Extra bloodpoints on killer side too please?

I like playing both. But for this bloodrush weekend, 80% of the time it was only boost on survivor side.
Common... i bought more dlc's then survivor skins. I wanna play killer too. #########?!?!
You can still play killer. You just don't get the bonus because there's more people playing killer than survivor.
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BP incentives is based on how many people are in queue for each role, your region and MMR. Which ever side is lacking more in players will have an incentive, and that incentive also depends on how much players are needed. The more needed the higher multiplier, and it maximizes at 100%
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It's been +100% killer for me almost every night this past week and weekend. I'm midwest USA
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Essentially always on 100% for survivor for my zone, only think I've ever seen it on killer once and that lasted for a good 10 minutes.
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Same. 100% survivor except a couple weeks back I saw a 50% killer at around 9.30pm but it was back to survivor a game later. At least it assured me my game wasn't glitched
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Where i live it switches quite regulary
Has been more on killer then survivor even
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I'm used to seeing the bonus for Survivors, but I've seen Killer a few times.
it's not going to get me to switch, though; I'm here to play the game not to maximise BP
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Yeah it’s basically always survivor for me until very late at night when I usually go offline anyway. Not that I’m complaining since I play more survivor though
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99% its on survivor on my server all the time when I can play.
And no, I wont play at 2am just to have +100% on killer lol
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It's +100% to survivor all the time for me as well, great for me because I like to play survivor more than Killer :)
What really grinds my gears is that it's been like 2 weeks since I last got a survivor daily..
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Wish i only enjoyed playing one role. The grind would be more bearable.
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Play survivor so you know why it’s 100% on that role more often than not. And use whatever points you earn to feed your killers. Then play your killers with the knowledge of why the role incentive is almost exclusively on survivor & if enough killers do this, there may come a day when more people see that bonus consistently applied to the killer side.