New perk idea - Death Grip

Basically an anti-franklins perk, no item can be removed from a survivor by any means. However all times will be consumed at the end of the match(meaning you won’t get to keep the item) .
They reworked perks such as sabotuer to prevent it from countering specific killers. Using that same logic, I don’t think they’ll add perks which counter a very niche and weak perk. Also, if you were to bring a perk that counters franklin’s, you’d most likely be doing it to make sure you keep your item because you’re worried about losing it completely. This would not help in that case, either, as you’d lose the item even if you escaped with it.
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Why would you waste a perk slot.
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I actually like this idea. weed out the 2547 flashlights, one trial at a time.
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That would be useless. Running a perk because there is a slight chance that killer might have franklin's