Haven't played in roughly a year...

So I haven't played DbD in almost a year due to work, personal life, other games blablabla. Last time I played was around the time the Artist was released for reference.
Plan to play some tonight but before I jump back in and get overwhelmed with all the updates and changes could someone or a few of you be so kind to update me on some major changes. For example I know Borrowed Time is apparently base now, so does this mean the perk has been removed and I can replace that perk with something else?
Anyways thanks in advance to anyone willing to take the time to help me.
-Borrow time is basekit and you get a speed boost that last 10 seconds. Borrow time increase the duration of both endurance and haste by 10 seconds.
-Off the Record give you endurance for 90 seconds, get disabled when all gens are done
-DS is 3 seconds now and get disabled when all gens are done.
-Map rework: Haddonfield, RPD is separated in two.
-New basement just came out.
-PB cap is now 2 Million. Add-ons are now stupidly cheap. You can now prestige your characters up to Prestige 100.
annnnd that about it, for now.
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wow.. where to start XD
-->better take a close look at the perks you want to use, they reworked 39 perks exactly during late june/early july this year. (buffs and nerfs) borrowed time is still there, i dont remember how it got changed though, (havent been using it befor basekit BT was a thing). so it might not be worth running anymore
-->there is 4 new killers, Ringu, Albert wesker from resident evil, the dredge (who can teleport to lockers and jump out of them) and the recent one released a few day ago: the knight. (ofc there is new survivors with them too.)
--> 2 new maps (garden of joy & the Shattered square) + RPD map got reworked into 2 seperate maps now. West and east wing.
--> Killers got some basekit buffs aswell, some tweaking in the stunn durations, a few seconds and faster breaking actions/kicking gens is slightly faster. They added 10 seconds to gens before they could get completed, means they dont need 80 seconds no more for a survivor alone, its 90.
--> survivor bots got added to custom lobbys with the recent update, you can select now between inviting friends or add a bot.
--> there is a HUGE chunk of QoL changes.
-Prestige system got reworked, you HAVE to prestige now but the costs for bloodpoints for all the items of diffrent raritys got reduced and you dont loose your addons/items no more after prestigeing. The perks are now shared at prestige 1 for all your other characters on yellow -> prestige 2 green -> prestige 3 purple. So say you prestige Bill to p3 that means all other survivors have Unbreakable and borrowed time and left behind at Purple rarity even if you didnt buy them in their bloodwebs. Same goes for killers.
-Shrine of secrets does change daylie and if you buy 1 perk there, it does give you the option to buy the same perk but with higher rarity again. starting at 2k shards ->4k shards -> 6k shards. The rarity of which the perks show up doesnt matter. If you have lets say borrowed time showing up in your shrine of secrets at green however, it will also only cost 2k shards. The first buy is always 2k no matter what. And it resets every day.
-Tome archive got changes too. You have 2 slots now, 1 for killer, 1 for survivor. So you dont have to go back to the menu each time you switch the sides so you can select your challenges. Also it does lead you now automaticly to them if you click at them.
-speaking of slots, there is now 3 aviable loadout sets for perks/items/addons and offerings. So you can have saved 3 diffrent loadouts at a time, same goes for cosmetics.
-MMR adjustments were made, you will be back below softcap for a few rounds because you havent played so long.
-breakables got a visual update, pallets and breakable walls look diffrent now.
-Basement got visual updates aswell but it also got widened kinda, with more space in it to make camping a little harder
Thats for the major updates. I dont know if i forgot any though, its quite much XD
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BT is still available, it just stacks on top of the basekit BT so you can still run it. It's simply not as common now so most people don't run it. One perk that is similar that has gotten somewhat popular is Off The Record.
Dead Hard has been reworked and it now works more as a prediction perk that if you get it right it rewards you with endurance so you get Deep Wounds and have to mend at some point, so it's weaker against some killers that apply this effect already (say Legion or Deathslinger) so there is no more Dead Hard for distance but it can extend chases if you get it right. It's simply that the timing is more tight and latency can play a big role and the more experienced the killer is the less he'll fall for it (especially after first time)
The game in general seems to be going through a gen-focused meta with the past 2 survivors (Vittorio now and Rebecca when RE chapter 2 was released) speeding up the gens and looping having gotten a bit weaker (you now gain less distance when hit and killers have received Bloodlust buffs).
The last few maps have been not well-received according to the forum but I dunno if that is representative (with Garden of Joy as the biggest offender due to weird collision and a very dark main building for PC players).
Also as far as boons are concerned the most common is CoH, usually paired with Shadow Step but not necessarily and most other boon perks being non-existent.
I mean I dunno which role you play, but killer has gotten better as far as I can tell.
Flashlight locker saves just got removed, flashlights are changed a bit overall but they also got a bit buffed cause they had gotten indirectly nerfed due to changes.
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BT- Is still a perk and it just extends the Endurance effect and gives Haste
Eruption- Upped the instant regression to 10% and gives the Survivors Incapacitated for 25 seconds (and is highly complained about)
Ruin- Decreased regression rate to 100% (base Gen regression)
Deadhard- lost it's distance but now puts those hit into Deep Wound
Base Gen regression is still the same but now it includes a 2.5% instant regression
BBQ- Lost it's BP gain
WGLF- Lost it's BP gain
God... over 30 perks were changed and it hard to remember everything that was changed
3 Killers were released... The Dredge, The Mastermind and The Knight (IDK if there were more)
3 Maps were released... RPD was separated into East Wing and West Wing, The Garden Of Joy and The Shattered Square (I think that what it is called)
The Nurse and The Blight are the strongest Killers in the game
The Legion can now down a Survivor after hitting 4 survivors with Feral Frenzy (the 5th hit will be the Survivor whom goes down)
New Chase music for Legion, Ghostface and The Hag
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Gens are now 90 charges. Gen regression perks have been adjusted to compensate. Perk tiers and bloodweb got reworked. Bloodweb prices were reduced. Prestige levels 1, 2 and 3 now unlock techables tiers 1, 2 and for all characters. So if you have all characters p3, you only need to get non teachable perks. Those were the major changes imo.
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Correction: Shrine of Secrets updates weekly, not daily.
I wish it updated daily. I've rarely seen a single perk popup for anything released in 2022 so far.
Post edited by HarlockTaliesin on0