What is BHVR's stance on data mining / viewing .pak files for DBD?

Obviously this question is primarily aimed at any BHVR employee/CM/moderator who may be viewing this, but if anyone happens to have some insight, it's welcome.
What is BHVR's stance on decompiling/viewing DbD's .pak files, as well as discussing the contents within?
Some studios don't like it, and ban for it, while others are perfectly fine with it (particularly studios that allow modding for their games). I don't believe I've ever seen BHVR take any particular stance on it though.
Obviously modifying the .pak files is pretty much all but bannable, EAC would probably auto-ban before it even gets to a BHVR employee. I'm specifically curious about viewing them and/or talking about them and sharing the information within.
Also semi-related is the small-ish (but quickly growing) DbD modding community, who I think are mainly using the leaked Dev-Kit build from that big 2019 Ghost face PTB fiasco to do their modding with.
If BHVR has any particular stance on that, that'd be nice to know too.
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Discussing leaked and data-minded content is clearly listed as against the rules of this forum.
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Does it cost them money / bp?
Doubt they care.
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They’re mostly playing on 5.6.2 and 5.7.2 but speaking about this on the forums is against the rules, you’re better off asking this on reddit
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Answer the question, captain buzzkill. There's no content here to speak of, we just want an answer.
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In a post from 2019 Peanits told someone that Data Mining is against the Eula.
And multiple posts where players discussed leaks Mandy included data mining discussions being against forum rules.
As recently as August Mandy has stated modding is not supported by BHVR and can trigger a ban that they will not remove.
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I'll give you the same answer BHVR would give which is no answer at all. They will not state definitively that using custom portraits and icons won't get you banned when in practicality they made it easy to do with their folder system.
They will not answer. The best you'll get is "do it at your own risk and if you get banned there's nothing we'll do."
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THANK YOU! Now I can focus on something else...
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Could this explain why RNG sucks with hook spawns at the moment?