Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

how is anyone enjoying killer at all anymore

Every single match I have 2-3 players who have ten times the play time as me, and 2-3 gens popping within 30-60 seconds. It's literally the absolute worst gaming experience of my life. Are the Every match has survivors with ten times my play time and doing 2-3 gens in 30-60 seconds. Idk if its genrushing or cheaters but ######### is going on. I've never hated this game this much or been so miserable a single time in the three years I've played

Are the devs just wanting every killer player to quit? Not to mention I've never seen survivors this rude and toxic. It's at the point I just want to queue for survivor and throw every pallet and dc so at least SOME killer has a good time

Am I the only one having the worst time EVER since buying the game as killer? I've solo escaped as survivor more this week than I have since I started playing ######### is going on



  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    What killer do you play as?

  • Wewantjason
    Wewantjason Member Posts: 288

    in no particular order, legion, blight, dredge, doctor, bubba, ghostface, and im currently learning deathslinger, spirit, and plague. Probably capping out with that group cuz thats a ton of killers.

    Every single match today has had 2-3 survivors with prestige 75-100.

    Every game has gens popping within 40 seconds of loading in the game on average i don't even understand that math.

    Even the games where i just go afk because its obviously players too far above my skill level they still want to click and teabag and taunt.

    why is the match making so ######### lately and why are all the survivors literally the worst humans ive ever met

  • InvadeGames
    InvadeGames Member Posts: 415

    lose some games and get into a less sweaty mmr

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    Bot Games.

    Join me in the automated utopia.

  • Wewantjason
    Wewantjason Member Posts: 288

    I just went afk and instead of doing gens i came back to the survivors standing around teabagging and flashlighting me. they just wouldn't leave. i downed them in he gate and they crawlled BACK into the trial and when i tried carrying them back to the gate they flashlight saved, started running again to take dead hard hits an teabagging, went down, and crawled back out again. intentionally holding the game hostage.

    moving forward i will lose my camping a single person out or running rancor. at this point i just hate survivors and want their games to go bad. the devs clearly hate killers and don't care about balanced matches or anyone wanting to keep playing. so sick of these matches where all four players are AYRUN level runners and toxic jerks it makes no sense

  • Wewantjason
    Wewantjason Member Posts: 288

    now i loaded in and couldn't even move. thats great. love that. playing as plague thought id try one last serious match and loaded in and couldn't move. amazing.

  • InvadeGames
    InvadeGames Member Posts: 415

    its mostly the high mmr sweat teams who act like this. just lower mmr and most people keep the bullying to the end gate tbag ritual.

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959

    I feel you OP. I feel exactly the same way. I keep playing due to a combination of sunk cost fallacy and addiction. It's also still satisfying to get nice downs and hits with killer powers like Pinhead's chain, Pyramid Head's judgement, Huntress' hatchet, and Trickster's knives. I don't get any enjoyment out of playing solo queue because I think survivor is just boring, so I play the added challenge of killer because it's more satisfying when you perform well. It's becoming tougher and tougher to deal with how unbalanced the game is when the survivors are as toxic as they are. I play a game and don't camp or tunnel and get 4-outed because the map is terrible for my killer (I.E. Wesker on RPD) and it's endless teabags at the exit gate. I don't camp or tunnel until I facecamp the one survivor I have hooked when the gates are open and the gens are done? I'm a "fuck1ng loser" that has to get kills somehow because I'm so terrible I can't win against a 3 or 4-man SWF running all meta perks and strong items.

  • Wewantjason
    Wewantjason Member Posts: 288

    I normally wreck bully squads, i know im a high mmr killer, but this ######### lately is just a whole new level of bullshit.

  • daniel_owenz
    daniel_owenz Member Posts: 92

    I play killer and survivor and it just depends on the killer I use.

    I seem to match only teams because of MMR, MMR/SBMM is your problem, unfortunately this garbage system is in every single multiplayer game. Basically, the better you are as killer the more skilled group of survivors you will play to the point where you may only be playing against teams.

