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A very small buff to Wesker to make him more thematic and hype

LiveBritishReaction Member Posts: 427
edited November 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

Let me start this thread off by saying I think that Wesker is, for the most part, in an excellent spot. I’ve been playing him pretty exclusively since his release, and I don’t think he’s weak at all. My biggest issue with him balance-wise is the Hindered from infection making him too good at tunneling, and I wholeheartedly endorse nerfing that aspect of him into the earth; the rest of his kit will easily carry the weight. However, there is one slight buff to him that I would really love to see that would add even more utility to his kit and, more importantly, just make him feel even more badass.

The buff is simple: If Wesker slams or throws a survivor into a dropped pallet or breakable wall, the prop in question breaks. It would be a lot of fun to see in action without being incredibly strong on account of being only decent utility that is situational to set up—if anything, you could even argue it could help the survivor as it quite literally opens up a hole for them to turn tail and make more effective distance on Wesker than just running around the wall or vaulting the pallet.

I think this buff would be a lot of fun to see and use without giving his kit anything it doesn’t really need and making him too oppressive. Plus, I’m biased. I hate breakable walls and will take any excuse to expedite their destruction in-game.

Post edited by EQWashu on


  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573

    being hindered if you get fully infected is literally all it practically does. And why there's first aid sprays. if a game's gone on long enough that there's no more cleansing available, uh, oh well?

  • Firstly, completely irrelevant to what I’m trying to propose.

    Secondly, if you think a chase power as effective and versatile as Wesker’s being able to INSTADOWN YOU isn’t strong, I truly do not know what to tell you lmao. It is the scariest part of his kit, bar none.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,060

    Nah, when you are fully infected you can also insta-down the Survivor with your power.

    And well, the hindered makes him really good at tunneling, because they will eventually get hindered in a Chase and at this point, they cannot loop anymore, because they are too slow. And you cannot really use the Spray Mid-Chase, so its existence does not really change the fact that the Hindered-Status Effect makes him really good at tunneling.


    Removing the Hindered - yes.

    About breaking Pallets or Walls... Sure, why not.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    I do think the Hindered is fine, when you aren't getting tunneled.

    Maybe have it be like OTR? Link it to conspicuous actions? As long as you don't progress the match, your infection doesn't progress?

    And as for the change proposed, yes.

  • Grumblephant
    Grumblephant Member Posts: 93

    I honestly thought this was gonna gonna be a joke thread where for "7 minutes" he gets a speed boost and is able to flip over pallets.

    I'm glad I was wrong.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,173
    edited November 2022

    instant down is not enough of penalty. see plague for example. she infects everyone into broken status effect and everyone just ignores her fountains, rushes generators and only cleanses in the end game. Avoiding slowdown requires punishment.

    Its also to prevent purposely taking virulent bound hits and forcing wesker to throw surviviors into nothingness where they continue looping as if nothing happened. I still abuse that as survivor though because by the time he fully infect you, he likely lost the game, chase-wise. Just bloodlust 2.0 mechanic.

    Weakening his slowdown such that you can ignore infection mechanic means he should be buffed in his 1vs1. perhaps buff his chase such that vaulting a pallet allows him 2nd bound after vaulting a pallet instead of putting him on cooldown.

  • The difference between survivors being broken against Plague and being fully infected against Wesker is that Plague is an M1 killer who has to hit you with a basic attack, whereas Wesker gets to use his power—a power that is very strong in a chase—to get the instadown. That is a HUGE difference which are you are just completely ignoring.

    But again, nerfing the hindered isn’t the point I’m trying to make with this post, so if you continue to argue this point, I’m just going to ignore you.

  • flowen
    flowen Member Posts: 38
    edited November 2022

    In my experience the insta down on Wesker's power doesn't really come into play a whole lot. If Wesker decides to tunnel, insta down usually doesn't matter at all because the survivor won't have time to heal before they're in chase again. When Wesker doesn't tunnel, the survivor usually goes off to heal and get a spray (not necessarily in that order) while Wesker is occupied with someone else. You also rarely get to chase fully infected survivors; They almost always go for the spray asap when they aren't in chase. The only times it comes into play are when you infect someone, but can't down them before they reach full infection (which is indicative of Wesker playing badly), or when a survivor chooses not to spray (which is blatant bad play from the survivor). The insta down and hinderance of the infection act more as a deterrence than an outright threat; They cause survivors to pass on gens and do something else because if they don't they'll be at a critical disadvantage if they get found again.

    As for your idea; I think thematically having Wesker break stuff when he slams people is really cool, but a bit impractical since tossing/slamming people into something breakable isn't really feasible in practice.

