Slug update WHEN!?

I am tired of being left on the floor to bleed out wasting my time because the killer can't stand someone possibly getting hatch. This has got to stop.
The same update where we get base kit blood warden when every survivor is just waiting in the exit gate for longer than necessary.
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I hope never. It was a terrible PTB for both sides.
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The match should just end if all remaining survivors are slugged for more than enough time to activate Unbreakable. It also sucks when a slugged survivor crawls off to avoid being hooked.
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Im 100% ok with that. I leave every time. I think toxic people should be punished. Including killers who slug and force people who bleed out.
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That's not what I am talking about. They slug me then go find the last remaining survivor. If that survivor is good at hiding then I am forced to bleed out wasting my time. If I am forced to be slugged at least give me the option to end it myself without a penalty. I shouldn't have to just lay there. Either make unbreakable base kit so people have consequences for slugging or give me an option to leave the game without taking a penalty.
You slugged me. Don't want me to crawl off? Don't slug. I'm looking for hatch myself.
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I understand that so well. That's one thing that not only annoys me, it really pisses me off.
Not everyone has time to play DBD for hours, 4 minutes may not sound like a lot but when you have limited time to play it is a total waste of time. In the 4 minutes in which I'm on the ground and can't do anything, I could already be in the next match.
I have no problem getting slugged if the killer can see the last survivor. But if they have to find the last survivor first and has absolutely no idea where they are, I'm just pissed.
Fine, give killers basekit "blood warden", that would be a deal I could live with without any problems, but this slugging for 4K has to stop.
Or as an alternative solution, give me a "surrender" button that I can press after about 90 seconds so I can move on to the next match.
Or remove the hatch. I don't care, I just don't want to lie on the floor for 4 whole minutes and waste valuable time.
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I think the hatch has to exist because then the last survivor has no chance of escaping really. It's rare that I can get a gate open unless its certain maps after the hatch was closed.
Honestly, they just need to make unbreakable base kit so people don't slug. Make it only trigger if there's 2 survivors left maybe? Or give me a button to press to sacrifice myself to the entity. But, like you, I don't want to lay there forever because the killer refuses to give up a 4k.
When I play killer, and I play both pretty equally, I would rather race for the hatch than slug and refuse to give it. If the survivor gets the hatch then good for them.
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The Auto Mori wasn´t very good also.
Needs a lot of adjustment.
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Get rid of the auto mori. Just don't let me be slugged. We don't need all that extra. Just let us be able to get up or quit if we are slugged.
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Post edited by danielmaster87 on0 -
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Yes but you as the killer can push them out of the exit and end the game. Survivors can't end the game when the killer is holding them hostage on the ground and ruining their game.
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Does that seriously happen to you that often to be even worth talking about?
In almost 9k hours that has happened to me..maybe 5 times? If that. Not even an issue worth mentioning for how rare it is.
Either you're the unluckiest person in the world or you might be acting toxic towards them in your games.
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It happens all the time. I don't believe it never happens to you. Killers slug for 4K all the time. I'm not unlucky. You are very lucky.
Honestly, I don't believe for a second this never happens to you.
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But slugging isn't holding the game hostage. You agreed to play the game in how it is from the EULA which means you agree to the fact that you might spend 4 on the floor with the only option being to crawl around.
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That is "working for the killer" and is bannable
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"tired of being left on the floor to bleed out" and "Killers slug for 4K all the time."
Are two completely different things.
One is being toxic and one is being strategic to get the 4th kill. You were referencing in your post toxicity, not slugging for the 4k, of which slugging for the 4k is completely fine and I don't get what you're complaining about if that is what you're talking about. There are tons of slugging counters and slugging in general is high risk for the killer.
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Have you considered that your teammate hiding is the problem, not the killer?
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I hope Last standing mechanic never going live. The idea ruins alot of thing for DBD vids.
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The whole stalemate of the "two survivors, too many gens" is the problem.
It is not the killer fault as the game allows you to leave someone 4minutes on the floor totally unpunished.
And it is not the last survivor fault either, as current dbd gen times and gen slowdown meta makes it impossible to repair your way out.
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basekit UB is lame, should not go live
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You’re arguing in bad faith and being intentionally combative. Nothing about this post describes survivor toxicity. OP was clear that they don’t want to be slugged by a killer gunning for a 4K. In fact, that was expressly mentioned specifically in their first comment. You’re bringing up irrelevant $#!% to move the goalpost. Why?
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Did that person really suggest helping the killer (a bannable offense)? They seemingly edited their post. If so, I’m glad you caught it with a quote.
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Don't slug then.
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Because they like to slug and don't want their only way to get kills to go away.
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So what? The teammate should just go die? Why? The killer will just slug them. It's a never ending cycle. The survivors can't win in that scenario and YOU know it. You down someone. Put them on a hook. Stop trying to get around the hatch by not hooking downed survivors. You're the one who is scared of the hatch.
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Don't boiled over then, don't save from hook then, don't flashlight etc etc. You sound like a child.