    The problem with MMR/SBMM is that it doesn't take into account when you haven't played in a while and just return to the game, or when you're playing different killers and learning them (to my understanding), and it will match you up more against sweaty teams instead of solo q'ers.

    Who wants to play teams every single game? What sbmm/mmr basically does is it makes every single game you play super sweaty, you can't just sit back, relax, and enjoy a game casually with multiplayer games anymore. You can cheat the system by creating a new xbox live account (a smurf) or by, as someone else said, purposefully losing games, which we call d-ranking back in the halo 3 days, where you purposefully lose games.

    It's pretty garbage on the survivor side too, they put afk's, griefers, new players on your team if you solo q making the experience absolutely awful. What sbmm (skill based matchmaking) does, is it makes the best players quit the game, then the next best players quit, the top 1% quit first, then the next 3%, then the next 5%, then the next 10%, etc; it's no surprise these kinds of games die out quick (see halo infinite). The good thing with killer is you won't have moron teammates put on your team to balance out the "mmr."

    Personally, I can't enjoy this game as killer unless I'm hag, because I can just strategically place traps anywhere on the map. Doesn't matter how good you are you, it would be very hard for a survivor to strategize against me in that regard, I've never lost with hag. Maybe try nurse or hag, I think nurse would also make mmr/sbmm defunct with its ability, otherwise you'll be breaking pallets all game long instead of, you know, killing people, hooking them, etc.

  • Grumblephant
    Grumblephant Member Posts: 93

    I'm not endorsing smurfing at all. Please don't jump at me.

    I do exactly as InvadeGames says, I lose matches on purpose because I hate sweaty survivors. But with me, it comes at a cost. Everyone in my matches get hooked twice and then let go free. I avoid death hooks like the plague. I've had more grateful survivors for this playstyle, even as Legion. Sure my MMR is 6 feet under, but I'm not stressed, I still get a pip, and newer players can learn. But, and I mean a big But, this works for me. I will never get better against the meta, I will never make everyone happy. You get out what you put in.

    I really hope you find a good balance and remember to take a break from the game. Go for a walk or play with the bots. GLHF :)

  • InvadeGames
    InvadeGames Member Posts: 415

    i feel you, killer is a rage inducing nightmare sometimes, but i haven't played killer for a bit or dbd that much recently so my mmr dropped and ive seen a sharp decrease in bully squads. when BM takes place i just go afk and watch youtube or alt tab. i have no problem out lasting them running around being jerks. a few times i just launched another game and played that while i waited for them to finish their little playtime

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959

    There are a lot of things that they could do to tweak the MMR system to make it just a little bit better that would help out a lot of killer players. For example,

    Console killers should artificially have their MMR lowered due to the fact they're on console in crossplay mode. I cannot hug loops as tight, I can't use the stronger killers as effectively, and I get spun more often due to autoaim/controller deadzones and framerate stuttering. Having my MMR measured the same as a PC killer with no differentiation is just wrong in my opinion.

    Actually have a significantly lower MMR for killers you aren't as good at. I played Knight for the very first time in a public lobby and I got put in a lobby with a P70 and a P100 survivor. That tells me right from the jump that there is no lower MMR for killers you've never played or aren't good at.

    The basic M1 killers need to have their MMR artificially lowered due to compensate for poor map design that makes them extremely difficult to win with at high MMR.

    Make some changes to how MMR is recorded for solo survivors so that skilled players can't have an artifically lowered MMR because they don't escape. It's very hard for solos to push high MMR so any killer that quickly gets to high MMR is playing against nothing but SWF.

  • Wewantjason
    Wewantjason Member Posts: 288

    I'm just going to derank by tunneling a single person every match while the other three do gens and escape. I'll still get some points, if i get a second person with rancor then sure whatever. I'll get less sweaty games and one kill from now on im sick of how stupid this match making is and the devs basically laughing about it and not caring

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    You still shouldn't be losing that much in such little time

    Even if you did nothing, I'd still be impressed if they popped 3 gens in a minute considering gens take 90 seconds solo.

