop with this survivors do this and killers do that..
anyway I think the op is talking about bot killers , u get them in low mmr or when u start loosing n matches in a row , they usually swing constantly and move a few steps also the have thousands of hours in the game , there’s a famous one in uk servers Called free pips.
to the OP just report them every time u see one and hopefully they get banned
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I agree this play style is boring , when I’m on survivors I rather go for chases even if I die cause the fun for me is the interaction with the killer, but some players just wanna escape and they focus on gens, same as killers tunneling or camping to get kills as soon as possible
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It's a free win, but it makes for a boring time. The free BP is nice, and it makes clearing certain tome challenges a breeze (such as hiding without getting caught, or doing glyphs). However, gen-rushing an AFK killer makes ranking up to Iridescent 1 really tedious (no one to heal, no chases to win, etc).
It sounds like an exaggeration, but I can confirm that in my region's servers, there is a consistent time (1am onwards) where I will face multiple AFK killers in a row. My highest record is going against 5 AFK killers IN A ROW, and that's after dodging lobbies where I see the killer repeatedly pressing "ready" (99% chance to tell it's an AFK killer that's just going to stand there and M1 the whole time).
I don't think it should be bannable but I agree that something should be done. My solution right now is to not play DBD at 1am lmao
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It's not much of a win though. If killer AFKs it's pretty much impossible to get any altruism points which cuts your possible BP by a quarter and makes it difficult to pip up.
Plus I kind of, you know.. actually want to play that game. A killer not engaging means I sit there, hold m1 and have to spend a good few minutes sitting in the killer's TR with my thumb up my ass to get boldness points. Not what I'd call engaging gameplay.
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More like lowering kill rates so BHVR can buff killers/nerf survivors
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Omg same ahahah I always look forward for some afk killers :')
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i doubt it
this isn't the first time killers went afk
hell the first time mmr was introduced every killer went afk
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I had 4 in a row yesterday. Seems like it’s about 1 in every 3 games on average. The game is not at all fun in its current state. People don’t even want to play anymore. All my friends who used to play this game have left, and will never return. I can’t recommend this game to anybody because it would reflect badly on me for suggesting anybody play this garbage and waste their time being frustrated instead of having fun and being scared. I’m still a addict though, seeking the good fix I used to get in solo Q. However I would be lucky if I even got 1 fun game in 40 matches. I feel bad for new players who will never get to experience this game in its former glory, but I have no choice but to savagely destroy and troll them in every broken mismatched game I can, forcing them to feel the pain as have, quit and never return to this madness, as my former friends have, make bhvr realize the error in what they have done with the management of this game, im doing the best one person can do to help.
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Yeah, I had week off from work not too long ago and was pretty excited to have some time to finally do my survivor tome challenges. Basically unplayable during the day due to so many killers beig afk. And no I don't play to escape, I play for the chases and the strategy. Plus remember not every challenge is cleansing totems, sometimes it's unhooks or chases.
I do report them, not sure if that has any effect whatsoever though.
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Yeah, that is highly unusual, at least in my experience. I may see one afk killer every couple weeks on average. 10 out of 14 is absolutely bizarre; if true, something weird must be going on.
In my experience, it was actually a lot more common when I started playing a few years ago.
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Who are the people getting that many AFK killers, and what game are you playing?
I play nearly every day, multiple hours at a time, and roughly half of that as survivor. I can't remember when I had an AFK killer, or even a farming killer.
10 out of 14 seems ... bizarre.
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I’m playing on console with cross play on (No choice). It’s been like this for over a month now when it started. It really is that bad for some people. My mmr is probably trash cuz I quit so much but I have over 8000 hours. I’m currently in a game with afk doctor as I write this. 2 games ago was also an afk doctor. Not joking when I say 20 to 35 percent of games are this, every day. It can be any killer but usually doctor. I don’t think all are bots.
