Is this the sad reality about The Knight?

I played The Knight a few times after his release and I also have to say that I'm doing really well with him. So against the majority of people, I actually thought he was pretty strong. There were two main reasons for this opinion: 

  1. I've only lost one out of 28 games so far. And even that one loss was because I was too nice on one of the most ridiculous maps in the game -> Garden of Joy. But doing well with a new killer isn't that surprising. People need to learn how to play effectively against them first and even now I feel like a lot of people don't know that you can safely unhook other survivors even if a guard camps that survivor, since the guard will disappear after the unhook. Also, the Knight is one of the easiest killers to play (imo), so you don't have to learn much yourself as killer. At least not if you have already tested him on the ptb.
  2. I was under the impression that he was bugged and will be fixed. The main problem I had with him was that his guards didn't react to the survivors, even though the survivors were in the detection range of the guards. I thought this would be an easy fix in the future. But it seems like the guards actually need LoS to the survivors.

Do the guards really need LoS? If that's really the case, that would explain why they don't work on many occasions. It would also massively change my opinion about the strength of the Knight.  


  • StickyB
    StickyB Member Posts: 96

    Yes, the guards need LoS

  • Moxie
    Moxie Member Posts: 806

    They don't need LoS unless survivors are crouching/walking.

    They work sort of similar to zombies. If a survivor fast vaults, repairs or heals the Guard will automatically trigger if they are in the radius.

    If they are walking or crouching, guard needs to directly see them.

  • mischiefmanaged
    mischiefmanaged Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 374

    Guards need line of sight, but the LoS is really wonky sometimes. Basically, if you can stalk through it, the guards can see through it.

    I'm also not sure how LoS works when it comes to elevation. You obviously can't get LoS from another floor, but I'm not sure of the exact angle where the line is being drawn (probably from the head to anywhere on the survivor hitbox?).

    Short answer: Yes, your guards need LoS to start the hunt.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    I walked was on the 2nd floor of the house on Mother's Dwelling (not the main building, the other one) and the guard still locked on me.

    I was quite pissed.

  • Moxie
    Moxie Member Posts: 806

    I'm going to go with bug, but with this jank Killer, who knows?

  • Adaez
    Adaez Member Posts: 1,239

    The guard can see you even if you're on a different floor.

    I dont know againts what kind of survivors you went againts but holding W can absolutely destroy the Knight.

  • Kabanzai
    Kabanzai Member Posts: 85

    Remember. Guards react to SOUNDS as well as SIGHTS. so if you're quiet and hidden they won't notice you, but if you're blazing bout.. yeah they gonna notice.

    Big problem I'm having with guards is that they can't decide if they want to auto a wall/pallet/gen or not so I'd rather have the option to turn it off.