  • InvadeGames
    InvadeGames Member Posts: 415

    or just do some meme builds or builds not meant for "winning" per se and jsut try and do some chases. expect to lose and then the losing doesnt matter. i wouldnt try to punish other players by engaging in whats perceived by many people as unfun play as it just reinforces their behavior in their games as you will be further justification to them

  • Wewantjason
    Wewantjason Member Posts: 288

    I'm consistently amazed at people who don't understand hyperbole


    is that better for you? I'm not clipping and counting seconds every match. All I know is I'm losing gens despite four regression perks and chases ending almost immediately

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959

    It's not that ridiculous. Hyperfocus/Stakeout is firmly in the meta. With a Commodious, BNP and Hyperfocus, you can solo a generator at 50 seconds very easily without any Stakeout tokens at all. Slap in Streetwise and you can gen rush the entire match. Those items aren't rare at all given how cheap everything is in the bloodwebs. Full lobbies of Green/Purple Medkits with instaheals, strong toolboxes + BNP, etc. aren't exactly rare

  • daniel_owenz
    daniel_owenz Member Posts: 92

    Whenever I discuss mmr/sbmm with people they always mention tweaking it instead of just dropping it all together.

    Let me tell you how to make a game popular with a consistent high population: Get rid of sbmm/mmr.

    Make two types of playlists, one ranked, one social. In ranked, there is sbmm/mmr, meaning, you only play people of your own rank. This is for competitive players who want to compete, get high ranks, etc. Put rewards for achieving high ranks, for playing ranked daily (i.e. shards, blood points, etc) to incentivize the playlist.

    The other should be social with NO mmr/sbmm, it's completely random, you can play casually in this playlist. This is how halo 3 worked, millions+ population, consistent, etc. If a player is getting wrecked in social, then they can play ranked and play people of their own skill level.

    That's how you fix this trash matchmaking sbmm issue.

  • WorthlessBeing
    WorthlessBeing Member Posts: 378

    Correction, it takes 90 seconds without item or perks, both tools that survivors are rightfully so using. I doubt the math is that simple.

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959

    I agree with you that it would be best if they got rid of it, but BHVR seems dead set on keeping it despite the fact that it seems the majority of the community hates it. I think suggesting tweaks that they might implement is the best hope that we have of making it better.

    It blows my mind that this is where we're at with SBMM because it was originally pitched as an idea that was going to make the game better for killers. You'd finally be able to try out a new killer without having to play against extremely skilled survivors! My Knight example proved that is blatantly false. All we got is locked into our killer we selected and extremely tough games every lobby. I can't even switch to Plague when I see 4 Medkits anymore.

  • fussy
    fussy Member Posts: 1,479

    1600 hours, feel absolutely the same. I've never enjoyed playing for the killers less than nowdays.

    Every game is the same: you find someone, chase, hook him, and by this time 2 generators are ready for sure, sometimes 3. You chase, hook again, go through the generators and see that two generators are already hot, the game is almost over. And every time I have one question in my head: why do I leave the hook at all, if I still have to go back to it and get much more real gameplay than just walking around the map and looking at the generators that are almost ready.

    To win matches, you need to hard tunnel someone, this is the only way to win today at least against swf. But it's boring and I'm tired of doing it every game, but I also don't want to look at 4 asses in the gate who think they can do something in this game, when they did nothing all game but hold m1.

     Today I had about 6 such games out of 8 played, but usually there are about half of them. Another quarter of them are idiots who disconnect or die on the first hook, making the match also deadly boring.

    I play for the killers much less often now and slowly move to the survivors, because it's x100 times more chill and less stressful. I'm tired of being a clown who entertains, I want the killers to entertain me.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    iirc, the absolute fastest Solo Gen is about 40 seconds.

    This included Sole Survivor which gives a MASSIVE 75% buff to repair speeds.