  • Slamming two survivors into each other isn’t usually feasible either but it’s still a mechanic that exists and it’s still incredibly fun when it happens. This buff is less about viability and more about feel-good gameplay. It’s a small change that lends itself to rare but special moments where you just get a fat dopamine hit because heehee pallet go boom.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,173
    edited November 2022

    He is m1 killer if his m2 power fails to injure you and does not provide a negative drawback in the chase. your providing incentive for the survivor to ignore infection mechanic and stay injured the entire game while utilizing the throw mechanic to avoid injury/instant down. He would need stronger chase if you weaken infection mechanic.

  • flowen
    flowen Member Posts: 38
    edited November 2022

    I'm not sure if I deleted my post on accident, or if it was deleted some other way, but I don't think a nerf to his infection is justified as it's more of a deterrent than something you directly utilize most of the time. I do think breaking stuff with his power would be very fitting but I don't think it would be feasible to do so intentionally because of the nature of chases in general and controlling your dashes.

  • flowen
    flowen Member Posts: 38

    Sorry for the double post, I got confused af just now x.x. But I can't deny that LOL.

  • You’re good, it happens. If we want to push the argument beyond “Well I mean that’s just, like, your opinion man” then I argue that given the stationary and highly-present nature of dropped pallets and breakable walls, a Wesker who is observant of his surroundings and quick on his feet can absolutely exert agency over when this ability would be used. Hell, slamming two survivors together is way more situational on account of both variables being moving and controlled by other players, and in my personal experience it is still possible to at the very least identify these incredibly rare windows of opportunity in order capitalize on them—maybe not create them, but at least discern them.

  • flowen
    flowen Member Posts: 38

    I agree, in theory. What I can't see happening is people putting themselves in positions where doing so is possible most of the time. Breaking doors down for example would require a survivor to get hit in front of them, and generally when you whip the oro out they tend to run around like headless chickens. Palettes I can see being more of a thing because trapping survivors on long palettes is already a common tactic, but you usually get a whip on those, not a slam :/.

  • This is true, but Wesker does have a less-than-insignificant degree of control over where he takes the survivor when he grabs them. Strafing and encircling them with your power out to try and force them to juke into where you want to take them is a good example, but another significant factor is that Wesker can actually change the direction of his dash when he grabs someone—you can rotate your camera horizontally during a dash, and when grabbing a survivor you will move forwards in the direction you are facing, not the direction you are moving. So for example you can turn your camera left in a dash, grab a survivor, and start carrying them in that leftwards direction.

    Basically what I’m trying to say is, when a Wesker is aware of where he’ll be carrying a survivor, he has more control over dictating that than one might think. If he knows a survivor is near a breakable wall or pallet, he can outposition and manipulate them into getting thrown into that prop if he’s smart enough. It’s still situational, but not as situational as you might be thinking.

  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573

    As I said, in practice, the hindered effect is all it often does. Yeah, it also enables one-hit downs, but the slow effect is the one that actually has a big impact and threatens you.

    Besides, it takes nearly 2 minutes to reach full infection if you don't keep grabbing someone. People need some incentive to go get rid of it, 'I will be Exposed but only to this one type of attack that performs worst around loops' isn't it. Without the hindered, there's no impairment in the safest tiles to be, so it's just going to be ignored for gen rushing.

  • NekoTorvic
    NekoTorvic Member Posts: 778

    The hindered effect on wesker is a pretty important threat, it's more important than the insta down. I think it should not get nerfed. However, maybe you can have infection reset when a survivor is hooked, as in the survivor is still infected but they have to go through the whole infection cycle again. Or you could make it so that the infection post hook does not increase passively until the survivor does a conspicuous action. Or both, both are good too.

    About your buff though, i really like that idea. It'd just look really cool. I'd love to see it in the game. Even if it's a rare thing it'd still be cool AF.

  • flowen
    flowen Member Posts: 38

    I didn't know that was a thing O.o. I found a video showing it off, I wanna practice it more once we get bots.

  • flowen
    flowen Member Posts: 38

    Mad appreciation. I've been looking through wesker matches but I can't find many people doing it.

  • No problemo. Hope this illustrates what I mean when I say a good Wesker player would have more control over where a survivor goes than you might think.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    There are better ways to nerf his tunneling potential than removing the hIndered status effect on full infection.

    The Hindered Status effect is the main downside of his full infection, the one shot is arguably not nearly as impactful, because survivors can sometimes just run around small objects like trees, forcing an M1 attack, and they'll sometimes just stay injured, which can sometimes be the right play anyways. So I think the hindered status effect 100% needs to stay, in order for the infection to continue being the threat it needs to be.

    Instead, People have suggested that after being unhooked, if you are infected, you shouldn't gain any infection, neither passively nor through a hit, until you perform a conspicuous action. That coupled with the idea of having a survivors infection reset to 0 when hooked should do the trick. Now there is no reason additional reason for wesker to tunnel.

    And of course, the addon that increases the passive gain rate by 70% should be decreased to 30%, which is what the addon description actually says.