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Wow if only there were up to three other survivors who could help you up instead of vulturing for the hatch.
Helping you seems less worth than 7000bp in their eyes.
Its not just the killers fault.
Lol and survivors are too scared to help the slugged person and do gens. Else they wouldnt choose the hatch. Whats the saying about stones and glasshouses again?
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I am tired of sweaty survivors going OUT OF THEIR WAY to rescue their mate in the EGC, because they can't stant the killer getting that one single kill. This has got to stop.
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It’s not that simple when slugging is a required and encouraged strategy for certain killers such as plague Myers and Oni
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"So what?" Why are you unnecessary dragging out the game if you can't win? Your logic reeks of hypocrisy. Let me guess, last survivor is entitled yo the hatch
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But that logic is wrong. In the stalemate where the killer slug for the 4k, the survivor's realisticaly only option is to hide or die. You cant really propose the normal gameplay in this scenario be the survivor surrendering to be killed.
The one that is dragging out the game in this situation is really the killer, as he is the one who has the choice between hooking the 3rd surv and look for the hatch or halt the game for 4min.
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Teabagging at the exit gates also isn't holding the game hostage. You agreed to play the game in how it is from the EULA which means you agree to the fact that you might spend part of the end game collapse waiting for survivors to leave with your only options to hit them out or wait less than 2 minutes.
It's almost like the "bannable offences" and the EULA don't cover what is generally considered crappy or unsportsmanlike behavior.
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Slugging for the 4k is pretty crappy but there are certain archives that require you 4k. Yes most killers that do it aren't doing those archives but they do still exist.
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the only way a survivor can crawl off and disappear is if you leave them on the ground cause you think you can't win the game if a single survivor gets hatch. So, if you fix that part of the mentality, no one will ever crawl and disappear.
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None of these killers are required slugging
That mentality is definitely what's wrong with this game
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Yeah but why would either be bannable offenses? So I don't get the point you're trying to make because there will always be a way to be unsportsmanlike in games and people need to accept that and not cry "ban for them doing this".
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How often does it happen?
In over 3k hours, it only happened to me a handful of times , and mostly because I was looking for the hatch and the killers couldn't find me.
And the slug/mori PTB was just awful. Between than and getting slugged once in a while, I'll take the slug, thank you.
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Slugging for 4K is very different than bleeding out. One is gameplay, one is trolling.
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How is killer dragging out the game if his primary objective is to kill survivors, and survivor's is to repair the generators and open the exit gate? Killer is doing his objective by looking for the last survivor, so that they don't escape. Survivor is just hididng and not doing anything
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But that's because to repair in that situation means to die. Or do you expect a single survivor can repair 2/3 gens without the killer noticing?
90sec gens + slowdown meta means that you will not be able to repair your way out of this. You cant also repair for hatch either so you have no other choice but to hide in that situation.
You ARE forced to hide if you intend to get a chance of survival. But the killer CAN hook the 3rd survivor and CAN find the hatch and later the 4th survivor but CHOOSES not to stall the game as long as possible to ensure that 4k.
That's the difference. One side is FORCED is to hide for their own survival and the other CHOOSES to halt(or not) the game for 4 min to secure their victory.
Yes, the ones who choose to drag are the killers unfortunately.
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To use your logic the killer is FORCED to let the survivor on the ground because what are the chances to find that fourth, stealthy, survivor before he gets to the hatch?
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I never said they should be bannable or reportable. It's a design issue for BHVR to fix.
I only flipped the wording you used because many of the people who post on this board love to cry about survivors teabagging, but can't see the flip side when killers also act like jerks. I think both of these examples are crappy and should be looked at by BHVR for game mechanics solutions.
While I think the infinite unbreakable PTB experiment was/is a terrible idea, at least it was the devs attempting to address the issue with game design. That's a good thing, even if their first shot at it was a miss.
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Although the hatch spawn is mostly RNG(except for blueprint), killers have more chance of finding the hatch than survivors as they are faster and dont need to hide.
Killers are not forced to slug for the 4k, but you cant expect the last survivor to surrender to them.
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In my experience, it's basically 50/50. Besides, survivors have the option to wait close to the gates and start opening or 15% opening as soon as the hatch is closed.
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Sometime early next year is when it drops, yeah? I'm looking forward to it.
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It's RNG based, though it depends on various factor like if you are against fast killers like a legion or blight, it's gg.
and the gates are also rng based, i cant describe how many times i have played with ranged killers like huntress or slinger just for the gates to spawn right next to each other.
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adjustment? i think theyre better of completely delete the full thing. If anything all that update would do is give both sides more sweaty conditions.
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Killer main here. I absolutely HATE killers who slug for the 4k. I'd rather be tunneled than slugged. That being said, if you're the kind of survivor who makes a bunch of loud-noise when you find the hatch, or finds it and makes me watch you leave, you deserved being slugged.
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They are not forced to hide. By hiding for 4 minutes you are taking the game hostage. Take a loss. This is how pvp games work. In any other game if your team lose you are not gonna see "victory" just for you on your screen. This is just entitlement.