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I haven't seen an AFK from start to finish killer in a long time. Only time I see a killer go AFK now is if they feel the match is unwinnable or some random has bullied them to the point they don't want to play. I have seen killers completely ignore survivors while they move around the map looking for a purple or red glyph or after doing a couple hooks and they are looking for their green glyph, which I totally understand because those things can be annoying to find and you just want to make sure you get it before the match is over. 😂
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If you are working on higher ranks, an afk killer can make it extremely difficult to safety pip, let alone gain a pip.
It isn't a good thing for survivors, it is in fact worse than an over-powered killer that slaughters you, because at least in that case the match takes very little time and you can go on to the next match hoping that the MMR will balance that killer out of your opponents. Instead an afk killer causes you to be required to waste time trying to get emblems that will simply be impossible to max out.
It also causes a very clear anti-balancing issue. The killer afking isn't doing it for blood. They are not doing it to be nice. They are trying to derank themselves (which, by the way, is completely pointless because it is nearly impossible in the current MMR setup), and worse. They are attempting to fudge the numbers so that it doesn't appear that killers are getting as many kills as they are able to get, thus causing the devs to be misled by those numbers and balance the game based on those cheaters' contributions combined with legitimate matches. That's their plan anyway. Hopefully the devs can decipher these worthless matches out of ratings.
As a person that plays a lot of DBD usually, I've only seen roughly 5-10 in the past month. I'd say they make up maybe 1/100 matches. Thankfully they aren't as normal as they were back when smurfing was as easy as deranking by AFKing or DCing.
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Ya, my point is that its really boring to play for three hours and only have maybe 4 or 5 valid matches. That is alot of time staring at a generator progress bar for a handfull of BP, which is nice but I play to the game to have fun not accumulate points. Especially since its such an easy fix on DBD's part. Ban bot accounts for a week and strip them of there blood points. They hold to that policy for a week and nobody would be afk botting.
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I wish this happened to me
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You really have nothing better to do then stare at a gen progress bar for three hours?
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I don’t even understand how what you said makes any sense. Let me simplify…
I wish at times that I had killers that AFK’d. But I rarely ever do. The end.
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Oh yeah, but survivors killing themselves on hook was to increase kill rates, right?
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Ya, I don't know, but I am playing now, five matches. 1 afk killer, 1 DC killer once match started and three ghost faces. Which compared to yesterday is a pretty good ratio of AFK killers to actual matches. And what i mean is when you have that many AFK killers all your doing for all those matches is completing the generators and opening the gate. So staring at a gen progress bar, open gate, collect BP. Which I guess for some people is fun? I dunno, I am a casual gamer, when I log into a game I want to play it, not sort of collect resource points for free. Thats not fun to me, and if I maybe so bold AFK killers collecting BP points is an exploit you would think the runners of the game would want to discourage.
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Oh okay, yeah I get you..that would be boring. Random that it happened so many times in a row. I’m sick of ghostface 😅
I farm sometimes as killer, but afk is boring.
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Killers can't kill themselves on hook, so the entire match has to play out. Survivors killing themselves on hook is also more of a detriment to other survivors, as it secures 3 other people are much more likely to lose regardless of their skill and input. AFK killer literally just gives 4 players a free win.
I've said multiple times that either hookicides need to be addressed, or killers need a similar way out. There's just no parity in the ability to bypass the DC penalty.
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That goes beyond my point
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Kill rates, especially artificially (in/de)flating aren't a point in themselves, so what was I supposed to be referring to?
Do you honestly believe a ratio of 1/4 while having a forced Time To Completion instead of forcing an outcome early on a (1-4):1 scale is anywhere near as statistically relevant? It comes off far more as projection than anything, and I was trying to bring it back to a common ground issue instead.
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It actually kinda sucks, imo. Not just because you're not really playing the game, but because it's nearly impossible to get a decent score against a fully afk killer. You're gonna get zilch for altruism/benevolence, little for boldness, etc. I usually scrounge for a flashlight to maybe get some blinds, jump in/out of nearby lockers for those few boldness points, etc.
