Time's running out?

Every time I see a post on these forums, it's another player quitting. I quit a month or two ago personally, but I follow the game still because I care about it. Problem is, things don't seem to be getting better, and I genuinley believe the game's nearing it's death.

There's almost zero new players that come to the game and stick with it because it's borderline impossible too, people who have already quit are playing literally any other game and having 3 times as much fun, and more people seem to be getting sick of the game.

This is only from what I've seen though, what do you guys think? Is dead by daylight nearing it's end?


  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959

    I keep playing it cause of sunk cost fallacy bad. Too much $ spent on cosmetics and characters, but Circle of Healing and SBMM have ruined this game for me. I have to lobby shop like crazy just to get a decently matched game

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,600
    edited November 2022

    It won't die until a viable competitor comes along in the genre. And most competitors have been awful, did nothing with player feedback, and immediately died. Look at VHS. People have said Monster was boring since the beginning of closed beta and all they've done is add the ability to M1 a vending machine in well over a year.

  • Moxie
    Moxie Member Posts: 806

    Games not dead but I have no idea how a new player is supposed to learn even half of this game...

    There are roughly 150 perks, Killer Powers + mechanics, map layout, items, offerings, etc.

    That's not even accounting the experience new players face

  • NrrhArts
    NrrhArts Member Posts: 23

    Here's to texas chainsaw massacre, may it forever succeed in future endeavours and give dbd players the asymmetrical horror experience they deserve.

  • Terion
    Terion Member Posts: 810

    I was always a defender of BHVR until the last very patch..

    its not even the killer that is the nail for me, despite being disappointed in him it was still cheaper buying the chapter than only vittorio for his perks, also 1 of knights perks is nice too. And i can still play him in custom against bots if i want to.

    What really angers me right now is they seem to have no quality assurence at all, like how is it possible, so many gamebreaking bugs its ridicilous. Playstation players cant move when loading into a match and instead of properly fixing the issiue they go like "oh well lets reduce the penalties then" so anyone can abuse it and ragequit games left and right.

    i thought they are a real company not some stundents in a small office. And my unending complaining for 2 straight weeks about the penalties just got ignored, i was expecting to get banned because they cant take criticism too well but at least i got some standard phrase today which didnt help at all.

    im only 1... 1 person who payed for much cosmetics, bought the ultimate edition and besides of leatherface all licensed and newer non licensed DLCs. (dredge too aside from knight) And i feel straight out scammed because the game is unplayable in the state it is in.. I have project S listed on my steam page i think im not gonna buy it knowing what a horrible company BHVR is. Im here since april this year and alredy am DISGUSTED by them.

    Im thinking about quitting the game for good, i know i wont change anything, but why waste even more money? I wanna see if they can fix things that are long overdue (since 2 weeks) soon.. If i have to wait a full week more im gone, like im alredy Downloading a game that sat in my library for a long time rn, i just need to find a replacer in the multiplayer aspect, it doesnt even have to be a 4v1, it can be anything. I will see.

  • NrrhArts
    NrrhArts Member Posts: 23

    I quit without expecting them to do anything but die. I've been enjoying playing literally any other game

  • Sally_S_gay_son
    Sally_S_gay_son Member Posts: 285

    they don't, DBD has been unable to retain players for years now, the best examples are RE DLCs, HUGE fanbase but once they realize how broken this game is everyone leaves after the first week