What was your biggest brained outplay of a killer?

Normally I play killer, but sometimes I play survivor. Nowhere near the level of some content creators but I have my moments from time to time. I've been sitting on this story for a while and wondered if anyone else had something similar to share.
During the Halloween event I was playing a survivor match as Adam with a Twitchy who was live (I forget their name) playing Rebecca. We get on Badham and we're against an Oni. There were a few things I noticed during the match that led up to my outplay - first of all, when Oni was in Demon Fury, I saw that they hit a Cheryl player but they only went to the Injured state instead of getting downed like you'd normally expect an Oni player would do. This was all I needed (was doing gens at the time, as you do) - the HUD and the sounds from the game - to clue me in that the Oni player used a basic attack instead of the instadown. (In fairness, I think they were on console, so hitting Demon Strikes is harder there)
Fast forward to the end of the game, and Rebecca is on second hook with Oni facecamping them. With what I had inferred from this killer earlier in the match, I was very confident I could try and make a play at the hook. So what I did was baited them into trying to hit me with a Demon Strike, dodging the attack and allowing the fourth player, a Meg, to get the unhook and we all start booking it to the Exit Gates. Sadly we didn't get to the Exit Gates, because the Oni decided to throw in the towel and DC'd after that.
So what about the rest of you? What's the biggest brained outplay you've ever pulled on a killer?
P.S.: I took a month of DbD to play Splatoon 3 once it launched, and my in-game name at the time was Bloblobber. I don't know why, but I find DC'ing over a player named that outplaying you kinda funny.
When the Leatherface vaulted the little monitor room window in the upstairs corner of The Game, after I vaulted it, and then dropped down the hole to follow me even though I was still up there, because I just crouched as soon as I made the drop out the window. My friend was playing with/watching me at the time, and she laughed when she saw it happen.
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If any body says anything but holding W they are lying.
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I faked a pallet stun against a Ghostface while looping and then the second time around the loop I faked again and then stunned him. He broke the pallet (I was still near it) and he ended up hitting me. I phased into him during his cooldown animation and he literally spinned around in circles to find me then left. I was just as confused as he was XD.
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i was about to die right so i cut the game off.
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Slipped into a corner mid-chase and fully healed myself using a combination of Botany Knowledge, Self Care (before the nerf) and Bite the Bullet