Fellow Gamers, Do You Play Both Sides? If Not, Is There a Specific Reason?



  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,183

    I play both 50/50, because I feel then I'm getting the most out of the game. Playing only one side feels like you're only playing 50% of the game that feels a waste to me.

  • mistar_z
    mistar_z Member Posts: 857

    i play both, playing only killer is exhausting. survivor is super chill and pretty relaxing to play, even if i get horrible teammates i can at least just play to survive for myself.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,245
    edited November 2022

    I play both. I used to be 80/20 mostly killer for my first 2000 hours or so. Now I'm closer to 50/50 as of late, maybe even moreso survivor. ~4000 hours.

    Just kind of got bored with killer and don't get consistently challenged. I like all the decision-making and pathing that goes into survivor. I still play killer, but the games are usually bad/easy and I just get bored.

  • TotemSeeker91
    TotemSeeker91 Member Posts: 2,358

    Y'know, there's something called practice, you obviously won't get better if you don't try

  • GRIG0
    GRIG0 Member Posts: 308

    Being a horror fan, at first i bought this game for the killers, being the "bad guy" for once after being the "survivor" in so many singleplayer games was interesting!

    And after playing both, i still stick to killer because I love how different they are between each other and I love trying them all with different perks, strategies, etc.

    I despise generators as both roles so I tend to get bored as survivor, i only enjoy chases and looking for totems lol.

    Plus if I'm in the mood of memeing around or playing more friendly, i find it easier as killer since in my experience survivors are more willing to meme with you 🤣

  • RoseyDevlin
    RoseyDevlin Member Posts: 34

    I got like 1700 hours in.

    I play both but I have way more fun as survivor in solo matches than playing a killer during these times. I feel like I'm facing way more swf sweat teams than we did before the rank change.

    I rarely play in swf teams, I like lone wolf type but dislike always needing to use good perks to win as a killer.

    I miss pre nerfed eboni mori, atleast it brought back the intensive matches where your scared of being caught. The only thing that does that now is tombstone myers and maybie noed tho less now due to its nerf.

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,821

    I play both. I started as a killer main but mostly play survivor now. Survivor is much less aggravating/frustrating for me, and I don't have to have that worry about "What if I get trapped in a 40-minute match with bullies?" I still play killer when a new killer comes out, or there's a rift open, but I'm always a little bit cautious, like, "This could be fun, or it could be really bad."

  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573

    Well, I've never played survivor because it's even more all the things in the game I don't find terribly interesting. I find looping on its own to be about as engaging as an empty fridge, stealth gameplay is something I only ever enjoyed in Thief, and I don't like QTEs. Not much incentive to play that role then, is there?

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 2,910

    I dont usually play survivor unless its friends cause its boring to solo q and sit there for 8-10 minute matches in a multiplayer game with at least no base communication method.

  • Neamy
    Neamy Member Posts: 359

    I honestly like killer cause if I don’t do great, it’s mostly on me and I can’t blame a team member for it.

  • Mostly killer, since my interest in DBD stems from horror movies and in most cases the antagonist is the more interesting character. I feel like most of Survivor gameplay is holding M1 on bones or gens which isn't particularly exciting.

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    I play both survivor and killer, but I've been playing killer more lately.

  • IamFran
    IamFran Member Posts: 1,616

    I used to play Killer 90% and 10% survivor because it was underwhelming the little amount of BP a survivor win, specially in soloQ, but since they reworked the prestige system, reduced the price of the bloodweb items and put the bonus for the least played side now I play de survivor way more than before, now I play 60% killer and 40% survivor, more or less.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,176

    Well, I don't doubt that there are players like you, but you really are the exception to the rule ^_- More power to you, as I play a lot of killer myself, but most of us killer mains also play a good chunk of survivors and right now I am working on the last unfinished tome, so that alone shows that my split isn't just shallow words.

    Both sides have their fun mechanics and playing both definitely makes you better overall, so maybe give it another try with a fresh mindset. You don't need to sneak around all the time, in fact a lot of survivors jump right into your face and try to look you in an unwinable chase, because their looping game is so strong.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,629

    Of course, usually depending on the time of the day I can play.

    The day and early evening is for survivor, the night is for killer.

    It's not even about queue times anymore. But it feels like during the night I get the worst teammates (probably because the good ones are playing in their SWF)

  • flowen
    flowen Member Posts: 38

    I'm new to the game in general. I started playing the game half way through the grade season before last on survivor with friends who wanted to show me the game. I've only started playing killer half way through the last grade season. I'm having a blast on both :D

  • Scream_Queen865
    Scream_Queen865 Member Posts: 110

    I started out as a killer but first person makes me sick and dizzy so I had to go to survivor..I enjoy it..but I'd like to kill too lol

  • hex_uwu
    hex_uwu Member Posts: 201

    I used to be about 95% survivor and 5% killer but now I'm about 60% survivor and 40% killer. My anxiety is terrible and I used to feel genuinely stressed at the idea of playing killer. I'd get as far as loading into a lobby, see 4 survivors and back out. I don't know what changed, but I've been playing it a lot closer to equally. I don't delete killer dailies, I just use them as an excuse to learn the killer. I mostly play in the evenings so whenever bp favours killer I just go for that. I think the new challenge loadout thing makes it a lot easier too because I already have a killer challenge selected.

  • Audis
    Audis Member Posts: 18

    I used to be a killer main, but never play it anymore for 3 reasons:

    1. MM often put me against survivors that are bad, or just not trying very hard. And having to obliterate these players every match was making me feel terrible, because I know how your average solo queue survivor probably has a 20% or so escape rate. Letting them escape just made me go against even bigger babies.
    2. Painfully long killer queues vs. cozy instant survivor queues.
    3. Drastic switch from killer always having 100% bonus BP from BBQ, to 0% bonus BP as killer and permanent 100% BP incentive for survivors.
  • 7Write7
    7Write7 Member Posts: 46

    Used to play only as killer till the rifts were released, but now more and more play as survivor cause 90% percents of killers are unplayable on top ranks. And playing only nurse blight and huntress for a little chance to kill at least 3 survivors whos swfs making gens for 5 mins, and use crazy invulnerable builds is getting boring. Game is totally disbalanced to survivors side, they have nothing to do for win if they know what is generator, and because nowadays i want just chill most of times i just run on survivor and making gens, and mostly time i even dont confront killers, cause matches are extremely fast. Plus new updated perks which makes survs almost untouchable leave killer no chanses. Remembering my last match on Larry when my teams totally used 26 dead hards and on 27 killer just quit. Idk why we have killers in this game, devs really dont know what they are doing....

  • Header
    Header Member Posts: 308

    I have almost 2500 hours and play 99% killer (if we ignore kyf weekends) mainly because survivor is pretty boring.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,702

    I do play both sides but lately I’ve been playing one side if the queue is faster because I don’t like waiting 5 minutes to queue up in a lobby.

  • M1_gamer
    M1_gamer Member Posts: 349

    i usually play both sides but recently i have been playing alot more survivor due to being more chill and you can play with friends. with the new bot feature coming into customs i can play killer with my friends since we can have a full lobby now lol.

  • Chaellooo
    Chaellooo Member Posts: 106

    I only play killer for now survivor is no longer enjoyable for me because of solo q