No more console killers

I'm sick of this, I'm not doing it any more. I cannot stand console killers, they always facecamp. ALWAYS. Stop forcing me to deal with this and give me an indicator that tells me if the killer is a console player.
No more PC survivors. They always have a tantrum and DC when they don't get their flashlight blind.
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It's genuinely disgusting how toxic console killers are. Now I'm watching one just slug the last guy at the exit gate and leaving him to bleed out for fun.
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you know you can turn off crossplay right
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It's genuinely disgusting how toxic some players are.
Post edited by BoxGhost on30 -
^ This. Turning off cross-play is an option.
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Turn off cross play if camping offend you.
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Yeah and then get no matches because I only get paired with other people who turned that on. It should just filter out the console players.
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Trust me, it could be worse.
You could've played against me. I'm a Console Killer AND I'm perfectly capable of destroying most teams.
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Yeah great idea just split the community up so we don't get any matches. The game is already dying enough as is because people are sick of being forced to play with hackers and abusive toxic maniacs.
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Really? Interesting I always find its the PC killers that camp and slug for bleedouts, and never have that issue with console killers. Have you considered they may be crossplay on PC and not on console.
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Damn those 118 console killers among the millions who play this game.
For shame...
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What tf do you want than?
You're complaining about having to deal with "toxic" console killers, but then complain about how turning off cross play will split the playerbase.
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So you don't want to play with console players but you don't want to split the community. Wut?
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Maybe he was excessively clicking and tbagging him previously, you know…”for fun.”
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So you decide to cry instead of turning off cross play?
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I guess I should go return my Xbox series x console and get rid of every trace of dbd, because you don’t like console killers. 😭 Let us know what else bhvr should do to cater to your needs, Princess.
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Sooo turning off cross play would split up the community, but all console killers should be banished? Get ahold of your emotions next time before posting…
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A skilled console killer that plays well is way more impressive than a PC killer. Console killers have to deal with controller deadzones, getting spun, autoaim, low framerates, stuttering, etc. Also bleeding toxic survivors out on the ground because they think it's funny to teabag or moonwalk in your face or emote at a pallet cause they got a stun at a 100% safe pallet is satisfying
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Most killers plays the same on console and mkb. It takes some practice on nurse, blight and something like huntress though.
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Oh my friend, you haven't experienced trying to play Console Trickster yet.
Now that is real pain!!
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But I did. Its like huntress but with SMG.
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Good luck with the recoil.
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I've actually had to let some survivors bleed out lately because I'll be practically unable to move when I pick them up. Fighting the wiggle on controller has gotten worse and worse. That's without Boil Over. My god, the effect Boil Over can have: the other day a survivor went down near the middle of the Midwich courtyard, and the hook was about five feet in front of me against the clocktower, but I bumped against one of those huge chains in the center and for the life of me I could not get off of it, I tried multiple different ways, and the survivor got off my shoulder.
I never bleed anyone out for teabagging, but many have bled out for equipping Boil Over.
That's on PS4, where in general I can play okay. I don't even want to talk about how bad the game is on Switch. There are more matches than I can count on Switch where after whiffing over and over and over again and losing track mid-chase because the framerate can't keep up with anything, I just go AFK, the survivors get to leave without anyone having been hooked. I wish BHVR would stop making Tome Challenges that require playing killer, 99% of survivors don't trust killers enough to farm but I can't get half of those challenges done any other way. I'd never touch killer on Switch if it weren't for challenges and dailies.
Okay, BHVR has not put deadzone and response curve settings into the game, so how do you manage to have the control necessary to make small corrections? For me, it either goes so slow that it can't keep up with the survivor's movements or it goes wild. The closest I ever got to having more precise aim in a game without controller settings was putting an extender on the right analog stick, but playing with one of those for a few hours left my hand in immense pain for over a week.
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Lol, is moonwalk the new toxic behavior now? What am I even reading.
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Yeah, I’m sure you had no idea.
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Every Playstation survivor always runs Self Care, it's a really bad perk
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I diden even do nothin :(
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Most killers who camp are on pc using anonymous mode. Console killers usually play more fair even they have big disadvantage it's harder to hit spinning survivors and you are limited what you can do with certain killer powers. Oni, blight, hillbilly turning is slower and you can't use their techs.
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I play console killer and don't care about your deluded idea you're entitled to win every game.
Both survivors and killers can play how they like. It's their choice and their game.
I hate playing swfs but I don't cry and throw tantrums. If I lose I lose. I don't care.
And get over yourself it only a bloody game not life and death.
Post edited by BoxGhost on5 -
Boil Over is not that effective to where you have to bleed out players. Unless your controller has really bad drift, it’s probably a skill issue.
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Depending on hook placement, map obstacles, and just the sheer variation in Boil Over movement, yes it can be literally impossible to hook someone.
I've had moments with Boil Over where I'm holding forward, and literally not moving forward at all for over 5 seconds because the counter forces from Boil Over are completely negating any forward movement.
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i mean they will find out pc players can camp too but lets not spoil it :x
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common sense, we need WAY more of you :3
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Does replacing the subject with the console killer help this discussion to be constructive?
I'm a console player, so I'm a bit saddened. We will camp out if necessary.
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Hmm.. I find PC players the ones that do it most in higher ranks and slug.
then again could be it seem like more high ranks are PC.
then agian console hate the fact of the east spin PC survivors can do so that’s probley why they do it 🤷♂️
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However Huntress has beachball-sized homing hatchets, while Trickster has random unpredictable boil overish recoil issues, apparently only on console.
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I got locked in place against a tree and a large rock when I picked up a Leon with Boil Over. I. Could. Not. Move. He wiggled free, and then to add insult to injury he set off a flashbang in my face while I was still in the stunned animation.
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I love playing Trickster, but because I'm stuck using a controller (IRL wrist issues that prevent me from using KB&M) I miss way too many shots because of the weird jank that comes with the movement. Just the overall lack of controller support for console or controller users is beyond a joke, so much would be fixed if it wasn't for this weird artificial difficulty.
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I am console and never camp or tunnel. What’s the point?!
I don’t actually care if everyone escapes, I just want to enjoy the game.
I would really love it if more people would play for fun over the (mostly) toxic masculinity you see in the game.
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I just want to win.
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then ask for that instead of crying about how mean people in a video game were to you. there's a feedback section for a reason.
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How do you know it's not PC players on epic? They also have the icon
And trust me there's really not that many Xbox players in the EU playing this game. If I turn off xplay it takes like forever to get a game on both sides. Not sure what is like on PS.
I would honestly like the option to have just cross platform for console players only, but it would never happen because the queue times would be too long for all players.
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No boil over has been functioning strangely on console for about the last 4 weeks or so. The effect is that strong at times that it literally prevent you from moving at all.
Oddly it's actually felt okay since the Knight patch so maybe they resolved whatever the issue was.
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play with crossplay off.
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honestly with how god awful console is youre probably in console matches because of your bottom of the barrel mmr