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The Presence: Killer + Survivor

How_do_skillcheck Member Posts: 12
edited February 2019 in Creations

So Once Was I

Chapter DLC

The Presence

Táng Mingxia
Mingxia was never what most would consider “popular”. She sat alone during lunch, didn’t really talk to anyone, and left school without any goodbyes. Sadly, her unusual behavior made her a target for the school bullies. A group of three girls in particular would single her out, calling her names and harassing her for fun. Mingxia never responded, she didn’t even seem to acknowledge anything that was outside of her routine. This made the bullies resort to more and more extreme ways to get a reaction out of Mingxia.

But eventually they went too far. They had invited Mingxia to a party at one of the girl’s houses, saying they wish to make amends. Much to their surprise, she agreed. They had expected her to simply ignore them as usual, it almost made them feel bad for doing this. Still, they went on with it.

On the night of the so called “party” Mingxia arrived, only to be greeted by the girls aggressive hands dragging her up the stairs. They threw her in a bedroom, inside was one of the football players for the school. She recognised him as the boyfriend of the head of the girls, Xǔ Hualing. She heard her call out to him, “She’s all yours for the night, have fun!”

The screams and cries echoed through the night. But Mingxia left the house drenched in blood, not tears. Those screams weren’t hers.

When Mingxia finally found the group of girls, they were huddled by a tree in the park. They were discussing what to do next, what was going on at the house, so on so forth. She took them by surprise, she charged after Hualing with a palette knife taken from the school’s art room, plunging it deep into her gut over and over. Hualing fell over, dead.

The other two grabbed onto her and attacked, knocking the palette knife out of her hand and mercilessly beating her in a fit of rage. They punched, kicked, screamed, cursed, and did just about anything they could do given their setting. Eventually, Mingxia stopped crying out. She stopped moving. Her breaths grew so shallow, that the girls believed her dead.

They dumped her in a ditch and covered her body with dirt, fearing jail time if anyone discovered what they had done. They agreed to act like they knew nothing about the death of Hualing or Mingxia, and left without another word.

But Mingxia wasn’t dead. She tried to break out of her earthen prison, but found no possible exit. She was starting to suffocate, her vision grew weak, he attempts to break out slowed. Eventually, she felt the ground beneath her start to give way.

She didn’t know how long she was down there, but when she opened her eyes, she wasn’t underground anymore. She was somewhere new, a place with all new surroundings. While her body was rotten and emaciated, she could tell she had a newfound purpose. New bullies. New tormentors. New people that need to be punished.

Gripping her knife tight, she steadily marched into the fog.

Palette Knife - A sharpened spatula-like tool once used to spread paints, now used to spread bloodshed.
After a successful hit, the Presence will rub her hand across the knife, and rub her fingers together.

Speed: 110% (120% in the spirit realm)
Size: Around the pig, with head always facing downwards.
Lunge: Average
Terror Radius: 24 meters

Wrath of the Dead

A frightening connection to the spirit world granted by her brief brush with death, allowing her to enter the spirit realm and pull at the minds of her unfortunate victims.
Wrath of the Dead is the Presence’s main power, allowing her to enter the spirit realm through chests and lockers, granting her access to the souls and minds of unaware survivors.

  • The Presence is able to enter the spirit realm by climbing in chests and lockers. The transition takes 5 seconds.
  • While outside of the spirit realm, the Presence acts as a normal chase killer.
  • While in the spirit realm, the Presence moves faster and has no terror radius. The Presence is imperceivable to survivors, and cannot attack them normally while in the spirit realm.
  • While in the spirit realm, using the RMB, the Presence can possess survivors.
  • Survivors don’t know they’re possessed until the Presence takes any action.
  • While possessing a survivor, you have full control over their movement, and your perspective is switched to theirs.
  • If no survivors are within 24 meters of the possessed survivor, the auras of all survivors outside of 24 meters of the possessed survivor are revealed to you.
  • Attacking while possessing a survivor will cause an apparition of yourself to lunge in front of the possessed survivor, injuring any survivor it hits. The trajectory of the lunge is controlled by you.
  • Hitting a survivor with your apparition will cause the possession to jump to them, returning all control to the previous survivor and taking control of the new one. Survivors in the dying state cannot be possessed.
  • While possessed, the survivor can resist. Resisting survivors will sway your movement moderately, 25% more strong than carrying a survivor. If a survivor fills their Resist meter, you are forced back to the locker/chest you entered from.
  • The Resist meter takes 15 seconds to fill.
  • Survivors are given skill checks while resisting. Failing these skill checks causes the Resist meter to regress and the Presence to giggle.
  • At any time while possessing a survivor, you may use the RMB to exorcise yourself from them, removing your control over the survivor.
  • At any time while in the spirit realm, you may go to the nearest locker or chest to re-materialize back into the physical realm. The transition takes about five seconds.
  • You cannot possess the same survivor twice within 60 seconds. This does not apply to apparition transfers.
  • Your body remains in the last place you entered the spirit realm from. You are immediately pulled back and forced to re-materialize if a survivor finds your body while you are in the spirit realm.