    Even if they all used BNP's and Commodious toolboxes, it'd be VERY VERY unusual for THREE gens to pop in a minute.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Unless they all spawned perfectly split, on top of gens, hit all their Greats and weren't interrupted this wouldn't happen.

    Even still, it shouldn't happen every game like OP describes.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Hard to understand hyperbole over the Internet my guy.

    That's just something you're gonna have to learn how to prevent as Killer. A lot of times you have to play in a not very fun way, but clearly they came to win, so they can stand to have the Killer play to win as well.

    Put pressure on them, no mercy. Tunnel someone, a lot of times those squads will come try to bodyblock, which means no gens are getting done AND they have to waste time healing. Don't rely solely on your regression, it can carry you and win you games, but it won't always. You need to make smart, calculated plays.

    Sometimes you have to lose a battle to win the war. Let some gens go, but keep a 3 gen. You're probably running some variation of Eruption, PR, Call of Brine or Overcharge, yeah? That's an absolutely monstrous 3-gen set-up. It'll be long and boring, but a lot of times you can stall out games versus these squads. If they've got a ton of gen perks, they have to sacrifice in other areas.

    Most important thing is to not lose your cool. Don't tilt until after you've won.

  • Wewantjason
    Wewantjason Member Posts: 288

    Hyperbole isn't hard to understand when someone directly posts that they were doing it.

    Those are all things I do

    I've played this for three years I don't need advice

    I'm just complaining into the void of the forums and hoping it's not just me having these absolutely ######### tier games. If you don't want to commiserate and help explain why the games are trash then I have nothing to say to you.

    I did not sweat and stress to improve just to be slapped in the face and punished for it. I could have kept playing camping bubba if that was going to be the case.

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959
  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    If you've played for three years than you doubtlessly understand that DBD is a game of RNG.

    You're just in the ######### tier of RNG matches right now. Instead of screaming with you (which I couldn't rightly do as most of my matches are...lopsided) I chose to offer advice which I wish I would've received when I was starting to get to that level.

    But if you aren't looking to improve, by all means, continue screaming into the void, perhaps it will be cathartic.

  • fussy
    fussy Member Posts: 1,479

    The answer is simple: at a high mmr, everyone plays for Nurse and Blight. What the whole forum is crying about here, not understanding the reason. It is not so easy to bully them.

    But I like to play for almost all the killers. GF, Demo, Wraith, Clown, Piggy, I love them no less than the Artist and Blight. But I don't like Nurse at all and very rarely play for her. Apparently, according to the developers, I have to suffer every game for this.

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 2,886
    edited November 2022

    First of all, losing a couple gens in the opening minutes is kind of to be expected with most killers. You have seven gens, all spaced out. If you're a low mobility killer, and survs don't split up, you'll likely lose one in the time it takes to cross the map.

    You have to keep the mindset that things are likely to start quick, but as a killer it's largely up to you how they finish. The first three gens might go in the first 120-180 seconds, but as they do, each subsequent one becomes easier for you to defend and harder for the survs to finish.

    There have been plenty of times I've been down three gens almost immediately, but it never got beyond that. Conversely, there have been tons of times where I was on a team and we pounded out 2-3 (or even 4) in the opening minutes and all ended up dead. The moral here is not to freak out when the gens fly early.

    And yeah, killer is more stressful than surv, that much is for sure, especially if you're not picking from S or A tier killers. But I sure don't think playing killer is a brutal slog, as OP states. I play a fairly relaxed, forgiving style as killer, and most of my games are ~2K, but I have at least a 2:1 4K:0K ratio.

    And NGL, I'm also pretty incredulous of anyone saying they're "escaping all my solo survivor games".

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959

    There's a ceiling that you reach in this game where you cannot perform any better and the team/map you're playing against means that you cannot win of your own actions, you can only be gifted a win if the advantaged side just completely screws up horribly. You can screw up A LOT in a SWF and still win while sometimes one Dead Hard or chasing for 5 seconds too long equals a loss for killer

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Sometimes, yes, that's true.

