I love being a nurse main

What Survivors brought:
- 2 Circle of Healings.
- 3 Medkits (2 styptics).
- Eyrie of Crows offering.
They instantly gave up when I started camping when some were running around and others were doing totems.
Imagine I played anyone but Nurse or Blight.
Feel good that whatever Survivors bring, Nurse can always win.
That's nice?
Like...what is it you want to have discussed here?
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So what?
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Can't I express myself liking playing Nurse in the current meta?
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A not inconsiderable proportion of the people in this game have an extreme need for attention. I mean, are you missing something in real life? Why do you have to go to a forum to get validation for how awesome you are because you're toxic to other toxic people? People with this mindset are the biggest problem in this community, which makes every 2 matches an absolute shitshow. Most of the time it's exactly these people who want to punish the players in the next match because other players teased them a match before.
Now go and be proud of yourself ... nurse main ... lol
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Lofl. Takes pride in using a broken killer in an asymmetrical game with horrid matchmaking. AND needs validation. Trump supporter.
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You're lucky. I don't enjoy playing nurse. In fact the killers i like a pretty low tier and as a result if i want to win i need to tunnel, and in doing so make people angry at me almost every round, in the end, im not even having fun. Such is the experience of DBD.
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how is it with the dcing going? i have never touched nurse because of to have learning blinks distance. I play all the sorts of killers and people DC because of the most willy nilly reasons, often when they get downed first.
had soloQ teammates do that too btw, so even when im not playing killer i see too much dcing atm. aint it way worse with the dc as a nurse main?
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I didn't view these Survivors as toxic, they just lacked coordination, because of which they happened to be all around the hook.
I don't view myself as toxic either, I never slug for the 4k, never tunnel and camp unless there are Survivors nearby.
What is your definition of toxicity?
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good for you
anyways do y'all like my cat
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So conclusion: Nurse is broken. So is some of that stuff that the survivors brought. Both should be addressed.
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wait they are toxic for playing nurse?
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Why do you camp with Nurse?
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Bestie is this a cry for attention?
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Very true
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ok, here you go;
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Good keep it up, need more good nurse players playing. As stupid powerful as she is she is needed to force players to get better at facing her.
I love playing Vs a good nurse even if it means getting stomped on cause I usually last longer and longer each time
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Lol while that's funny, Id like to see just one of these "nurse is easy mode" people use her against bots and record the full match to be viewed , if they can't absolutely body those bots then I can't take anything they say serious and it proves at the same time they're wrong about the character being too easy
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Good for you.
Those of us who like a challenge will stick to other killers. 🤷♂️
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Silly human! You can only make posts like this from the survivors perspective! And you're playing nurse, most of the forums are scared of you lol.
Jokes aside (though they're kinds true) It is kinda funny seeing it backfire on them. I'm a survivor main personally but dont you get bored of just nurse? Not hating or anything I dont mind any killer but dont it get boring?
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Not to hijack the thread of neediness here… but how well I can play nurse is irrelevant. It’s kind of like saying I don’t know if my food tastes good if I can’t cook it. Or I don’t know if a movie is good if I can’t make one. I’ve played against hundreds of nurses over ~10k hours. I’m fairly well qualified to say an experienced nurse is the strongest killer in the game and i mean seriously… is it even an argument at this point? Everyone on the planet knows Nurse is broken. I never said she was easy to play. The problem is that once one puts the work in to be good at her she’s OPAF and ruins the game.
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I was laughing at your comment and making one about the nurse nay sayers it was never directed towards you, I simply tagged you because I found the comment funny
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Gotcha. No worries…
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Good post OP. It's totally fine and fair for survivors, especially SWF, to bring the most busted stuff and stack the match in their favor from the jump, but playing Nurse is toxic lol. As long as SWF gets to run roughshod over the game, Nurse and Blight should never be nerfed not one bit
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How dare you play to win! Don’t you know you’re supposed to play a killer that can be mercilessly looped?
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Weird flex. "I beat Survivors with Nurse" like yeah bro you were supposed to
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Played my first two matches as nurse today, VERY first two matches. Against bots, purposely not running any perks or add ons, only using the mori offering.
first time i got like 1 hook and 3 hits done. Second match with the add on that does show you the blink i had 1 sacrifice and many more hooks. Bots still escaped in both matches.
im not sure if i want to try to get good with nurse, i will have to do A LOT practice before doing it. Imagine nurse players used to have to start in online matches.. They deserve the power of her. But i guess anyone uses her second blink add ons dont they? cause that one is short af.
oh and she gets stuck so much x-x
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And one last thing…. From what I’ve learned of this historic match it was probably a pretty low level team of solos with clearly mediocre items vs his P26 nurse . The strongest item was a 2 heal green medkit. Most survivors are bad with flashlights so it probably worked against the Yoichi if anything. The yellow and brown medkits are weak help. This dude wrecked a weak team of solos, even managing to throw in some camping… and he’s PROUD of it.