It's great if you're just looking for that escape, or for niche tome challenges, but it's generally kind of a bummer when the killer is AFK.
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AFKing in matches repeatedly can result in a temp ban. File a proper report of the account with video evidence and BHVR should be able to deal with the accounts AFKing.
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Not saying you're lying but in my thousands of hours of playing DBD I would be hard pressed to estimate getting an afk killer in anymore than 1 out of 50 matches on average.
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Not saying you're lying but in my countless hours playing this game I would be hard pressed to say that maybe 1 out of 50 of my matches have an AFK killer.
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It only happened to me when I was off from work an playing during the day, I rarely get AFK killers when I play usually. I'm also probably at the lowest possible MMR end for survivor as I play altruistic in low MMR solo queue..😅
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If only you could change your perks midgame, lol
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Yesterday was an outlier for sure, today i played about 8 matches and had 2 AFK killers. I mean, I guess i could have my friend I played with both days log in and corroborate my accounting, but thats what I am experiencing. I play alot during bankers hours USA time (8am to 5pm) and I am betting its worse during these hours as gamers log in while working, que up for a match then leave it till the match is over. During the evening times its much better and the AFKers are less.
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Really yucky feeling when everyone, coordinated or not, bring a bunch of point offerings everyone benefits from only to have the Killer go AFK. You're only going to get probably 1/3 of the points you could have gotten.
Seen a lot of Killers quit when they think point offerings we're coordinated by a SWF even when they weren't. Just another thing making Killers think they face more SWFs than they really do. Just play the'll still get good points even if they all get out.
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I guess I could get my friend i play with to log in and verify, but Its accurate. Yesterday was an outlier for sure, today I played about 8 matches and had 2 afk killers. I flag it as "unsportsman" and then block the player. Its worse during the day, i have noticed (daytime USA) probably because all the gamers are working on something else, logging into DBD, start match, then afk work on whatever.
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hell if i know, maybe they wanna go next and ruin the game for the others who are still alive
i had a jill kill herself on hook for simply getting out mind gamed once after she sent me to Springfield so explain that to me
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I don't mind the occasional AFK killer. Sometimes I'll get one after like, just having a bad run of games and having a guaranteed one is nice. Sometimes I've got a challenge that is way easier when the killer is a nonentity! Even better is when it's an AFK killer that like, attacks so I can still get some interaction points. (incidentally AFK blight is the worst because that's zero chase points AND zero altruism)
but then like, oh sometimes i have a healing challenge and that's off the table. Hope I didn't bring any good medkit add-ons to help me with that challenge. And of course, sometimes I just want to play the goddamn game. I have gotten multiple in a row before (tho not THAT frequently).
It's a nice break or assist sometimes but sometimes it's the last thing I want and y'know. There's obviously no control over it. You can't just have a button that says "give me a free win pls thx".
In conclusion, Debra Delight is a land of contrasts.
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Ya, i wouldnt mind the occasional AFK killer either, but there are times of the day (significant hours) when it at best its 1 out of 3 is afk and thats just wasting my time when I would rather play the game.
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I played those games with trev. I don’t know if it’s a time zone issue or what? It’s always an afk doctor, we have to strategically leave lobbies if the killer hasn’t readied up. It’s very annoying and it makes playing no fun. We report the afk killer every time but it seems like theirs no relief.
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My guess: its right after the grades reset and those players hit Gold 4, ie their cue to smurf hard in order to break through to Iri1 in one go and then play any way they like for the last 3 weeks. Not that I condone this behaviour, but it could all be done away with just putting an end to de-pipping outside of DCing.
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I go afk in many of my games recently because the games is just unbeatable. i constantly have 4 escapes no matter what I do, I'm not a god player but it seems my MMR is insanely high or Otztava level. i don't even know why I'm in this MMR
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I had 1 afk killer in a month
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You guys are lucky, all I get are sweaty PC killers