    I've only played a couple of absolutely flawless games in my time and I've lost both of them, so I understand.

    Those games are few and far between.

    Most of the time, Survivors make mistakes. Nobody's perfect. There's almost always something you can do to swing things in your favor.

    But yes, sometimes things are just stacked against you and there's not much you can do, sometimes it's just a mismatch.

  • AcelynnBen
    AcelynnBen Member Posts: 1,012

    this whole website focuses on soloQ and how hard it is, ignoring the fact that you cannot play killer without 4 regression perks, with that being said honestly just play with bots yes do feel really dumb sometimes but its better than trying out some silly build and being called trash by a SWF running the sweatiest build thinkin they are actually good

  • Wewantjason
    Wewantjason Member Posts: 288

    Frankly I think between the genrushing and many killers getting over the game like I'm currently feeling, it's just a lot of entry level killers and high prestige survivors when I play. I've died once in solo queue in the past week and that was when I ran back to save someone with gates open, so I expected it to happen.

  • Wewantjason
    Wewantjason Member Posts: 288

    I was legitimately debating today if I should stop playing my preferred mid tier killers and just start learning nurse/blight/spirit. Atleast I like blight and spirit I suppose. Idc about nurse at all but it's reaching that point I suppose.

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,529

    I get 100% bonus on killer since two hours in EU right now.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    I'd personally recommend Blight.

    He's got a very high skill-cap, lower skill-floor than Nurse and has some absolutely busted add-ons that are apparently never gonna be looked at.

    I'd also recommend Wesker. He's sort of a budget Blight but he is really quite fun and strong to boot.

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 2,886

    Yeah, I don't recall a game where I felt like I couldn't have played any better. That's not to say I haven't had many games where I was too overmatched for it to have mattered (there have been many of those), but I think the area where anyone (as killer) can legit say "I played as well as I possibly could have and still lost" is very, very small (usually when you're using a low tier killer, absolutely screwed by RNG, and/or facing a really strong SWF. When all other things are equal, being in a SWF will always break the tie).

    Almost all my losses are due at least in part to lapses in attention and/or decision making.

    DBD is an odd duck. People are constantly making mistakes on both sides, but you can't always see them when they happen (most often you don't), nor are they as clear cut as they would be in a game of chess or something.

  • Steakdabait
    Steakdabait Member Posts: 1,265

    The same way you enjoy survivor just play for fun and don't care about the outcome of the match. There's too many rng elements in this game that can single handedly lose you matches to actually care about winning.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,309

    Damn I guess nobody wants to play survivor a lot of the time then as I sure see survivor 100% way more than killer 100% or even 25%.

  • Wewantjason
    Wewantjason Member Posts: 288

    IDK how to private message on these forums. I apologize if I came off as disrespectful. The game has reached a point where I become irrationally angry, tilted, and toxic every single time I even mention it let alone load in. I needed to log off a bit and calm down. I'm sorry for being such a jerk. Thankyou for the advice but sadly even though I'm not at your level, as many have said there's a skill ceiling and after three years I guess I've just reached it and now the game is miserable. I guess I'll go back to being a survivor main like I was in the beginning because killer is literally pointless now. It's JUST rng at this point and it's stupid.

    Anyway, have a good day and some good matches pulsar. Atleast survivor is easy as hell right now. Maybe the bp bonus will go to survivor later and I can level vittorio.

  • Wewantjason
    Wewantjason Member Posts: 288

    I think it depends on where / when you are playing. My bonus is almost exclusively on killer at all times, occasionally survivor but not often and when it is thats when it's all baby survivors and solo Q is worst.

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959

    Mine has been 100% killer from like 7 pm to 2 am every night the past week. I'm Midwest USA

  • Moxie
    Moxie Member Posts: 806

    Killer is just too stressful most days, even if you are doing well.

    One small mistake can cost you the whole game, which doesn't feel good.

    There are a lot of persistent bugs that just seem to affect Killer too. Grab bug is a perfect example and it has been in the game for years.