Guys, are you actually playing the Knight right?

I played a bunch of games with a new killer yesterday to see how the buffs affected his perfomance after a PTB...

So I played him predictively putting a guards a little further a loops they were heading and was zoning them a little bit left or right (put a guard on a left side, yourself move to the right and on right from left as well)... 13 matches maybe, against a pretty good survivors (Looking for their prestiges 80-100, looping and holding shift+W against this power)

I haven't lost a single match with this killer yet. Yes, he doesn't feel really fast with getting a down, but he's consistent as heck with it.

They were holding shift+W, they tried to ignore the summons by going through them, but here's the thing, even if they can see a green orb (they can see where I'll spond a guard), I can cut them off by putting a guard further and a little to the side (zone them), and catch them myself by going on a opposite side.

Whenever the time they hold shift+W, I'm almost there to hit them myself and if they stop at the loop, it's a guarranted hit.

Yesterday after 3-4 matches I understood that it's a hardly zoning "sandwich" killer. He's not insanely strong coz all these chases takes time (1 full guard haunt) to hit if they holding W, but it's pretty much doable.

Using his addons on detection radius and haunt time (brown and yellow), is a must have to me. Otherwise it's really hard to pull off effectively.

I wonder how you guys playing him... (Considering the ammount of people saying he's bad)

I thought that as well, I thought he's not going to work, now I think I was insanely wrong. After a buffs and AI fix, I think I finally understand how he must be played, and it's deffinitely not by tapping his ability at loops.


  • Terion
    Terion Member Posts: 810

    He is bad if you use him how is power suggests he was intended, which is my main issiue with him.

    With a little practice and if i commit to knight for several games, i can do the cut off paths mind games and camping gens and hooks with guards, also just press the button short, dont set a path at pallets in loops. You force them to leave the loop, EZ "mindgame."

    without his power being seen by survivors, without his standart buffing survivors and without him going blind and not movable people would maybe play him more conservative, meaning: big guy kicks gens, Assassin scouts, jalier hunts. But that also completely goes to the drain because you cant switch them manually. Which i dont understand why that is tbh, i said it in the PTB feedback alredy, give us the option to switch them out instead just making add ons so 1 guy appears 2 times, which i would not see why anyone wouldnt only play jalier at that point.

    He is another anti-loop / camping killer, which is ok for todays meta gameplay, but he is also not the strongest in those fields. He doesnt beat bubba or nurse for sure. He doesnt HAVE to beat them in order to be fun. But then again he does what many other killers do aswell, just more predictable.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    Nah, I like to play the game myself instead of spwaning 3 mindless NPCs to play it for me. I dont understand how a power that removes agency from the player got aproved for release, stuff that plays itself is the very definition of antifun.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,600

    I've played a bit like that. Survivors figure out pretty quickly that you don't have to run away from the orb if it's used for zoning like that. You can straight up run towards it and the guards will be slower than you or the killer. By the time the Knight catches back up to you to use the guard for zoning, the patrol is over. I did this twice to a Knight on Dead Dawg. Didn't run away from the orb. I ran *towards* it, proc'd the hunt, and then kite'd the guard away from the Knight because the guard is hilariously slow

  • Lost_Boy
    Lost_Boy Member Posts: 679

    I very much doubt you faced prestige 80-100 for 13 games and they didn't know how to outplay his basic AI zoning tactic.

    You said yourself chases take long so what were the other 3 survivors doing at that point when you spend like 40-60 seconds on a chase?

    Problem with zoning them like that is it only works when they don't have another tile to run to. Most of the time they will just run out of range to a new loop & you start the process again until you find a decent area that has dead space to take advantage of.

  • Grigerbest
    Grigerbest Member Posts: 1,914

    The problem on the ptb that I was having was the same, like there is no way to catch them in your power currectly. If you can't do that, the only way is to tap it at loops.

    Now that they maked his power windup faster, you actually can do that now. If I chase a survivor, I'm always look around to see their options, I use power to put a guard way ahead the place this survivor is going, but slightly left or right at the end. Myself I'm going on a opposite direction right away, if survivor keeps going forward, they gonna get haunted by a guard, all you have to do is force a "sandwich" situation from now.

    If they try to avoid the radius, there is only "left" or "right" for them to go, if I placed a guard slightly to left, myself I'm going right and otherway around. In most times with me, they ending up in a sandwich - Guard from behind, and I'm moving from forward or left and right.

    It's a killer about zoning survivors and forcing a sandwich. You can't do that quick tho, this is why I'm telling he's not insanely strong.

    Besides, you need to have a really good map knowledge, tiles knowledge, to pull that off, you have to predict their movement based on your previous chasing experiences.

    Here's what I've got:

    1. Never go the same direction with your guard. Let them go farward, you move yourself from the other side and catch them in a sandwich.
    2. His power much harder to pull off in the open maps.
    3. Weak map pressure, if survivors doing separate gens. So you have to brake chases in some situations. (Gens are more important)
    4. Don't forget to use Carnifex* to brake pallets in a small loop, it's almost a 100% hit scenarios.
    5. Hear closely when you using your power. (footsteps, gens)
    6. Don't forget that survivors can see your power.
    7. Use addons to help you catch survivors in your power. (Radius and haunt time)
    8. Slowdown perks is a must have. (I'm using 2 - Jolt and Pain Res)
    9. Aura reading perks will help you start the chase from a power much easier.

    At small loops I'm never tapping his power, (only when I'm using Carni to brake a pallet) and it works really fine to force an easy "sandwich"...

    I'm yet to face a "tryhard" swf tho. Waiting for this moment to test...