Essentially, this power would be used to find survivors and turn them against each other. You could use your spirit realm travel to find people, then re-materialize nearby to surprise them. Or you could use the spirit realm to possess lone wolves, find the location of far away survivors, and go surprise them. Or possess a survivor, stick with them a bit without revealing yourself, and sneak attack other survivors when they least expect it. There are many ways to play this power


The Presence looms over the survivor as they turn over. She suddenly twitches forward, knife pressed against their neck, before gently pulling back, and tapping on their chest. Suddenly, the survivor starts sinking into the ground as the Presence giggles. The survivor sticks their hand up as they gasp for air, sinking into the floor entirely.


Tormented Empathy

You are enraged by those who exploit others for their own gain. While in a chase, if the survivor you are chasing goes within 3/5/8 meters of another survivor, gain a 15/20/25% boost to your lunge range. You gain bonus bloodpoints for hitting the survivor you originally started the chase with.

“I become distraught when I see my fellow students being tormented. It makes me feel… and feeling is not something I often do.” - Diary of Táng Mingxia

Foul Stench

Your rotten odor permeates all organic matter, weakening vital defenses for your victims. While in a chase, pallets that are fast vaulted over 4/3/2 times by survivors will automatically break.

HEX: Stuck in Their Ways

A hex rooting its power in change. Survivors who start running or crouching cannot stop for 30 seconds/60 seconds/Until this hex is cleansed. Stopping an action is delayed for 3/4/5 seconds unless the action is completed or interrupted. Injuring a survivor will reset this effect on them.
Survivors stuck running can still stop moving at any time, but they cannot walk.

“One thing I’ve learned through the years is that people never change. If you don’t like the way someone is, you have to eliminate them yourself.” - Diary of Táng Mingxia

Frederick Wentz

The Paranoid Conspiracist.
Frederick was no stranger to strangeness. In fact, he sought it out. Frederick was what some would call, “Eccentric”. He believed in every conspiracy theory in the book. Did he think the Moon-landing was fake? Yes. Did he believe the government was watching our every move? Obviously. Did he believe in aliens? Most certainly. But his inquisitive nature is what would be his downfall.

After being informed about a series of odd disappearances that seemed to be related, Frederick was on high alert. He began researching into these cases, trying to tie them together. Eventually, he had a whole corkboard with all of the victims, intertwined with red lace. He believed the government was kidnapping them for experiments, brainwashing them or something of that nature. He would soon come to realize just how far off he was.

He was startled awake by a loud noise coming from outside. It sounded… animalistic. He grabbed his camera and marched outside.
No one ever saw Frederick after that. Everyone thought him a loon, so they just assumed he gotten himself lost in the woods. All that remained of him was the shattered camera left on his front yard.



You have some knowledge on how to cover your tracks. While not in a chase, the radius that your footstep marks are created is tightened by 4/6/8 meters. While in a chase, it is widened by 4/6/8 meters.
“Conceal, divert, erase. That’s all you gotta do to stay hidden.” - Fred Wentz

Desperate Strength

While the killer’s obsession, pallet stuns performed by you stun the killer for 15/20/25 % longer, and disable the killer’s active power for 1/2/3 seconds afterwards. Pallets dropped by you while in a chase break instantly upon falling.

When not the killer’s obsession, pallet stuns performed by you stun the killer for 30/40/50 % longer. Pallets dropped by you while in a chase are broken 30/40/50 % faster.
“I gotta get out of here, before that thing gets back up!” - Fred Wentz

Self Preservation

You’ve avoided danger long enough to predict its movements. Subjects of failed skill checks within 24/32/Unlimited meter range of you have their auras revealed to you for 2/3/4 seconds.
“I’ll let them handle that, I’m sure they can take care of themselves.” - Fred Wentz

Post edited by How_do_skillcheck on


  • SofaKingSpecial
    SofaKingSpecial Member Posts: 43

    This is a very solid idea man. I'm digging this a lot. The power is really unique and I like the way it can be used in different ways depending on the circumstances. Stuck in Their Ways might need a little clarification , but i think i get it. They start to run or crawl then they're stuck running or crawling as their only way to move around, right? Anyway yeah really digging possessing a survivor then attacking another then possessing that other automatically and then turning around and attacking the first survivor. I'd buy this chapter easy.