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Survivor is exactly the same thing though, infact nurse is the only killer even slightly able to complete at the higher level and they will still need to tunnel and run noed to get the kills.
Both sides can become insanely strong if one puts the time and effort into it. The only difference is half the killers are limited in potential due to safe loops, no matter how amazing you are at X killer it dont matter if the survivors know how to play safe tiles.
Nurse is not broken, many people win her over and over and if you're on about the very few top % nurses then you can say the same about the top survivors and thus both are broken when not paired correctly.
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Maybe try to tunnel less. Personally I avoid that tactics if I can as I know how much it sucks for other side and that kinda takes some fun away and makes match more sweaty. So at 4-5 gens I don't do it at all even it would be big advantage sometimes. But if survivors gen rush or use dead hard well then they're getting tunneled by me because they try to deny my fun. Survivors should not even complain in my opinion if killer start tunneling mid/late match when 2-1 gens left. Normally I think best tactics is to mostly focus on 2 survivors get one out before endgame at least. 8 hooking everyone and then killing survivors one by one is probably most fun tactics for both sides. But it is not realistic stragedy to win.
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Not pictured: the 20 solo teams with less than 20k points combined
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No it isn’t. Solo survivor is 4 random players thrown together and 99% of the time there are 1-2 weak players. If the killer is anywhere average or above the team gets destroyed. 1 - 2 strong players cant carry the team through 5 gens so it’s usually a foregone conclusion that we lost before it even started. I’m not exaggerating. And we need to knock it off with the ‘need nurse in order to compete at high level’ bs. Again… 5% are 4 man swfs. 5% are possibly ‘high level’ games. Making survivors have to face that crap so some player can make sure to win against a 4 man swf is ridiculous.
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Nurse is so easy to win with she isn’t even fun to play with, it’s just boring. When I do play her, I use the add on that removes one blink, and the add on that increases speed with successful blink hit. Then I equip play with your food, bamboozle, and a few other perks I can’t remember. It’s still relatively easy, but fun to play with at least. She really is a busted killer.
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Trolling aside I have no idea how anyone enjoys playing nurse at this point. Every game is just survivors asking you to kill them and/or immediate dcing. People actively refuse to play against her in my solo games. I was playing with my casual friend last night and the game's completely functional MMR system put us against a prestige 100 Nurse with a full meta build. The two randoms just immediately gave up. It's non gameplay.
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So I have to deduce that my PC, every time I start a game as a nurse, connects to an alternative reality.
Because of the quality of my games, I hardly encounter any DC or suicide.
I'm not saying that it doesn't exist, of course, I was just pointing out the exaggerated side of the generalization you make 🤨
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Cool, you won as Nurse. Totally not hard at all and requires tons of skill, and not overpowered in the slightest. For winning your 2000th game in a row as Nurse, here's a few cookies.
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How dare you not using my drawing.
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A good amount of people don't like nurse for the sake of it taking away the cool looping aspect (among other reasons). While it isn't exactly anti-choice like Artist or Knight can be, it's still boring. At least to me.
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...have you ever drawn Nurse? I don't recall ever seeing Nurse in any of your drawings. Cause it sounds like a good excuse now :D
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A few times, half of them from commissions.
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You misspelled something on one of the menus. Here, take this L.
Literally.0 -
Yeah weaker players shouldn't be the stronger players... that's kinda how any games goes. If bad players can beat better players that makes no sense.
And you dont need to be swf to be a good survivor and make most killers obsolete, the difference between the 2 is you have to pick nurse or maybe blight if you want to compete at a high level while survivor you can compete at base you just have to actually learn high level play.
If you cant see or understand how survivors can become insanely strong too it's clear you arent close to that level (which is okay, not everyone is as competitive) but you cant moan about the strongest killer in the game being played well beating players as you said "weak players"
If you looking at high level nurses you have to look at high level survivors, and if we arent looking at high level nurses then theres definitely no need to moan as nurse is only so strong in the hands of a good player.
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congratulations, you won with the most powerfull killer in the game against a bunch of console players using non meta perks, amazing.
besides, imagine thinking winning a game with nurse means u are good at the game.
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Dbd in 2022.
Two sides sweating with best items and offerings.
Killers play Nurse or Blight cuz Bhvr can't design good maps nor balance survivors' items and perks.
Survivors are bringing ridiculous ######### just to try win against these two with their strong add-ons like Alchemist Ring.
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I'm sure it would also make you feel powerful to walk down to the park an wail on some 8 year olds, but not sure that would be much more of an accomplishment.
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Some of the people in this community pfff
Post edited by Phantom_ on0 -
I wanna be a Predator main, I've set the standard for fair play, I'm definitely an honorable killer
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You offer quite the convincing argument.
As a rebuttal, do you like my cat?