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,493

    In my experience, if you actually create paths with his power, the survivor has quite a bit of time to just run away from the loop. Of course you can cut survivors off, no doubt, but good survivors will often see where you are creating your path, and simply run off into the other direction.

    You can't really create paths effectively if you are anywhere towards the center of the map. The only time this strategy can work is at the edges of maps, and even then, survivors can sometimes still run too far away.

    In my experience, simply tapping your power at loops is often the most effective way to play him. And in my opinion he isn't actually weak or anything. Not particularly strong, but also not weak. But playing him by simply trapping loops I find to be pretty damn boring.

  • Grigerbest
    Grigerbest Member Posts: 1,914

    Yes, I've seen they were ignoring the radius and just pushed W through the guard. At these points I'm just trying to move as close as possible ahead to the place this survivor is going. These are pretty much the only times that my chases are being too long.

    I'm trying to figure out how to do it quicker... On random occasions. But tapping his power at loops is a no-no to me. Feels like a waste.

  • Grigerbest
    Grigerbest Member Posts: 1,914

    Tbh, with the way I play him, I find it really exhausting... After each match I just want to smoke a cigarette to collect my "braincells" together. xD

    Yes, they do see it, but literally can place it ahead of them to create a scenario of 2 ways only: Keep holding farward and go through the guard, and try to avoid the radius but the Knight might already going right at you (pushing you to the radius). I've had a lot of these situations through the matches already.

    Yes he's not insanely strong, you have to have a gen regression perks (probably meta ones), and addons on radius and haunt time.

    I don't think I could play against survivors that I'm having with something different tho. So yeah...

  • ButterFlee13
    ButterFlee13 Member Posts: 272

    Call to Arm amd Map of the realm add-on is busted. drop the guards, chase another survivor off the gens, two survivor chase at the same time. Mico gameplay is very fun with this. feel ike you have an army that can go to vs 4

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,493

    That's a fair point. That can definitely work. But I would argue whether the Knight gets a hit against a survivor or the survivor gets to another tile is in that case just dictated by the map. But to be fair, that's the case with the Knight in a lot of cases. If you just trap a loop, map will also, at least to an extent, dictate whether you'll get a hit against the survivor who you are chasing, or if the survivor can reach another tile.

    Of course the positioning of the Knight also plays a role here.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    The knight is only good in certain situations, but most of the time you can get away from someone trying to summon a guard on you in the way you're speaking of, and if they do get spotted they can just take a early hit from the guard and use the speed boost to get big distance on a killer that is not able to catch up without throwing the game , I've had some success as knight but it's because survivors don't yet realize it's better to take that hit and make distance rather than risk a double tap by trying to outplay both characters in a bad spot and at that point it's either switch targets and abandon that chase or try and catch up and lose gens

  • ByeByeQ
    ByeByeQ Member Posts: 1,104
    edited November 2022

    The problem is the strategy is obvious and is hard-countered by Dead Hard. Try to zone the survivor, they proc Dead Hard on the guard, they are gone.

  • Blizwise
    Blizwise Member Posts: 69

    I have almost had 4k on every game played so far, other then a few getting lucky on hatch spawns.

    his addons are crazy good and when paired right it’s brutal how good they are.

    a lot of loops you can force them to try and run away or take a hit by either the guard or yourself. When played good he is powerful but it could be that a lot of players haven’t figured out playing against him yet. I think he will fall in the top of a mid tier killer once people learn to play against him

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,918
    edited November 2022


    Basically, if you try to use the power as intended, the guard is not a threat, and you can just outrun it. For example, the assassin chases you at 110% movement speed, this is 4.4 meters per second, and chases you for 12 seconds. In that 12 seconds, if the survivor holds W, the assassin will gain 0.4 meters per second of distance, this amounts to 4.8 meters of distance over the 12 seconds. A killer's lunge range is 6 meters. There is no way the guard will ever do anything it's own. So you just outrun it, and the amount of time you spent setting the guard means you are too far away to do anything.

    Now think about the other 2 guards that move at 4.1 meters per second, that is only 1.2 meters of distance gained during their entire duration.

    The only way to play the knight, is to go to a loop, plop your guard down instantly, then try to force the survivor into the guard, then pincer them with the guard and yourself to guarantee a hit. If they run away while doing that, you have to hope there is no connected tile, and/or bruteforce a smaller dead zone.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,196

    He's very good when you play him like Facecamping Bubba.

    He's exceptional at denying saves.

  • Beatricks
    Beatricks Member Posts: 857

    Keep on clubbing those adorable baby seals and report back when you are going up against the killsquads.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    The issue is, that survivors already start to go through the guards, when you spawn them before them. Then the guard runs a bit back before it starts chasing.

    They are simply to slow and have a weak pathfinding. Resulting in an escape. I wonder if the devs actually keep track of how often the Knight uses his power vs how often he actually hits with his power.

  • kisfenkin
    kisfenkin Member Posts: 621

    Yeah, he is great, especially on certain maps. Turns the game into 2v4, which is somewhat game breaking. I only faced him as survivor six times yesterday but twice the Knights got two downs at exactly the same time. This killer risks ruining DbD meanwhile you got killers here whining he isn't powerful enough... get a grip on reality!

    I'm not saying he needs a nerf, yet, but people calling for a buff? You have got to be kidding me. If you think he needs a buff you aren't playing him right.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Every time i faced him as survivor was devastating. Because the guards where so useless. Mostly 3-4 man escapes.

    That being said, i haven´t faced that many. A total of maybe 5 or 6 in the last 24 hours. About a third of my survivor matches. Previous killers seemed more popular during their release.