  • SofaKingSpecial
    SofaKingSpecial Member Posts: 43

    Ahhh you cleaned it up a bit. nice. more people should respond to this! Also with that much thought put into it, what other killer ideas do you have?

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    Interesting, a lot of people have been wanting a killer that uses the lockers and this is pretty cool. She's like Spirit at first but then you realize she's totally different. This is also kind of like the mimic idea people have been wanting as well though you aren't mimicking you're controlling them which is basically the same thing. The best part of this is that SWF teams can be dominated by this instead of it being useless like most mimic ideas are.

    I don't know if Foul Stench will be OP or not, this will certainly be better than Spirit Fury as Survivors tend to loop and that pallet will break really fast in a loop. Tormented Empathy is interesting, some Survivors body block during chases or the Survivor tries to get another killed, I don't know if the extra Lunge range is the way to go though. Maybe it is, maybe it could be the edge we need to get that hit, I'd like to see it in action to be sure.

  • Hat you made an excellent point. It really is a version of the mimic idea that everyone seems to suggest but that would actually work in game. How_do_skillcheck...for being able to take control away from a survivor do you think their resist effect should be a touch stronger? Like middle ground between normal and Boil Over?

  • Mockingbird_X
    Mockingbird_X Member Posts: 44


    I like this twist on the mimic/disguise ability - it's incredibly good and allows survivors to have agency still. It has lots of limitations, but seems to have a lot of uses and can be used with SWF teams, hopefully.

    • However I do not fully understand how Survivors are supposed to find the Killer's body - by opening a locker?
    • Also, while rematerializing - are you pulled back to the original position as well?


    Tormented Empathy
    Interesting, but people don't usually flock together in a chase other than to bodyblock and take a hit for someone - and in that case you're already guaranteed a hit, you don't really need additional lunge.

    Foul Stench
    Good idea. And people don't usually vault over the same pallet too much, so it's not going to break the game.

    HEX: Stuck in Their Ways
    Basically, turn a Survivor into a sitting duck. Well, sounds great on paper, but I don't think this Perk can be used without getting 4 disconnects right after the start. It's just too imposing, I'm afraid, even for a Hex.

    Survivor perks

    Monitor&Abuse for the Survivor. Solid idea. I like it.

    Desperate Strength
    I don't know, overall it's good, but the part about deactivating the Killer's power ... there are Killers this will not affect at all or will affect minimally: Trapper, Pig, Shape, Nightmare...

    Self Preservation
    I'm pretty sure you already get a noise indicator when a fellow survivor fails a Skill Check. I don't think this perk is worth the perk slot.

  • How_do_skillcheck
    How_do_skillcheck Member Posts: 12

    HatCreature, I actually came up with the idea while trying to brainstorm how to make a mimic killer work! Thanks for the feedback!

    Wheresmyfreddybuff, I would agree with that. It would definitely force the killer to compensate for the struggle in order not to seem suspicious. Implemented this change!

    Mockingbird_X, thanks for the feedback! The Presence can re materialize at any locker or chest while in the spirit realm, no need to go back to your body! The survivors aren't necessarily supposed to find you, but if a survivor spots you entering the spirit realm, they could strategically force you to re materialize. Perhaps your body should emit a sound, maybe that would be a good change.

    Tormented empathy's lunge boost is mostly meant to help you lunge towards your original target when you're avoiding the other survivor.

    Stuck in their ways I could see getting many DCs at first, but it's a 50/50 chance of whether the survivor will run first or crouch first. And after you're aware of the perk's presence, then you could simply avoid crouching.

    You only hear failed skillchecks if you're nearby, the main use of this power would be to guess where the killer will be headed. But yeah, it is one of the weaker perks of him.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,234
    Heh i like the locker/spirit world idea.
    The concept seems useful, but i have some questions.
    -"Exorzise yourself from survivor" in hwich world do you land? 

    -does a posessed survivor move slightly faster? (103% for example)
    -whats the range and speed of the apparition lunge?
    -Is it just me or does it take quite some time to damage a survivor with the ability? 
    Locker - hunt survivorA - posess A -X - hunt survivorB - hurt survivorB - posess B - hurt A.
    (X =moment in which A might struggle free befor you did ANY damage at all)